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Micro-retailers in the developing world face tough competition from the modern retail sector, and there is some question about their long-term viability. The key to a sustainable role in retailing as the economy modernizes is continuing loyalty among the expanding middle class. We use in-depth interviews among traditional micro-retailers and their customers in Bangkok to illustrate that 1 segment of middle-class customers does see substantial value in continuing to patronize traditional micro-retailers. The service interaction and buyer-seller relationships are vital to customer loyalty for these traditional micro-retailers. Based on this, it seems likely that at least some traditional micro-retailers will be able to survive and prosper as the food retail environment modernizes in Thailand.  相似文献   

本文首先论述了现金流量表的性质与作用 ,进而引伸企业化管理的地勘单位编报现金流量表的必要性 ,同时从地勘单位的核算性质、可采用的编报方法以及地勘单位的行业特点及某些特殊问题的处理 ,都提出了具体可操作性的意见。  相似文献   

根据社会资本理论,从社会网络视角,探讨微型茶企社会网络对茶叶营销渠道绩效的影响机制。通过实地调研与深度访谈收集问卷,运用结构方程模型与层次回归分析法对微型茶企社会网络影响茶叶营销渠道绩效的机制进行实证研究。研究结果表明:社会网络维度中网络中心性、网络异质性、网络关系度均对营销渠道绩效有显著的正向影响;渠道稳定性在社会网络对营销渠道绩效的影响中起中介作用;社会信任在渠道稳定性对营销渠道绩效影响中具有调节作用。据此,从构建关系网络维护体系,实现信息资源的高效传递与利用;拓展异质性社会网络,实现信息资源的有效开发和重组;占据社会网络中心位置,实现信息资源的快速交换与整合等方面提出建议。  相似文献   

介绍现金管理的主重要内容、作用,分析企业现金管理存在的问题及原因,提出完善企业现金管理的措施,从而完成企业经营的最终目标。  相似文献   

In agribusiness, profitability critically depends on the choice of proper marketing channels. This article studies the factors influencing marketing channel choices of vegetable farmers. Vegetable farmers have generally 3 choices to sell their produce, which are formal and informal market participation vis-à-vis nonmarket participation. Ten independent variables are considered for the study and a multinomial logistic regression model is used for the analysis. The study finds 4 major variables that can influence farmers’ decision to shift from nonmarket participation to informal or formal market participation. The article further identifies 4 microlevel marketing channels and assesses their efficiency.  相似文献   

The paper analyses the productivity of marketing cooperatives incorporating environmental inputs/outputs. In the European agriculture, expectations for attaining sustainable and competitive agriculture rely to a great extent on the cooperative sector's ability to adapt to new market conditions. These challenges have led marketing cooperatives in the fruit and vegetables sector to consider improvements in productivity and sound environmental performance. The study analyses the total factor productivity related to environmental variables in this sector using a parametric‐stochastic approach and panel data on Spanish cooperatives over the period 1994–2002. Additionally, the determinants of environmental productivity are examined econometrically. The estimates obtained show an increase in efficiency for the period under study and a relationship between productivity changes and management factors, such as labour quality, capital intensity and environmental spillover.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to determine the impact of bean grain quality characteristics on market price. The data were collected from retail markets in Tanzania. Hedonic pricing provides a statistical estimate of premiums and discounts. Implications for the development of bean markets include the following: (a) extension agents should identify cost-effective ways to educate producers on targeting urban market niches based on consumer preferences for varieties, (b) breeding for bruchid-resistant beans and use of appropriate storage technologies would alleviate the problems of storage damage, and (c) a portfolio of grain quality characteristics to fit consumer preferences in local markets should be required.  相似文献   


