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Adjusting product line length is one major strategy that firms employ to sustain their market position in competitive environments. This study extends extant literature on product line length by adding empirical results on the relationship between competitive intensity and product line length, and by examining the performance of firms that follow the suggested product line strategies. The analysis of data on 1849 printer products introduced by 342 manufacturers from 1983 to 2002 shows an inverted U-shaped relationship between competitive intensity and product line length, and firms following this pattern have a significantly lower hazard ratio of exit. These results confirm those discussed in the previous literature and provide evidence of the positive impacts of following such product strategies on firm survival.  相似文献   

太阳能光伏系统所具有的规模上的灵活性、地域上的适应性、用电上的便利性等特征,决定了光伏产业的市场潜力巨大、发展前景广阔。但受欧美经济持续下滑、贸易保护主义抬头和企业生产盲目扩张等因素影响,光伏产业发展面临着很多困难和问题。光伏产业在应对气候变化和保证能源安全方面意义重大,需要通过产业、科技、财税、金融、外贸等多方面的政策扶持,促进技术升级改造,优化产品结构,降低产品成本,从而实现光伏产业的持续健康发展,为我国的产业结构调整和实体经济发展发挥积极作用。  相似文献   

Technologically dynamic industries are characterised by the availability of ample differentiation opportunities. Implementing an appropriate product differentiation strategy is a critical determinant of entrant success in such industries. Firms typically have to engage in two sequential decisions. They need to first decide whether to differentiate and if they decide to do so, they need to choose between a horizontal and a vertical differentiation strategy. Despite the growing literature on the consequences of product differentiation strategy, limited attention has been paid to ascertaining the determinants of these dynamic decisions. We suggest that a complex interplay of firm-level (firm size and pre-entry experience) and industry (technology regime) characteristics impacts the choice of differentiation strategies. Empirical tests using multinomial logit models on data obtained from a census of all entrants into the personal computer industry between 1974 and 1994 support our theory.  相似文献   

Since April 2014 to March 2015, the European Central Bank expansionary monetary policy instigates a huge depreciation of the euro in terms of dollar. According to the mainstream monetary theory, these dynamics should make the exports cheaper and at the same time make the imports more expensive. Has real depreciation of the euro helped in the improvement of European countries’ trade balances? Following the main methodologies in the recent literature, our study analyses the effects of this depreciation both for Italy and Germany towards the US. We use industry-level data at monthly frequency. The results are different from each bilateral relationship. We find that 11 industries register a long-run improvement (8 for Italy and 3 for Germany). The J-curve effect is proven just in six cases, always for Italy. The inverted J-curve effect is proven in eight cases, four for Germany, and four for Italy. These results seem to be an indirect demonstration of the structural asymmetries between German and Italian economies: German economic system is more able to be competitive with a strong currency, than Italy.  相似文献   

Using a model according to Mussa and Rosen (1978) and Bonanno and Haworth (1998) we consider a sub-game perfect equilibrium of a two-stage game in a duopolistic industry in which the products of the firms are vertically differentiated. In the industry, there are a high quality firm and a low quality firm. In the first stage of the game, the firms choose their strategic variables, price or quantity. In the second stage, they determine the levels of their strategic variables. We will show that, under an assumption about distribution of consumers' preference, we obtain the result that is similar to Singh and Vives (1984)' proposition (their Proposition 3) in the case of substitutes with nonlinear demand functions. That is, in the first stage of the game, a quantity strategy dominates a price strategy for both firms. Received: April 23, 1999; revised version: May 31, 2000  相似文献   

Market share instability, during certain stages of the industry life-cycle, has become a stylized fact in the industrial organization literature. In the finance literature, volatility in the form of excess volatility, i.e. the much larger volatility of stock prices than dividends (although stock prices should in theory trace the present value of future dividends), has given rise to controversies regarding stock price determination (Campbell and Shiller, 1988; Shiller, 1989). Recent evolutionary models, both theoretical and empirical, have tied the presence of market share instability to industry specific variables, such as specific periods in the industry life-cycle and specific “technological regimes”. The object of the paper is to explore whether there is a relationship between market share instability and stock price volatility and to what degree this relationship is connected to the concept of the industry life-cycle, and hence to industry specific factors. To do so, we explore the relationship in one particular industry, the US automobile industry. Since neither life-cycle nor finance theories attack this problem directly, we use insights from both approaches to build hypotheses which guide the data analysis. The empirical results confirm many of these hypotheses, suggesting that the degree of excess volatility is indeed partly affected by industry specific factors.  相似文献   

