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This study examines the impacts of venture capital (VC) on performance and innovation of China’s small- and medium-sized enterprises (SME). Using unbalanced panel data of 2699 VC-backed and non-VC backed firms in China’s pilot over-the-counter equities market, namely the National Equity Exchange and Quotation (NEEQ) market, during 2005–2014, we find that venture capital financing not only spurs innovation in the Chinese market, but also exhibits significantly positive impact on financial performance. Empirical evidence reveals that syndication of venture capital investment as well as the reputation of venture capitalists helps to create value for VC-backed firms. However, no evidence is found that foreign VC-backed firms perform better than domestic VC-backed ones. The results are robust to a variety of specifications. Our findings imply that the VC financing is an effective channel to promote the development of SMEs at China’s multi-layer capital market and syndicated VC investments and venture capitalists with high reputation shall be encouraged to play a bigger role in nurturing innovation and entrepreneurship in the future.  相似文献   

Using panel data of 17 European Union countries, we find robust empirical support for a positive impact of venture capital on innovation. After controlling for the potential endogenous relationship between venture capital and innovation, the results indicate that venture capital fosters innovation but mainly at a later stage.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the trade off between different effects of the availability of venture capital on the speed of technological progress in an industry. We consider an evolutionary industry simulation model based on Nelson and Winter (1982), in which R&D efforts of an incumbent firm generate technological know-how embodied in key R&D employees, who might use this know-how to found a spinoff of the incumbent. Venture capital is needed to finance a spinoff, so that the expected profits from founding a spinoff depend on how easily venture capital can be acquired. Accordingly, thick venture capital markets might have two opposing effects. First, incentives of firms to invest in R&D might be reduced and, second, if spinoff formation results in technological spillovers between the parent firm and the spinoffs, the generation of spinoff firms might positively influence the future efficiency of the incumbent’s innovation efforts. We study the manner in which this tradeoff influences the effect of venture capital on innovation expenditures, speed of technological change and evolution of industry concentration in several scenarios with different industry characteristics.  相似文献   

We study the decisions of a politician who maximizes his probability of being re-elected, which depends on the enactment of legislative instruments defined ‘scandalous’ because of their highly redistributive content. The agents are a politician and the voters; the legislative instruments available to the legislator are ordinary and executive laws, which differ according to their visibility. The theoretical model predicts that ‘scandalous’ legislation tends to be passed at the beginning of the legislature, while ‘non scandalous’, broader legislation, is approved mostly at the end of the legislation. Scandalous decisions, moreover, tend to be implemented by means of less visible executive legislation, while ordinary acts are mainly used to implement non scandalous decisions. This explanation of the genesis of legislation cycles is consistent with the findings of the empirical literature.  相似文献   

This note investigates how global uncertainty relates to extreme waves of capital flows, including foreign direct investment, portfolio investment, and other investment. We find the clear differences in the role of global uncertainty between advanced and developing economies. Global uncertainty increases the likelihood of sudden contraction of portfolio investment in both advanced and developing economies, while it increases that of foreign direct investment in only advanced economies.  相似文献   


We explore the relationship between human capital and firms’ innovation in emerging economies. Most papers consider the formal knowledge developed in R&D laboratories as a major source of innovation. However, a critical portion of knowledge required for innovation resides in human resources and is created outside any formalised R&D activity. We consider that, to improve their technological capabilities, firms should invest in different forms of human capital, namely highly educated workforce and experienced managers, but also in strategic human resource (HR) practices aimed at developing human capital by increasing employees’ firm-specific technical skills and competences. Besides looking at the type of innovation outcomes, we place greater emphasis on the strategies of innovation development, as these should signal an improved firms’ ability, not just to innovate, but to put their own creative effort in the development of innovation. Our results contrast with the traditional view of firms in emerging economies as mainly relying on the external acquisition of innovations, by showing their actual ability to develop new technologies. In this respect, HR practices aimed at fostering employees’ learning and autonomy at work appear more important than the educational attainment of workers, whilst the experience of managers does not seem effective.  相似文献   

The creation of new knowledge is a case in which agents' behaviour can affect the performance of other actors positively, given that new knowledge creates positive externalities in the market. In this context, we investigate the existence of performance spillovers associated with innovation activities by quantifying the innovation produced in surrounding firms and controlling for the fact that a firm is itself an innovation producer. We use data from the Third Community Innovation Survey (CIS III) that measures innovation in a broad way, not reducing it to R&D and patents, which departs from previous literature on spillovers. Furthermore, to tackle the endogeneity of the innovation variables on the firm production decision, we resort to the firm intellectual property protection methods as an instrument. We found a positive spillover of innovation on firm value added. The results also show that process innovation spillovers are more prevalent than product innovation spillovers.  相似文献   

