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中国企业500强榜单发布本刊讯2012中国企业500强发布暨中国大企业高峰会近日在吉林省长春市举行。中国企业联合会、中国企业家协会参照国际通行做法,连续第11年发布中国企业500强榜单。今年中国企业500强总营业收入44.9万亿元,中国石油化工集团公司、中国石油天然气集团公司、国家电网公司分列榜单前三位。与去年相比,除中石化、中石油、国家  相似文献   

2012中国企业500强发布暨中国大企业高峰会近日在吉林省长春市举行。中国企业联合会、中国企业家协会参照国际通行做法,连续第11年发布中国企业500强榜单。今年中国企业500强总营业收入44.9万亿元,中国石油化工集团公司、中国石油天然气集团公司、国家电网公司分列榜单前三位。  相似文献   

2010中国企业500强近日在合肥发布,49家苏企荣登榜单,入选数量全国第三,长三角居首。  相似文献   

2014年,中国500强房地产开发商榜单出炉,同时500强开发商评定的首选供应商品牌、品类结果诞生。《2014中国房地产开发企业500强首选供应商品牌测评报告》一并发布。万科、恒大、万达、绿地、保利、中国海外发展、世茂、碧桂园、绿城、龙湖位列2014中国房地产500强榜单前列。中国500强房地产开发企业正在将精装修作为企业未来发展和品牌升值的主要战略方向。而与主流企业品牌建立战  相似文献   

2013中国企业500强榜单发布中石化、中石油、国家电网分列前三本刊讯中国企业联合会、中国企业家协会在昆明发布2013中国企业500强榜单。中石化、中石油、国家电网分列榜单前三位。工商银行、建设银行、农业银行、中国银行四大银行悉数进入前十。2013中国制造业企业500强、2013中国服务业企业500强  相似文献   

不久前,以“新动力新前景:全球经济变局下的大企业改革发展”作为主题.“2014中国500强企业高峰论坛”.在重庆市召开。会上发布了当前中国企业500强榜单.中国石油化工集团公司、中国石油天然气集团公司、国家电网公司营业收入连续7年同时超过万亿元,名列榜单三甲。  相似文献   

美国的《财富》杂志在每年的7月初公布世界500强,这成为全球企业界的一个惯例性事件。《财富》按例发布了今年的排行榜。这次,中国大陆有35家企业入榜。内地企业第一次被计算入世界500强,是在1989年,入选的是中国银行。2008年,在这个榜单中的中国企  相似文献   

近日,经过一番有理有据的业绩“申诉”,在美国《财富》世界500强的门外失落徘徊5天之后,中国的财富“新贵”中国平安保险公司最终被这份全球商业最权威的财富榜单所接纳——如愿跻身500强的第462位,并由此成为入选该榜单的中国内地非国有企业的“新科状元”。  相似文献   

2011中国企业500强日前揭晓.包括80家营业收入超千亿元企业在内的中国企业500强榜单新鲜出炉,这也是中国企业联合会、中国企业家协会连续第10次向社会发布中国企业500强名单。  相似文献   

2013年8月,中国企业联合会、中国企业家协会参照国际通行做法,连续第12年发布中国企业500强,连续第9年发布中国制造业企业500强和中国服务业企业500强。以上三个企业500强榜单包括了我国不同产业、不同地区共计1084家大企业;其中制造业企业500强和服务业企业500强分别有268家和148家入围中国企业500强。  相似文献   

All material related to environmental and social performance on the corporate internet sites of 454 Fortune Global 500 and Fortune 1000 companies in 25 industrial sectors was analyzed using the Pacific Sustainability Index. Maximum scores for individual sectors were 20–75 percent of the total possible, highest in the largest and most environmentally sensitive sectors and ranging generally linearly, as shown by plotting score versus rank, down to nearly zero in every sector. None of the variation in score is explained by corporate revenue in the Asian and European firms in this sample (revenues greater than about $9 billion), but there is a very weak correlation between score and revenue for American firms of this size, and a stronger one when Fortune 1000 companies (all American) with revenues smaller than this are included, suggesting that, as corporate size reaches a certain threshold, sustainability reporting becomes independent of it. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