This is an empirical study on the growth impact of Information and Communication Technologies using industry-level data for the US and the EU industries over the period 1980-2000. A panel data approach is employed to estimate the ICT effect using the system GMM and the pooled mean group panel data estimators. The results vary depending on the period, the region, and the type of industry considered. The GMM estimates suggest a significant ICT effect on growth during the 90s both in the US and in the EU. This effect for the EU was strong in the early 90s and weakened afterwards, as opposed to the US where it strengthened in the late 90s. The results of the pooled mean group estimator confirm that the long run growth contribution of ICT was significantly positive in the industries of both regions and over the entire period 1980-2000. However, it seems that the productivity effects of ICT are mainly present in the industries which are either ICT producers or heavy ICT users.  相似文献   

Yihong Tang  Feng Yu 《Applied economics》2018,50(54):5920-5934
This article examines how quality affects heterogeneous multiple-product firms’ exporting behaviours. We develop a structural model of the global movie market, including both consumers’ movie demand choices and firms’ exporting decisions. A movie studio is a multi-product firm that releases many movies within a year. We model movie quality as a combination of firm-level appeal and product-level attractiveness. We find that both studio-level and movie-level heterogeneity affect demand for movie, and movie-level heterogeneity is relatively more important. We also explore the counterfactual effects of quality improvement and trade liberalization on trade. Our results show that improvement of quality increases both intensive margin and extensive margin of trade. By elimination of quota, we find that trade liberalization increases movie exports to a foreign market by 19%. The results of our study can also help improve understanding of trade in the service industry. For instance, we do not find a positive correlation between the foreign entry costs and the geographic distance, as in the case of manufacture goods.  相似文献   

In this paper, we focus on firms' cyclical behavior in the global semiconductor industry. We demonstrate that these cyclical dynamics at the industry level differ from both the business cycles at the macro-economic level and the lengthy industrial technology life cycle. We discuss a range of possible causes of those cyclical industrial dynamics, including the general business cycles as well as industry-specific factors. Our study reports three stylized facts in relation to the cyclical industrial dynamics in the global semiconductor industry: first, the industry is more concentrated during the industry cycle downturns; second, the capital investment of the industry as a whole follows a ‘pro-cyclical’ pattern; and third, firms that pursued a ‘counter-cyclical’ capital investment strategy during the industry cycle downturn have reaped rewards during the subsequent cycle period. These facts suggest that cyclical industrial dynamics, especially the industry cycle downturns, play an important role in firm rivalry, strategic positioning and industrial growth.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the determinants of the levels and rates of technology adoption for petroleum refineries that survived the period 1980–1989, during which the conditions of product demand and crude oil supply changed significantly. Regression models are specified to investigate the growth of technology-related capacity, the growth of technology complexity, and the rates of adoption estimated from a diffuse model of technology use. Both levels and rates of adoption are hypothesized to be affected by refinery size, regulatory status, elements of local markets, and geographical factors. Empirical results generally suggest that compared with the supply-side factors of crude oil sources and regulatory subsidies, refinery size and demand-side factors, such as total consumption, consumption growth and fluctuation, and changes of the consumption mix, are responsible for the most part of the determination of technology adoption for refineries surviving the 1980s.  相似文献   

The paper addresses the improvement of innovation project (IP) risk identification by applying the RBS (Risk Breakdown Structure) method, and represents a follow-up analysis of the subject (a case of IP before and after applying the method). The activities of risk identification are an initial phase in most of risk management processes and classifications. High-level risk-taking is one of the key characteristics of IPs, due to the fact that this type of projects is related to implementation of new ideas. An example illustrates the combination of RBS/WBS for evaluating the risk concentration, called Risk Breakdown Matrix. This research has proven that implementation of the presented approach in the context of the Serbian market can improve efficiency of all phases of the project, especially those related to planning phase.  相似文献   

The victory of Mr. Donald Trump came as a surprise to a wide range of market participants. Some of the elements of his economic plan were envisaged to affect all US sectors. This paper assesses the reactions of disaggregated US stock market to the 2016 US presidential election results, and possible deregulation that is to follow after his inauguration. We find that the different US sectors were significantly and varyingly influenced by the election result, and were greatly reactive during the days after the inauguration. This underscores that uncertainty tends to persist and even rises since the President-elect took office.  相似文献   

农业现代服务业:以工促农的产业路径   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
农业现代服务业是现代服务业与农业实现产业耦合的产物,它既拓展现代服务业所涉及的产业领域,也能够有效地通过产业路径实现传统农业向现代农业的蜕变。农业现代服务业已在实践领域初露锋芒,并越来越表现为以工促农的产业路径,但理论界一直未对其进行系统地理论研究。发展农业现代服务业不仅需要从产业和谐角度进行产业理论创新,而且应大力鼓励现代服务业战略性"下乡"。  相似文献   

