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互联网处于前主流媒体时代   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
互联网未来一定会成为中国的主流媒体已是不争的事实,然而今天的互联网离主流媒体的差距还相当遥远。CNNIC的报告指出,截至2008年底,中国网民规模达到2.98亿人,较2007年增长  相似文献   

今天中国的互联网普及实现飞跃,赶上并超过了全球平均水平。  相似文献   

论我国政府对互联网的管制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前互联网上形成的虚拟社会与我们生存的现实世界已经融为一体,深刻的影响着我们的现时生活。政府对互联网进行管制是顺应潮流的选择,也是推动潮流的动力。本文从我国政府对互联网的管制的法律体系和基本理念出发,分析了我国政府对互联网进行管制的界限,结合我国政府对互联网管制的现实指出管制的空间应是刚柔相济的结合体,这也是对互联网管制前景的一种展望。  相似文献   

互联网版权保护机制在网络环境下受到了严重挑战,损害著作权人利益,影响互联网产业健康发展,危及公共利益,因此以保护公共利益为己任的政府管制理应介入,有所作为。当前我国互联网版权政府管制存在一些不足,完善互联网版权政府管制首先应确立明确的管制目标,再从网络道德建设、管制机构设置、加强国际合作方面加以完善。  相似文献   

互联网时代,企业要管理的危机源头,将从个别高高在上的主流媒体,变成千千万万草根式的“长尾”个人媒体。[编者按]  相似文献   

王长斌 《财经论丛》2016,(2):105-112
彩票存在问题赌博、未成年人参赌、犯罪以及贫困问题等负外部性,需要政府的严格管制。我国互联网彩票一直采用竞争性经营模式,妨碍政府进行有效管制。我国应当采取垄断性经营模式,仅允许一至两家公司经营互联网彩票。同时,对互联网彩票发展采取谨慎而不是自由放任的态度,制定渐进展开、分阶段实施的互联网彩票发展战略,注意与实体投注店的分工合作,并对购彩者采取适当的保护措施。对于互联网彩票公司及相关人员,实行行政许可,督促其建立健全内部控制,并对其进行经常性的评估、检验。  相似文献   

互联网信息服务业管制文献综述及未来研究趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从完善政府管制方式的角度出发,系统性地梳理总结了国内外有关互联网管制的文献,将现有的文献从相关概念的界定、互联网内容及网络安全管制、互联网信息服务业管制三方面进行综合归纳,探讨未来互联网信息服务业发展方向及相关管制问题的研究趋势。  相似文献   

今天中国的互联网普及实现飞跃,赶上并超过了全球平均水平。然而在认可互联网的主流地位的同时,在实际运营中互联网的价值远没有完全发挥  相似文献   

郭昭君 《中国市场》2014,(42):123-124
当前,我国公共自行车主要是以政府支持,企业运营的模式进行运作,但在运营中仍存在问题,主要体现在自行车借还系统和智能化系统存在缺陷,公共自行车损毁状况较严重,公共自行车发展缺少长远规划,自行车公司在沟通顾客方面存在缺陷等方面。因此政府应从提高管理员素质,调解供需矛盾,探索新型的运营模式,做好自行车发展的长远规划,提高宣传力度等方面入手,促进公共自行车的发展。  相似文献   

陈徐彬 《广告大观》2008,(10):99-101
一届无与伦比的奥运会落下了帷幕,中国互联网也在奥运会的强力助推下,成功实现起飞,互联网作为主流媒体的地位不断提升。根据中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC)发布的《2008年中国网民奥运媒体消费行为研究报告》显示:中国将有超过两亿的网民关注奥运会,而且其中79.8%的网民获取奥运信息的第一渠道是网络。随之而来的是网络媒体营销价值的飞速提升,预计到2008年度,中国网络广告运营市场规模将达到121.3亿人民币,同比增长72%。奥运的节点过后,“后奥运营销”成为一种必然。后奥运时代如何延续良好的营销势头,如何继续挖掘的营销价值?营销的道路上没有终点。  相似文献   

Research relating to pets focuses almost exclusively on human-pet interactions or pet-specific behavior such as pet-food purchasing. Seldom has research used pet consumption as a context to study broader consumer-behavior topics. The influence of pet-related research is expandable by viewing pets as a path toward studying more general consumer-behavior questions.  相似文献   


This study focuses on the cultural consumer environment of brands considered as nostalgic. The research questions are thus the following: what is the impact of culture on the consumer relationship with brands considered as nostalgic? In which cases are these relationships positive, and in which cases are they negative? To answer these questions, a longitudinal data collection was conducted, consisting of interviewing the same sample of respondents three times, at more or less one-year intervals. The results were analysed taking into account three dimensions of culture: time, place and social aspects. In the time-based approach, brands are associated with traditional celebrations and rites of passage. Thus, they give rise to ‘traditional purchase’ and consumer loyalty. In the place-based approach, brands evoke original authenticity and myths. They offer protection to reduce perceived risks and therefore facilitate consumers’ trust. In the social approach, brands are associated with symbolic icons and attract communities of fans. Finally, this article shows that culture involves sweeter rather than bitter nostalgic brand relationships. This article brings to light four cases when the consumer cultural environment may induce a rejection of the nostalgic brand: (1) the ‘corrupted’ brand; (2) the ‘immoral’ brand; (3) the ‘precarious’ brand; and (4) the ‘stereotypical’ brand. It shows that only one case – the ‘corrupted’ brand – may be particularly prejudicial due to its unwelcome role in History.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2019,62(4):529-537
In many firms, strategic initiatives lead to frustration rather than performance improvements and strategic renewal. One frequently overlooked key to driving value through strategic initiatives lies in shifting the focus from launching disconnected individual strategic initiatives to managing an integrated portfolio of initiatives. This article identifies five key management practices that allow firms to address obstacles to effective initiative management and to enhance value creation through the deliberate management of initiative portfolios.  相似文献   

