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广西工商职业技术学院连锁经营管理专业在专业建设中,以构建校内产学一体实训基地为突破,开展专业课程体系构建、课程模式改革、“双师型”教学团队培养等一系列专业建设实践,有效实施工学结合人才培养模式,进而为高职联锁经营管理专业建设提供参考依据。  相似文献   

农素兰 《企业导报》2012,(9):210-211
岗位实训是高职院校大学生顺利创业和就业的重要基础。建立校企合作校内经营性实训基地是大学生实训环节的重要补充和有效平台。结合广西职业技术学院校内经营性实训基地建设的实践,提出了高职院校校内经营型实训基地建设的各种模式,分析了建设过程中存在的问题及解决问题的思路。  相似文献   

生产性实训基地的建设是高职院校落实工学结合人才培养模式的重要环节,是培养高素质应用型人才的基本保障。本文以佛山职业技术学院旅游管理专业校内生产性实训基地为例,介绍了实训基地的基本情况和阶段性成果,最后对于佛山职业技术学院校内生产性实训基地的未来建设提供了一些对策。  相似文献   

深化产教融合,是新形势下全面提高职业教育质量,促进职业教育紧贴技术进步和生产实际,实现校企协同育人的重要举措。生产性实训基地,是培养学生的综合实践能力的重要载体,学生的职业素养、专业技能和创新创业能力在此都获得了显著的提高。随着优质校和"双高建设"推进,不少院校都对校内生产性实训基地进行改造提升,但在不少基地中还是存在实训基地主体架构不够清晰、校企双主体的职责和权利不够平衡、利益分配机制不够明确、技术开发优势不够明显,长效性、深层次的校企合作机制还没有完全形成。文章在分析校内不同类型生产性实训基地的现状基础上,以义乌工商职业技术学院机电信息学院印刷媒体专业的校企深度合作的校内生产性实训基地为实践案例,分析产教深度融合的背景,对生产性实训组织架构、实施路径、创新举措进行经验总结,对产教深度融合背景下的校内高水平生产性实训基地建设具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

工学结合已成为我国高职院校主要人才培养模式,校内实训基地建设作为高职院校内涵建设的核心,是深化校企合作的必然选择,也是高职工学结合发展的必然要求.本文结合湖北水利水电职业技术学院汽车专业实训基地建设的实践,论述了高职汽车专业校内实训基地建设的重要性、建设内容、运行管理模式.  相似文献   

周云霞 《物流科技》2011,(6):130-131,141
描述了苏州经贸职业技术学院建设校内生产性物流实习实训基地的背景,指出了建设的思路与目标,进行校企合作,共建校内生产性物流实习实训基地,"建立行业、企业、学校共同参与的机制",进一步分析了建设中要面临的问题及可能的解决途径。  相似文献   

文章以广西经贸职业技术学院工商管理专业亮点工作室为例,介绍了学院高职工商管理专业实训基地建设的实践过程,对亮点工作室模式、亮点工作室运作管理模式进行了阐述。  相似文献   

文章以广西经贸职业技术学院工商管理专业亮点工作室为例,介绍了学院高职工商管理专业实训基地建设的实践过程,对亮点工作室模式、亮点工作室运作管理模式进行了阐述。  相似文献   

校企合作的校内生产性实训基地建设,是新形势下高职院校推进工学结合人才培养模式改革、全面提高教学质量的重要内容.结合山东商务职业技术学院建设校内生产性实训基地的实践,就校企合作模式的校内生产性实训基地建设的工作思路、建设内容进行了阐述.  相似文献   

人才培养模式改革,离不开实习实训基地建设,校企合作的实习实训基地建设是工学结合人才培养模式改革的基本条件和重要工作。安徽工业经济职业技术学院旅游管理系通过多年实践,构建了"校企一体化"实习实训基地建设模式,建立了校企一体、运行良好的实习实训基地,推动实践教学改革。"校企一体化"实训基地建设大大促进了酒店管理专业的人才培养模式改革,取得了系统性的成效和经验。本文在实证分析酒店管理专业校内实训基地(瑞科实习宾馆)在专业建设过程中的推动作用,积极探索校企合作的新模式,为高职院校酒店管理人才的培养提供更好的模式。  相似文献   

李新英  方媛媛 《价值工程》2014,(30):258-259
针对省级示范教学中心建设的内容和实践教学,通过总结多年来的实践教学经验和信息化时代图书馆的作用,充分利用学校现有图书馆资源和教学资源,对信息化进程中图书馆对省级示范教学中心建设过程中的管理体制和信息共享等方面进行一系列分析和探讨。  相似文献   