The study focuses on the marketing practices, market structures, and firms' motives for vertical co-ordination of the paddy-rice distribution system during the post green revolution period in the Punjab state of India. The study is based upon secondary data taken from several published sources and intensive interviews with the market agents in the entire distribution chain from growers to the retailers. Study highlighted the emergence of public sector as a giant player in the paddy (non-basmati) wholesale markets, unscrupulous practices for paddy/rice supplies, wide disparities in the issue prices for the below and above poverty line families, reduced off take from the public distribution system, launching of several schemes to off load excessive stocks, and improve market efficiency. Open market segment of the industry is highly fragmented wherein a large majority of the market agents have confined at the levels they can be best managed, vertical co-ordination plays a pivotal role to cope up with market imperfections and supply agents constitute a strategic link for rice sales. However, private milling gains momentum particularly during the downward phase of the industry due to increased profitability.  相似文献   

Intermediaries play a crucial role in the functioning of agricultural and food markets in developing countries through linking production, imports and storage with consumption. We analyse how competition in the intermediary sector and alternative forms of intermediaries determine the incentives for storage and market outcomes more generally. We apply this framework to the Egyptian wheat sector as an illustrative case study, a country where food security is a priority, where both forms of intermediaries co-exist and undertake storage but where issues of reforms to the role of intermediaries have been raised. Through stochastic simulation, we analyse two changes in government policy: first, the effects of changing the policy instruments with both types of intermediaries undertaking storage; second, relating to market reforms where the private sector replaces the storage function of the parastatal. These issues have wider significance for addressing the interaction between food security and a wide range of policy reforms including de-regulation of parastatals in developing countries.  相似文献   

入世与绿色食品营销   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
入世把中国市场与世界市场紧密的连为一体 ,许多行业都会感受到国际市场极富挑战性的冲击。绿色食品业作为国民经济新增长点的新兴行业历经十几年的发展 ,在这与国际市场接轨的时机 ,应如何面对入世的机遇与挑战。本文着重从市场竞争方面分析入世对绿色行业造成的影响 ,认为绿色食品企业要不断地提高自己的市场竞争力 ,要从产品、定价、销售渠道、促销等方面制定有效的绿色食品营销策略 ,全方位拓展绿色食品市场  相似文献   

We use a simple theoretical model of seasonal market participation in the presence of liquidity constraints and transaction costs to explain the ‘sell low, buy high’ puzzle in which some households do not take advantage of inter‐temporal price arbitrage through storage and sell output postharvest at prices lower than observed prices for purchases in the subsequent lean season. We test our model with data from western Kenya using maximum likelihood estimation of a multivariate sample selection model of market participation. Access to off‐farm income and credit indeed seem to influence crop sales and purchase behaviours in a manner consistent with the hypothesised patterns.  相似文献   

In this work the actual situation of organic production and marketing in Spain is explained, studying and analyzing their evolution in the last decade of previous the century and in the first years of the new millennium. In Spain, organic production began in the 1970s with pioneers in Catalonia, Murcia Region, and other zones. It was in the 1990s when was observed a great increase in organic surfaces. A very interesting and critical date is that at the moment, more than 80% of organic products are being exported to other European countries, United States, and other foreign markets, and it is necessary to find new marketing strategies and innovations to structure the organic market, give new information to consumers, improve investments in the relation between retailers and consumers, and improve the perception of the utilities of these products. In some countries, as is the case of Spain, the consumers don't have enough information about the characteristics of organic products, organic food, and organic production methodologies. They must have all the information about the benefits of organic production methodologies and their implications in environmental conservation, biodiversity protection, food quality and safety, and this task must be provided by the new marketing strategies and actions.  相似文献   


The objective of this study was to identify the key variables affecting export performance at the firm level and draw the policy implications necessary to enhance Oman fish exports. The methodology adopted is inspired from the international marketing literature, which postulates that export performance is determined by both internal factors, under the control of the firm, and external factors. Empirically, the study used an econometric model and a firm survey data to investigate the link between export intensity, defined as the proportion of export sale to total sale and 4 sets of firm-level specific factors: (1) firm size and competencies, (2) management characteristics, (3) management perceptions and attitude, and (4) marketing strategy. Results show that both the age and firm size, measured by the number of years in business and the number of employees, had no significant effect on export performance. Managers' education level, previous work experience, commitment to exporting activities, diversification, and availability of information on foreign markets are all significant variables, positively affecting export performance. These results underscore a role of the private sector in upgrading their human and physical capital and the role of a government as a public good provider in securing information and providing financial incentives to reduce risk associated with diversifying export  相似文献   