We examined Fortune Magazine’s 100 Fastest Growing Companies of 2018 and found 32 firms still listed in Fortune’s updated 2019 list. The "Persistent 32" are still growing in the first half of 2020, as the COVID-19 recession continues. As a whole they have added to headcount over the long expansion (2013–2019) and continue to hire aggressively. We focus on how a commitment to building talent and growth sets them apart in this pandemic, how they represent a focus on human capabilities; how their investments contribute to organizational change and renewal; and how the leader plays new roles as marketplace insight visionary and chief safety officer. We draw lessons from the "Persistent 32" and outline steps top teams can take now to build talent and grow the firm.  相似文献   

发达国家城市正向功能专业化转型,企业组织形式变革直接导致了城市的功能转型。在功能专业化背景下,城市间将出现更多的信息联系、决策联系以及资本联系,更需要面对面的交流。一些城市专业化高端功能,成为区域的控制中心,另一些城市则承担价值链的低端功能。本文基于全球500强跨国公司在华投资数据,探讨中国城市功能专业化趋势。在1979~2008年间,跨国公司在地理和功能上都显著地进行了扩张。跨国公司相同功能和互补功能集聚在相同城市,跨国公司的渐进式多次投资导致了公司内不同功能在相同城市的地理集聚。本文结果表明,中国城市尤其是在城市体系高端的城市具有吸引价值链高端功能的竞争力,呈现一定功能专业化趋势。跨国公司在东道国内部的功能布局提供了考察城市经济转型的独特视角。  相似文献   

This study developed and tested a model that attempts to describe the influence of ownership structure and diversification strategy on performance. Results based on data from a crosssectional set of 228 Fortune 500 firms suggested that ownership structure and diversification explain differences in performance between firms.  相似文献   

中国证券行业发展速度很快,但是效益普遍不好,亏损面很大,除外部环境制约外,内部资本运营水平不高仍是关键因素.本文选择有代表性的美国若干证券公司,解析其资产负债结构、收入结构等资本配置和运营形式,从而为我国证券公司找到差距和提供可借鉴之处,以改善中国证券行业经营状况,增强其抵抗与日俱增的各种风险之能力.  相似文献   

Using an exploratory model of the evolution of computers systems in organizations, the authors interviewed HR computer systems people in ten Fortune 500 firms considered leaders in HR computer use. Generalizable measures of growth in computer use and related changes in HR department structure, strategy, and personnel were found. These measures were used to identify three stages of growth in computer use: threshold, growth, and consolidation/strategic expansion. In the latter two stages, differences were found among firms in the way computer use evolved. These differences appeared closely related to the company's choice of technology and the centralization of the firm's key HR decision makers. The implications of the exploratory model and findings for practice and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This study explores and documents the processes by which large manufacturing firms develop and produce radical products. Seven projects from five Fortune 500 firms were analyzed over a 3-year period. Through the use of these case studies, we found common themes emerging in the way these firms manage their new product development (NPD) process in this turbulent environment. Our observations suggest that these high levels of uncertainty result in several unique challenges in developing the project, especially in the areas of managing functional integration and finding a divisional home for the emerging product.  相似文献   

中国最大电子商务企业阿里巴巴的企业信条——"拥抱变化",带给我们深刻的启示:企业要在动态多变的环境中站稳脚跟、求得长足发展,必须不断推动企业变革;有效推动企业变革需要理解变革、谋划变革、实施变革、巩固变革,同时要把握好变与不变的关系。  相似文献   

采用2012-2016年我国上市公司及其签字审计师为样本,引入门槛回归模型,实证分析不同事务所组织机制支持下审计师个人工作量压力如何影响审计行为决策及盈余质量。研究结果表明:会计师事务所行业专长存在门槛效应,行业专长水平越高,事务所组织支持力度越大,审计师工作量压力对公司盈余质量的负面影响越小;会计师事务所综合评价存在门槛效应,事务所综合评价水平越低,事务所组织支持力度越小,审计师工作量压力对公司盈余质量的负面影响越大;会计师事务所人力资本存在门槛效应,人力资本质量越高,审计师工作效率越高,审计师工作量压力对公司盈余质量的负面影响越小。  相似文献   

Capital investment and capital financing decisions interact. To resolve current controversies in investment-leverage-growth relationships requires an integrated industrial organization/financial economics empirical model of profit margins, capital investment intensity, leverage and risk. Using cumulative future losses in discontinued operations to measure the asset specificity of the firm's investments, empiricai results support a complementary (positive) relationship between debt and investment, the debt financing of verifiable contemporaneous growth, equity financing of future growth and the debt financing of specific assets. This evidence rejects the transactions cost theory of capital structure in Fortune 500 firms.  相似文献   

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