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企业文化的制度经济学浅析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对于企业文化 ,国内外众多学者说法不一 ,不同的学者对企业文化有着多种不同的描述性定义。企业文化作为一种无型经济资源有降低内部管理和交易费用的重要作用。企业应重视企业文化的建设 ,促进企业稳定健康发展  相似文献   

尹世杰同志关于消费问题研究的又一部学术著作<消费文化学>已由湖北人民出版社于2002年6月出版.<消费文化学>的出版标志着尹世杰同志在消费问题研究领域所进行的具有开拓性和创新性的研究已拓展到一个更具有探索价值的课题.任何一个社会的经济发展都有着深刻的文化背景和民族的文化底蕴,一定的经济发展必然会孕育某种与之相应的文化,并且反过来这种相应的文化又会影响经济的发展.经济与文化的这种辩证关系既推动着经济的发展,又促进着文化的繁荣.就消费经济与消费文化的关系来讲也是如此.因此,从消费经济学的研究拓展到消费文化学的研究,可以说是一种合乎逻辑和历史的演绎的必然结果.  相似文献   

基于新制度经济学的研究成果,本文从心、物、社会三个维度探讨网络文化的演化过程,提出虚拟社会中信息成本的变化是网络文化演化的主要原因,而网络文化演化的根本推动力在于降低信息成本,以实现更有效配置人们注意力资源的需要;基于新制度经济学的相关理论,构建了分析网络文化演化机理的理论框架;对网络文化的演化机理提出了初步的一般性解释。  相似文献   

作为新兴的经济学分支学科,老年经济学和老龄化经济学还有一些基础理论方面的问题需要研究.老年经济学和老龄化经济学是两个彼此独立又相互联系的经济学分支学科,它们彼此之间在研究对象、研究内容、基本假设和原则,以及理论支持体系等方面都存在着差别.对这些差别的认识将有助于我们对老年经济学和老龄化经济学分析的深入.  相似文献   

老年经济学与老龄化经济学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作为新兴的经济学分支学科,老年经济学和老龄化经济学还有一些基础理论方面的问题需要研究.老年经济学和老龄化经济学是两个彼此独立又相互联系的经济学分支学科,它们彼此之间在研究对象、研究内容、基本假设和原则,以及理论支持体系等方面都存在着差别.对这些差别的认识将有助于我们对老年经济学和老龄化经济学分析的深入.  相似文献   

Business theory and management practices are outgrowths of basic economic principles. To evaluate the proper place of ethics in business, the meaning of ethics as defined by economic theory must be assessed. This paper contends that classical economic thought advocates a nonethical decision-making context and is not functional for a modern complex, interdependent environment. Bernard J. Reilly, Professor of Management and Health Policy, came to Widener in September of 1980. Since coming to Widener he has published and presented over 90 professional papers in the fields of management and health administration, in such journals as Academy of Management Review, Inquiry, Journal of Health Politics Policy and Law, Human Relations, Hospital and Health Services Administration, Social Science and Medicine, Personnel, etc., and at several national conferences on organizational behavior and health policy. He is presently working on two books, the first on modern management principles, and the second on corporate business ethics. Recently, Dr. Reilly was awarded the Christian R. and Mary K. Lindback Foundation Award for distinguished teaching. Forthcoming articles will appear in Business and Professional Ethics Journal and Technology Management. Myroslaw J. Kyj, Associate Professor of Marketing at Widener University, has been involved in the research areas of the use of customer service in competition, pre-conditions for marketing channels and the inter-play between marketing, ethics, and social responsibility. Dr. Kyj has recently published several articles in such journals as Industrial Marketing Management, International Journal of Physical Distribution and Marketing, Journal of Services Marketing, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, and a forthcoming article in Business Horizons.  相似文献   


Advances in technology are creating new business models. The internet means that consumers can access a wide variety of potential suppliers. Those suppliers may have extensive data on individual consumers, and the interactions between buyers and sellers may be moderated by large, potentially dominant, platforms such as Google and Facebook. Competition authorities and policy makers are grappling with the issues raised by technology. However, the tools available to regulators are often laws that were designed for a pre-internet world. It is not clear if these laws can adapt. This article briefly surveys three areas of particular concern for both economic researchers and competition authorities: the competitive implications of two-sided markets; price restrictions imposed by internet platforms on retailers; and the use of personalized data by sellers.  相似文献   

