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创业的话题已经谈得太多太多。在美国,创业是企业管理中的一个学科,可以拿学士和硕士学位,这说明白手起家是一门科学.是可以通过有效的规划和训练提高成功率的。以下是一些白手起家的企业家所总结的创业要略,或许能有所启发:  相似文献   

阳光人格。在一切发达的工业国家,企业家已经作为一种强大的力量占据了社会的中心舞台,取代了古典的社会精英形象而成为人类的“现代英雄”。美国的比尔&;#183;盖茨,日本的松下幸之助等是他们的代表,他们作为财富创造的组织者和指挥者,以辛勤的劳动和远见卓识带来了现代生活的高度繁荣和极度富裕。  相似文献   

30年来,中国社会已形成了庞大的颇具有创富精神与理想的企业家阶层,他们推动了中国经济向市场化转型并融入全球化大潮中。和君创业执行董事长李肃认为,中国的商业进程以10年为一个周期。虽然中国企业家眼中的企业家更替现象很难简单地用10年一个轮回去定论,但30年来在中国企业家眼中确实陆续出现了松下幸之助、盛田昭夫、李健熙、杰克·韦尔奇、李嘉诚、比尔·盖茨等世界级企业家。  相似文献   

大学生较高的知识水平、专业优势和创业激情,使其成为当下创业主体的重要组成部分。国家针对大学生创业出台了一系列优惠政策与措施,旨在为社会培养高级管理人才与企业家后备队伍,同时解决大学生就业难题。本文基于SWOT分析模型,针对大学生创业优缺点进行全面分析,从而提高大学生创业成功率。  相似文献   

《企业家不是天生的》是一本创业研究的权威书籍。作谢洛德(Lloyd E.Shefsky)系美国西北大学Kellogg管理学院企业家临床教授,家族企业中心联合主任。还是Kellogg学院女经理人中心的联合创始人。他创办并担任创业学会会长。他还是Kellogg—Recanati国际EMBA项目顾问委员会的创始成员。在此之前,谢洛德教授由州长任命出任伊利诺创业教育学会董事及美国经济学主管委员会伊利诺经济学教育理事会委员。他创办并担任创业学会会长。作为享誉国际的创业研究专家、企业领袖的导师和顾问,本人也作为一位成就卓的企业家,谢洛德教授真正了解创业的方方面面,深知要成为成功的企业家需要什么。关于谢洛德的介绍,可参阅本刊2006年第10期封面人物章《谢洛德:企业家不是天生的》。 《企业家不是天生的》一书,是他历时六年研究而成,集当今创业界最前沿研究成果于一身,将企业家强大的梦想这一概念与从200余位成就非凡的美国企业家处汇集的实用建议和实例讲解结合在一起,为怀揣创业梦想的人们提供行动指引。 曾有学指出,在过去的30年里美国经济由于创业革命而发生了巨大的转变,创业们正在创造出前所未有的巨大价值,当今美国财富中超过95%是在1980年后创造出来的。在谈到中国的创业环境问题时,谢洛德教授告诉记:“对中国企业家来说,从来没有一个比现在更好的时机,中国也比历史上任何时候都更需要企业家。除了乐观和激情,那些来自美国——这个创业界领袖的、富有建设性的经验能让这些富有激情和梦想的人们更觉得有迹可循,实现梦想也显得可靠。”从本书中,您可以学到诸多颇具价值的课程,如萌生想法、冒险、克服失败恐惧、形成强烈的职业道德、打破常规、预先为机遇作准备,以及也许是最为重要的:克服阻碍您的常见误区。《企业家不是天生的》一书是美国三大图书俱乐部(财富图书俱乐部、纽布里奇管理项目和商业周刊图书俱乐部)的备选图书。曾用英语、汉语、日语、泰国语、希伯来语、西班牙语、阿拉伯语和匈牙利语出版过数个精装本和平装本,同时也是美国西北大学Kellogg商学院、哈佛大学、芝加哥大学、华盛顿大学及其他大学的必读或选读材料。 谢洛德的作一经出版立刻得到了企业各界成功人士的赞扬。 非常感谢谢罗德教授对本刊的信任,授权本刊连载此书,以飨读。 向给与大力支持的清华大学出版社及徐学军主任、费月燕编辑表示衷心的感谢![编按]  相似文献   

美国的经济学家称,硅谷的生命力就在于其永恒的创业情结,这些持续不断的新创建的高科技公司显著的拉动了美国的经济增长。如果授照经济学家钟朋荣的观点企业家可以分为两类,一类是瓜分财富的企业家,一类是创造财富的企业家,那么我们可以将这些硅谷的创业者们归类为后者,因为他们中的大多数公司引领了美国乃至全球的技术潮流。 所以硅谷可以不停的诞生一批批的富有竞争力的小公司,他们的存在推动着美国的经济增长。 这就是我们关注创业企业家和他们的生存环境的原因,因力他们也许在将来会成为除制度因素之外,中国国民经济增长的主要…  相似文献   

