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We propose an approach to find an approximate price of a swaption in affine term structure models. Our approach is based on the derivation of approximate swap rate dynamics in which the volatility of the forward swap rate is itself an affine function of the factors. Hence, we remain in the affine framework and well-known results on transforms and transform inversion can be used to obtain swaption prices in similar fashion to zero bond options (i.e., caplets). The method can easily be generalized to price options on coupon bonds. Computational times compare favorably with other approximation methods. Numerical results on the quality of the approximation are excellent. Our results show that in affine models, analogously to the LIBOR market model, LIBOR and swap rates are driven by approximately the same type of (in this case affine) dynamics.  相似文献   

We consider the pricing of options written on the quadratic variation of a given stock price process. Using the Laplace transform approach, we determine semi‐explicit formulas in general affine models allowing for jumps, stochastic volatility, and the leverage effect. Moreover, we show that the joint dynamics of the underlying stock and a corresponding variance swap again are of affine form. Finally, we present a numerical example for the Barndorff‐Nielsen and Shephard model with leverage. In particular, we study the effect of approximating the quadratic variation with its predictable compensator.  相似文献   

We propose a flexible framework for modeling the joint dynamics of an index and a set of forward variance swap rates written on this index. Our model reproduces various empirically observed properties of variance swap dynamics and enables volatility derivatives and options on the underlying index to be priced consistently, while allowing for jumps in volatility and returns. An affine specification using Lévy processes as building blocks leads to analytically tractable pricing formulas for volatility derivatives, such as VIX options, as well as efficient numerical methods for pricing of European options on the underlying asset. The model has the convenient feature of decoupling the vanilla skews from spot/volatility correlations and allowing for different conditional correlations in large and small spot/volatility moves. We show that our model can simultaneously fit prices of European options on S&P 500 across strikes and maturities as well as options on the VIX volatility index.  相似文献   

Linear factor models, where the factors are affine processes, play a key role in Finance, since they allow for quasi-closed form expressions of the term structure of risks. We introduce the class of noncausal affine linear factor models by considering factors that are affine in reverse time. These models are especially relevant for pricing sequences of speculative bubbles. We show that they feature nonaffine dynamics in calendar time, while still providing (quasi) closed form term structures and derivative pricing formulas. The framework is illustrated with term structure of interest rates and European call option pricing examples.  相似文献   

Using ‘low‐frequency’ volatility extracted from aggregate volatility shocks in interest rate swap (hereafter, IRS) market, this paper investigates whether Japanese yen IRS volatility can be explained by macroeconomic risks. The analysis suggests that this low‐frequency yen IRS volatility has strong and positive association with most of the macroeconomic risk proxies (e.g., volatility of consumer price index, industrial production volatility, foreign exchange volatility, slope of the term structure and money supply) with the exception of the unemployment rate, which is negatively related to IRS volatility. This finding is fairly consistent with the argument that the greater the macroeconomic risk the greater is the use of derivative instruments to hedge or speculate. The relationship between the macroeconomic risks and IRS volatility varies slightly across the different swap maturities but is robust to alternative volatility specifications. This linkage between swap market and macroeconomy has practical implications since market makers and hedgers use the swap rate as benchmark for pricing long‐term interest rates, corporate bonds and various other securities.  相似文献   

We provide a general and tractable framework under which all multiple yield curve modeling approaches based on affine processes, be it short rate, Libor market, or Heath–Jarrow–Morton modeling, can be consolidated. We model a numéraire process and multiplicative spreads between Libor rates and simply compounded overnight indexed swap rates as functions of an underlying affine process. Besides allowing for ordered spreads and an exact fit to the initially observed term structures, this general framework leads to tractable valuation formulas for caplets and swaptions and embeds all existing multicurve affine models. The proposed approach also gives rise to new developments, such as a short rate type model driven by a Wishart process, for which we derive a closed‐form pricing formula for caplets. The empirical performance of two specifications of our framework is illustrated by calibration to market data.  相似文献   

The Term Structure of Simple Forward Rates with Jump Risk   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper characterizes the arbitrage-free dynamics of interest rates, in the presence of both jumps and diffusion, when the term structure is modeled through simple forward rates (i.e., through discretely compounded forward rates evolving continuously in time) or forward swap rates. Whereas instantaneous continuously compounded rates form the basis of most traditional interest rate models, simply compounded rates and their parameters are more directly observable in practice and are the basis of recent research on "market models." We consider very general types of jump processes, modeled through marked point processes, allowing randomness in jump sizes and dependence between jump sizes, jump times, and interest rates. We make explicit how jump and diffusion risk premia enter into the dynamics of simple forward rates. We also formulate reasonably tractable subclasses of models and provide pricing formulas for some derivative securities, including interest rate caps and options on swaps. Through these formulas, we illustrate the effect of jumps on implied volatilities in interest rate derivatives.  相似文献   

