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农用地产权体系的构建是土地法律制度的核心内容,是解决"三农"问题的关键,是保障农民权利的核心因素。土地的归属关系、利用关系和流转关系是农用地产权体系的三个框架和支柱,科学合理地处理好以上关系是保护农用地权利的有效途径,应明确集体土地所有权主体,确保土地承包经营权的物权性质。  相似文献   

With the booming development of urban underground space in China, “fuzzy” property rights of this special form of land use type are not only the cause of ownership disputation and registration chaos, but also may seriously delay the undertaking of related underground land laws or regulations. China's emerging property rights issue of urban underground space, especially the delimitation of the surface and ground or underground, is facing such a challenge. This article aims to identify the property rights of urban underground space by using a practical method that classifies the underground space as economic goods, and to analyze attributes of different property rights of urban underground space within the theoretical framework of public goods. We use civil defense projects and underground parking lots as case studies. Both case studies are the most utilized types and controversial ownership cases of urban underground space in present China. Our case studies indicate that it is a feasible method to avoid the delimitation of the start-stop height of 3D property right vertically, and directly define the attributes of surface and underground property rights in line with the supply mode of goods. Our results show that the method proposed in this study can effectively solve the dispute of property rights against problems rising with unclear contract and lags in the legislation of urban underground space and clearly delimited the interests boundaries among different parties of property rights for urban underground space. Ultimately, this study may offer better insight into the utilization and registration work of urban underground space in China as well as reference for countries with similar property rights issues.  相似文献   

In land administration (LA), the right to exercising property/ownership rights on land is based on cadastral processes of adjudication, survey and rights registration. Private ownership rights are now being taken up in pastoral areas, where they must contend with pastoralists’ land rights. Pastoral land use requires seasonal migrations determined by climatic conditions. This study aimed to find out how well the existing land laws and property rights in LA are able to serve the requirements of pastoralists land use, identify mismatches and put forward possible solutions. A case study was carried out in the Samburu–Laikipia–Isiolo–Meru landscape in Kenya. Data on the degree of livestock dependency among pastoralist communities, the spatial extent and patterns of dry season migrations, the resulting encounters between herders’ and non-pastoralist land use actors, and the perceptions of land rights held by actors were collected through a variety of methods and analysed. The results show that pastoralism is still active. The migration corridors reveal that herders maintain extensive dry season mobility, even though some of the corridors currently overlap with areas where land is privately owned by non-pastoralist land use actors. Moreover, the results show that most non-pastoralist land use actors have their land rights registered, but seasonal encounters with migrating pastoralists persist as pastoralists continue to exercise customary rights of communal use. We conclude that existing land laws and property rights in LA are suitable for sedentary land use, but do not address how to serve pastoralists land rights in time and space. The pastoralist's migration routes and patterns obtained indicated that it is possible to predict where pastoralists will be at a given time/drought period. This information could be used by decision makers and land administrators to identify where and when pastoralists’ land rights apply. This could provide the foundation for including pastoralists’ spatiotemporal land rights in LA. Arguments emphasize that adjudication, surveys and registration of rights should focus not only on ownership and full control of land, but also on defined periods when spatiotemporal mobility and access rights could be granted to pastoralists.  相似文献   

通过文献研究和归纳比较法对我国宅基地使用和管理政策演变进行梳理,发现我国宅基地使用和管理制度演变经历了5个阶段,并且对宅基地的所有权和使用权、审批制度和面积标准、确权登记政策、流转政策、退出机制等做了分析,总结宅基地使用和管理现存的主要问题为:"一户一宅"等政策难以落实;"无地可批"和"有地不批"现象普遍存在;确权登记时权属来源材料缺失;自发流转普遍等。提出其改革的途径:同户籍管理制度改革相结合改进宅基地审批制度;形成规划、审批、确权、退出等一体化管理体制;推进房地合一的宅基地确权登记发证工作;实行宅基地"所有权、使用权、经营权"三权分置;统筹谋划,全面实现宅基地财产权。  相似文献   

土地调整的合理性与必要性:一个研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究目的:以公平和效率目标为线索探讨土地调整的合理性与必要性,以便更好地推动相关研究和指导土地产权管理制度的建设与完善。研究方法:文献资料法,对比分析法。研究结果:(1)从合理性来看,土地调整体现了村民的集体成员权,并在社会保障、土地利用效率与社会资源配置方面发挥较大作用;(2)从必要性来看,一方面市场补偿机制的缺失导致了调整对农业生产绩效负面影响的产生,另一方面,土地流转作为替代性机制运转受限,土地确权作为政策约束面临着实践困境的同时也忽视了调整的社会、政治功能。研究结论:在现阶段土地调整仍有一定的存在空间,未来要逐步健全调整的替代制度,并加强不同制度之间的衔接和配套建设。  相似文献   

