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This paper demonstrates that in a standard flexible-price monetary model there exists real indeterminacy whenever the nominal interest rate moves too closely with either current or forecasted inflation. However, an aggressive response to lagged inflation will ensure determinacy. These conclusions are robust to a wide range of calibrations, and a monetary environment that allows for endogenous velocity. The results are affected by the inclusion of investment spending in the transactions constraint. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: E4, E5.  相似文献   

Indeterminacy Arising in Multi-sector Economies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We characterize a large class of constant-returns-to-scale economies with standard Cobb–Douglas production technologies, which, when perturbed to incorporate external effects, exhibit indeterminacy or multiple equilibria. The perturbations are constrained to maintain overall constant returns to scale. We characterize the magnitude of the external effects that yield multiple equilibria in terms of the parameters of the unperturbed economy. We show that it is very easy to construct large and plausible classes of economies that exhibit indeterminacy with constant returns to scale, and with external effects that are arbitrarily small.
JEL Classification Numbers: E00, E3, O40.  相似文献   

A general notion of market perfect contestability is introduced. It coincides with the definition given by Baumol et al . under Bertrand competition, but is compatible with Cournot competition as well as monopolistic competition. Using this notion, we illustrate the fact that the number of active firms in free-entry equilibrium may be largely indeterminate and different levels of positive profits may in many cases be sustained. This is shown to be true, in spite of market perfect contestability, under either Cournot competition or product differentiation. Examples are given for both cases. Appropriate conditions of increasing returns are required.
JEL Classification Numbers: D5, D43.  相似文献   

This paper presents some examples of regular dynamic economies with externalities and taxes that either lack existence of a Markov equilibrium or such equilibrium is not continuous. These examples pose further challenges for the analysis and computation of these economies. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: C10, C62.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relative merits of alternative monetary policy rules for a small open economy. Rules considered target: the exchange rate, price level, nominal income, or a monetary aggregate. The standard framework employed in previous comparisons of these rules fails to take account of important features of small open economies. In particular, the standard framework fails to consider the effects on aggregate supply of exchange rate adjustments resulting from adherence to policy rules. Incorporating these effects is shown to weaken the case for targeting nominal income and, more generally, to complicate the ranking of policy rules.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to specify theoretically the origins of money. Rather than the exchange-based view of neoclassical economists where money is seen as a transaction cost-reducing instrument (and where exchange itself is asserted to be a universal phenomenon), we argue that money is a social relationship, specifically a debt relationship, that emerges with propertied, class society. "Primitive" (pre-class) society could not generate money, as the rule of hospitality, universally practiced among such organizations, precluded debt and the self-interested behavior that is consistent with debt. Adopting the Chartalist position on the matter, we show that money is symptomatic of privilege, of inequality, of economic and political power.  相似文献   

The authors analyze an endogenous growth model with economy–wide increasing returns, in which a public input is essential for private production. Within such a framework, it is shown that a continuum of equilibria and global indeterminacy can arise for reasonable parameter values, simply due to the presence of endogenous public policy. This can potentially account for "leapfrogging" or retroceding growth experiences. It is demonstrated how fiscal policy can serve as a selection device among different convergent paths.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the characteristics of steady-state equilibria in a bargaining economy in which there are both patient and impatient agents and the possibility of intermediation arising in such an economy. The equilibrium in the unmediated economy is inefficient if the proportion of impatient agents is sufficiently high. There is a simple fee mechanism, which induces patient and impatient agents to trade in separate groups, under which there is always an efficient equilibrium. Such separation is also induced by the option to trade at fixed prices, and profit-seeking intermediaries have an incentive to facilitate such trade.Journal of Economic LiteratureClassification Number: C78.  相似文献   


We examine in this paper the importance of banks’ behavior in the transmission of the monetary policy to the real economy. Monthly data from eight economies in transition that recently became members of the European Union and the techniques of cointegration and Error Correction models are used, in order to investigate the relationship between intermediation margin spread (IMS, official lending rate minus deposit rate) and industrial production. Given the low development of corporate bond market and the dependence of non-financial agents on banking credits, we find that in many countries the IMS is an important leading indicator of industrial production. However, in countries characterized by credit access constraints (Estonia and Latvia) evidence for the traditional money channel is found. Evidence for both money and credit channels is found in Poland and Hungary. These results imply that a common monetary policy implemented by the European Central Bank may be transmitted in different ways across the new members of the enlarged European Union with different effects on real output in each country.  相似文献   

This article analyses the dynamic effects of unexpected domestic and foreign monetary policy shocks on industrial output in New Zealand based on a new open economy macroeconomic model. Empirical analyses are performed using unrestricted recursive open economy vector autoregressive models involving policy and non‐policy variables for New Zealand and four of its most important trading partners (that is, Australia, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States). The empirical findings are in accord with the qualitative predictions of the conventional monetary transmission mechanism applicable to a small open economy. Consequently, no empirical anomalies are observed in the dynamic behaviour of New Zealand industrial output in response to restrictive monetary innovations of domestic and foreign origin.  相似文献   