创业就业不仅是大学生群体自身关心的问题,也是当今备受各界关注的社会问题,往大里说,更是关乎祖国未来发展的大问题。 企业家,作为容纳了70%社会就业人口的组织领导者,作为一个创业已然成功的群体,无论是在就业还是创业方面,都有着绝对权威的话语权。长期以来,企业家群体以捐资助学的形式为国家教育事业发展做出了巨大贡献,然而,相比较捐资,更大的慈善是把优秀的思想和正确的思考方法传递给下一代人。  相似文献   

本文构造一个企业家关系维度社会资本、认知维度社会资本和结构维度社会资本对企业创业绩效影响的概念理论模型,研究发现企业家关系维度社会资本和认知维度社会资本对创业生存绩效影响显著,但是与创业成功绩效负相关;企业家结构维度社会资本对创业生存与成功绩效都有较显著的正相关关系。企业家三种社会资本对创业绩效的影响之间存在一种结构性的关系。  相似文献   

路兵 《中国新时代》2009,(3):106-106
美国最伟大的企业史学家小艾尔弗雷德·D·钱德勒在撰写美国企业史时曾经说过:“历史学家早就被企业家吸引.却甚少注意这些企业家所创立的机构以及他们的管理方式和所实现的功能。与此相反.历史学家们一直在争论这些创业的先辈是强盗企业家还是工业政治家,即是好人还是坏人。”这样的观点读来令人感同身受。  相似文献   

在西方发达国家,总裁们面对创业元老问题时.没有中国企业家的种种难处。原因很简单创业者都是以股份制形式合伙,在创业之初就明确每人所持有的股份,在公司发展的各个关键阶段还会对各人的股份进行调整,并允许创业元老以优惠的价格购买本公司的股票。这种明晰的分配方式.使创业元老的权益得到充分的保障,在他们离开亲手创办的公司后,依然可以依靠手中的股票使自己的财富增值。从这个意义上讲,比尔·盖茨的仳伴和共同创业者保罗·艾伦就是世界上最富有的创业元老。  相似文献   

What is social entrepreneurship? In, particular, what’s so social about it? Understanding what social entrepreneurship is enables researchers to study the phenomenon and policy-makers to design measures to encourage it. However, such an understanding is lacking partly because there is no universally accepted definition of entrepreneurship as yet. In this paper, we suggest a definition of social entrepreneurship that intuitively accords with what is generally accepted as entrepreneurship and that captures the way in which entrepreneurship may be altruistic. Based on this we provide a taxonomy of social entrepreneurship and identify a number of real cases from Asia illustrating the different forms it could take.  相似文献   


This paper examined online sentiment, key themes and patterns evident in social media activity about digital entrepreneurship. It provides a snapshot-in-time, visual-first perspective on social media user-generated-content (UGC) to better understand the topic of digital entrepreneurship. Global data consisting of 31,017 publicly available UGC which used the #digitalentrepreneurship (hashtag) and the keywords ‘digital entrepreneurship’ were collected. A computer assisted qualitative data analysis software (CAQDAS), Leximancer, was used for an automated text-mining analysis. There is positive online sentiment surrounding digital entrepreneurship technology, ecosystem and industry, and one which promotes women transformation of digital entrepreneurship globally. Negative sentiment pointed out that future development and support of youth in digital entrepreneurship is needed. Digital entrepreneurs were identified as needing to focus on strategy, leadership, management, and social media platforms. A comprehensive perspective on the state of digital entrepreneurship in online UGC is provided. Insights into the challenges, issues, changes, success stories and key topics in digital entrepreneurship are highlighted. Future research is encouraged to adopt longitudinal and quantitative approaches, to provide further insights into the evolution of digital entrepreneurship. The paper contributes to the entrepreneurship literature by applying the Social Exchange Theory and the Social Media User Engagement Framework to better understand social media activity around digital entrepreneurship. The findings show that there are real challenges and issues to overcome but there are also changes occurring in digital entrepreneurship and social media users are keen to share and learn from digital entrepreneurship success stories.


