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We explore the welfare effect of minimum safety standards, focusing on the case where duopoly firms are asymmetric in that they have different safety effort costs. If duopoly firms are symmetric, they do not provide enough safety to be socially efficient, and so imposing minimum safety standards can resolve this problem. We show, however, that imposing minimum safety standards may reduce the social welfare when there is a large asymmetry in the safety effort costs. In the unregulated equilibrium, the high-cost firm’s safety effort is smaller than that of the low-cost firm, and the high-cost firm is more likely to provide a larger safety effort than is needed to have a socially efficient level with larger asymmetry in the safety effort costs. If safety standards raise the high-cost firm’s safety effort, both firms’ safety efforts may end up further away from the socially efficient level: the low-cost firm reduces its safety effort when the rival’s effort increases because safety efforts are strategic substitutes.  相似文献   

The impact of leverage on financial market stability and the relationship with the real economy is a key concern among researchers. This paper makes an initial attempt to investigate the relationship between a firm’s leverage, return and share price volatility from an Islamic finance perspective and capital structure theory. A multi-country dynamic panel framework and the mean-variance efficient frontier are applied to 320 sample firms from eight European countries, divided into portfolios of low and high debt using the shari’ah screening threshold of 33%. We find that the firm’s return and volatility change with changes in the capital structure. Islamic-compliant stocks show, in most cases, less volatility than non-compliant stocks but are no different in terms of return. Finally, our results tend to imply a case for limiting debt beyond certain levels.  相似文献   

We identify a new problem that may arise when heterogeneous workers are motivated by relative performance pay: if workers’ abilities and the production technology are complements, the firm may prefer not to adopt a more advanced technology even though this technology would costlessly increase each worker’s productivity. Due to the complementarity between ability and technology, under technology adoption the productivity of a more able worker increases more strongly than the productivity of a less able colleague. As a consequence, both workers’ motivation to exert effort is reduced. We show that this adverse incentive effect is dominant and, consequently, keeps the firm from introducing a better production technology if talent uncertainty is sufficiently high and/or monitoring of workers is sufficiently precise.  相似文献   

The paper presents an integrated viewpoint of technological innovation strategy by considering both the firm and industry levels. Further, we provide a new open innovation framework by adopting a knowledge flow perspective using patent citation information. Finally, we consider a firm’s outbound open innovation performance using cites per patent information together with financial performance to look at both the practical and the potential effects of technological innovation strategy. Through these analyses, this study examines determinants of open technology innovation activity in the information and communication technology manufacturing industry in Korea and draws managerial and policy implications for effective industry promotion and improvement of technology innovation capability.  相似文献   

We study firm investment in abatement technology under a heterogeneous‐firm framework. We find that more‐productive firms make more (less) investment in abatement technology if investment and productivity are complements (substitutes). Under linear demand, firms’ abatement investments exhibit an inverted U‐shape with respect to productivity level. This finding is in contrast to results in existing studies. We also find that in response to tightened environmental regulations, more‐productive firms raise their respective investments in abatement technology, whereas less‐productive firms do the opposite. More‐productive firms have lower pollution emission intensity. The key theoretical predictions are confirmed by empirical tests using Chinese data.  相似文献   

This paper presents a two-stage game, in which in the first stage two multinational firms (MNFs) seeking pollution havens choose a location, that is, whether to export to or undertake FDI in the host country, and in the second stage, these two MNFs and a firm in the host country play a Cournot game. The MNFs’ location decisions are influenced by the fixed cost of FDI, the spillover of technologies to a foreign firm, and pollution emission standards in the host and home countries. There exist multiple equilibria in the location pattern because of the technology spillover accompanied by FDI. In addition, the analysis leads to the possibility of an equilibrium based on the Prisoners’ Dilemma. When the host country relaxes emission standards, the MNFs choose FDI, although their profits are higher if both choose to export instead. This provides a rationale for the FDI source country’s intervention to restrict the MNFs’ FDI according to the level of environmental regulation in the host country.  相似文献   

Business models (BMs) in high-tech industries are analysed from a dynamic point of view in the context of cultural goods. Despite the increased interest in BMs, there is still a gap in terms of the generally accepted definition and of how BMs are analysed within an integrated framework. The aim of this paper is twofold: to provide a theoretical framework to understand BMs and how they change over time, and an empirical investigation of the characteristics of firms that apply high technology to cultural goods (HTCGs). Having defined what an HTCG firm is, within- and cross-case analyses are carried out on 30 firms that operate in the field of the cultural goods in Tuscany (Italy). The results showed interesting patterns of evolution of BMs, thus providing useful insights into the unexplored field of HTCGs.  相似文献   

