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<正>在应急事件的处理方面,嘉善商务建立了一支民兵应急分队,先后被评为民兵军事训练先进单位和国防后备力量建设先进单位。成都嘉善商务服务管理有限公司(下简称"嘉善商务")成立于2007年,隶属于成都置信集团,是专业从事产业园区后期服务和运营的专业化服务公司。嘉善商务的服务嘉善商务从建设之初就非常重视顶层设计,企业的战略愿景是:成为中国产业园区服务标杆,产城一体服务资源运营商。公司设有工业总部园区、新型工业园区、  相似文献   

为了提升城市核心竞争力,北京市丰台区委、区人大、区政府确定了丰台区“一五五”发展战略。即:全力构筑首都西南物流中心,重点建设北京丽泽商务区、中关村科技园区丰台园区、大红门特色商业街、绿色生态居住区、特色文化旅游区等五个区域,大力发展现代服务业、物流业、旅游业、高新技术产业、房地产业等五大产业,完成产业结构的战略性调整。通过建设科技总部新区、丽泽商务核心区、青龙湖国际城,构建总部经济三大平台,大力推进总部经济建设。  相似文献   

<正>企业名片成都嘉善商务服务管理有限公司成立于2007年,是一家从事产业园区、办公项目、商务服务与运营的专业化物业服务公司,具有物业服务一级资质,是中国物业管理协会常务理事单位、四川省房地产协会理事单位、成都市物业管理协会副会长单位。公司服务的物业类型涉及总部园区、写字楼、研发中心、仓储中心、厂房、商业、市政公共设  相似文献   

张雷 《房地产导刊》2012,(1):140-140
12月16日,首届“南方低碳年度标杆2011颁奖盛典”在广州举行,广佛首个全新商务形态的中企绿色总部跻身其中,成为广东省绿色低碳产业园区的标杆。  相似文献   

<正>在行业中还有很多资源,需要去盘活,去经营,在这样一个大好时机下,物业管理行业应该通过与互联网融合,使物业管理产业,产生新的飞跃。这是我第二次参加产业园区的物业管理发展论坛,昨天刚参观了嘉善商务管理服务的青羊总部基地,带给我很多的启发和思考。其中重要的一点就是现在的产业园区,物业服务的价值越来越高,或者说产业园区的发展越来越离不开物业服务,我认为我国产业园区的特点决定了物业服务的重要价值。  相似文献   

总部经济的建设并非镜花水月,中关村(丰台)总部基地的打造为人们提供了范本。商务花园理念的实践则是最终成功的关键。  相似文献   

庞毅  韩蕾  田然 《城市发展研究》2007,14(3):彩插6-彩插9
在城市或地区的空间范围内,企业总部组织的设立和聚集,会形成某种规律性或趋势,使企业内部价值链与区域比较优势形成最优耦合.北京具有形成和发展总部经济的诸多优势,围绕北京城市特点,从商务总部和研发总部着手,构建北京总部经济发展模式,有可能使北京总部经济得到可持续发展.  相似文献   

5月22日,汕头市总部经济发展工作领导小组办公室发布的"首批拟认定汕头市总部企业"结束了为期7天的公示期。共有39家企业被确定为首批汕头市总部企业,标志着汕头市总部经济发展拉开了序幕。按照汕头市发展总部经济的目标:到2015年,以珠港新城总部园区为核心的一批总部集聚区初具规模;到2020年,成为辐射粤东、闽西南和赣东南地区,在珠三角和海西经济区有相当影响的区域企业总部聚集城市和潮商总部基地。  相似文献   

中关村科技园丰台科技园区,是全国发展"总部经济"的一面旗帜。2002年,全国许多科技园区都面临着模式雷同、竞争加剧的问题。丰台科技园区积极应对、上下求索,大胆提出了发展"总部经济"的理念。经过十年来的实践,园区抗风险能力和可持续发展能力显著增强,经济总量、产业结构和增长方式发生了巨大变化。目前,丰台科技园区共有总部企业245家,其中收入过亿元的企业110  相似文献   

三大市场需求强劲商务园区迎来发展新机遇。全中国范围内的15个商务园区热点区域,将会成为未来十年里商务园区发展的核心区域。  相似文献   

The agglomeration of headquarters   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This paper uses a micro data set on auxiliary establishments from 1977 to 1997 in order to investigate the determinants of headquarter agglomerations and the underlying economic base of many larger metro areas. The significance of headquarters in large urban settings is their ability to facilitate the spatial separation of their white collar activities from remote production plants. The results show that separation benefits headquarters in two main ways: the availability of differentiated local service input suppliers and the scale of other headquarter activity nearby. A wide diversity of local service options allows the headquarters to better match their various needs with specific experts producing service inputs from whom they learn, which improves their productivity. Headquarters also benefit from other headquarter neighbors, although such marginal scale benefits seem to diminish as local scale rises.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of headquarters–subsidiary interdependencies on performance evaluation and reward systems in multinational enterprises. Headquarters–subsidiary interdependencies refer to the extent to which headquarters and subsidiaries depend on each other to accomplish their tasks. When headquarters–subsidiary interdependencies are present, it becomes more difficult to reward the performance of subsidiary managers because these interdependencies induce noise on subsidiary-level accounting performance measures, while at the same time high levels of goal alignment between headquarters and subsidiary managers are required. Based on survey data from 82 foreign subsidiaries operating in Belgium with headquarters in 14 different countries, our partial least squares path modelling results show that as headquarters–subsidiary interdependencies increase, headquarters use more participative performance evaluation and consider more the effects of uncontrollable factors on subsidiaries' performance when rewarding subsidiary managers. More importantly, while prior research suggests that interdependencies induce noise on unit-level accounting performance measures, our results indicate that participative performance evaluation may mitigate the noise so that headquarters still rely on subsidiary formula-based compensation using accounting measures to reward subsidiary managers.  相似文献   

