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大量的企业决策中心集聚于城市中心地区是城市空间结构和产业空间分布的主要特征,揭示其管理活动和生产性服务之间的关系是产业经济学和现代城市空间组织研究的重要课题,也是这一交叉研究领域的空白。文章以杭州市生产型服务业的7个细分行业的企业区位选择为例,通过计算和比较各个细分行业集中指标和基于距离的集聚指标,应用负二项式回归模型分析确证了规模经济、外部性及劳动力分化对企业分布的影响,并得出三点发现:第一,生产性服务业各个细分行业的集聚特征存在差异,服务半径较长或高度依赖外部性的生产性服务业,会更多地集聚于城市中心地区;第二,企业规模影响生产型服务业集聚程度的高低,与制造业企业不同,生产性服务业企业规模越大,其集聚偏好也越大;第三,企业规模与区位之间存在着负相关关系,并且这种关系受该行业产业集中程度和集聚程度的影响。  相似文献   

分割生产、垂直型投资与产业内贸易   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章在Dixit-Stiglitz垄断竞争的框架下,分析了在产品的生产环节可以任意分割的条件下,跨国公司在国内外配置生产环节的决定因素,并分析了为分割生产而进行的垂直型投资对贸易和消费者福利产生的动态影响.研究结果表明,与对垂直型投资的传统研究不同,为分割生产进行的垂直型投资和贸易的动态关系始终是替代关系,跨国公司出于自身利益考虑的分割生产行为正好使消费者福利水平达到最大.  相似文献   

文章将异质性劳动力及地区内和地区间的多样化贸易成本同时引入空间经济模型,建立了一般均衡模型。分析结果表明,低成本约束的人力资本比高成本约束的普通劳动力流动更容易打破空间经济集聚和扩散的对称均衡,促使产业空间结构稳定地向人力资本丰富的地区集聚。文章还从福利最优化的角度分析了政府对空间经济结构的规划选择,结论显示降低普通劳动力在地区间流动的成本有利于形成分散均衡的经济格局,实现社会公平。  相似文献   

产业集聚是现今经济发展中一种普遍而重要的经济现象,而集聚产业对外转移会对地区产业结构的升级产生影响。文章使用区位熵指标衡量永康、武义和缙云地区五金产业的集聚程度,然后使用2001—2012年的时间序列数据对永康市五金产业对外转移与产业结构升级间的关系进行实证分析,发现永康市五金产业的对外转移促进了其产业结构的升级。并对五金产业转移是如何影响永康市产业结构升级进行了详细的分析。  相似文献   

产业转型对农村劳动力区域流动的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着改革开放全面深入,产业转型对农村劳动力区域流动的影响呈现新的特点,且不同区域产业转型对农村劳动力区域流动产生不同的影响。文章分析表明,东部地区产业转型对区域内就业的农村劳动力素质要求提高,影响中西部地区农村劳动力流向东部地区;中部地区要素市场渐趋完善,具备承接东部地区产业梯度转移的条件,吸纳农村劳动力就近就业能力增强;西部地区随着开发步伐加快和区域经济发展,对本地农村劳动力需求增加,影响区域内农村劳动力跨省流动态势。这就需要在制度安排和政策设计上关注这种影响产生的联动效应,并从户籍制度、社会保障制度、劳动力市场制度、农村土地制度、城镇住房保障制度及相关产业转型升级等方面提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

笔者在搜集了我国1996~2011年省际面板数据的基础上,通过构建污染产业区位选择的面板数据回归模型,分别从全国和八大区域对污染产业区位选择的影响因素进行实证分析。结果显示:由于地域自然环境、人文环境、经济发展水平以及对外开放程度的差异,所以影响污染产业区位选择的主要因素也各不相同。从全国总体水平来看,资本投入和环境政策是影响污染产业区位选择的主要因素;在北部沿海和大西北地区,污染产业区位选择的主要影响因素为资本;在南部沿海和长江中游地区,影响污染产业区位选择的主要因素为资本投入和市场需求量;北部沿海地区的主要影响因素为资本投入和劳动力;东北地区的主要影响因素为劳动力、政府税收及市场需求量;黄河中游地区的主要影响因素为资本投入、劳动力以及市场需求量;大西南地区的主要影响因素为对外开放水平。  相似文献   

张超 《财经研究》2012,(9):81-91
文章在出口贸易条件的假定下,构建了一个包含自然地理和劳动力禀赋的基于生产者最优决策的出口产业集聚模型,以解释出口产业率先在中国沿海地区集聚的原因,并通过劳动力流动的"空间溢价"和出口运输距离来界定区位的地理与禀赋的梯度变化,得出劳动力工资与运输成本相互替代且包含集聚效应影响的均衡方程,并以此进一步对中国出口产业在沿海和内地之间的空间调整和空间均衡作深入分析。  相似文献   