Studies on the influence of ambiguity on innovation show inconsistent understandings: it could be beneficial owing to flexibility, while it might be detrimental owing to distraction of information. Faced with the contradictory understandings, this study examines whether technological standardisation and industry classification could increase innovations of an industry. Using ISO9001 and the SIC codes in Korea from 1998 to 2010, the empirical tests illustrate inverted U-shaped relationships between industry-level innovation and standardisation/classification. Therefore, it is suggested that a moderate degree of standardisation and classification provides a positive infrastructure for innovation by providing the necessary guidelines for a firm's behaviour as well as maintaining its flexibility.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with criminal activity in the context of the regulation of occupational safety and health; within this general concern is a more specific focus upon corporate crime, in the context of the management of major hazards. The article begins by, developing the argument that safety violations are indeed crimes, and ought to be treated as such. This leads on to a more general definitional discussion of the nature of corporate crime. The article then addresses the ‘production’ of

corporate crime in the context of the management of major hazards, This consideration begins by noting the principles of ‘effective’—and hy implication lawful—safety management, before going on to discuss briefly the findings of case studies on the management of safety in contexts characterized by the operation of hazardous technologies. It is concluded that the management and organization ofsafep in these contexts might be labelled ‘criminogenic’; a conclusion challenging arguments for increased self-regulation in the organization of safety in such contexts. More generally, it reinforces the claim that we need to consider hazardous technologies and their organizational and managerial contexts in terns of the possible production of safety crimes.  相似文献   

Firms’ human capital, R&D and innovation: a study on French firms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article investigates the effects of human capital and technological capital on innovation. While the role of technological capital as measured by research and development (R&D) expenditure has been intensively investigated, few studies have been made on the effect of employee training on innovation. This article explores the relationship between innovation and firm employee training. Our methodological approach contributes to the literature in three ways. We propose various indicators of firm employee training. We build a count data panel with a long time-data series to deal with the issue of firms?? heterogeneity. We propose a dynamic analysis. Using dynamic count data models on French industrial firms over the period 1986?C1992, we find positive and significant effects of R&D intensity and training on patenting activity. Whatever the indicators of training our results show that the firm employee training has a positive impact on technological innovation.  相似文献   

Research and development (R&D) investment affects the growth of firms in the same industry differently according to their technological positions. This study empirically investigates differences in how R&D investment influences firm growth between technological leaders and followers. Additionally, this study investigates the moderating effects of complementary assets and market competition on the relationship between R&D investment and firm growth. Using a sample of 2322 observations from 492 firms in the U.S. chemical and allied products industry for the period 2000–2009, we show that an increase in R&D investment leads to greater firm growth for technological followers than for technological leaders. We also find that the moderating effects of complementary assets and market competition vary depending on whether a firm is a technological leader or follower.  相似文献   

The effect of?‘knowledge creators’?on location patterns of new foreign plants entering the USA from 1986 to 1993 is analysed. The empirical results from a conditional logit model suggest a link exists between knowledge bases, measured by patent counts, and the location decisions of foreign plants. In the limit, these results imply that a 1%?increase in patent counts is associated with an increase in the probability of attracting a new foreign plant by as much as 1.874%.  相似文献   

Prior literature focuses on the direct influence of entrepreneur’s creativity on firm-level innovation performance, but it ignores the intermediate mechanism of how. This study examines the role of bricolage in mediating the relationship between entrepreneur’s creativity and innovation performance. We propose that in SMEs, entrepreneur’s creativity can facilitate bricolage, which in turn influences innovation performance. Furthermore, the extent to which entrepreneur’s creativity can influence bricolage depends on firm age. Survey data from 249 SMEs indicate that bricolage functions as a mediator in the relationship between entrepreneur’s creativity and innovation performance. Entrepreneur’s creativity has a stronger effect on bricolage for young firms than for old firms.  相似文献   