From the US New Energy Plan, personnel appointment, and diplomatic activities, etc., we can see that US is now on the way to returning to the negotiation table and undertaking the leadership in addressing climate change. What US has done puts tremendous challenges on China, which emits large amount of greenhouse gas into the atmosphere. However, different from US, China is undergoing rapid development, and huge energy consumption is unavoidable. China has to make a balance between developing economy and addressing climate change. This paper focuses on the US climate change policies and its greenhouse gas emissions, and its influences on China climate change policy. China greenhouse gas emissions and relative policies are also analyzed to see what situation China is in, and what challenges that China is facing. Consequently, combing China's local situation, we propose several solutions for China to address climate change, i.e. moving towards a low carbon economy, struggling for emitting more, enhancing China-US cooperation, and implementing different climate change policies based on local situation. Meanwhile, the achievements that China has made are also introduced.  相似文献   

随着世界经济贸易的不断扩展和国际货币需求的日益增加,美元对国外的供给将不断扩大,但如果美国国际收支持续出现顺差,则美元的供给就将减少,难以满足国际需求;如果美国国际收支持续出现逆差,则又不利于美元价值的稳定,就要导致美元的贬值,这一点,罗伯特·特星芬早在20世纪60年代就做出了准确的预测。发生在美国的金融危机与美国半个多世纪以来的周期性国际收支失衡和美元极度扩张密切相关,美元的不稳定使国际金融体系变得更加脆弱。美元扩张已经积累了巨大的全球金融体系的风险,使全球经济面临上世纪大萧条以来最为严重的金融和经济危机。  相似文献   

金融危机背景下中国高新技术产业面临的困难与对策   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
次贷危机引发的美国金融危机通过金融市场、贸易和预期3个机制对中国产生不利影响。高科技产业的高外向性、高风险性、高外部性和高收入弹性使其更易受到外部的冲击,使其出口、就业、融资和产出都面临下滑,并使产业集中度提高。我国应通过实施贸易多元化战略、加大财政投入和实施宽松的货币政策等措施来进行有效应对。  相似文献   

主要应用投入产出分析方法及其模型,依据江苏省2007年投入产出表数据资料,计算出金融业及各部门的直接消耗系数、完全消耗系数、感应度系数等有关指标,从总产出及其使用情况、总投入及其结构、直接产业关联和完全产业关联等角度,就金融业对江苏省经济的直接影响和完全影响进行了实证分析。分析结果表明江苏省金融业是江苏省经济体系中极为重要的产业组成部分,但与其他产业关联度不高,对经济发展的拉动作用较弱,属于强制约力、弱辐射力的产业。  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of pre-entry experience on firms’ performance in terms of survival. In particular we focus on entrants from a related upstream industry – semiconductors – into a downstream industry – telecommunications. We examine a sample of 336 de-novo start-ups in the US telecommunication industry and we estimate a discrete time hazard model of firm exit. Our findings show that, after controlling for both firms and founders’ characteristics, firms whose founders had prior experience in a related upstream industry such as semiconductors enjoy a relatively lower hazard of exit with respect to intra-industry spinoffs and other types of start-ups. Additionally, background heterogeneity of the founding team is an important determinant of survival for the firms in our sample. Our results point to the role of interdependences and technological complementarities between two vertically related industries in affecting the performance of new entrants.  相似文献   

This paper is a case study of the impact of an exogenous improvement of a process technology on the structure of the petroleum industry. The paper examines the role of three-dimensional seismology in bringing about the 1990s oil industry consolidation. This proposition is examined in the context of evolutionary economics and in a non-cooperative game theory, concluding with a reference to Steindl's theory of industry dynamics. The significance of this contribution lies chiefly in highlighting the fact that exogenous technological change can, under appropriate conditions, play a significant role in industry dynamics. This reference to the exogenous change in technology is a departure from the traditional consideration of endogenity of industry structure in relation to technological development and, therefore, a novelty. Secondly, the documentation of 3D seismology as a significant process technology of the petroleum industry is significant.  相似文献   

Industrial developement is a process of acquiring technological capabilities in the course of continuous technological change. Korea has made phenomenal growth in accumulating technological capabilities in the past 30 years. Despite is current financial crisis, it has a strong technological base to expand the modern sectors efficiently. This paper presents two analytical frameworks-technology trajectory framework and technology policy/strategy framework-which may be used as tools to analyze technology policies and strategies in developing countries. It then discusses implications of the Korean experience for other developing countires.  相似文献   

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