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经济发展与环境保护是当代发展中国家突出的两项任务,环境库兹涅茨曲线解释了发展中国家经济与环境的相互关系.然而,在贸易自由化和环境优先保护贸易保护论的双重影响下,发展中国家面临贸易竞争与环境保护的双重压力.文章在借鉴前人对环境库兹涅茨曲线关于经济与环境关系解释的基础上,指出环境优先新贸易保护论削弱了发展中国家贸易竞争力,在贸易自由化下发达国家通过污染转移加剧了发展中国家的环境压力.最后提出应通过对环境资源产权改革、技术进步等一系列措施来消除"环境库兹涅茨曲线"宿命论的影响.  相似文献   

笔者以创新资源的引致效应为主题,建立理论和实证模型,分析了投资、贸易以及政策制度对创新资源的引致效应差异。结果表明,发展中国家出口、对外直接投资和外商直接投资以及政府支持性的政策变量有积极引致效应,而进口对创新资源呈消极效应。发展中国家要提高创新资源的引致效应,应该坚持从优化贸易、投资结构、完善政府引致政策等方面齐行并举。  相似文献   

一、贸易与环境问题。随着国际贸易规模的扩大和各国经济的发展,导致的环境问题也日益严重。贸易与环境两者的关系,已成为国际政治、经济领域的焦点问题之一。一方面,由于国际贸易、国际投资的扩大,发达国家的夕阳产业向发展中国家转移,发展中国家的初级产品和劳动密集型产品大量出口,导致了环境保护法规较不完善的发展中国家的环境日益恶化、资源大量损耗,并在一定程度上,使全球生态系统失衡。另一方面,随着各国特别是发达国家环保意识的不断提高,为了保护国内消费者的健康,和避免环境污染,大部分国家都建立了绿色壁垒,这也极大地限制了自由贸易的发展。本文主要是从第一个方面进行论述。  相似文献   

论金融发展理论的演进与创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期以来,传统的主流经济学流派对货币金融问题的探讨主要集中于货币的本质与职能、信用、利息、货币政策等各种货币理论方面,金融的发展及金融与经济的关系问题并没有引起人们足够的重视。直到20世纪60年代以后,西方经济学家针对发展中国家的问题提出的金融发展理论和金融结构分析才引起广泛的关注。但这种针对发展中国家的金融发展理论具有很大的片面性。针对变化了的经济金融环境,白钦先教授于1998年提出了以金融资源为基础的金融可持续发展理论,这是一种全面的、前瞻性的、新的金融发展观,是在新形势下对金融发展理论的创新。  相似文献   

自由贸易与环境关系的"南北视角"   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从发展中国家和发达国家“南北”两个视角阐述自由贸易对环境的影响。分析“南北”贸易模式可能造成向发展中国家的“环境成本转移”,得出发展中国家现有贸易结构会产生“专业化陷阱”。导致其经济的不可持续;并从环境的可持续发展对改善和提升发展中国家的贸易结构提出一些建议。  相似文献   

贸易模式的演进与锁定:国外研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
与早期的贸易理论侧重于研究发展中国家所面临的"比较优势陷阱"问题不同,近年来的贸易模式锁定理论认为,规模报酬递增、不完全竞争市场和原有技术水平优势,会不断强化发达国家在高新技术产业上的比较优势和相应的贸易模式,从而不利于发展中国家的高新技术产业的发展。而贸易模式演进理论认为,受要素积累、技术进步、需求偏好变化和制度变迁等因素的影响,贸易模式是动态演进的。实证分析则更倾向于支持贸易模式演进理论。目前,贸易模式演进的内在机制、演进路径、政策福利效应的研究及相关的实证分析是该领域研究的重点。  相似文献   

比较优势理论一直是影响和作用于国际分工和商品交换的基础和核心理论。但是随着世界经济的发展和产业内贸易的深化以及技术创新对一国产业发展的重要性越来越明显,很多发展中国家以传统比较优势理论的贸易模式中,与发达国家的差距越来越大,甚至出现了贫困化增长现象,这种现象可以称为比较优势陷阱。因此,发展中国家应该根据国际贸易发展的新趋势,结合自身特点,重新调整贸易政策,把传统的比较优势转化为一种竞争优势。  相似文献   

多哈会议的结束宣告了一个新阶段的开始。贸易与环境挂钩已经成为一种无法逆转的趋势。发展中国家虽然最终接受了《多哈宣言》的安排,但是对WTO环境政策的制定仍然充满了敌意。目前,摆在发展中国家面前的已经不是贸易政策与环境是否挂钩的问题,而是二者应该怎样挂钩和在何种程度上挂钩的问题。  相似文献   

从产业内贸易理论的产生和发展出发,供给和需求两方面分析产业内贸易理论对于我国这样的发展中国家的适用性,并且分析以产业内贸易指标作为发展中国家工业化水平标志的局性。  相似文献   

随着经济的不断增长,环境逐渐被作为一种新的贸易资源以及贸易产业来认识,然而环境与国际贸易的关系还远远没有达到协调与完善,一些国家就利用环境因素来构筑新的绿色贸易壁垒。本文主要分析了当前绿色贸易壁垒的特征、发展趋势以及中国作为一个发展中国家应该怎样来应对绿色贸易壁垒。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化、贸易自由化程度的不断加深,日益严竣的环境问题成为一个在全球范围内被广泛关题.近年来,我国对外贸易规模的不断扩大,但粗放型的增长方式使得国内环境资源面临巨大发展压力.为保持我国对外贸易持续快速的发展,我们应该在循环经济理念的指引下,实现我国对外贸易与环境的协调发展.  相似文献   