A great deal of attention has been given in recent years to the question of externalities associated with water entitlements and how third parties can be protected without restricting opportunities for water trade. Yet one market failure that has received no attention at all is the missing market for storage that arises from the specification of water entitlements, particularly in Victoria where historically all storage decisions were made at the centralised level and where any additional carryover was treated as common property. The economic significance of the missing market for storage is demonstrated using an empirical model that represents the spatial‐temporal pattern of irrigation water demand in the Goulburn Valley and decisions regarding inter‐year storage of water in Lake Eildon. It is shown that, because irrigators have no incentive to trade‐off the benefit of current use (or sale) with the value of water storage, there is an erosion of reliability when opportunities for trade are broadened. The empirical results demonstrate that the loss in economic value associated with reduced reliability are as large as the gains from trade, so there is no net benefit from trade.  相似文献   

This article develops measures of marketing style for advisory programs in corn and soybeans and estimates the relationship between style characteristics and pricing performance. Style is measured by the intensity of futures and options use, degree of activeness in marketing, and seasonality of sales. The data set consists of advisory programs tracked by the AgMAS project at the University of Illinois between 1995 and 2004. Results indicate that active programs making large bets on price movements obtain a higher average price than more conservative programs. This is consistent with active advisors possessing superior information and/or analytical skills rather than being overconfident. However, estimates of the relationship between pricing performance and activeness are sensitive to the inclusion of a single high-performing program.  相似文献   


Market performance with respect to a main horticultural export commodity in Bhutan is the subject of this paper. Imperfections in (market) infrastructure and market structure and conduct may prevent an optimal price for farmers. Market performance is assessed by testing the law of one price for this commodity. This is done by testing three series of auction price data on both long-run and short-run price integration. It is concluded that for the period 1996-2000 the auction prices were interrelated both in the long and short run with one of the three auctions as the price-leading market. In contrast, in the period 2001-2005 the market arbitrage process slowed down, indicating the rise of market imperfections. Policy implications are suggested.  相似文献   

Marketing assistance loan (MAL) and loan deficiency payment (LDP) programs differ in their treatment of transportation costs. Marketing decisions are analyzed under these programs when producers are differentiated by location with respect to the terminal market. Under certain conditions, a complete characterization of equilibrium is developed. The proposed model broadly fits several "stylized" facts about producer enrollment in these programs. If LDPs are uniform at all locations, LDP programs do not interfere with marketing decisions. MAL programs distort the optimal marketing pattern by providing incentives to store for producers who should be among the first ones to supply the market.  相似文献   

作为国家级风景名胜区和国家级森林公园的剑门关旅游区,在发现了其独特的砾岩丹霞地貌景观等地质旅游资源所体现的旅游价值后,现着力打造国家级地质公园.通过实地调查论证,采用SWOT分析法,对剑门关在申报国家级地质公园中的内部优势、劣势和外部机遇、挑战进行了可行性分析,提出了适宜的旅游产品营销战略,这对剑门关地质公园开发旅游产品和客源市场具有指导性意义.  相似文献   

矿山修复治理保证金的标准核算模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究目的:探究中国矿山修复治理保证金的最大标准和最小标准理论模型。研究方法:根据矿产资源开发生态补偿的定义,分别建立最小补偿费用和最大补偿费用核算模型,并运用AHP确定最小标准的影响因子体系。研究结果:(1)矿山修复治理保证金最大标准由矿区土地复垦费用、环境污染修复费、健康损失与发展机会补偿费构成;(2)矿山修复治理保证金最小标准核算以复垦工程发生成本为依据,影响因子体系包括:开采矿种、开采方法、矿区地形地貌、矿区地质条件和复垦土地使用方向。研究结论:用影响因子体系构建的最小保证金核算模型,不仅使补偿标准的核定方法统一,而且补偿费用的可浮动性体现了区域间各矿区的实际差异性。  相似文献   

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