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贸易自由化与我国农业政策的选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、贸易自由化对发展中国家的影响   贸易自由化,即各国政府在对外贸易中逐步减少政府的行政干预,放松对外贸易管制的过程。贸易自由化是伴随着经济全球化的脚步前进的。如今,经济全球化的趋势在不断加强,它对发展中国家产生了重大影响。一方面,发展中国家的贸易条件逐步恶化,而发达国家则越来越好,发达国家的科技革命日新月异,他们将一些普及的技术向发展中国家转移,从中获得大量好处,而发展中国家从中获得的好处相对小得多;另一方面,经济全球化对发展中国家也是难得的机遇,由于全球化的发展,发达国家对发展中国家市场…  相似文献   

赵国志  金鑫 《经济论坛》1999,(19):16-17
随着世界贸易组织的产生,如何处理好贸易自由化、环境保护和促进发展中国家的发展这三者之间的关系就成为世人所关心的问题。人们普遍认为,经济发展的代价之一是环境恶化,而作为经济增长发动机的国际贸易特别是自由贸易则被看作是破坏环境的因素之一,因而各国都制定了一些相应的环境保护法规和贸易干预政策,借以达到保护自然资源改善环境的目的。可是这些环境保护措施客观上在阻止贸易自由化的同时,对于环境的保护并未达到预期的效果,其实质不过是作为变相的非关税壁垒被贸易保护主义者用来作为实施贸易保护的工具而已。事实上,贸易…  相似文献   

实施环境产品贸易自由化可以实现贸易与环境双赢,但一些国家出于顾虑使得环境产品贸易自由化进展缓慢。深入研究环境产品贸易自由化对进口国的效应十分必要。笔者试图通过建立环境产品贸易模型详细分析环境产品贸易自由化对进口国的效应,结果表明,削减环境产品关税会使进口国环境政策变宽松;会增加环境产品进口;但对环境质量的影响不确定。中国应积极谨慎地推动环境产品贸易自由化。  相似文献   

本文构建理论模型,从产品价格角度分析贸易政策不确定性对消费者福利的影响,并以中国入世为准自然实验,进行实证分析。研究发现,如果不加入WTO,贸易政策不确定性会提高中国消费品价格,使中国城市居民的消费福利平均降低1.02%,但出口国间贸易政策不确定性的竞争降低了中国消费品的价格,使高收入城市居民的消费福利上升0.004%;收入越高的城市居民在贸易政策不确定性中所损失的消费福利越大,在出口国间贸易政策不确定性竞争中所获得的消费福利越大,主要原因是其对非农产品的支出份额较高;贸易政策不确定性对城市居民消费福利的影响主要是通过最终品进口来实现。这意味着通过稳定的贸易政策,比如签订区域贸易协定,能够增加消费福利,但也要关注由此带来的消费不平等问题。  相似文献   

孙文莉 《当代财经》2005,(11):91-95
本文试用扩展的(Farrell,Shapiro1990)模型,在关税减让为特征的自由贸易化趋势下,对同质产品的横向外资并购带来的价格及福利效应进行边际分析。主要观点:在一定条件下,(1)对行业价格效应的判定,其符号取决于两个变量的权衡,即关税外生性下调导致外商均衡产量的变动和关税下调后外资并购行为引致的并购方整体产量的变动。(2)对一国社会福利效应的判定不存在单一化结论。关税下调后的外资并购行为,其引发的外部福利效应与关税下调前的情况相比,有利程度可能趋于下降,甚至走向反面——变为负效应。但是,关税下调带来的社会福利效应在很大层面上会带来正的福利效应。  相似文献   

在全球贸易自由化的进程中,对环境既产生了正的影响,也产生了负的影响。但贸易不是产生环境问题的根源,所以不能靠制定与贸易有关的环境政策来解决,而应当在环境污染的发生地实施有关的环境政策,使“外部化”了的费用,纳入生产者的成本中,这才是真正的贸易比较优势。  相似文献   

加入WTO以后,我国与其他国家的贸易将进一步自由化,本将探讨由此将给我国环境带来的可能后果以及我国应采取的对策。笔认为贸易自由化主要是通过规模效应、结构效应及技术创新等作用对一国的环境产生影响。应利用贸易自由化有利于环境的因素,限制不利于环境的因素,使我国的环境状况得到优化。  相似文献   

贸易自由化和竞争政策对国内定价的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

在工业化初步发展阶段,落后国家采取贸易保护政策具有一定的合理性,然而随着经济的迅速发展,贸易保护存在的理由和社会条件也将日渐消失。在知识经济和经济全球化时代,自由贸易政策将成为促进发展中国家实现经济赶超的捷径。我国加入WTO和推动自由贸易也体现了经济发展的必须性要求。  相似文献   

通过对战略贸易政策在贸易的政治经济学、不确定性、不完全承诺和不完全信息等四个方面的新进展进行讨论,得出结论:新贸易理论的新进展使得脱胎于发达国家的战略贸易政策更加接近发展中国家市场经常失灵的现实,从而对发展中国家的贸易政策有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