Many analyses of agricultural trade liberalization have been undertaken but few have considered the effects on the environment. For the developed countries, reducing the degree of protection would result in less intensive production; therefore, environmental stress would be reduced. A reduction of trade barriers in industrial countries would result in higher world prices and in a somewhat lower world price variability. Assuming initially no policy changes for developing countries, the question is how the liberalization would affect the environment. Higher Prices in developing countries increase the level of production by intensifying production, particularly in the commercial sector, and by an area expansion. Both result in negative environmental effects. These could be partly offset by an increase in hired labor in the commercial sector, which might reduce pressure at the frontier and on marginal lands, as well as by the income effect. These off-setting effects may be small; however, the direction of the overall environmental effects cannot be determined unambiguously without empirical examination. At the global level, the beneficial economic effects of agricultural trade liberalization probably outweigh the expected negative environmental effects in developing countries, but this cannot be unambiguously established without valuation.  相似文献   

We develop a new framework for the analysis of the impact of trade liberalization on the wage structure and on welfare. Our model focuses on the decision of workers to accumulate firm‐specific skills, by “on‐the‐job” training, knowing that this means their future wages will have to be negotiated, and that the outcome of negotiation will depend on the profitability prospect of firms operating in a new trading environment. We show that trade liberalization may reduce the welfare of a developing country because of its adverse effect on skill accumulation. We also explore the effects of trade liberalization on the wage gap between skilled and unskilled workers.  相似文献   

There has been extensive trade liberalization in developing countries in recent decades. Several liberalization episodes have been completed in Turkey. In this paper we evaluate the relationship between trade liberalization in Turkey and the terms of trade. Has liberalization preceded changes in the terms of trade or vice versa. Using causality analysis we investigate several hypotheses and conclude that in this case trade liberalization follows a terms of trade change, a finding which is consistent with the trade shocks hypothesis.  相似文献   

文章从经济学角度分析了环保政策对一国比较优势和吸引外资的影响以及贸易自由化对环境的影响,认为评价贸易自由化效应时必须考虑对环境的影响,不能为了贸易自由化而牺牲环境。  相似文献   

Trade negotiations have started to pay attention to liberalization in environmental goods (EGs), whose production may require dirty intermediate goods. We construct a two-country trade model to explore the effects of trade liberalization in EGs on the local pollution, the global environment and welfare in the presence of such an environmental conundrum. We find that countries do not necessarily benefit from trade liberalization in EGs in the absence of an environmental policy. With the assistance of an upstream pollution tax, trade liberalization in EGs improves each country's welfare. This result holds independent of whether the upstream market is competitive or not, or whether we have upstream trade across countries. For asymmetric countries, trade liberalization in EGs improves the world welfare and the welfare for the country if it has a smaller demand for EGs; or experiences less damage from the production of dirty inputs; or values environment improvement more.  相似文献   

This paper develops an intra‐industry service trade model taking into account important features of services. We find that service trade liberalization between identical economies is welfare enhancing when the pre‐trade domestic market liberalization is limited. This holds regardless of the degree of trade liberalization and of the mode of supply. However, if the pre‐trade environment is characterized by a free‐entry equilibrium, then service trade liberalization is not necessarily welfare improving. It is welfare enhancing if the trade liberalization is full and the mode of supply is cross‐border. The gain from trade in our model comes from the improvement in service quality—better matching between consumers’ ideal varieties and firms’ product specificity. The implications for the mode of supply in service trade are also explored.  相似文献   

The impact of trade liberalization on productivity growth is still an empirical issue; the theoretical literature is as yet unclear on the direction of any such association. This paper develops an analytical framework and employs it to empirically test whether trade liberalization in Indian manufacturing has raised total factor productivity (TFP) growth. The answer is in the affirmative. The results also support a key postulate of the new growth theories, that liberalization of the intermediate-good sectors has a larger favorable impact on TFP growth than that of the final-good sectors.  相似文献   

This paper presents a simple way for countries to reap the benefits of trade liberalization without exacerbating problems of overexploitation of natural resources. In the context of a Ricardo–Viner dynamic trade model, it is shown that when a binding quantitative restriction regulates extraction of a natural resource, free trade is optimal. This is true even if the quantitative restriction is not optimal. In contrast, in the presence of a suboptimal tax (including a zero tax in the special case of open access) on the use of natural resources, trade liberalization is not necessarily welfare improving.  相似文献   

The conventional Heckscher–Ohlin model of trade predicts an equalizing effect of trade on wages in developing countries abundant in less‐skilled labor. Contrary to these predictions, skill premiums and skill demand increased in Mexico following trade liberalization. “New” trade theories have offered several channels through which trade can increase relative wages and demand for skilled workers. One such channel is foreign direct investment and outsourcing. Using the Mexican Household Income and Expenditure Survey (ENIGH) covering 1984–2000, the author examines the relationship between the demand for skill and maquiladora employment across regions and states. In contrast to previous studies based on manufacturing data for the 1980s, little evidence is found that growth in maquiladora employment is positively related to the increase in relative wages or wage‐bill share of more educated workers.  相似文献   

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