In this paper a simple strategy for pricing and hedging a swap on the Japanese crude oil cocktail (JCC) index is discussed. The empirical performance of different econometric models is compared in terms of their computed optimal hedge ratios, using monthly data on the JCC over the period January 2000–January 2006. An explanation to how to compute a bid/ask spread and to construct the hedging position for the JCC swap contract with variable oil volume is provided. The swap pricing scheme with backtesting and rolling regression techniques is evaluated. The empirical findings show that the price‐level regression model permits one to compute more precise optimal hedge ratios relative to its competing alternatives. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 28:464–487, 2008  相似文献   

Most of the existing pricing models of variance derivative products assume continuous sampling of the realized variance processes, though actual contractual specifications compute the realized variance based on sampling at discrete times. We present a general analytic approach for pricing discretely sampled generalized variance swaps under the stochastic volatility models with simultaneous jumps in the asset price and variance processes. The resulting pricing formula of the gamma swap is in closed form while those of the corridor variance swaps and conditional variance swaps take the form of one‐dimensional Fourier integrals. We also verify through analytic calculations the convergence of the asymptotic limit of the pricing formulas of the discretely sampled generalized variance swaps under vanishing sampling interval to the analytic pricing formulas of the continuously sampled counterparts. The proposed methodology can be applied to any affine model and other higher moments swaps as well. We examine the exposure to convexity (volatility of variance) and skew (correlation between the equity returns and variance process) of these discretely sampled generalized variance swaps. We explore the impact on the fair strike prices of these exotic variance swaps with respect to different sets of parameter values, like varying sampling frequencies, jump intensity, and width of the monitoring corridor.  相似文献   

This paper compares the information extracted from the S&P 500, CBOE VIX, and CBOE SKEW indices for the S&P 500 index option pricing. Based on our empirical analysis, VIX is a very informative index for option prices. Whether adding the SKEW or the VIX term structure can improve the option pricing performance depends on the model we choose. Roughly speaking, the VIX term structure is informative for some models, while the SKEW is very noisy and does not contain much important information for option prices. This paper also extends Zhang et al. (2017, J Futures Markets, 37, 211–237) into three typical affine models.  相似文献   

Using a suitable change of probability measure, we obtain a Poisson series representation for the arbitrage‐free price process of vulnerable contingent claims in a regime‐switching market driven by an underlying continuous‐time Markov process. As a result of this representation, along with a short‐time asymptotic expansion of the claim's price process, we develop an efficient novel method for pricing claims whose payoffs may depend on the full path of the underlying Markov chain. The proposed approach is applied to price not only simple European claims such as defaultable bonds, but also a new type of path‐dependent claims that we term self‐decomposable, as well as the important class of vulnerable call and put options on a stock. We provide a detailed error analysis and illustrate the accuracy and computational complexity of our method on several market traded instruments, such as defaultable bond prices, barrier options, and vulnerable call options. Using again our Poisson series representation, we show differentiability in time of the predefault price function of European vulnerable claims, which enables us to rigorously deduce Feynman‐Ka? representations for the predefault pricing function and new semimartingale representations for the price process of the vulnerable claim under both risk‐neutral and objective probability measures.  相似文献   

This article provides a generalized formula for pricing equity swaps with constant notional principal when the underlying equity markets and settlement currency can be set arbitrarily. To derive swap values using the risk‐neutral valuation method, the swap payment is replicated at each settlement date by constructing a self‐financing portfolio. To obtain the foreign equity index return denominated in the domestic or in a third currency, equity‐linked foreign exchange options are used to hedge the exchange rate risk. It is found that if the swap involves international equity markets, then the swap value contains an extra term which reflects the currency hedging costs. This methodology can easily be applied to price various types of equity swaps simply by modifying the specifications of the model presented here as required. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 23:751–772, 2003  相似文献   

This article develops a general methodology that uses the observed prices of a derivative contract to compute maximum likelihood parameter estimates for an unobserved asset value process. the use of this estimation methodology is demonstrated in two applications: Vasicek's term structure model and deposit insurance pricing. This methodology can also be useful in the empirical analysis of complex financial contracts involving embedded options.  相似文献   

