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本文利用多元统计分析的回归分析原理,建立了石油装备制造行业财务风险预警的Logistic多元逻辑回归模型和石油装备制造企业经营风险预警的主成分模型,实现了风险的量化,并在风险确认和风险分析的基础上,提出企业风险的控制策略。  相似文献   

基于知识管理与BP网络的企业预警战略研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
耿小庆 《现代财经》2006,26(10):20-23
知识管理理论为企业战略管理研究开辟了新的思路。明确知识和默示知识之间的转化原理为企业预警战略提供了理论基础;BP网络模型克服了传统模式难以处理高度非线性模型、缺少自学习能力等缺陷。通过建立在知识管理与BP神经网络基础上的企业预警战略模型的研究,证明BP网络模型能达到良好的战略预警效果。  相似文献   

调查与分析是制订企业战略管理的前提,从事企业战略管理的调查分析,有其独有的特点,它包括行业结构分析,竞争者分析,内部资源,组织和文化分析等,在分析的基础上结合企业实际,从而规划企业的发展远景。  相似文献   

企业偿债能力的预警管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘红霞  韩嫄 《财经科学》2004,(3):122-124
偿债能力是企业偿还本身所欠债务的能力,分析偿债能力有利于正确评价企业的财务状况,帮助企业经营者作出正确的经营决策.偿债能力预警管理是通过预先发出偿债能力警告信号,判断企业的偿债能力走向,在分析产生警情根源的基础上,对偿债能力进行防范和控制.  相似文献   

企业的招投标管理是企业在招投标管理过程中的重要内容,是风险规避和成本控制的关键环节.文章研究了企业招投标风险预警的流程,并提出了具体的管理对策,对企业实践具有指导意义.  相似文献   

在战略人力资源管理的研究中,检验战略人力资源管理与组织绩效关系的实证研究占有重要的地位,首先从国内外众多学者的研究成果方面综述了战略人力资源管理与企业组织绩效关系的实证研究情况,接着,探讨了战略人力资源管理与物流企业的组织绩效关系的实证研究模式,主要从普遍性模式、权变模式和形态模式三方面进行了分析。  相似文献   

企业信誉是指企业在市场经济的运行中所获得的社会上公认的信用和名声。信誉对个人来讲,是一种道德、一种做人的基本准则;而对于企业来讲,信誉是企业的生产经营原则、是其生存之本;对现代市场经济来讲,如果没有信誉,就没有秩序,市场经济就不能健康发展。由中国企业联合会、中国企业家协会开展的“2003年企业经营者问卷调查”结果显示  相似文献   

企业技术创新风险预警管理研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在分析企业技术创新风险基本特征的基础上,研究了企业技术创新的风险扩散机理,构建企业技术创新风险预警管理模式应对风险变化,并给出进一步研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   

从交货风险、市场风险、供应商资信风险、人员素质风险及财务风险5个角度入手,建立企业采购预警指标;同时在指标的值域分析中将客观指标和主要指标区分开来分别加以探讨,以便最终能客观真实地反映企业采购活动的状态。  相似文献   

企业采购管理预警指标体系的探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从交货风险、市场风险、供应商资信风险、人员素质风险及财务风险5个角度入手,建立企业采购预警指标;同时在指标的值域分析中将客观指标和主要指标区分开来分别加以探讨,以便最终能客观真实地反映企业采购活动的状态。  相似文献   

企业组织管理危机的早期诊断及预警管理   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
为了考察我国企业组织管理现状,笔者对湖北、四川、广东、河北、江苏、重庆等14个省及直辖市的150多家有代表性企业的管理人员,进行了企业组织管理抽样问卷调查,共回收问卷308份,其中有效问卷261份。根据问卷统计结果,确定了反映企业组织管理行为、机构管理和人员管理危机征兆的早期诊断指标。1企业组织结构的适应程度。  相似文献   

Koyin Chang 《Applied economics》2013,45(23):3089-3100
This article applies the relevant theories of firm organization and inter-firm relationships in the high-tech environment to explain the institutional reasons that firms choose between internal or external approaches. Particularly, this study tries to understand to what extent and in what way strategic alliances have impacts on individual firms’ organizational structure, financial structure and firms’ activities. Also it tries to find out what type of firms tend to benefit most from alliances, and thus use more inter-firm agreements. The theoretical findings are that due to liquidity constraint and asymmetric information reasons, young, research-intensive firms need to use more alliances to survive in the fast changing high-technology industry. The empirical analysis employs 3 year panel data and finds that the results are consistent with the theoretical predictions.  相似文献   

The transaction cost analysis of the firm has identified asset idiosyncrasy and the risk of ex post opportunism as key determinants of organizational form. Simultaneously, several writers have modeled the distribution of quasi-rents among input suppliers as a bargaining game. These complementary ideas are used to formalize the notion of strategic innovation, where capital and labor attempt to redistribute firm income after specialized assets are in place, through unilateral modifications in production technology. Because strategic behavior can enlarge the quasi-rent component of fifirm income, this process may persist in equilibrium. Asset idiosyncrasy therefore creates room for an autonomous theory of organizational dynamics, partially insulated from events at the market level of analysis.  相似文献   

