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一、海外并购--中国企业应该走出去 近年来,随着我国经济与世界经济的全面接轨,我国企业在立足国内市场的同时,也应不失时机走出去,到"狼窝"与狼共舞,在海外市场进行并购.  相似文献   

顾雏军 《商界名家》2003,(12):54-55
科龙、美菱、吉诺尔过去都属于国有企业的行列,格林柯尔参与国资处置,对这些国有企业的重组,并不是一件轻松的事情。格林柯尔马不停蹄地大收购是否失之轻率?  相似文献   

乔新生 《大经贸》2008,(9):78-79
2008年7月12日,是中资企业在海外资本市场成功收购资源型企业的日子。中国国有企业——中钢集团公司发表声明,截至2008年7月10日,持有澳大利亚中西部公司(Midwest)213840550股份,持股比例高达50.97%,获得了对该公司的控股权。更让人感到兴奋的是,此次收购不是项目资产收购,也不是要约收购,  相似文献   

朱金生 《财贸研究》2000,11(1):31-34
<正> 改革开放以来,在外在压力和内在动力的双重作用下,越来越多的中国企业走上了国际化经营的道路,并选择国际合资公司的方式,开拓国际市场。由于多数企业对国际合资公司的性质、运作特点不了解,合伙人选择不当,成立过于草率,未能很好地设计与管理,结果大部分合资公司的经营业绩不理想,未能达到预期目的,甚至造成大批国有资产流失。因此,无论是从微观上还是从宏观上来说,探讨国际合资公司的设计与管理问题都是十分必要而紧迫的。  相似文献   

罗婷 《商界》2007,(3):65-67
共和国型公司画像:西兰公国只是一个特例,但它预示着在未来,大企业可能将揽下更多的社会责任,接管许多本该由国家履行的职能,成为拥有类政府能力的世界级经济体。  相似文献   

近年来,“洋陷阱”时有所闻。考其原因.既有国际贸易背后存在的客观因素,也有“警觉盲点”上的主观因素.当下,一个重要的问题是,我们该如何识别形态各异、表现不一的“洋陷阱”?且听活跃在外贸前沿的人士现身说法.[编者按]  相似文献   

所谓的国际货物买卖合同,是指一国当事人与另一国当事人在不同的营业地点就一方的货物进入另一方而达成的买卖协议。提供货物的一方通常为出口商,接受货物的一方通常为进口商。  相似文献   

In industrial markets purchasing decisions are made by buying centers. Sellers thus have to analyze buying centers in order to generate effective strategies and measures. If we consider progressive economic globalization in this context, it becomes clear that a success promising analysis of buying centers cannot take place from a purely national perspective. On the contrary, the current ongoing globalization process emphasizes the importance of international investigation perspectives and the need to obtain international findings regarding market powers, processes and decision-making elements. There are numerous differences between buying centers in different countries. However, the international buying center analysis is only at an early stage of development. Most studies only analyze one aspect of the complex multipersonal decision process and mostly only for few countries. Thus we identify a lack of comprehensiveness in international buying center research and reveal some interesting starting points for further research.  相似文献   

This study assesses the influence of ethnocentrism on food buying decisions by a specific group of sojourners—namely, international university students—by distinguishing the results observed in relation to gender differences from those detected without any consideration of gender differences. On the basis of an exhaustive review of relevant literature, this study offers several research hypotheses pertaining to the influence of ethnocentrism on evaluations of alternatives, choices, and post-purchase stages. To test these hypotheses, the authors collected data from a sample of university foreign students enrolled in a Spanish university, and then submitted these data to diverse principal components factorial analyses and linear parametric regressions. The results show that a consideration of gender makes a great difference, in that the influence of ethnocentrism is much greater in the food buying decision process for male sojourners. These results have major implications for key stakeholders such as food manufacturers, importers, retailers, and universities.  相似文献   

Danger may lurk for the U.S. companies that simply think, “Well, here comes 1992. I guess we had better get a foothold somewhere in Europe.” A company that doesn't make sound choices based on the many complex factors involved will find only trouble—not more profits.  相似文献   

欧洲和中国公众都没有留意到今年最为大快人心的一项收购行动去年10月,中国电视机制造商TCL宣布,就收购破产的德国电视机制造商辛奈德尔电子(Schneider Electronics)AG公司达成协议。  相似文献   

姚杰 《国际市场》2001,(4):40-41
企业经营战略包括企业的战略目标和长期目标,它决定了企业经营范围、资源配置、竞争优势和协同作用。如果企业经营者在制定其经营战略时存在着认识误区,这种误区有时往往是致命的。  相似文献   

龚友诚 《广告大观》2006,(1S):116-116
“你必须随时站在不同的观点看事情。”这是希区考克对导演工作的一个形容。 因为导演的任务,是在荧幕上重建真实。他说:“戏剧就是人生,只不过把无聊的,不相关的全部拿掉了。剩下来的是什幺?剩下的才是观众真正在乎的。”  相似文献   

The paper discusses how technological convergence, manifested in increased mobility in organisations, changes the way purchasing organisations buy and use telecommunications and IT systems. The aim of the paper is to analyse how the implementation of mobility in firms is linked to changes in the relationships between units within the buying centre, between the buying centre and supplying organisations, and to some extent also between the buying centre and its customers. The study builds on interviews with purchasing functions in 61 small-, medium-sized and large organisations in different industries. The concept of mobility is discussed and defined. Industrial network conceptualisations, loose coupling theory and a buying centre model constitute the theoretical framework. Results indicate that management plays a more central role in the buying centre when major IT and telecom contracts are signed. The interviews also indicate few large changes in the exchange relationships with supplying organisations as a result of the implementation of new system solutions for increased mobility.  相似文献   

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