This paper is a contribution to the analysis of how rapid technology change influences market structure. The paper uses a simple simulation model to explore the effects of four main factors on the development of market structure. These are: (1) the variance (or unpredictability) of the technology trajectory; (2) the speed with which the organisation's ‘technological vision’ adjusts to ongoing technological developments; (3) the absorptive capacity of each division in the multi-divisional firm to experience gained in other divisions; (4) the extent to which competence-destroying innovations generate greater cost penalties for the division of a multi-divisional firm than for a comparable mono-divisional firm. Simultion results are obtained for 100 technological trajectories, and a variety of parameterisations. While there is a tendency for noisier trajectories to disadvantage the larger multi-divisional firm, there are conditions under which such a firm benefits from a noisy technological environment. When competence-destorying innovations affect the division of a multi-divisional firm no worse than the comparable mono-divisional firm, the multi-divisional firm is not disproportionately affected by a noisy trajectory. It may, however, be seriously damaged by a slow adjustment of technological vision, especially when all scale economies are dynamic (rather than static). The simulations confirm that the absorptive capacity of each division to experience from others can be critical in determining the ultimate market structure. A brief empirical motivation for the model is offered by reference to some case studies of the semiconductor industry.  相似文献   

In this study, we analyse patent data for technology analysis (TA) because patents are rich in information on developed technology. The results of TA can be used to perform more efficient research and development (R&D) planning. Most companies are trying to develop new and innovative technologies to improve their competitive positions. Research involving TA has been introduced in a variety of fields. Most of the published research analysed original variables related to a target technology. However, it is necessary to analyse the latent variables as well as the original variables included in the technology to achieve a better TA model. Therefore, we propose a factor analysis and a structural equation model for patent analysis. In addition, we use Apple’s patents to determine the target technology. In our case study, we analyse Apple’s technologies by latent variables. Our case study shows how the proposed model is applied to Apple’s R&D planning.  相似文献   

This research aims to analyze how a firm's technological diversification strategies influence its financial performances, in terms of ‘technological diversification’ in broad technology sectors and ‘technological concentration’ on its own core technology, especially in the case of Korean large firms. The data used in the analysis were panel data encompassing the years between 1990 and 2006, which linked Korean firms’ patent information registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office to the financial data of those firms collected from Korea Investors Service, Inc. (Kis-Value). For the estimation of the panel data, a fixed effect model, which considers the individual firms’ own effect on the financial performance, was used. Tobin's q was used as a dependent variable representing firm performance, while ‘broad technology diversity’ and ‘core technology diversity’ were used as the focal explanatory variables. The results show that a firm seeking to have more technological assets should invest in a broad technological diversification strategy in its search for new business opportunities; it should likewise concentrate on the core technology in order to maintain its financial performance.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the situation in which a national government introduces environmental regulations. Within the framework of an international duopoly with environmental regulations, an environmental tax imposed by the government in the home country can induce a foreign firm with advanced abatement technology to license it to a domestic firm without this technology. Furthermore, when the domestic firm's production technology is less efficient than that of the foreign firm, the foreign firm may freely reveal its technology to the domestic firm. These improvements through the voluntary transfer of technology imply that environmental regulations have positive impacts on innovation.  相似文献   


With the increasing emphasis of the government on the importance of Party organisations in China’s state-owned enterprises (SOEs), we need to pay more attention to its role in the operation of enterprises. As the research on board of directors emphasises the central position of the chairman, this paper focuses on the top leader of the Party organisation, namely the Party Committee Secretary. Based on upper echelon theory, this paper proposes the relationship between the technology background of a Party Committee Secretary and firm’s innovation efficiency, and how this relationship is moderated by position duality and environment dynamism. Using the data of China’s listed SOEs which issue A-shares in Shenzhen and Shanghai stock exchanges from 2014 to 2016 and operate in the manufacturing industry, the main effect and moderating effects are tested. We find that the existence of a Party Committee Secretary with technology background positively affects the SOE’s innovation efficiency. In addition, this relationship is strengthened by environment dynamism. Our conclusions not only enrich literature about upper echelon theory and determinants of firm’s innovation, but also are helpful for improving corporate governance in developing countries.  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore with a model the potential tensions between the incentive system of groups of inventors and knowledge diversity in a high tech firm. We show that, when all groups are rewarded and able to interact freely with their peers, extrinsic and intrinsic motives are mutually self-reinforcing, leading to crowding in effects. As a result, the level of created knowledge increases in each group, reinforcing the diversity of the firm’s knowledge base. By contrast, competitive rewards and constrained autonomy are likely to produce motivating effects in a small number of groups, limiting knowledge creation to the firm’s core competencies. In this case, the firm can suffer from crowding out effects by the other groups, leading eventually to the extinction of creation in their fields and reduced diversity in the long run. The results are illustrated with empirical findings from a case study of a French high tech firm.  相似文献   