张美岭 《财经研究》2016,(10):179-189
近代中国工业呈现明显的空间集聚特征,但是随着工业的不断发展,区位分布也出现了由口岸及沿海集聚向内陆扩散的现象。文章利用20世纪30年代中国的工业调查数据,从区位优势与产业集聚效应的角度实证考察了近代产业集聚与扩散的原因。研究表明,不但贸易优势对地区工业发展具有重要影响,而且产业集聚效应也是影响工业发展与区位选择的一个重要因素。进一步的研究表明,因为地区商品贸易的发展可以为工业提供资本积累并提高劳动者收入及地区购买力水平,所以发达的贸易可以成为地区工业发展的区位优势,并吸引企业的进入与集聚,从而促进工业发展。然而,产业的过度集聚也会降低工业的区位优势,促使产业向集聚区外扩散。文章的结论可以为当今中国合理引导产业转移与平衡发展带来启示。  相似文献   

基于东部发达地区产业转移的中部地区工业发展分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
东部发达地区的劳动力、能源原材料指向型工业与其资源禀赋发生了较大的偏离,在产业结构升级的压力下,这些产业需要向外转移。中部地区所具有的区位优势、资源优势和产业基础优势,使其成为承接产业转移的主要区域是合理的。同时,中部地区发展这类产业,对国家统筹区域经济发展来说,又是必要的。国家应从全局出发,审时度势,制定政策措施,促进东部发达地区的这些产业向中部地区转移,以实现区域经济的协调发展。  相似文献   

引入了加工贸易产业集聚度的概念,并计算了中国广东省、上海市、江苏省、浙江省、福建省和山东省六个中国东部沿海省市的加工贸易区位熵.为了进一步确定产业集聚与加工贸易发展之间的关系,基于中国东部六个沿海省市的面板数据用实证分析的方法验证了技术水平、FDI、劳动力投入和产业集聚对加工贸易出口的影响.  相似文献   

The French national accounts applied the insurance production assessment method recommended by the European system of accounts (ESA), for the years 1970 to 1985, in a particularly turbulent economic and financial environment. A better understanding of the sector was thereby obtained, but the problems set by the very "technical" production assessment method were thus brought to light. These problems are still not solved by the present accounting system, since, to summarize matters, it hides the importance of the sector's "financial" activity, whereas in fact the income drawn from this activity contributes to a high extent to the global balance of insurance operations. This is of course related to the reasons why in certain countries insurance companies are considered more as savings collecting and investment institutions rather than risk transformers.
This report sheds light on the significance of the present premiums, indemnities and reserves recording method and then presents the new method chosen by the french accounts to assess production; finally it analyses the remaining difficulties relating mainly to capital gains.  相似文献   

1 By no means is the home based production of housewives the only or even the most important aspect of nonmarket production. The entire question of work vs. leisure, and the distinction between leisure and nonmarket oriented production, are currently under intensive scrutiny. See for instance the work of Nordhaus and Tobin [7, especially appendix section A.3], Gronau [2] and items cited in Gronau. The omission from the national income accounts of work performed at home by males, non-married females, and “working wives” is extremely important. This paper is concerned only with married females because (1) they are the subject of what must be one of the oldest jokes in the subject of social accounting, and (2) the relationship of production by housewives to total production has changed in the past ten years or so, and that deserves some attention even if it is not the most important thing which has been happening with respect to the GNP.
Specifically, we will present estimates of the value of home based nonmarket production by housewives. These estimates will then be used to supplement various national product aggregates in order to calculate more accurate growth rates for the U.S. economy. We find that the value of nonmarket production by married women during the 1960's has averaged approximately thirty percent of the GNP and close to 40 percent of the national income. The inclusion of the nonmarket work of housewives in GNP would reduce the measured rate of growth of real GNP per potential worker by about ten percent, the exact amount depending on how the value of nonmarket work is estimated. Our estimates indicate a reduction in the absolute rate of growth of almost 0.25 percent.  相似文献   

A household production function is developed which allows for persons to be engaged in more than one activity at a point in time. Labour inputs are scaled back when two activities are being undertaken. Data from the 1987 Australian Time Use Survey is used to estimate equations explaining input hours into home production by adult members of the household. One implication of the empirical results is that when two activities are being undertaken simultaneously input hours on the activity coded as "primary" and the input hours on the activity coded as "secondary" should each have a weight of one-half.  相似文献   