Minjung Kim 《Applied economics》2013,45(47):5034-5044
Using a rich firm-level data set from South Korea, this article analyses the impact of strategic alliances on firm performance, focusing on how firm productivity is affected by alliance types such as joint venture, joint technical development, technical alliance, joint marketing and coproduction as well as alliance structures such as intra- and inter-industry alliances. Total factor productivity (TFP) is estimated through the semi-parametric method suggested by Levinsohn and Petrin (2003). In addition, a two-stage least-squares (2SLS) method is applied to reduce the potential endogenous problem between productivity and strategic alliance choices. The empirical results found in this article indicate that the engagement in joint ventures positively affects firm productivity and that the formation of international intra-industry alliances has a positive impact on firm productivity.  相似文献   

We used the Kauffman Firm Survey of ventures founded in the year 2004 to identify overconfident (OC) entrepreneurs and found, contrary to the existing literature, that the hazard ratio for these entrepreneurs was lower than the corresponding value for their non-OC peers. We categorized an entrepreneur as OC if he or she believed that his or her firm enjoys a competitive advantage over its industry peers, while simultaneously underperforming relative to the industry in terms of average initial ROA. Specifically, we looked at the average ROA during the years 2004–2007 and compared it to the industry median. In addition to our hazard findings, we discovered that these OC entrepreneurs, while starting with lower initial ROA levels relative to their industry peers, may have enjoyed slightly better movement in ROA over the intervening years. Our results are explained in the context of the psychological literature on optimism.  相似文献   

This is a comparative survey of the diverse strands of literature that view the firm as a group organized by transactional structure. The focus is on the nature of incentives to induce effective cooperation through the coordination of specialized and disparate tasks. The five literatures compared are the transaction-cost, X-efficiency, principal-agency, sociological, and mechanism-design traditions.  相似文献   

A sudden change in monetary policy happened in Switzerland on January 15th, 2015. The Swiss National Bank removed the lower exchange rate bound vis-à-vis the Euro. We believe that uncertainty concerning a vital economic indicator as the exchange rate should influence economic activities. We argue that the unexpected removal of the lower bound induced a temporary uncertainty about future prices in foreign markets and believe that this influenced firm investment in the short term. We exploit the unexpected change in monetary policy as a natural experiment and use the continuous nature of business tendency surveys to determine the role of uncertainty in the immediate aftermath of the event. Changes in firm-level expectations are measured by specially designed survey questions. We use this information to disentangle first and second moment effects. We find that uncertainty negatively affects investment in equipment and machinery through real-option effects and believe that uncertainty positively influences expenditures in research and development through growth-option effects. Finally, we argue that focusing on aggregate gross fixed capital formation masks important insights and suggest the use of disaggregated investment data in future research on the relationship between uncertainty and investment.  相似文献   

Firm data are accumulated on a yearly basis. In view of the linear relationship of firm age?+?foundation year?=?survey year, the fluctuations of firm data classified by age and period cannot be decomposed into age, period and cohort (foundation year) effects. Three decomposition methods are briefly reviewed and applied to Japanese data on new ventures founded since 1995. Regarding sales and employment growth, the age effect is the largest with a downward trend, and the cohort effect is negligible. Regarding labour productivity, the age effect indicates upward movements, and the cohort effect is negligible. The reason of the negligible cohort effect is discussed.  相似文献   

This article provides macroeconomic stylised facts on wage comparisons and microeconomic evidence on how institutional changes, competitive pressures in firms' output markets, human capital and efficiency wage payment affect wage formation during the early stages of transformation. Wages in Slovenia are higher than in other transition Central and Eastern European countries and higher than labour productivity. We use a firm survey panel dataset of Slovenian enterprises to investigate labour cost adjustment and its policy relevance. The results reveal that transformation was not a uniform process as it has induced different labour cost adjustments and wage responses to transformation shocks over time. The hypothesis that labour productivity and competitive pressures in firms' output markets were important for wage formation was not supported. We confirm that rent seeking increased wages in insider, management and employee-owned enterprises in anticipation of privatisation. The effect of human capital was modest and efficiency wage payment was found not to be significant. The hypothesis of unionisation in Slovenian enterprises was not supported.  相似文献   

How information technology (IT) may complement other key firm resources such as human capital is a question that has drawn increasing attention from scholars and practitioners. Answers to this question are crucial for small businesses in today’s environment. These businesses face a growing demand for IT usage at the same time that they typically can count only on limited resources. This has become a common situation that is particularly critical for small businesses operating in developing countries with emerging economies. We develop propositions and test them with a dataset of service small businesses in an emerging economy. We find that the use of IT services is positively related to firm productivity and that this relationship is positively moderated by entrepreneurs’ management education. Our findings indicate that firm productivity is associated with a combination of human and technology resources.  相似文献   

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