浅析我国总部经济发展中的几个认识误区   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
总部经济作为一种新生的经济形态,在我国的发展才处于刚起步阶段。但各地在规划和发展自己的总部经济时,不同程度地存在着一些认识上的误区。从理论上澄清这些认识上的误区,对于加快我国总部经济的发展,促进区域经济协调具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

In this paper we apply a business network perspective to investigate the effects of internal embeddedness and headquarters involvement on subsidiaries' innovation‐related competencies, and on the perceived importance of innovation in multinational enterprises. A model framed in the innovation context is developed and six hypotheses are tested on 85 innovation projects in 23 multinational enterprises using partial least squares based structural equation modelling. The results suggest that, contrary to predictions of the business network perspective, headquarters involvement in the innovation development process improves subsidiary competencies while internal embeddedness does not. Headquarters involvement, driven by subsidiary internal embeddedness, enhances the innovation impact on the subsidiary, which in turn influences innovation importance at corporate level. Thus, the business network perspective is challenged but at the same time expanded in terms of highlighting the role of, and interplay between, different internal corporate actors, particularly the role of headquarters, in developing competencies and creating competitive advantage.  相似文献   

There is a large body of research dealing with top management compensation from an agency theory perspective. Difficulties in monitoring top management (the agent) are exacerbated in the multinational corporation, where there are significant information asymmetries between headquarters and foreign subsidiaries. Headquarters may use variable pay for subsidiary top managers to reduce the agency problems. By studying 110 foreign-owned subsidiaries located in Finland, this paper attempts to identify determinants of variable pay to the subsidiary general manager. In line with agency theory, the results suggest that the roles played by the subsidiary influence the compensation strategy used for the subsidiary general manager. However, while agency theory predicts that the cultural distance beween the home country of the multinational corporation and the location of the foreign subsidiary would have an effect on the compensation system, no such effect was found. Instead, in accordance with the institutionalization perspective, we found a significant 'nationality effect' on the use of variable pay.  相似文献   

张梦琦  张蔚琪 《价值工程》2010,29(25):72-73
随着中国经济的快速发展,集团企业越来越多,如何对集团总部定位、如何建立集团总部职能部门绩效考核指标是企业集团所面临的重要课题。本文根据集团公司总部的管控类型,确立职能部门的功能定位,以及工作职责要求,采用第三代平衡计分卡的指导思想,探讨设计集团总部职能部门绩效考核的指标体系。  相似文献   

园区经济产业网络发展模式及政策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张琦 《价值工程》2007,26(1):11-13
园区经济作为推动经济发展的一种模式,正逐渐成为拉动地方经济发展的引擎和增长点。而构筑园区经济产业网络,是园区经济在新一轮经济发展中拓展新优势的关键所在。在园区经济产业网络发展模式的基础上,概括了这几种产业网络发展模式适合的产业集群,并对推动产业网络发展提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

科技企业孵化器是培育和扶植高新技术中小企业的服务机构,是培育高科技企业和科技企业家的学校。南宁市生物医药科技企业孵化器作为专业性的孵化器,对于推动南宁市生物医药产业乃至整个经济的发展有重大作用,同时也存在着多种风险隐患。文章结合南宁市生物医药科技企业孵化器项目的基本情况,运用鱼翅图试图对该项目风险进行识别并提出防范措施。  相似文献   

物流园区在地方经济发展中扮演着特殊经济区的部分或全部角色,国家的鼓励措施是地方政府发展物流园区的外在动力。发展物流园区是工业化和城市化的迫切需要,它可以提高区域综合功能,物流产业也通过提高企业的综合竞争力,促进产业集群的形成等途径带动关联产业和地方经济发展。物流园区具有公益性和经营性,并且现阶段经营性占主导,具有较大的开发价值。物流园区在发展过程中也要合理规划定位,避免借发展物流园区的名义圈占土地。  相似文献   

发挥首都创新资源优势,加强首都经济圈区域创新合作,率先实现创新驱动发展,是首都经济圈加快转变发展方式,打造具有全球影响力的世界级城市群的重要战略举措。文章概述了首都经济圈创新合作现状及存在的市场化创新合作程度较低等问题,提出应构建跨区域、多层次、网络状的首都经济圈创新合作运行机制,整合区域创新资源,促进协同创新。在此基础上探索了跨区域技术创新联盟、飞地经济、总部经济等多种新的区域创新合作路径。  相似文献   

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