Barriers to innovation are heterogeneous, of financial and non-financial nature. The importance of barriers to innovation and their actual influence on innovation depend on firms’ characteristics such as sectoral affiliation, technological behavior and their response to perceived obstacles to innovation. Firms either continue to engage in innovation, or they avoid the activity altogether. This paper explored the nature and perceived importance of the obstacles to innovation that firms confront, in a developing-country context; we build on survey data about firms in Mexico. Our findings suggest that two kinds of policy interventions should help offset a firm’s perception of barriers to innovation. On the one hand, policies should enhance the innovation capacity of firms interested in innovation; on the other hand, policies need to tackle factors that reduce the interest of firms in innovation. Policies that boost demand for locally generated innovations would assist in achieving both these goals.  相似文献   

Goering (2012) works on a bilateral monopoly with perfect marketing channel coordination to analyze the effects of corporate social responsibility. He starts the analysis of a bilateral monopoly with socially concerned firms where either the manufacturer or the retailer is additionally to its profit interested in a share of consumer surplus. In this short note, we extend this analysis and study the case where both firms are socially concerned. As a result, we enlarge the analysis started by Goering (2012) and get further interesting insights into a bilateral monopoly with corporate social responsibility. First, we are able to summarize ‘Proposition 1’ and ‘Proposition 4’ into a common one and figure out the circumstances when the wholesale price fixed by the manufacturer is below marginal costs. Second, we explain analytically the findings from ‘Proposition 3’ and ‘Proposition 6’. We point out the model's key assumption – the perfectly coordinated marketing channel – as the driver of the results and the reason for the equilibrium results' independence from retailer's social concern.  相似文献   

The academic debate over the deterrent effect of capital punishment has intensified again with a major policy outcome at stake. About two dozen empirical studies have recently emerged that explore the issue. Donohue and Wolfers (2005 Donohue, J and Wolfers, J. 2005. Uses and abuses of empirical evidence in the death penalty debate. Stanford Law Review, 58: 791845. [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) claim to have examined the recent studies and shown the evidence not to be robust to specification changes. We argue that the narrow scope of their study does not warrant this claim. Moreover, focusing on our two studies that they have examined, we show the deterrence findings to be robust, while their work has serious flaws and their reporting appears to be selective. The selectivity is biased towards showing ‘no deterrence’.  相似文献   

Both entrepreneurs and accountants ??calculate?? capital and income but their procedures diverge. The paper examines this divergence and the respective calculational objectives of entrepreneurs and accountants in the business enterprise. For the entrepreneur, capital and income are ex ante calculational judgments of prospective income gain from strategic use of the enterprise??s capital goods. But the accountant must shun entrepreneurial judgments to ??calculate?? the contemporary net market value of enterprise??s capital goods at a specified date. Hence, the accountant??s calculation of income is the net contemporary increase in the market value of the enterprise??s capital goods. These accounting calculations facilitate assessment of the success of an enterprise strategy. But critics assert that accounting practice ignores the need of external investor??s for accurate information on enterprise prospects. The paper concludes with a critique of accounting regulation and explores the feasibility and means of privatizing the entrepreneurial choice of accounting techniques.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the effect of international remittances on healthcare expenditures, taking into account both the interdependence with other consumption goods and the effects of health shocks. More precisely, we assess whether the budget allocation decisions of remittance‐receiving households reveal different preferences to invest in health capital, even when the simultaneous effect that health shocks may have on the demand of remittances and on other types of nondurable expenditures is accounted for. Using data from the “Peruvian National Survey of Households,” we find that remittances have a positive impact on healthcare budget shares, net of the remittance‐related income effect and independently of the occurrance of a health shock. They also have a positive impact on housing and a negative one on other expenditure items, that is, clothing, transport, and education. Hence, our results indicate a “pure” tendency of remittance‐receiving households to devote larger shares of their budget to health capital investment, rather than to other types of consumption goods.  相似文献   

The last few years witnessed theoretical and practical contributions to the field of social innovation and social enterprise. However, analysis of the interplay between these two different realms is still limited. This article aims to fill some gaps in this respect. We deal with historical reconstruction of the concept of Social Enterprise and Social Innovation, and their conceptual premises. We consider the process of creation of social innovation in social enterprises. As members’ motivations, ownership rights and governance rules in social enterprises create a new relational context and new routines, which are germane to the production of social knowledge and deliberation, social innovation can be considered one of the main outcomes of this setting. Social motivations, collective action of a cooperative kind, multi‐stakeholder governance and socialization of resources, and their interplay are singled out as main drivers of innovation. Social innovation is seen as akin to novelty in social interaction, a non‐standardized and non‐standardizable outcome of the operation of this organizational form.  相似文献   

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