In South Africa there has been a paucity of data on food and nutrition labelling since the publication of the new food‐labelling legislation. This study aimed to explore whether the nutrition information on food products influences consumer purchasing behaviour; reasons for reading or ignoring nutrition information on labels, and to investigate expectations regarding food / nutrition labelling. Nine focus‐group discussions were held with adult consumers (N=67) in Cape Town, South Africa. Food price was sometimes the only consideration when selecting food products, irrespective of quality and nutritional value. When buying products for the first time, consumers were more inclined to read the nutrition information compared to habitual purchases or buying known brands. The list of ingredients, nutrient content claims and specific health endorsement logos were considered important. Reasons for reading nutrition information were mainly to assess the nutritional value or health properties, to avoid certain ingredients/allergens and to determine quality. Consumers struggled to understand the information on labels, specifically the nutrition information table. A lack of time or interest, price concerns and trust in labelling information also emerged as reasons why consumers ignore the nutrition information. There is a need for simpler food labelling, more graphics, and less complex terminology, information overload and quantitative information. It is recommended that a standardised front‐of‐package labelling scheme and a single health endorsement logo for South Africa be considered. More should be done to educate consumers on utilising the information on food labels correctly, in order for them to make healthier food choices.  相似文献   

萨姆,沃尔顿是沃尔玛的开山鼻祖,沃尔玛作为美国连锁零售企业,位居世界500强企业之首,萨姆,沃尔顿的管理格言是想尽一切办法从进货渠道、分销方式、营销费用,行政开支等一切方法节省资金,把利润让给顾客。菲利普,科特勒是现代营销之父,曾担任IBM,通用电气(General Electric)、AT&T等许多跨国企业的顾问,  相似文献   

This paper examines the relative effectiveness of forming implementation intentions (i.e., making specific plans regarding how to go about achieving a goal) for increasing goal attainment under regulatory fit vs. nonfit. We discuss and empirically test the proposition that regulatory nonfit increases the effectiveness of implementation intentions. Extant research contrasts goals of differing difficulty (e.g., buying a textbook vs. finding an apartment) in order to test the relative effectiveness of implementation intentions. In contrast, the present study focuses on identifying the change in implementation intention effectiveness for the same goal (i.e., collecting and turning in receipts for a reward) under conditions of fit vs. nonfit. We empirically demonstrate that when faced with the same goal, people who experience regulatory nonfit perceive the task to be more difficult to complete than people who experience regulatory fit. In turn, when the task is perceived as being more difficult, implementation intentions prove more effective to enhance goal attainment. Our study provides insight into the interaction between regulatory fit and implementation intentions and subsequent effects on goal attainment.  相似文献   

In this paper, the impact of two service quality metrics (star rating and customer rating) on hotel room sales and prices is investigated. Two of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, Paris and London, are chosen. It is found that a higher customer rating significantly increases the online sales of hotels. The study results show that a 1% increase in online customer rating increases Sales per Room up to 2.68% in Paris and up to 2.62% in London. Contrary to expectations, higher stars do not increase the sales. It is also shown that higher customer ratings result in higher prices of the hotel and the prices of high star hotels are more sensitive to online customer ratings.  相似文献   

Managing the shipment of goods to consumers is one of the central aspects of retail competition on the internet. In this article, we analyze internet retailers’ shipping strategies using data from the internet book retailing industry. We find that, controlling for a variety of observable firm characteristics, firms with lower product prices offer lower shipping fees and higher quality shipping in terms of average delivery time, compared to firms with higher product prices. These patterns cannot be readily reconciled with a large class of models of competition under perfect consumer information. Theories based on imperfect consumer information can explain the findings better.
Han LiEmail:

Anti-branding on the internet   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Anti-brand web sites are online spaces that focus negative attention on a specific targeted brand. Although anti-consumption movements on the internet have been gaining in numbers and in strength, research has not fully uncovered the nature of such sites and their impact on brand value and consumer anti-consumption. We present a conceptual framework describing online anti-branding and investigate causal relationships in two empirical studies. Study 1 investigates the brand value's impact on likelihood of the presence of anti-brand sites. Strong brands are more likely to have anti-brand sites. Study 2 is a content analysis of a representative sample of anti-brand sites that assesses the nature of the language used by such sites. Anti-brand sites use three types of language — market, ideological and transactional speech. The study finds that market speech is most prevalent and relates to brand value.  相似文献   

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