后奥运时代我国物流发展的探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
北京奥运会对我国物流业带来了巨大的机遇和难得的挑战,奥运期间北京的国际物流能力、综合物流能力及应急物流能力等得到了全方位的检验和锻炼,呈现跨越式发展态势。以奥运物流的运作模式为研究对象,审视构建适合后奥运时代城市经济和社会发展需要的物流系统与物流市场,探讨我国物流企业优势与不足,为促进我国物流市场健康有序可持续发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

袁德青  童星 《企业技术开发》2010,29(1):102-104,109
小型水库为促进地方国民经济发展、提高人民生活水平、保障社会稳定、改善生态环境作出了巨大贡献,但由于受资金、设计、施工等条件限制,工程设施普遍存在老化和损坏现象,严重影响工程的安全运行和经济效益的发挥,也给管理方面带来不少问题。文章分析了湖南省小型水库在运行管理中存在的主要问题,并提出必须从改革产权制度、加强队伍建设、严格制度管理、加大资金投入等四个方面入手,彻底根治当前小型水库运行管理中的问题。  相似文献   

金融信用体系的建立和完善是改善投资环境的长效机制。信用制度完善的综合配套改革,有利于形成与“两型社会”发展相一致的企业自主创新和高新技术企业加快发展的金融环境,为推动武汉城市圈走出一条资源节约,环境友好型的区域经济发展新路径,奠定良好的基础环境。  相似文献   

Changing trends and the nature of the work force dictate increased personal responsibility by employees and expanded use of self-management practices. Nevertheless, organizations also feel the need to maintain external control. We propose a progressive view of accountability theory which can resolve the dilemma of how internal and external control can effectively coexist. Success of accountability forces is determined primarily by the relationship between the principal (party to whom one is accountable) and the agent (employee). The agent’s felt responsibility is enhanced to the extent that accountability leads to the structuring of expectations, the agent’s perceptions of the task or activity as significant, and the agent’s perception of control over the situation. Propositions that may be used to guide future research are offered throughout the article.  相似文献   

权利意识作为上层建筑的一个组成部分,虽然受经济基础的决定性制约,但自身具有很强的独立性,一旦塑造成型就很难改变。在公民申请公开行政信息程序中,政府有责任对其行政人员和公民的意识进行转变,让其具有"公开是原则,保密是例外"的观念。  相似文献   

新形势下高校党员教师的党性修养与师德高低关系着我国教育事业的成败。党性修养与师德建设具有内在的一致性。高校应将二者合二为一开展师德教育,以师为本,建立合理的师德评价机制,注重教师专业成长,增强教师的职业荣誉感。  相似文献   

The surge of interest in the social impacts of the Internet has led information systems experts to apply methods and theories garnered from disciplines such as psychology and sociology. As researcher look across disciplines for methods and explanations of outcomes, they run the risk of researching badly. This may be because they are inexperienced in the theory or method, or because the theory or method is not entirely applicable to the context that challenges them. Thus, in the search for the novelty necessary to achieve publications, and given the lack of experience in applying information systems to issues beyond the corporate sphere, research that does not hold water is being undertaken. This is of particular interest because it is not necessarily being undertaken by the novice. The research reported here was undertaken by experienced researchers using experimental and interview methods with which they had experience in other disciplines (psychology and economics). However, the context of researching the impact of the Internet on the quality of life of first time users over the age of 65 was sufficiently different as to render the methods and possibly the theory inappropriate. This dilettantism must be recognized for what it is.  相似文献   

新形势下高校党员教师的党性修养与师德高低关系着我国教育事业的成败。党性修养与师德建设具有内在的一致性。高校应将二者合二为一开展师德教育,“以师为本”,建立合理的师德评价机制,注重教师专业成长,增强教师的职业荣誉感。  相似文献   

Job evaluation's main aim is to establish a fair wage structure. Its main principle is ‘equal pay for equal work’. ‘Metal Industry Job Grouping System’ (MIDS) has been in the metal industry in Turkey for more than 20 years. The results of the practice of the system were measured by the Gini coefficient. By the findings, the average wages of the job groups are different enough from each other by their job groups in the way the wage of the bigger number job group is higher than the smaller except the job group two in the industry. However, the wages are far from the principle ‘equal wage for equal job’ within the same job itself. In addition, the workers make use of bonuses and social benefits. The effect of social benefits of them on the wage structure is positive within the same job group and negative between different job groups within the same company. Nevertheless, the effect of both bonuses and social benefits on the wage structure is negative between the companies because, between them they are different from each other. Job group and seniority affect the wage structure. Seniority has a socio-psychological self-producing dynamic. The distribution of seniorities within the same job group has negative effects on the wage structure. However, this fact for each worker disappears for the long term since the worker of today who has short-term seniority will be the one of tomorrow who has long-term seniority. Therefore, for each worker, the wage structure gets closer to the principle ‘equal wage for equal job’ within the same job group itself over time.  相似文献   

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