This article presents a two‐factor model of the term structure of interest rates. It is assumed that default‐free discount bond prices are determined by the time to maturity and two factors, the long‐term interest rate, and the spread (i.e., the difference) between the short‐term (instantaneous) risk‐free rate of interest and the long‐term rate. Assuming that both factors follow a joint Ornstein‐Uhlenbeck process, a general bond pricing equation is derived. Closed‐form expressions for prices of bonds and interest rate derivatives are obtained. The analytical formula for derivatives is applied to price European options on discount bonds and more complex types of options. Finally, empirical evidence of the model's performance in comparison with an alternative two‐factor (Vasicek‐CIR) model is presented. The findings show that both models exhibit a similar behavior for the shortest maturities. However, importantly, the results demonstrate that modeling the volatility in the long‐term rate process can help to fit the observed data, and can improve the prediction of the future movements in medium‐ and long‐term interest rates. So it is not so clear which is the best model to be used. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 23: 1075–1105, 2003  相似文献   

Motivated by the growing literature on volatility options and their imminent introduction in major exchanges, this article addresses two issues. First, the question of whether volatility options are superior to standard options in terms of hedging volatility risk is examined. Second, the comparative pricing and hedging performance of various volatility option pricing models in the presence of model error is investigated. Monte Carlo simulations within a stochastic volatility setup are employed to address these questions. Alternative dynamic hedging schemes are compared, and various option‐pricing models are considered. It is found that volatility options are not better hedging instruments than plain‐vanilla options. Furthermore, the most naïve volatility option‐pricing model can be reliably used for pricing and hedging purposes. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 26:1–31, 2006  相似文献   

The Gaussian Affine Term Structure Model (ATSM) introduced by Duffie and Kan is often used in finance to price derivatives written on interest rates or to compute the reserve to hedge a portfolio of credits (CreditVaR), and in macroeconomic applications to study the links between real activity and financial variables. However, a standard three‐factor ATSM, for instance, implies a deterministic affine relationship between any set of four rates, with different times‐to‐maturity, and these relationships are not observed in practice. In this paper, we introduce a new class of affine term structure models, called Bilinear Term Structure Model (BTSM). This extension breaks down the deterministic relationships between rates in structural factor models by introducing lagged factor values, and the linear dependence by considering quadratic effects of the factors.  相似文献   

This paper argues that liquidity differences between government securities and short–term Eurodollar borrowings account for interest rate swap spreads. It then models the convenience of liquidity as a linear function of two mean–reverting state variables and values it. The interest rate swap spread for a swap of particular maturity is the annuitized equivalent of this value. It has a closed form solution: a simple integral. Special cases examined include the Vasicek and Cox–Ingersoll–Ross one–factor term structure models. Numerical values for the parameters in both special cases illustrate that many realistic ‘swap spread term structures’ can be replicated. Model parameters are estimated using weekly data on the term structure of swap spreads from several countries. The model fits the data well.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the pricing and hedging of typical life insurance liabilities for an insurance portfolio with dependent mortality risk by means of the well‐known risk‐minimization approach. As the insurance portfolio consists of individuals of different age cohorts in order to capture the cross‐generational dependency structure of the portfolio, we introduce affine models for the mortality intensities based on Gaussian random fields that deliver analytically tractable results. We also provide specific examples consistent with historical mortality data and correlation structures. Main novelties of this work are the explicit computations of risk‐minimizing strategies for life insurance liabilities written on an insurance portfolio composed of primary financial assets (a risky asset and a money market account) and a family of longevity bonds, and the simultaneous consideration of different age cohorts.  相似文献   

We present an alternative approach to the pricing of bonds and bond derivatives in a multivariate factor model for the term structure of interest rates that is based on the solution of an optimal stochastic control problem. It can also be seen as an alternative to the classical approach of computing forward prices by forward measures and as such can be extended to other situations where traditionally a change of measure is involved based on a change of numeraire. We finally provide explicit formulas for the computation of bond options in a bivariate linear‐quadratic factor model.  相似文献   

We develop a model for the VXX, the most actively traded VIX futures exchange-traded note, using Duffie, Pan, and Singleton's affine jump diffusion framework, where the volatility process has jumps and a stochastic long-term mean. We calibrate the model parameters using the VIX term structure data and show that our model provides the theoretical link between the VIX, VIX futures, and the VXX. Our model can be used for pricing VIX futures, the VXX and other short-term VIX futures exchange-traded products (ETPs). Our model could be extended to price options on the VXX and other short-term VIX futures ETPs.  相似文献   

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