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吕毅之 《中外企业家》2009,(18):211-211
在大学的发展中,学术自由是一个亘古常新的课题,它使得学术发展永葆生机和活力。通过分析哈佛大学学术自由形成的两个原因,即:对德国大学成功改革经验的借鉴和美国自建国以来提倡的言论自由思想的巨大影响,彰显了学术自由对哈佛大学改革的重要意义。  相似文献   

奚金才 《价值工程》2014,(25):268-270
高校改革在于高校的独立,高校的独立在于学术自由的保障,没有学术自由就没有现代意义上的高校。高校学术自由必须在法律上得到良好保障,同时通过资金投资相对多元、行政与办学相对独立、校长办学教授治学和教授职业优先保障等制度的构建,以及对绝对学术自由可能产生的危害进行限制,才能够实现真正的高校学术自由。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展和改革的深化,会计规范不断完善,这是否表明会计越来越受限制?这种说法是不恰当的。会计规范是会计自由的捍卫者,会计自由是会计规范发展的重要条件,二者是相辅相成的。会计自由是会计人员在没有外在强迫下能够根据自己的意志和具体的环境客观公正地实施会计及其相关行为,并对其产生的后果负责。从内容上看,会计自由包括会计学术自由和会计实务自由。但是,当前存在的会计学术不自由和会计实务不自由都严重阻碍了会计规范的发展。文章从会计学术和会计实务两个方面提出提升会计自由的相关策略。  相似文献   

自由主义是蔡元培教育思想的基础,对自由的追求贯穿了其教育思想和教育实践。他认为教育的目的在于使受教育者养成完全的、自由的人格,而这个教育本身也是自由的,所以他提倡学术自由、教育独立,从而达到教育自由的目的。  相似文献   

马圳炜 《价值工程》2010,29(35):213-215
近几年,高校学术权力的弱化和行政权力泛化导致大学"行政化"、"官本位"等问题引起全社会的激烈探讨,纷纷为解决痼疾出谋献策。分析高职院校内部学术权力弱势的现状和根源。探讨高职院校"去行政化"和学术权力强化的原则和举措。其中,"去行政化"是前提,学术权力制度化是基础,落实学术权力是关键,改变学术评价标准、尊重学术自由是学术权力可持续发展的动力。  相似文献   

建立统一、完善的学术规范是保证学术事业健康发展的重要手段。青年学者应把学术规范作为自己的学术立身之本,将学术规范与为人师表结合起来,在教书育人的过程中身体力行;把握好学术规范与学术创新的关系,努力推动学术创新与科技进步。  相似文献   

贾品荣 《企业研究》2012,(13):64-66
科研院所最重要的经济特征是外部性;智力资本丰富构成科研院所的核心资源特征;无形资产重于有形资产,构成科研院所的核心资产特征;提供研发公共品,构成科研院所的核心产出特征;科研院所的管理偏重于柔性管理;培育创新文化、培养团队精神、营造宽松自由的学术氛围,是科研院所的重要文化特征。  相似文献   

贾品荣 《企业研究》2012,(11):51-53
科研院所最重要的经济特征是外部性;智力资本丰富构成科研院所的核心资源特征;无形资产重于有形资产,构成科研院所的核心资产特征;提供研发公共品,构成科研院所的核心产出特征;科研院所的管理偏重于柔性管理;培育创新文化、培养团队精神、营造宽松自由的学术氛围,是科研院所的重要文化特征。  相似文献   

国务院发展研究中心学术委员会从2007年开始不定期举行学术午餐会,每次邀请一位专家就一个话题进行讲解,随后展开自由讨论。为了给读者提供一点学术界的内部消息,本刊自本期开设DRC学术午餐会栏目。以下是第四期内容,由国务院发展研究中心产业经济研究部部长冯飞主讲。  相似文献   

编著:(美)约翰·奈斯比特, (德)多丽丝·奈斯比特翻译:魏平中华工商联合出版社有限责任公司 2009年9月第一版本书站在全球的高度,精辟地提出了中国新社会的八大支柱理论——解放思想、自上而下与自下而上的结合、规划森林,让树木自由生长、摸着石头过河、艺术与学术的萌动、融人世界、自由与公平、从奥运金牌到诺贝尔奖。并由此总结出中国发展  相似文献   

Academic freedom has been a contested concept throughout its history, but it is a necessary condition for the advancement and dissemination of shared knowledge. It is an integral part of university education and research, and is intimately connected with collegial governance and the common good. In Canada's research‐intensive universities, the threats to academic freedom are both internal and external. This article examines these issues and suggests ways in which to resist and possibly overcome them, including the establishment of alternative universities.  相似文献   