We uniquely introduce convex production costs into a cartel model involving spatial price discrimination. We demonstrate that greater convexity improves cartel stability and that for sufficient convexity first best locations will be adopted. We show that allowing locations to vary over the game reduces cartel stability but that greater convexity continues to improve that stability. Moreover, when the degree of convexity does not support the first best collusive locations, other collusive locations exist that require less stability and these may either increase or decrease social welfare relative to competition. Critically, these locations that require less stability are more dispersed in sharp contrast to the known result assuming linear production costs.  相似文献   

The value of household production is estimated to 40–50 percent of GNP in most western countries, and because the distribution of this income-in-kind is different from ordinary income distribution, the concept of economic well-being may include household production. The monetary value of household production is evaluated by a market alternative principle and an opportunity-cost principle. In the last case a reservation wage is estimated, and integrated in a modified opportunity principle, which means that household work of non-working women is evaluated by the reservation wage, and household work of working women and men by their wage-rate. The conclusions are among others, that the inclusion of household production reduces the inequality, and that the women's contributions—money income and household production—functions as income equalizers.  相似文献   

“单位制”城市空间的社会生产研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为计划经济时代政治、经济和社会体制的基石,单位制度对我国当前的社会体制转轨和社会经济转型产生了极为广泛和深刻的影响。而"单位制"城市空间生产方式构成了我国当前城市空间转型的基底,有别于理论形态的"社会主义空间生产"的规则。对"单位制"城市空间生产的研究,既是对既有城市发展路径的反思,又是对城市未来发展模式的探索,是我国城市空间转型研究的重要内容。从"空间生产"理论出发,从政治经济空间组织、计划经济资源配置方式、公有制的土地制度和重工业导向的城市经济发展路径等方面概括了"单位制"空间生产的政治经济基础,揭示出"单位制"城市空间生产方式在组织单元、政治经济功能、生产主体和功能单元、生产内容和职能、空间生产的价值倾向以及相应的空间分化形态等方面的基本特点,同时指出新的政治经济背景下,"单位制"空间生产方式的效率相对低下、城市企业主义治理下空间商品化属性凸显、空间的"使用价值"与"交换价值"悖离而导致空间冲突锐化、"空间公平"的追求的愈加重要等问题,并进而指出城市空间生产方式由封闭式的"单位制"向开放式的"社区制"转型的趋向。  相似文献   

This paper estimates household production functions directly, considers their characteristics, and compares them with previous indirectly estimated functions. Interviews with 135 Missoula, Montana area married couple households provided the data. The results suggest that endogeneity and a previous lack of output and capital data which led to the use of the indirect methodology are not insurmountable problems. The results tend to confirm the feasibility of directly measuring household outputs since the production function results are reasonable. Directly estimated household production functions offer the possibilities for estimation of short-term household output changes and testing hypotheses about households' economic behavior.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of public expenditure on production activity and private consumption activity. An input-output model with consumption functions connected is used for evaluating the repercussions of public expenditure. Taking both production and consumption repercussions into account, it is concluded that in the year 1965 public expenditure generated 26 percent of domestic incomes and 18 percent of imports. Viewed in terms of the shares of different types of income generated, 72 percent of public expenditure goes to domestic income, and the remaining 28 percent to imports. Forty-five percent of public expenditure returns directly as income to general government. The study also examines the effects of public expenditure by industry and over time (1959 to 1965).  相似文献   

Several economists continue to assert that the official national accounts of many countries do not cover a large “hidden” or “underground” economy. This article looks at one component of the underground economy, namely illegal activities. According to the UN System of National Accounts, production of goods and services that are illegal should be included in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) if both the producers and consumers are willing partners to the transactions involved. We examine the estimates of illegal production recently made by several countries in the Western Balkans and conclude that, if illegal activities were fully included in their official GDP estimates, they would increase by about 1 percent. Trade in narcotics and prostitution are the two most important kinds of illegal activities in most countries and we look in detail at how estimates for these activities were made by the Western Balkan countries.  相似文献   

We study the world trading equilibrium in a Ricardian model, where factors of production are produced and traded. Even in the absence of technology transfer, international investment, research and development, and aggregate scale effects, trade affects economic growth through comparative advantage. Trade may raise the growth rate or leave it unchanged, depending on the patterns of comparative and absolute advantage. Trade in factors of production can effectively equalize technology even when technology transfer does not occur. Factor price equalization may hold, but the Stolper–Samuelson and Rybczynski theorems do not. The transition dynamics can be monotonic or oscillatory.  相似文献   

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