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绿色投资是兼顾经济、环境、社会三重盈余条件下实现经济、社会、环境可持续发展目标的投资活动。养老金制度与绿色经济可持续发展、绿色资产配置及其风险收益匹配特征、社会责任与道德伦理规范、法律监管要求是养老基金绿色投资的内在动因。实证分析表明,我国新能源指数投资还不能满足养老基金投资的风险与收益要求。我国养老基金绿色投资应坚持养老基金绿色投资导向,坚持浅绿投资为主,选择积极的资产配置策略,政府应培育养老基金绿色投资的良好条件,渐进实现养老金绿色投资和经济绿色增长的良性互动。  相似文献   

袁鲲 《中国外资》2010,(6):183-184
本文考察了海外养老基金投资决策中资产配置理念的发展趋势,从战略目标、策略选择、政府监管及舒生产品运用等方面分析了养老基金投资政策的制约因素,对我国养老金投资政策的建立与完善提供了经验借鉴。  相似文献   

本文考察了海外养老基金投资决策中资产配置理念的发展趋势,从战略目标、策略选择、政府监管及衍生产品运用等方面分析了养老基金投资政策的制约因素,对我国养老金投资政策的建立与完善提供了经验借鉴.  相似文献   

金融危机中养老基金投资的反思与启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近期,由金融危机引发的全球养老金资产大幅缩水加剧了各方对此问题的忧虑。如何看待包括公共养老基金、私人养老基金和社保战略储备基金在内的养老基金的投资管理问题,必将在应对金融危机、人口老龄化、推动政府和市场间的良性互动等多个方面起到重要的启示作用。  相似文献   

我国主权养老基金经过近20年的发展,资产总规模位列全球第四,但资产配置存在投资区域窄、投资限制严、短期投资趋向明显等问题,主要原因在于投资管理体制受到制约。相比之下,国外主权养老基金资产主要配置在境外市场和权益类资产上,挪威政府全球养老基金(GPFG)、澳大利亚未来基金(FF)和加拿大养老金计划基金(CPP)的管理体制分别是政府直接管理、政府下设机构委托外部管理和政府设立机构独立管理,其管理方式分别是设立投资战略基准、投资收益基准和投资风险基准。鉴于此,我国应完善主权养老基金资产配置,在投资管理体制和风险管理机制上采取突破性改革措施。  相似文献   

根据所需资产规模和运营方式的不同,养老产业运营模式可分为轻资产运营模式和重资产运营模式。轻资产运营模式多为居家养老环境下的养老服务,也包括养老社区的运营管理;重资产运营模式多为养老社区、老年公寓等养老地产项目的投资与开发。本文基于全球养老产业发展典型案例,比较分析了两类养老产业运营模式并作出展望。  相似文献   

魏昀璐 《时代金融》2009,(5X):18-20
从投资稳健的美国政府养老基金,到四处套利的对冲基金,再到崭露头角的主权财富基金,全球金融市场风云变幻,有影响力的机构投资者轮番上场。主权财富基金作为一支带有一定神秘色彩的机构投资者通过选择不同国家、不同行业以及不同品种的资产进行组合,其投资的整体风险得到进一步的分散。因此本文从资产配置的角度,以主权财富基金发展的特点为基础,围绕全球主权财富基金投资策略的选择进行分析,对中投公司有一定的启示和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

无论哪个年龄阶段,养老都是无法逃避的话题.人到老年,如何能保证生活质量,有什么办法让养老投资变得更为简单、便捷?近年来,养老目标基金,正成为日益火热的养老投资产品之一. 2018年2月11日,证监会发布《养老目标证券投资基金指引(试行)》,并自公布之日起施行.自此专门面向国民养老需求的公募基金类别正式诞生.养老目标基金是以追求养老资产的长期稳健增值为目的,鼓励投资人长期持有,采用成熟的资产配置策略,合理控制组合波动风险的公开募集证券投资基金.它的诞生对于丰富居民养老投资选择、深入推进我国养老金融事业有深远意义.  相似文献   

养老目标基金是基金公司围绕养老金投资管理、完善资本市场资金结构而推出的创新产品.本文借助理论模型还原了国外养老目标风险基金产品资产配置风险控制和目标风险两个策略的数理模型,并结合中国市场要求、调整核心参数,设计了8种策略,最后基于2005年1月3日至2019年9月30日内的收益率数据进行回测检验.研究表明,在控制风险效...  相似文献   

本文研究了缴费确定型养老基金的最优资产配置问题.假设在金融市场中包含无风险资产和风险资产,且养老基金经理具有损失厌恶的行为特质.最大化投资者最终财富值超过参考点部分的期望效用,通过鞅方法求解出最优投资策略以及最终财富的解析解,得出相关结论,为我国养老基金资产配置提供参考.  相似文献   

对冲基金及其监管问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡平 《南方金融》2008,(4):43-46
近年来,随着金融市场的加速创新和结构性调整,对冲基金的规模也迅速扩张,成为国际金融市场的重要参与者。与传统的资产管理、共同基金相比,对冲基金在投资策略、组织形式等方面具有自己的特点。对冲基金日益扩大的资产规模和自由灵活的投资策略增加了金融市场的流动性、提高了市场效率,但同时也给金融体系带来了新的不稳定因素。2006年以来,对冲基金对金融稳定的影响日益成为全球金融监管者关注的问题。有些国家主张通过间接监管的方式,有些则一直推动加强对对冲基金的直接监管。如何加强对对冲基金的监管,减少对冲基金对金融体系稳定性的负面影响,仍然是全球金融业面临的一项挑战。  相似文献   

