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5月南下绍兴、顺德、苏州、泉州,6月东渡日本、韩国,9月西进德国伴随2008奥运脚步的临近,“奥运营销”大战愈演愈烈。国内企业纷纷快马加鞭,使出各种营销招式抓住奥运机遇,加快品牌发展;国外企业更加看好中国市场,积极开展奥运营销。 相似文献
2007年1月份开始至今,格力空调广告开始在中央电视台多个频道和时段亮相,高调启动了格力新一年的营销战略。“好空调,格力造”的广告语犹在耳边,“世界为格力喝彩”又成为新的标杆。 相似文献
专家指出,央视招标是中国经济的晴雨表与风向标,每年的央视招标结果都能反映来年的中国经济走向与行业发展情况,又到一年招标时,我们在这个传播盛宴即将再度拉开序幕的前夕,回顾一下央视招标是如何作为企业发展战略资源发挥作用的。[编者按] 相似文献
国家促进消费的政策措施和国民消费的稳定增长给酒类企业注入了强大的信心。在2008年11月18日举行的中央电视台黄金资源广告招标大会上,酒类企业表现突出。五粮液、茅台、郎酒、劲酒、雪花啤酒、青岛啤酒、燕京啤酒、洋河、舍得酒等企业的精彩表现,拉开了酒类企业在2009年加大品牌建设力度的序幕。 相似文献
Heidi Jiang 《中国广告》2010,(4):39-40
作为很早进入二、三级市场的快消品大腕,联合利华的研究调查较多数策略公司更深入、更早,体系也更完美。对于分散、复杂的二、三级市场,联合利华有着更有效、更实际的应对之道。 相似文献
地产强势品牌在各地大量崛起已成为白酒行业的鲜明特点。那么,这股力量是如何形成的,给行业会带来什么影响,经销商的机遇又在哪里?[编者按] 相似文献
Stephenson S 《Restaurants & institutions》1991,101(5):70, 74, 80
Institutional operations capitalizing on national foodservice brands have seen sales increase as much as 40%, operators say. But what if operators choose to stay independent and develop their own brands? Our feature presents both business strategies and the concepts that are winning customers. 相似文献
Rafael Castro 《Business History》2020,62(1):1-25
AbstractThis is the second special issue resulting from the symposium titled ‘The Brand and Its History’. This issue aims at deepening the knowledge of the historical and cultural roots of the origin, uses, and meanings of modern branding. This editorial summarises previous contributions from economic, marketing, and historical literature; presents the main findings of the seven articles included in this issue; and reflects on possible further research. 相似文献
Jeanine Miklós-Thal 《Quantitative Marketing and Economics》2012,10(3):335-374
This paper develops a theory of umbrella branding as a way to link the reputations of otherwise unrelated products. The analysis predicts that umbrella branding can credibly signal positive correlation between the qualities of the included products to consumers, but cannot certify high quality or signal negative quality correlation. Moreover, whenever umbrella branding signals perfect positive quality correlation, firms that already sell a high (low) quality product have stronger (weaker) incentives to invest in developing another high quality product than new entrants. 相似文献
文化创意产业兴起于创意产业,但是,文化创意产业这个概念是在经济全球化的背景条件下由英国人率先提出来而被世人认可的一个新概念。文化创意产业重视创新、重视个人和团队的创造力、重视知识的作用,强调文化对经济社会的支撑和推动功能。 相似文献
品牌消费时代的品牌培育 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
“要做大企业必须做大品牌,要做强企业必须做精品牌,要提高中国烟草总体竞争实力,必须有一批规模较大、质量较高、效益较好的品牌来支撑。”姜成康局长在讲话中如是指出。品牌体现了企业的价值,成为一个企业的代言,在一定程度上,品牌的整合和培育担负着企业市场竞争能力的大小。在行业“联合重组”和“网络建设”中,品牌的培育和整合不可轻视,它既是当前工作中的重点也是难点,一个规模区域品牌的诞生,需要工商双方的携手,更需要多个环节的衔接。 相似文献
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to discuss the concept of ownership in relation to place branding and to establish a basis upon which the representation of a place as a brand can be developed. We suggest that a bottom-up approach based on the paradigm of co-creation should be taken to developing a place brand and that brand ownership is determined by the extent to which the representation of the place reflects the experience of the community. Such an approach, we believe, is essential to achieve authenticity (brand essence), commitment from stakeholders, and brand sustainability. Grounded in ethnographic research, this paper presents a model that structures the features of community ownership from a bottom-up perspective and proposes four fundamental elements of place branding that encapsulate the experience of the place: rights, roles, relationships, and responsibilities. 相似文献
中国金融业已迎来品牌全球营销的时代,品牌竞争已经成为金融企业的新战场。金融危机环境下,银行品牌建设正当时.中国的银行业品牌建设在悄然变化。 相似文献