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当前大部分城市居住区还不具备推行生活垃圾直接计量收费的条件下,通过水电等有效载体收取居民生活垃圾处理费是现实有效的;垃圾收费按照部分垃圾收运处理成本设计是稳妥的,各地可根据城市垃圾处理水平和经济发展水平制定收费标准。  相似文献   

国内外城市生活垃圾收费经验比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈敏霞 《经济师》2008,(6):92-93
国内外城市的生活垃圾收费制度各不相同。通过对美国西雅图、德国弗莱堡、新加坡等国外城市以及北京、上海、重庆等国内城市的生活垃圾收费经验介绍,比较国内外城市之间在生活垃圾收费制度方面的差异。  相似文献   

随着城市燃气用户的发展及现代高科技产品的开发与应用,采用传统的查表后收费的方式已不能满足企业现代化管理的需要,IC卡智能预收费管理系统采用了全新设计思想,应用微机及其网络、IC智能卡、电脑控制器、低功耗电磁阀,实现了管道燃气销售管理、经营分析现代化,燃气计费、收费自动化,彻底改变了传统的上门抄表、收费的管理模式,避免了抄表收费过程中的误抄、估抄、漏抄、欠收和对用户正常生活的干扰的弊病。并节省大量的服务人员,做到了管道燃气销售公平计量,提高了计费准确性和经营透明度,为我国管道燃气经营管理创造了新模式。  相似文献   

城市生活垃圾处理费征收方式分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对城市生活垃圾处理费征收方式的比较,从收缴成本、收缴率、垃圾的资源化及减量化等几个方面进行分析,提出了适合我国城市特点的垃圾收费方式。  相似文献   

正2014年6月23~28日,笔者在韩国首尔参加了由韩国开发研究院公共政策与管理学院、世界银行以及国家行政学院共同举办的政策论坛,此次论坛的主题是社会经济发展:环境、能源与城镇化。论坛期间通过实地调研、学术交流等活动,针对韩国城市生活垃圾收费制度体系进行了深入剖析,深觉其经过多年探索并已成为世界典范的从量收费模式,对中国解决日益严重的城市生活垃圾问题提供了制度范式与治理路径,值得借鉴和学习。  相似文献   

本文通过对城市生活垃圾处理费征收范围和方式的分析,从收缴成本、收缴率、垃圾的资源化及减量化等几个方面进行比较,提出了不同范围的垃圾收费方式。  相似文献   

4月25号,国务院批转了一份文件,名为《关于进一步加强城市生活垃圾处理工作的意见》,针对“垃圾围城”问题提出了某些解决方案,方案之一就是推行城市生活垃圾处理收费制度:让制造生活垃圾的单位和个人缴纳费用,缴纳多少,根据制造生活垃圾的数量、处理垃圾的成本和当地居民的收入水平来定。  相似文献   

陈奉明 《经济师》2009,(12):57-58
对生活垃圾收费目的在于将环保成本内部化,其收费理念也由“污染者付费”转变到现在的“多排放、多缴费”。文章认为多排放并不必然导致多污染。因而不应多交费,收费理念应转变为“多污染、多缴费”,对应不同的收费理念产生了不同的收费方式,文章对其收缴成本、收缴率、环保效果和公平性进行了详细的比较,认为产品收费方式是一种交易成本最低,垃圾减量效果较好,体现公平程度最强的收费方式。  相似文献   

物业管理收费难,是目前在物业管理中出现的新问题。特别是我国北方的许多城市,物业管理企业更是面临着这严峻的问题。物业管理收费难不仅影响物业管理企业的生存和发展,而且会给广大用户许多方面带来不利的影响。本文针对物业管理收费难带来的不利影响,产生的原因及对策,谈自己如下一些认识。  相似文献   

简述基础热价和计量热价相结合的两部制热价,前者应按用户的面积分摊,后者应根据用户实际用热来收费多用热多缴费,少用热少交费,这样才能体现公平原则.  相似文献   

Concerns about the environmental and aesthetic damages of municipal solid waste pollution have triggered policy reform at all levels of government. As part of this effort, public officials are integrating market-based policy instruments such as unit pricing into their solid waste plans. Despite the economic advantages of unit pricing, constituency response has been mixed and hence adoption rates have been below expectations. If the associated gains are to be realized, public officials must identify the key factors that influence this decision. To that end, this research empirically estimates the determinants of unit pricing adoption at the community level of analysis. Based on data for all cities and towns in Massachusetts, the results indicate that demographics, socio-economic attributes, fiscal capacity, and policy instruments influence this decision.  相似文献   

This study examines how the timing of waste disposal fee collection affects the producer’s choice of built-in product durability and social welfare in a durable-goods monopoly model. We categorize the waste disposal fee policies into two: advance disposal fee (ADF) policy and disposal fee (DF) policy. We show that a DF policy has two opposing effects on durability. Firstly, a DF policy gives the producer an incentive to increase durability in order to delay the households’ waste disposal and to discount future payments of the disposal fee (the payment-discounting effect). Secondly, a DF policy creates an incentive for consumers to dump waste illegally in order to mitigate the payment of the disposal fee, and gives the producer an incentive to reduce durability in order to avoid market saturation and the associated future price cuts (the illegal-dumping effect). When the disposal fee is low, the payment-discounting effect dominates the illegal-dumping effect under a DF policy, leading to the enhancement of durability. In this case, from a social welfare viewpoint, a DF policy may be more desirable than an ADF policy if the environmental damage associated with illegal dumping is not serious. However, when the disposal fee is high, a DF policy induces more illegal dumping, reduces durability, and inflicts more environmental damage. Therefore, an ADF policy is more socially desirable than a DF policy when the disposal fee is high. Moreover, we consider an oligopoly case and find that an ADF policy is more socially desirable in an industry with smaller market power.  相似文献   