Pension fund returns can be decomposed into different sources, including market movements, asset allocation policy, and active portfolio management. We use a unique database covering the asset allocations of US defined-benefit pension funds for the period 1990–2008, and we test the role of each factor in explaining their returns. Our results shed new light on pension funds’ sources of performance. While the previous literature emphasized that policy allocation accounts for the bulk of returns, leaving little room for active management, we show that taking explicit account of market movement can change the results significantly. Although active management plays a minor role in global asset allocation, its role is predominant in explaining returns to individual asset classes, whether traditional or alternative. This paper rehabilitates the contribution of active management as a source of performance for pension funds, at least at the asset class level.  相似文献   

Asset purchases have become an important monetary policy tool of the Federal Reserve in recent years. To date, most studies of the Federal Reserve’s asset purchases have tried to measure the interest rate effects of the purchases, and several provide evidence that these purchases do have important effects on longer-term market interest rates. The theory of how asset purchases work, however, is less well developed. Some of the empirical studies point to “preferred habitat” models in which investors do not have the same objectives, and therefore prefer to hold different types and maturities of securities. To study this more closely, we exploit Flow of Funds data to assess the types of investors that are selling to the Federal Reserve and their portfolio adjustment after these sales, which could provide a view to the plausibility of preferred habitat models and the transmission of unconventional monetary policy across asset markets. We find that the Federal Reserve is ultimately buying from only a handful of investor types, primarily households (which includes hedge funds), with a different reaction to changes in Federal Reserve holdings of longer-term versus shorter-term assets. Although not evident for all investors, the key participants are shown to rebalance their portfolios toward more risky assets during this period. These results can be interpreted as supporting, at least in part, the preferred habit theory and the view that the monetary policy transmission is working across asset markets.  相似文献   

We examine the asset allocation decisions of members of three large Australian retirement savings funds. Superannuation Guarantee legislation in 1992 made Australian employees compulsory investors by requiring employers to contribute a fixed proportion of earnings to a superannuation fund on behalf of employees. A majority of these employees can choose an investment strategy for these contributions. We examine how actual investment strategy and asset allocation choices of members change with age in view of the conventional wisdom that individuals allocate less to risky assets as they age and investments theory which provides conflicting advice on the issue.  相似文献   

吴锴 《海南金融》2008,(10):46-50
本文从前十大重仓股占比、股票集中度、行业集中度、投资区域集中度、夏普指数等指标研究基金系QDII资产配置策略与其收益的关系。统计数据结果表明,过于集中的资产配置对QDII基金收益产生了负效应。同时,QDII基金在成立时机选择、资产配置和外汇投资战略上都欠妥当。由此可见,对于QDII产品而言,资产组合的构建需要符合分散国内系统性风险的原则,否则不会使QDII这种外汇投资基金具有特殊的优势。  相似文献   

In recent years Australians have been given increased responsibility in making investment strategy decisions for their superannuation contributions. The investment choices superannuation funds typically offer include ready-made options with a strategic asset allocation or a "do-it-yourself option where the members choose their own asset allocation. This paper examines a sample of choices by members of a large industry fund which allows members any combination of six ready-made pools and eight asset classes. About one-quarter of these decisions involve choices which suggest a possibly naïve view of diversification unless members are conscious of resulting asset allocations.  相似文献   

In this article, we examine liquidation strategies and asset allocation decisions for property and casualty insurance companies for different insurance product lines. We propose a cash‐flow‐based liquidation model of an insurance company and analyze selling strategies for a portfolio with liquid and illiquid assets. Within this framework, we study the influence of different bid‐ask spread models on the minimum capital requirement and determine a solution set consisting of an optimal initial asset allocation and an optimal liquidation strategy. We show that the initial asset allocation, in conjunction with the appropriate liquidation strategy, is an important tool in minimizing the capital committed to cover claims for a predetermined ruin probability. This interdependence is of importance to insurance companies, stakeholders, and regulators.  相似文献   

If actively managed mutual funds suffer from diminishing returns to scale, funds should alter investment behavior as assets under management increase. Although asset growth has little effect on the behavior of the typical fund, we find that large funds and small‐cap funds diversify their portfolios in response to growth. Greater diversification, especially for small‐cap funds, is associated with better performance. Fund family growth is related to the introduction of new funds that hold different stocks from their existing siblings. Funds with many siblings diversify less rapidly as they grow, suggesting that the fund family may influence a fund's portfolio strategy.  相似文献   

全球经济失衡导致新兴国家的外汇储备巨额盈余,以外汇储备为资金来源的主权财富基金在此背景下迅速崛起。主权财富基金在全球范围内的大规模跨境投资,给国际金融市场稳定带来了正负两方面的效应。为了维护全球金融市场的健康持续发展,必须从金融稳定的视角,构建主权财富基金的国际监管框架。  相似文献   

For participants in defined contribution (DC) plans who refrain from exercising investment choice, plan contributions are invested following the default investment option of their respective plans. Since default investment options of different plans vary widely in terms of their benchmark asset allocation, the most important determinant of investment performance, participants enrolled in these options face significantly different wealth outcomes at retirement. This paper simulates the terminal wealth outcomes under different static asset allocation strategies to evaluate their relative appeal as default investment choice in DC plans. We find that strategies with low or moderate allocation to stocks are consistently outperformed in terms of upside potential of exceeding the participant's wealth accumulation target at retirement as well as downside risk of falling below that target outcome by aggressive strategies whose allocation to stocks approach 100%. The risk of extremely adverse wealth outcomes for plan participants also does not appear to be very sensitive to asset allocation. Our evidence suggests the appropriateness of strategies heavily tilted towards stocks to be nominated as default investment options in DC plans unless plan providers emphasize predictability of wealth outcomes over adequacy of retirement wealth.  相似文献   

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