How are eco-label strategies affected by consumer confusion arising from the profusion of eco-labels? This article provides a theoretical insight into this issue using a double differentiation framework. We assume that consumers perceive a label as a sign of quality compared to an unlabeled product, but that they cannot fully assess the environmental quality associated with each label and only see each label as a particular variety of a similar product. We analyze the pricing strategies of three firms, each one providing one product: a labeled product, with high or medium environmental quality, according to the eco-label, or an unlabeled product. We infer lessons for eco-labeling policies, according to the identity of the certifying organization: the regulator, an NGO or the firms. We show that the firm supplying the eco-labeled product with a high environmental quality is weakened by consumer confusion while the firm selling the unlabeled product suffers from strict labeling standards, to the benefit of the firm providing the labeled product with a lower environmental quality, which gains a competitive advantage. Most labeling policies consist of harmonizing labeling criteria, but only certification by a third party, the regulator or a NGO, guarantees the high environmental quality of labeled products, whereas certification by firms leads to a uniform undemanding standard. However, when both labels are provided by two different certifiers, including a firm, harmonization of environmental standards does not occur and the NGO's or regulator's eco-labeling standard will be much more stringent than the firm's one, preventing NGO's or public eco-labeling policy to significantly enhance quality of the environment and welfare.  相似文献   

《Journal of public economics》2003,87(7-8):1353-1381
We consider a regulation problem with complete contracting in a principal–agent model with adverse selection and review within this model the various channels by which external competition parameters affect incentives within the regulated firm. The channels are: the principal’s information, the principal’s objective function, the agent’s incentive constraint, the agent’s participation constraint. We consider in particular a better information structure, a threat of liquidation, a fight for talent, a more efficient private sector, and the existence of better substitutes. We characterize in each case the conditions under which the effect on incentives is positive.  相似文献   

《Research in Economics》2020,74(2):174-185
Learning is the basic thing for a person’s growth, whenever in school or on the work. Also the economic growth of a country depends its technology and science. The knowledge diffusion in a firm dynamic system is important. Some former models have been given by Fernando E. Alvarez, Francisco J. Buera and Robert E. Lucas, Jr’s paper: “Models of Idea Flows” (Alvarez et al., 2008). Our model based on the earlier work but extend the definition of spread direction based on Fourier’s law, in which case can also explain the asymptotic equilibrium state. Solving the partial differential equation helps us to learn the solution well. A simulation is given using finite difference method to sketch the curve moving, also comparing with the realistic economic curves and they are fit. It can well explain the economic stable in the closed system of a single country and a “huge” change under some special outside “source” power.  相似文献   

柯华 《财经研究》2012,(2):134-144
从20世纪90年代起,中国经济史学研究引入了新制度经济学理论,这是传统经济史学研究方法上的突破。但这些研究大多集中于正式制度对近代企业的影响和运用交易成本或产权理论分析近代企业制度变迁。文章在诺思产权—国家—意识形态的制度变迁理论框架的基础上,以企业代替国家为制度变迁的主体,重点从意识形态视角进行研究,并通过对荣家企业的案例分析,为近代企业史研究提供了一个内在逻辑一致的理论框架。  相似文献   

“服务中介-企业”互动与科技型小企业知识吸收能力演化的动态关系需要深入洞察,以便为企业提升知识吸收能力提供指导。因此,提出“服务中介-企业”互动对企业知识吸收能力演化影响的理论框架,建立反映二者关系的系统动力学模型,并运用Venism PLE工具进行模拟仿真。分析结果发现,小企业知识吸收能力演化呈指数型增长特征;“服务中介-企业”互动对科技型小企业知识吸收能力具有促进作用,且有递增的边际贡献。随着互动层次和水平的提高,“服务中介-企业”互动对企业知识吸收能力的提升作用显著增大。“服务中介-企业”互动对企业知识吸收能力演化的作用存在“临界规模”效应。  相似文献   

Impact of coordination costs and market size on a firm's choice of technology is studied in a general equilibrium model in which finns engage in oligopolistic competition. A firm establishes an organizational hierarchy to coordinate its production. First, it is shown that an increase in market size leads a firm to choose a more specialized technology. Second, surprisingly, a robust result is that an increase in the level of coordination efficiency leads a firm to choose a less specialized technology.  相似文献   

Capital structure and innovation: causality and determinants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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