Shitovitz and Spiegel (1998, Journal of Economic Theory 83 , pp. 1–18) demonstrated that in pure public good economies, for some consumers the Lindahl consumption bundles can be inferior (utility-wise) to their Cournot–Nash allocation. In this paper, we prove that in any finite pure public good economy there exists a core allocation that is unanimously preferred, utility-wise, by all consumers over their Cournot–Nash consumption bundles.  相似文献   

由于经济状况的好转,美国、欧元区和英国等发达经济体不断推进其货币政策回归正常,改变自2008年金融危机以来实行的量化宽松政策,发达经济体货币政策正在发生转向。在此背景下,文章利用PVAR模型实证分析了发达经济体货币政策转向是否会导致流入新兴国家的国际资本锐减,进而引发资本流入逆转。研究结果显示,发达经济体货币政策转向对新兴国家跨境资本流动的负面影响有限,新兴国家资本流入减少的幅度远低于资本流入逆转的阀值。与新兴国家的平均状况相比,低经济增长和弱资本管制新兴国家受到了更多来自发达经济体货币政策转向的冲击,但这些国家资本流入减少的幅度依然低于资本流入逆转的阀值。  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the monetary policy reaction functions for the new European Union member states. We find interesting differences when looking at both interest rates (the Taylor rule) and monetary base (the McCallum rule) as monetary policy rules. Monetary aggregate is more likely to react to the deviation of inflation from its target, while short‐term interest rates are highly sensitive to the deviation of exchange rates in the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia. For Hungary and Romania, both interest rates and money are responsive to inflation. In empirical literature, much attention is paid to the use of the Taylor‐type rule for developed economies. However, our empirical results raise questions on the reliance of this rule for these transition economies.  相似文献   

基于国房景气指数的周期成分构建MS模型,分析了房地产周期的特征和货币政策对房地产周期的影响。研究表明:中国房地产市场具有非线性周期波动特征,房地产周期呈现长扩张和短收缩两种状态,并且两种状态交替出现;房地产周期不仅受到自身滞后期的影响,还受到货币政策的影响,货币政策对房地产周期的影响程度要高于房地产周期自身的影响,货币供应量的影响要高于利率的影响;不同区制状态下,货币供应量和利率对房地产周期的影响存在非对称性。因此货币当局要根据房地产周期的区制状态,有针对性地选用货币政策工具进行调控以实现房地产市场的稳定发展。  相似文献   

规模经济:理论辨析和现实思考   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
规模经济的核心涵义是指在投入增加时,产出增加的比例超出投入增加的比例,单位产品的平均成本随产量的增加而降低,规模经济可划分为三个层次,我国工业企业规模不经济的表现:规模小效率低,企业创新能力弱;国际竞争力普通较低,规模不经济的主要原因:一方面是过度竞争,另一方面是行政垄断,企业集团是规模经济的发展趋势,企业实现规模经济的途径:一是内部扩张;二是外部扩张,企业在实现规模经济的过程中应遵循五个原则。  相似文献   

Abstract. I use a dynamic general equilibrium two‐country optimizing model to analyze the implications of international capital mobility for the short‐run effects of monetary policy in an open economy. The model implies that the substitutability of goods produced in different countries plays a central role for the impact of changes in the degree of international capital mobility on the effects of monetary policy. Paralleling the results of the traditional Mundell–Fleming model, a higher degree of international capital mobility magnifies the short‐run output effects of monetary policy only if the Marshall–Lerner condition, which is linked to the cross‐country substitutability of goods, holds.  相似文献   

A popular policy target in emerging markets is the real exchange rate as an undervalued real exchange rate is seen to enhance international competitiveness. Within an augmented Dornbusch model it is shown that the implicit tax of low remunerated reserve requirements represents an efficient tool to depreciate the real exchange rate. The model is empirically tested for a panel of Latin American, East Asian and Eastern European countries. Controlling for the impact of fiscal policies and direct capital controls, the reserve requirement tax significantly explains real exchange rate misalignments.  相似文献   

货币冲击、房地产收益波动与最优货币政策选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
与传统资产定价模型中风险收益权衡关系相悖,我国房地产市场存在投资异象和波动长记忆性特征。文章利用泰勒规则(Taylor Rule)的利率缺口,在剔除市场预期之后测度了中国市场的货币政策冲击,并基于房地产投资回报的时序数据波动聚集性和时变性特征构建GARCH(1,1)-M模型,以此度量我国房地产市场投资收益的波动演变路径,解释了央行实施加息的货币政策后当期房价反而上涨的投资现象。文章还立足于房地产市场参与人的投资特征,从行为金融学的全新研究视角出发,建立包含行为资产定价的动态模型经济系统,研究资产价格波动与最优货币政策选择问题,求得相应闭型解,为实施关注资产价格波动的最优货币政策提供理论基础。  相似文献   

随着利率管制的基本放开,货币政策亟需由传统数量调控向以利率为主的价格调控模式转型。作为价格型货币政策调控的实际利率锚,自然利率将为中央银行政策利率的制定提供重要依据。本文以新凯恩斯一般均衡模型为基础,从自然利率的三层含义出发,构建状态空间模型,对中国的自然利率进行估算。结果显示,我国自然利率在一定程度上可作为经济增长的先行指标,为解释和预测经济运行态势提供依据,利率缺口不仅是经济波动的"指示器",而且可以为货币政策的制定和评价提供重要依据,这对新常态下的货币政策转型和宏观调控具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

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