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一、出口退税率调整情况的回顾我国从1985年正式开始恢复出口退税政策,同时,彻底取消了实施多年的出口财政补贴,1985年当年实现退税19.8亿元,1986年至实行增值税制度前的1993年,出口退税的金额随着出口规模的不断扩大而不断增加。我国虽然十多年...  相似文献   

倪丽娟 《新商务》2003,(11):8-9,41
最近,国务院决定改革现行出口退税机制。这是一项关系经济全局的重大改革,也是一项关系外经贸发展的重大调整。日前,浙江省外经贸厅等有关部门负责人,就此项改革的相关问题答本刊记者问。  相似文献   

加强企业出口退税的账务管理,是外贸企业财务工作的重中之重,也是区别于内贸企业的一个特点.本文主要探究了外贸企业的出口退税方面几个简要问题.  相似文献   

吴澄 《国际贸易问题》1995,(11):13-16,45
<正> 以退还增值税的方式支持外贸企业扩大出口,是各国通行的行之有效的贸易政策。1991年以来,我国取消原来的出口财政补贴改为出口退税,对促进对外贸易的发展起到了积极的作用,这也符合GATT—WTO范围内的贸易惯例。  相似文献   

2004年以来,国家调整了退税率和退税进度,退税速度之快超出了企业的想象,企业陆续收到退税款,同时资金问题解决了,企业对退税的积极性渐弱。据江苏省国税局的数据分析,到6月初,2004年各月的申报情况基本为:1月出口申报率为30%,2月出口申报率为41%,3月出口申报率为23%,4月出口申报率为796,5月出口申报率为296。从这些情况来看,出口企业的退税管理水平远没有跟上退税的进度,这样会给企业带来较大的利息损失。  相似文献   

一.出口退税机制改革的指导思想和主要内容 2003年10月13日国务院发布关于改革现行出口退税机制的决定。改革的指导思想是:新帐不欠,老帐要还,完善机制,共同负担,推动改革.促进发展。改革的主要内容是:  相似文献   

多年来,我们船舶经济理论界存在一个误区,大家认为出口退税是国家为出口企业提供的优惠和补贴。那么出口退税是否等同于出口补贴,这将关系到出口退税能否得到彻底执行。我们必须从理论上弄清二者的区别,才能使出口退税政策得到正确的贯彻和执行。出口退税的理论基础出口退税是开放经济的基本制度之一,它是指出口国在增值税制度下,为避免本国出口产品遭遇国际双重征税,而将出口货物在国内生产和流通过程中缴纳的间接税退还给出口企业,使出口货物以不含税的价格进入国际市场,属于间接税国际协调的范畴。与进口应足额征税相适应,  相似文献   

平抑出口退税下调影响以加工贸易为突破口   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自2004年1月1日起,我国实施新的出口退税政策,机电产品出口平均出口退税率约下调3.5个百分点,这个幅度不算太大,但对多年以此驱动出口增长的机电产品出口来讲,与其促进产品结构优化的正面效应相比,其负面影响也非常直接。但其影响  相似文献   

李廷  张英 《国际市场》2005,(4):48-49
早在2004年国际社会社对配额取消后的国际纺织品服装市场进行了预测和分忻。世贸组织曾推出报告认为纺织品配额取消后中国占据美国服装市场的份额将从16%上升到50%。在纺织品领域将从11%提升到18%在欧盟服装市场上,中国占据的份额将从18%上升到20%,纺绍品份额将从10%提升到12%,美国和欧盟是国际最大的纺织品服装市场,  相似文献   

China continued to see a slowdown in export of textiles and garments in the first eight months of this year, due largely to weak demand resulting from economic downturn in the euro zone and the United States, the General Administration of Customs said on September 13.  相似文献   

出口退税是指国家为帮助出口企业降低成本,增强出口产品在国际市场上的竞争能力,鼓励出口创汇而实行的由国内税务机关退还出口商品国内税的措施。在世界市场竞争日益激烈的今天,出口退税已成为各国普遍采用的出口鼓励措施之一。其原因在于:世界贸易组织协定及各国法律的规定使出口退税政策合法化;出口退税能够提高企业竞争能力,增加  相似文献   

前不久,国家取消了钢坯的出口退税.又有分析人士认为,今后还有可能降低或取消一些低附加植的钢材产品,如长材类产品的出口退税.  相似文献   

《The World Economy》2018,41(5):1288-1308
This paper examines the relationship between China's exports, export tax rebates and exchange rate policy. It offers an explanation for why China's exports continued to rise under RMB real appreciations during the Asian financial crisis. Based on a traditional export demand model, we test our hypothesis that the counteracting effects of China's export tax rebate policy have diminished the effectiveness of real exchange rates in facilitating the resolution of trade imbalances under the current pegged exchange rate regime. We find evidence that RMB real appreciations during the crisis negatively affected China's exports, but the negative effects were mitigated by the positive effects of export tax rebates. We also find evidence of a long‐run relationship between China's exports and the other explanatory variables. The empirical evidence suggests that under the pegged exchange rate regime with limited adjustments, real exchange rate movements alone cannot resolve China's external imbalances. The policy implication of this study is that China needs to redirect its decades‐long export‐oriented development strategy to one that emphasises domestic demand‐oriented development and to replace the current pegged exchange rate regime with a market‐oriented more flexible exchange rate regime.  相似文献   

财政部、国家税务总局近日对出口退税政策进行了调整,调整后的新出口退税政策有两大特点:第一是全国出口产品退税率平均下调了3个百分点,第二是自2004年1月1日起,中央财政负担的退税额度,以2003年应退税额度为基数,超基数部分由中央财政和地方财政按75:25的比例共同分担。此政策的推出对中央财政、地方财政及具体出口企业都有不同程度的影响,利弊兼有。一、对中央财政的影响(一)此次出口退税新政策的出台,对消除中央财政的巨大隐患将产生重要作用。自实行出口退税政策以来,就出口退税一项累计应退未退税额已达到3000亿元,这样巨大的负债是中…  相似文献   

This paper investigates the extent to which access to credit, public financial incentives and tax financial incentives affect export performance using the EU-EFIGE/Bruegel-Unicredit data set, covering firms within Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Hungary and the UK during the 2008 global financial crisis. The results show that firms receiving credit or benefiting from public financial incentives display higher export intensity and export a greater number of product lines compared to those that did not, especially in countries with better access to credit and/or financial incentives during the crisis. Further, firms benefiting from tax financial incentives show a better export performance compared to those that did not, regardless of the degree of access to credit and/or financial incentives in the country in which they operate. In addition, the effect of access to credit and public finance incentives on export performance is found to be size-dependent, while the effect of tax financial incentives is not. We suggest that governments should promote publicly funded financial incentives along with conventional schemes, such as R&D subsidies, to promote exports, particularly during a period of financial crisis.  相似文献   

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