农地流转是农村土地市场形成的基本条件.增收和分配公平是农地产权流转的基本动力.依据当前国家政策和法律,国家通过征收制度垄断了农地所有权交易,农地产权的自由交易主要限于承包经营权流转.实践证明,这种二元交易机制导致效率和公平双重损失.深化农地市场改革,重在维护农民的土地权益,防止各种形式的利益侵蚀行为.为此一要遵循市场机制进行征收制度改革;二要规范集体建设用地使用权流转,集体建设用地所有权逐步直接入市;三要统一两类农地承包经营权的权能;四要建立完善的交易服务体系;五要健全农地流转的法律程序.  相似文献   

加快中国土地产权制度建设的建议   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究目的:通过分析当前中国土地产权制度存在的问题和症结,提出进一步完善土地产权制度的建议,为决策层和立法机关提供参考.研究方法:采用理论分析的方法.研究结论:中国土地产权制度建设存在两种土地产权不平等、土地所有权、使用权和他项权利种类不丰富、内容不完整等缺陷,应对两种土地产权给予平等的保护;细化土地使用权的类型,增加土地使用权的层次;完善土地登记制度,明确土地登记的法律效力;依法保护土地财产权;成立专门的土地争议调处机构,加大对土地争议的调处力度.  相似文献   

土地登记是我国开展最早,覆盖最广的登记工作。规范的土地登记能够为当前不动产统一登记的顺利开展提供制度和信息基础。随着《不动产登记暂行条例》[1]的颁布实施,我国不动产统一登记工作正式进入了实施阶段,但辽宁省的不动产统一登记工作尚未全面启动。因此,根据《不动产登记暂行条例》提出的登记依据、登记机构、登记簿册、信息平台"四统一"的新要求,文章对辽宁省不动产统一登记面临的土地登记存在的问题进行研究。结果表明辽宁省土地登记尚存在部分登记依据不明确、土地登记机构不统一、登记簿的建设有待完善,信息技术水平有待提升的问题,建议从健全登记法规,完善登记业务管理制度,统一技术标准并定期汇总三方面逐步解决。该研究将为辽宁省不动产统一登记工作的顺利实施提供合理化建议,为不动产统一登记工作中的土地登记的规范化提供参考。  相似文献   

研究目的:归纳分析2021年国内外土地管理领域研究进展,展望研究趋势。研究方法:文献研究法。研究结果:2021年,国内土地管理领域研究涉及国土空间内涵、中国共产党百年土地史、自然资源资产产权制度改革、农村土地管理法律以及存量低效用地利用等;在国际上,土地权利平等、农田保护、土地信息化管理等问题备受关注;土地制度历史变迁、土地市场管理、土地产权与农田保护是国内外研究共同关注的重点。研究结论:2021年土地管理研究紧扣理论问题与实践需求,在探索国土空间治理基本概念、土地制度历史变迁以及自然资源资产管理等方面取得了进展,但在土地管理基本理论、土地法解释论研究以及土地资源利用关键技术等方面仍有待加强。2022年土地管理领域或将重点关注土地管理基础理论探索、土地要素市场化改革与城乡土地收益分配、自然资源资产产权制度改革和治理体系构建、土地管理专项立法、面向双碳目标与生态保护修复的国土空间用途管控、城乡空间高质量发展、耕地资源长效保护、土地信息化管理等议题。  相似文献   