外语经济学与语言经济学比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张德富  关兵 《商业研究》2011,(11):173-179
语言经济学研究是采用经济学的研究方法和工具来分析研究索绪尔所提出的超凡"语言"和"具体语言"的经济特性,即价值、效用、费用和收益,是一种就语言为语言而研究语言的纯粹理论研究,本质上属于语言学的研究范畴;而外语经济学是把广义外语作为涉外经济的一个不可或缺的重要因素,采用经济学的研究方法和工具分析研究由外语+外语人+外语人语言行为三者构成的有机整体作为涉外经济活动中存在于内而非游离之外的因素的经济特性,是一种应用研究。外语经济学与语言经济学彼此虽具有相关性,却是互不隶属的两个交叉学科。  相似文献   

A “Timeless” charge to consumer economics and family economics is identified. In light of the charge, the area is examined with particular emphasis on scholarly activity. It is suggested that scholarship in the area is diffuse and often addresses parts of issues. This creates concerns as to whether the historical charge is being met.  相似文献   

古典经济学和马克思经济学是前后相继的两个经济学体系。两者在方法论上既有区别,又有联系。文章就两门学科的研究方法作了简明概括的比较,论证了马克思经济学在研究方法上对古典经济学的继承、发展和创新。  相似文献   

经济增长理论一直都是经济学家们不断努力研究和探索的领域,而真正能够把自己的主张理论化、体系化的,就要从亚当.斯密的《国富论》算起。从亚当.斯密开创的古典经济学派所提出的经济增长理论到当今盛行的内生增长模型以及制度经济增长模型,经济增长理论经历了不同阶段的发展。与古典经济学派的经济增长理论相比较,马歇尔的经济增长理论最明显的区别之处就是在考虑市场的时候,加入了需求方面的思考,并且在方法论中主要利用了主观主义以及边际分析方法和数学的方法,使人们注意到,生产并不是一切,只有供求平衡才能把具有稀缺性的资源分配到最适宜的地方,做到资源的有效配置。  相似文献   

Business Economics - The role economists play in shaping the direction and outcome of business research and policy decisions of a very important part of the healthcare industry—the...  相似文献   

消费理念与消费经济学   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
闻潜 《消费经济》2004,20(1):6-7
完善社会主义市场经济体制的进程,目前已经开始。与此相适应,宏观经济政策以实现“五个统筹”为中心,正在进行重大调整。消费经济理论的创建始于上世纪80年代初,但是它在前进的过程中却充满波折和艰辛。不过如今时代背景已发生重大变化,消费经济理论作为一门新科学的兴起,已经成为事实。随着体制改革的推进,20几年来,理论界对消费的论述有了重大变化,大体上可分为三个阶段:第一阶段:贬低消费。消费不仅是经济运行的结果,而且是经济运行的前提。这是消费在经济运行中应有的地位。但在改革前,理论界对消费在经济运行中的地位的看法,却停留于生…  相似文献   

On the basis of data from many nations, our forthcoming book asks and answers a question pressing in democratic and nondemocratic nations alike: What do citizens actually think about behaviorally informed policies?  相似文献   


Although the term “corporate governance” is relatively new in the economist’s lexicon, the issues with which it is concerned are as old as the profession itself. In this article, first I try to illustrate this, and then I trace the development of the literature, including discussions of the so-called managerial discretion literature and the principal–agent literature. Following a discussion of asset bubbles, I illustrate the tension between concerns about corporate governance and neoclassical economics by examining the literature on managerial compensation and mergers. This literature reveals a wide gap between traditional neoclassical economics and more recent developments in behavioral economics.  相似文献   

魏杰 《消费经济》2001,17(1):62-63
经过20余年体制改革,中国经济的最大成就是基本摆脱了短缺的束缚,告别了吃不饱饭的短缺经济时代;与此相对应,最大变革则是资源约束型经济向需求约束型经济的转变.所谓资源约束型经济又称供给约束型经济,主要特征是供小于求,需求膨胀,生产短缺,卖方市场,这种经济是传统社会主义经济抑或计划经济的常态.需求约束型经济的特征是,有效需求不足,供过于求,生产相对过剩,买方市场,这种经济是资本主义经济抑或市场经济的常态.原苏东社会主义国家经济学者把资源约束和需求约束当做社会主义和资本主义之间本质上的区别,比如匈牙利经济学家科尔内(Kornai,J.)、波兰经济学家卡列茨基(Kalecki,Michal)都基本上持这种观点.  相似文献   

流通经济学研究的贫困问题不容忽视.主要原因在于学科的基本概念模糊、学科定位不准、没有一个科学的研究范式.但是,流通经济学的贫困不能否定流通经济学科的存在.通过构建商务经济学是解决流通经济学贫困的出路,它能够拓宽了流通经济学的研究领域和研究空间,使得流通、贸易、商业等术语使用混乱的状况得到改善.商务经济学可以加速内外贸学科一体化,突出电子商务的作用.  相似文献   

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