The article presents an integrated analysis of the effects of domestic and trade policy reform on resource allocation and welfare under transaction costs. It develops a general multiagent, multicommodity model, where transaction costs are the costs of resources used in the exchange process. The influence of domestic and trade policy (including both price and quantity instruments) on distorted market equilibrium is analysed. Alternative concepts of distorted equilibrium are presented and investigated. They provide a basis for evaluating the effects of multilateral partial market liberalization on resource allocation and welfare under transaction costs. New conditions are derived under which multilateral policy reforms generate Pareto improvements.  相似文献   

贸易自由化中并购问题的经济学剖析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在贸易自由化对并购影响进行考察的基础上 ,可以发现 ,贸易自由对于潜在的并购者来说有两种意义 :受到保护的市场中的低效企业此时更容易被并购 ,对相对低效企业进行的并购变得越来越缺乏吸引力 ,不能实际地融合在一起 ,或者如果已经融合在一起的话 ,就出现了 (资源的 )耗散。无论在哪种意义上贸易的自由化都会激发并购活动的发生 ,但其中并不是所有的都符合整个社会的利益  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study is to illustrate, with simple trade theory, the relationship between competing industrial standards and trade liberalization. We assume that there are two competing industrial standards in an international context, each of which applies to a group of differentiated products. A product can be used only in combination with other products based on the same industrial standard. We examine the impact of trade liberalization (i.e., a decline in trade costs) on consumers’ choice of a standard. It will be shown that the degree of indirect network effects, captured with substitution between differentiated products, plays an important role as a determinant of the impact of trade liberalization.  相似文献   


After twenty years of trade liberalization in Mexico, the relationship between gender wage inequality and trade remains insufficiently studied, in spite of evidence of increasing numbers of women in industrial employment. This study aims to analyze the effects of export orientation and other characteristics that represent the industrial underpinnings of restructuring on gender wage inequality for 2001–5. There is consistent evidence of the negative impact of export orientation on men's and women's wages and the gender wage ratio, signifying that women lose in both absolute and relative terms. This result holds after controlling for women's share of employment and the skills of both genders, contrary to the expected effect from trade on equality. There is also a negative relation between a rise in the proportion of unskilled workers and the gender wage ratio, which suggests that the trade-induced skill hypothesis cannot be considered an adequate explanation for gender inequality.  相似文献   

《China Economic Journal》2013,6(2):203-212
We calculate a variety of welfare gains for Mainland China, following the approach of Romer (1994 Romer, P. 1994. New goods, old theory, and the welfare costs of trade restrictions. Journal of Development Economics, 43(1): 538. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), who emphasized that proper modelling of the impact of trade restrictions on the number of available product varieties is crucial for quantifying the welfare impact of trade liberalization. The empirical work presented relies on direct measures of product variety calculated from highly disaggregated trade data. The emerging conclusion is that freer trade has indeed boosted welfare.  相似文献   

外资流入劳动密集型产业虽然直接地避免了转轨初期产业结构之存量调整,但这还不是问题的全部,更重要的是,外资流入提高了均衡状态下资本密集型产业的比重,这又起到了避免转轨初期产业结构之存量调整的作用。对于转轨国家来说,资本流入具有增量调整之功效,而产品国际间流动则加剧转轨初期产业结构之存量调整。改革开放以来中国经济的持续高速增长可能得益于大规模的资本流入和产品市场的逐步开放的策略。  相似文献   

The literature on trade liberalization and environment has not yet considered federal structures. In this paper, we show how the design of environmental policy in a federal system has implications for the effects of trade reform. Trade liberalization leads to a decline in pollution taxes, regardless of whether pollution taxes are set at the federal (centralized) or local (decentralized) level, and it increases social welfare. The effect under a decentralized system is smaller than if these taxes are set by the federal government, and pollution emissions therefore decline in this case. Moreover, majority bias interacts with trade liberalization if federal taxes are used.  相似文献   

In considering a country that imposes a minimum standard on an imported polluting good, which generates negative consumption externalities, we construct a common-agency model, in which a domestic environmental group and a foreign industrial lobby can influence the formation of the minimum standard by providing political contributions to the government. This paper investigates the effects of trade liberalization on the political equilibrium environmental standard, the pattern of trade, environmental disutility, and social welfare. We find that trade liberalization tightens the minimum standard, decreases imports of the polluting good, and reduces environmental disutilities. The importing country’s social welfare, however, does not necessarily increase with trade liberalization. The weaker the environmental group’s lobbying efficiency, or the stronger the foreign firm’s lobbying efficiency, the more likely it is that trade liberalization will enhance the importing country’s welfare.  相似文献   

In a two‐country model where firms behave à la Cournot, we show that trade liberalization increases (decreases) the social desirability of those mergers that generate sufficiently large (small) reductions in marginal cost. There exists a range of intermediate levels of marginal cost savings such that marginal tariff reductions increase (decrease) the desirability of merger at sufficiently low (high) tariff levels. Moreover, in the neighborhood of free trade, we show that if trade liberalization increases the profitability of a merger, it necessarily also increases its desirability.  相似文献   

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