Most industrial countries have experienced a transformation of land use: from decreasing to expanding forest areas, the so-called forest transition. Outside closed forests, European rural landscapes exhibit a diversity of tree-based agricultural systems, but the question of whether this forest transition has also affected ‘trees outside forests’ has rarely been studied. The aim of this study is to analyze the spatial-temporal dynamics of farm trees and woodlands in an agricultural landscape in Eastern Germany from 1964 to 2008, based on aerial photographs and digital orthophotos. Taking a landscape ecological perspective, we quantify farm tree dynamics, disentangle processes of gain and loss in the socialist and post-socialist periods of Eastern Germany, and assess differences in ecosystem services provided by farm trees. A substantial increase of overall tree cover by 24.8% was observed for the selected time period, but trajectories have been disparate across different farm tree classes. The increase in tree cover was stronger in steep valleys than on hills and plateaus, indicating a significant interdependence between topography and trajectories of change. Patch numbers of farm trees did not increase, which suggests that the expansion of tree cover is mostly due to a spatial expansion of previously existing tree patches. Overall net gains in tree cover were rather similar during the socialist and post-socialist eras. The general increase in tree cover was accompanied by increase in agriculture-related ecosystem service provision, but the increase in pollination and pest control services was much lower than that in water purification services. These findings present the first empirical evidence from an industrialized country that there is also an ongoing ‘forest transition’ outside closed forests. Potential, partially counteracting drivers of change during the socialist and post-socialist periods have mainly been related to farm policies and the environmental consciousness of land users and society as a whole.  相似文献   

研究目的:探究耕地保护中公权力对土地权利进行限制的法权基础与耕地保护立法中完善公权管制的路径。研究方法:演绎推理。研究结果:公共役权构成耕地管制的权力依据,亦为土地权利人因受此种限制而获得相应补偿提供支撑。耕地上负担由土地物权和公共役权组成的公私二元权利(力)结构。当前土地用途管制制度存在管制目的的片面性、管制方式的单一性和管制链条的残缺性等问题,急需在耕地保护相关立法中予以完善。研究结论:耕地保护立法应遵循公共役权的法权逻辑,平衡公权与私权的关系,将管制对象由耕地用途扩及质量,明确管制的边界,由单一管制转向激励性管制,建立公平合理的耕地保护补偿原则和灵活多元的补偿方式,完善管制链条。  相似文献   

利用系统分析方法考察集体建设用地流转系统内部的市场机制、政府管制及外部环境等与资源配置的关系.研究表明,在土地产权制度、土地市场发育及市场功能失灵、政府管制制度及政府失灵以及流转系统外部环境等多因素影响下,集体建设用地流转虽然有助于实现资源优化配置,但却不一定更有效或可能导致资源配置负效应.提出如下政策建议:完善农村集体建设用地流转立法建设,为流转提供法律支持;深化集体土地产权制度建设,明确集体土地产权主体及其产权权能;加强农村集体建设用地流转市场培育与政府管制制度的系统建设和改革,实现市场机制和政府干预的耦合;转变政府职能,多方面保障政府行为规范化.  相似文献   

研究目的:基于土地立体利用趋势,剖析秉承三维思维的产权管理,以期为土地领域的实践问题解决提供思路.研究方法:文献分析法,归纳演绎法,对比分析法.研究结果:传统土地管理不能精细化描述、界定和管理三维产权空间,需法律界定空间权利、三维宗地、立体土地一级开发、空间供应、立体相邻空间利用关系、已出让用地的空间范围和空间登记等规则;需从编制立体空间规划和优化空间管理等角度变革行政程序;需三维地籍、三维土地核查、立体可视化技术和三维管理信息系统等技术支撑.研究结论:应加快土地立体利用专门立法,优化行政审批流程,并以三维地籍为核心,开展相关技术和标准规范研究,创新三维认知理念,以推动土地立体利用及其产权管理.  相似文献   

研究目的:依据《物权法》对地上、地下空间权利区分设立,以明晰权属、准确登记。研究方法:借鉴建筑物区分所有权的理念,通过楼面地价充分体现土地价值,建立专有部分使用权与成员权的复合型法律关系,用建筑面积与高程的组合,构建区分建设用地使用权。研究结果:通过分析与建筑物区分所有权、建筑用地使用权的关系,明析区分建设用地使用权的地位。通过对地籍调查方法的细化,解决区分建设用地使用权实际操作中的问题并举例说明。研究结论:区分建设用地使用权的提出对地上、地下空间权利的设立填补了实际操作中的空白,与现在的法律法规、国家标准紧密衔接,对研究土地空间利用的不动产管理问题具有积极探索的意义。  相似文献   

试论我国土地产权制度的困境与出路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土地产权制度是土地制度的核心。土地资源的稀缺性、不可再生性与资源需求的无限性和排他性之间的矛盾要求我们必须盘活土地资产,提高土地的合理配置和利用效率。本文基于我国土地利用中的矛盾出发,揭示我国现存农村土地产权制度的弊端,诸如集体土地所有权主体模糊、产权界定不清、土地流转机制和权能结构不健全。土地产权制度的改革思路在于,明确土地所有权主体,建立规范的产权结构和土地流转机制。  相似文献   