杨丹 《价值工程》2012,31(17):195-196
自20世纪初美国大学建立终身教授制度以来,该制度在维护学术自由、平衡行政权力与学术权力等方面发挥了重要作用,促进了美国高等教育的繁荣发展。中国高校有与之相似的终身制度———职称终身制,但是在实际应用过程中出现了概念不清、大学教师为职称而研究等问题,为此,国内一直在进行教师聘任制度的改革。  相似文献   

自助服务日益盛行,而国内外大部分学术文献都把注意力集中在人员互动的服务中,文章运用关键因素法对劳动密集型自助服务的顾客满意度影响因素进行了探讨。首先通过开放式问卷获取顾客对劳动密集型自助服务的经历,然后从中归纳出顾客满意度影响因素,结论是有形环境、产品、自由、可控、人员服务、他人影响是劳动密集型自助服务顾客满意度的影响因素。其中,自由和可控是劳动密集型自助服务特有的顾客满意度影响因素。  相似文献   

What does it mean to work and write in a UK university today? While many seem concerned about the heavy pressures that academics face in terms of producing articles for research assessment purposes, we wonder whether it might not make more sense to turn our attention inward for a moment to raise some uncomfortable questions about our own complicity. What is our usual response to this system so many of us seem to regard as absurd? One response is to shrug our shoulders and crack a joke. This might elicit knowing guffaws from our colleagues, and a momentary breathing space, before it is time to return to the grind of daily academic work. Another response might be to openly bemoan the strictures on our alleged academic freedom. If so, ‘doth the academic protest too much?’ – are we perhaps guilty of paradoxically clinging to the very thing we claim to abhor? As two relatively recently appointed lecturers in a UK business school, we explore these questions through our own impressions and experiences.  相似文献   

The Economics of Edward Alsworth Ross   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A bstract . Edward Alsworth Ross gained fame as a founding father of American sociology; however, he was trained as an economist by Richard T. Ely and made significant contributions in economics before he moved into sociology. Ross was the John Kennneth Galbraith of the popidist-progressive era. The similarity in background, methodology, Weltanschauung , and controversial academic and political styles of these men is discussed. Ross became a cause célébre after his dismissal from Stanford University in 1900 which became a major academic freedom case. Although he was a professional economist for only six years, Ross made original contributions in the areas of taxation, debt management, value theory, uncertainty , and location theory. The discussion of uncertainty as a factor in production precedes Knight's concept of risk and uncertainty and challenges neoclassical policy conclusions in a dynamic environment. His treatment of location theory includes a discussion of agglomeration, externalities, regional dualism, factor endowment, and comparative advantage to explain economic mobility.  相似文献   


Decent Work is a key initiative launched by the International Labour Organization in 1999. The initiative is to promote decent and productive employment with decent conditions of freedom, equality, security and human dignity. In reviewing academic literature on decent work, existing studies have been conducted primarily from a legal and political economic perspective. It is also largely situated outside any national industrial relations framework, both theoretically and practically. Decent work is an advocacy initiative of ILO, but the promotion of universal values embodied in the notion (e.g. equality, fairness, justice and dignity) needs to be tailored to specific societal contexts. Drawing on existing academic literature, this review article examines ideological, institutional and cultural distances between decent work and the reality of employment in China. It argues that achieving decent work requires an ideological transition of ‘traditional’ Chinese work ethics and a cultural transition from collectivism and altruism towards individualism and an emphasis on individual rights. This study also examines and highlights regulatory enforcement deficits and the inadequate role of the trade union in facilitating the advancement of decent work at various levels. Finally, the article argues that the study of decent work should be mainstreamed as an integral part of decent industrial relations and ultimately, decent social relations. It calls for a multi-level and multi-disciplinary approach to examining the historical, political, economic, ideological and cultural context of specific countries in fulfilling the ‘Decent Work’ agenda.  相似文献   


The paper empirically examines the effect of economic freedom on the average prevalence of formal and informal entrepreneurship. Whereas the formal entrepreneurship and economic freedom nexus has been studied, the influence of economic freedom on informal entrepreneurship is less forthcoming. The results, based on cross-country data and after accounting for possible reverse causality, show that economic freedom promotes formal entrepreneurship and inhibits informal entrepreneurship. Furthermore, the return from economic freedom is greatest in countries with a relatively higher prevalence of formal and informal entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

Over the past 50 years, we have witnessed considerable growth in business education, increased competition among business schools, and higher expectations for faculty scholarship. Increasing competition among scholars for limited publication opportunities in top‐tier journals and the proliferation of bottom‐tier journals has given rise to a variety of systemic ethical issues and dilemmas, for scholars and their institutions. In this article, we critically examine the current state of normative publishing activities and expectations, including doctoral education, promotion and tenure processes and research expectations, editorial and peer review processes, academic freedom, acceptable breadth, depth, and accuracy or legitimacy of research designs and methodologies, academic integrity, replication, and data availability concerning the trends and implications of contemporary and future management scholarship. We also provide recommendations for additional research and discussion on these issues.  相似文献   

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