《Research in Economics》2023,77(1):122-130
There is a lively debate on whether football fans should pay a security fee to finance police activities. This paper investigates the price effect on the demand for tickets in a dynamic setting, by considering two subgroups of spectators, namely fans and hooligans. We analyze a situation in which the demand from each subgroup causes a negative social externality for members of the other group but a positive one for members of the same group. We show that charging a security fee may start a dynamic process, leading to fewer fans and more hooligans attending matches and thus, counterintuitively to even more violence. Therefore, the present study provides an argument to refrain from charging a security fee. As an alternative economic solution, we discuss the strategy of outpricing hooligans.  相似文献   

借鉴发达国家城市垃圾回收的成功经验,以成都市4个居民小区为试点,采用单流程回收运行模式进行了垃圾分类收集和资源化利用的研究;根据试点结果统计与计算,分析了城市生活垃圾单流程回收利用所产生的生态环境效益。结果表明:城市居民参与程度高(77.1%),回收可利用成分高(91%),平均每月每户回收量达2.2kg;以废纸再生利用为例,全国每年再生新纸182.9万t,节省木材731.8万m3、水18 296.8万m3、填埋场548.9万m3。推广应用该模式不仅可节约资源和能源,而且保护生态环境的效果显著,是城市生活垃圾资源化回收利用行之有效的模式。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes waste disposal, recycling and composting in a municipality in southwest Sweden. In 1994, Varberg introduced a weight-based billing system for household waste charging 1 kr/kg of waste and at the same time recycling centers were set up and a green shopping campaign was launched. This led to a significant reduction in waste collected and increased recycling. This study had access to actual measured data on waste disposal at the household level for a residential area called Tvååker, in addition to survey data for the same households. This makes it possible to carry out a more reliable and more detailed analysis than has been previously possible, particularly with respect to attitudinal variables. The most important determinants of each individual household's waste were composting of kitchen waste, living area, age and attitudes concerning the difficulty of recycling various materials. Separate sections look at composting behaviour, at willingness to pay for sound waste management and for the sake of comparison three other municipalities are also studied. The main finding is that economic incentives, although important, are not the only driving force behind the observed reduction in municipal waste: Given the proper infrastructure that facilitates recycling, people are willing to invest more time than can be motivated purely by savings on their waste management bill.  相似文献   

物流视角下的我国城市垃圾处理对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析几种传统的垃圾处理方式的缺陷,总结出只有垃圾分类才是解决我国垃圾困局的唯一出路。然后借鉴欧洲和日本的垃圾分类法,根据我国几个大城市在垃圾分类过程中遇到的一些困惑,提出一种新的分类模式。最后考虑到我国居民的生活习惯,提出几项旨在解决城市垃圾减量化和提高资源利用率的有效措施。  相似文献   

我国实施市政公用事业市场化改革以来,民营企业通过竞标等方式从政府手中获取特许经营权,凭借其垄断地位和信息优势降低服务标准,导致垃圾处理行业陷入质量规制的困境。本文针对城市垃圾处理行业的问题,先是构建以规制机构与垃圾处理特许经营企业为参与者的博弈模型,分析了声誉激励和社会监督对博弈参与双方损益及其策略的影响;然后构建纳入举报机制的由社会民众、规制机构和特许经营企业三方参与的序列博弈模型。研究得出四点结论:(1)减少规制成本,增加对违规垃圾处理企业的惩罚力度,可减少企业违规概率;(2)声誉激励和社会监督均可减少垃圾处理特许经营企业违规概率;(3)社会监督有助于节约规制成本,减弱规制机构与企业间信息不对称程度,提高规制效率;(4)规制机构的检查行为与公众举报行为之间存在明显的互补性。最后针对性地提出了提高城市垃圾处理行业质量规制效果的政策建议。  相似文献   

中国排污费制度监管环节博弈分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对中国排污费监管问题建立博弈模型进行分析、研究得到:(1)当罚金、超标排污费较高时,地方政府能否从超标排污中获得直接利益不是企业超标排污决策的重要影响因素;(2)若罚金与超标排污费较小,超标排污是企业较好的选择;(3)若罚金与超标排污费之和大于污染治理成本两倍,且大于政府监督成本,企业超标排污的概率与监督成本成正比关系,与超标排污费与监督成本之和成发比例关系;(4)地方政府所能获得罚金与超标排污费,以及必须承担的监督成本多少对超标排污有重要影响。  相似文献   

This paper examines how the sunk-cost effect on consumers’ purchasing behavior may reset the optimal two-part pricing. It shows that the sunk-cost effect of a membership fee provides the firm an incentive to raise the unit price and/or to increase the market coverage by charging a lower membership fee.  相似文献   

车险费率市场化探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国机动车辆保险的条款与费率在2003年月1月1日以前,一直由政府主管部门统一制定,各保险企业严格执行,这种严格管制的做法带来许多弊端。实际上,车险费率市场化可以改变严格管制带来的种种不足之处,可以促进保险产品的多元化发展而且有助于保险市场的有序、健康发展。但是,通过对保险市场运行状况的考察,可以看出车险费率市场化不能做到一步到位。因此,目前我国保险市场尚不成熟,尚不具备费率市场化的全部条件。  相似文献   

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