研究目的:梳理并比较2021年国内外土地经济领域的研究进展和研究重点,展望未来研究方向。研究方法:文献分析法。研究结果:2021年,国内研究集中于城市土地利用效率、城市土地供给、农地流转机制建设、土地价格的空间分布、土地要素市场化、产权安全效应、产权制度创新、土地征收补偿以及宅基地制度改革等问题;国外研究重点关注城市土地价格的影响因素、土地市场与农业发展、土地市场参与主体与土地利用效率、产权安全与农业生产效率、土地制度改革的减贫效应等。研究结论:土地经济研究的深度和广度得到了拓展,土地经济研究需要进一步结合中国国情,着力探索理论创新,为形成有中国特色的土地经济理论、更好地为新时代土地制度改革服务而努力。2022年《中国土地科学》将重点关注土地经济基础理论探索、土地市场波动的理论与实证研究、土地要素市场化机制设计、土地制度改革配套政策、确权登记颁证进展与绩效评估、重要改革试点的跟踪与评价等。  相似文献   

"三权分置"是农地制度改革的重要成果,为提升农业经营效益提供了制度保障。农业经营的实践形态显示,土地经营权的设立并未提升资本化耕种的农业经营收益,也难以提升村集体范围内农地产权正式转移的水平。农业经营体制在"统"的层面缺乏可操作性的产权制度方案,阻碍了农地产权设置在"分"的层面发挥出高效的制度效能。切实回应农地利用中实际耕者的地权诉求,解决农地细碎化、村集体内土地经营权流转价格过高、土地经营权配置不充分、土地经营权流转后的社会纠纷等问题,需要围绕农地高效利用,在"三权分置"下充分发挥集体土地所有权的管理权能,以集体土地所有权统合土地承包经营权和土地经营权。  相似文献   

农户视角下湖北省耕地集约利用影响因素分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研究目的:基于农户视角分析耕地资源集约利用的影响因素及其作用机理,探讨促进耕地集约利用的途径与措施,为提高中国耕地资源配置和利用效率提供新的研究视角。研究方法:双对数函数模型分析法。研究结果:农民户均劳动力人数、农民人均纯收入和农业比较收入对耕地集约利用具有明显的正向驱动作用;农业生产资料价格指数对耕地集约利用具有较明显的负向影响;而耕地的产权保障和农业补贴政策对耕地集约利用的影响不显著。研究结论:耕地利用集约度实质上是农户不同耕种行为的表现结果,提高耕地利用集约度的关键是采取相应的政策措施激励农户的耕种行为;增加农户农业收入、控制农业生产资料价格,稳定或适度降低农业生产成本等是促进农户集约利用耕地资源的重要经济手段;深化农地产权制度改革和调整完善农业补贴政策是提高耕地利用集约度的重要制度基础。  相似文献   

研究目的:梳理土地制度的公私关系,探讨土地制度运行的内在规律。研究方法:归纳与演绎、文献研究法、比较分析法。研究结果:土地制度是人类进入文明社会(出现国家及法律)以后的基础性制度,并交替存在着公有制、私有制等制度形态;无论是实践中还是在理论上,土地公有制与私有制选择始终是一对矛盾,但产权是否清晰与土地公有私有无关,财产权神圣不可侵犯应同等保护公私财产,平等保护财产权并非追求财产平等。研究结论:土地作为自然资源的本质属性决定了其产权制度的基本特征,土地所有制度属于政治范畴,土地产权制度与财富分配机制属于经济问题,土地制度规则应遵循公权与私权均衡,公利与私利分野。  相似文献   

The significance of informal land registration in property transactions and development has been discussed at length, but there are few examples of in-depth case studies of how this information accessing and collection institution relates to them and how it may create property rights. This paper examines the nature and operation of non-governmental and voluntary land transaction registration practices in Kowloon Walled City, an ideal example of a privately-planned and developed habitat under unclear property rights due to jurisdictional disputes between China and Britain and no state protection of property rights or intervention in building control existed. Based on documentary evidence interpreted from a Coasian and Hayekian stance, it advances the proposition that the contracts the Kowloon Walled City Kaifong Welfare Promotion Association (hereafter the Kaifong Association) sought to represent as a witness built up its political credibility as a representative body. Such a role not only reduced transaction costs of contract enforcement and, hence, facilitated redevelopment, but also became that of a quasi-government land registrar due to the popularity of its witnessing service, which, under specific circumstances, served as the basis for the assignment of de jure private property rights by the state.  相似文献   

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