The aim is to analyze, define and examine the connections between social entrepreneurship and the generation of social value, considering the concept of leakage as a measure of social value creation and distribution for the hospitality industry. The paper also proposes an exploratory-theoretical framework of policies to promote social entrepreneurship in hospitality, reduce leakage, and increase the generation of social value. Firstly, the paper concentrates on the figure of the social entrepreneur as a promoter of social value creation. Secondly, it analyzes social value creation in hospitality and its measurement. Then, the article studies and presents leakage as an instrument to monitor social value created by social entrepreneurship in hospitality. Finally, the paper proposes a wide framework of policies to enhance social value creation in hospitality, through the reduction of leakage and reinforcement of social entrepreneurship. Leakage is a useful indicator to monitor social value creation in the hospitality industry. The reduction of leakage can gauge the success of policies promoting social entrepreneurship activities which improve social value creation for the host society. The paper proposes proper and idiosyncratic measures of social value creation in hospitality. It also provides a mechanism to measure the effectiveness of the actions designed to generate social entrepreneurship and social value, at a destination and also at firm or hotel level. A complete framework of actions and policies addressed to increase social entrepreneurship and social value is also proposed.  相似文献   

Spatial approaches to examining entrepreneurship have increasingly built on theories of social capital. However, the nature and extent of local social capital in less successful deprived communities remains under researched and inadequately understood. This article examines the association between social capital and entrepreneurship in a deprived urban neighbourhood in the city of Leeds, UK as a means of contributing to an improved theoretical understanding of how space moderates this association. It is found that social capital has a strong association with patterns of entrepreneurship in deprived urban neighbourhoods, with the potential impacts being both positive and negative. The forms of social capital are found to differ from that found in more affluent localities, with a prevalence of bonding social capital as the key facilitator of entrepreneurship, which may help in the early stages of venture development, but which over time may become a constraint. Also, a lack of the bridging social capital associated with entrepreneurial success is found within the locality. From a policy perspective, it is recommended that policymakers responsible for entrepreneurship in deprived urban neighbourhoods should seek to enhance initiatives for developing social capital which incorporate local businesses, residents and local government agencies.  相似文献   

This paper questions the application of the entrepreneurship discourse to social entrepreneurship in the UK and looks at how people ‘doing’ social enterprise appropriate or re-write the discourse to articulate their own realities. Drawing on phenomenological enquiry and discourse analysis, the study analyses the micro discourses of social entrepreneurs, as opposed to the meta rhetorics of (social) entrepreneurship. Analysis using both corpus linguistics software and Critical Discourse Analysis showed a preoccupation among interviewees with local issues, collective action, geographical community and local power struggles. Echoes of the enterprise discourse are evident but couched in linguistic devices that suggest a modified social construction of entrepreneurship, in which interviewees draw their legitimacy from a local or social morality. These findings are at odds ideologically with the discursive shifts of UK social enterprise policy over the last decade, in which a managerially defined rhetoric of enterprise is used to promote efficiency, business discipline and financial independence. The paper raises critical awareness of the tension in meanings appropriated to the enterprise discourse by social enterprise policy and practice and illustrates the value of discourse analysis for entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship research.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to propose a framework to position sustainable entrepreneurship in relation to sustainability innovation. The framework builds on a typology of sustainable entrepreneurship, develops it by including social and institutional entrepreneurship, i.e. the application of the entrepreneurial approach towards meeting societal goals and towards changing market contexts, and relates it to sustainability innovation. The framework provides a reference for managers to introduce sustainability innovation and to pursue sustainable entrepreneurship. Methodologically, the paper develops an approach of qualitative measurement of sustainable entrepreneurship and how to assess the position of a company in a classification matrix. The degree of environmental or social responsibility orientation in the company is assessed on the basis of environmental and social goals and policies, the organization of environmental and social management in the company and the communication of environmental and social issues. The market impact of the company is measured on the basis of market share, sales growth and reactions of competitors. The paper finds conditions under which sustainable entrepreneurship and sustainability innovation emerge spontaneously. The research has implications for theory and practitioners in that it clarifies which firms are most likely under specific conditions to make moves towards sustainability innovation. The paper makes a contribution in showing that extant research needs to be expanded with regard to motivations for innovation and that earlier models of sustainable entrepreneurship need to be refined. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

Sustainable entrepreneurship pursues a triple bottom line approach of economic, social and ecological goals. The main aim of this paper is to add to our understanding of the process of sustainable entrepreneurship. Since the field of sustainable entrepreneurship is in a nascent stage, we conduct a qualitative study. We employ a multiple case study design to build theory. Based on four case studies we develop a model, which describes the process of sustainable entrepreneurship, including six phases: 1) recognizing a social or ecological problem; 2) recognizing a social or ecological opportunity; 3) developing a double bottom line solution; 4) developing a triple bottom line solution; 5) funding and forming of a sustainable enterprise; 6) creating or entering a sustainable market. By developing a convergent process model with two pathways, we make theoretical contributions to the emerging fields of sustainable entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship. A key finding is that the triple bottom line of ecological, social and economic goals is integrated sequentially, not simultaneously. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

Social entrepreneurship represents a unique and distinctive domain within the broader discipline of entrepreneurship research. The sub-field of social entrepreneurship also shares many commonalities with various sub-fields of larger fields of research such as corporate social responsibility, base of pyramid, non-profit management, social innovation, and impact investing. Understanding the boundaries of social entrepreneurship as well as its relations to these other areas of research is increasingly important as these sub-fields continue to evolve. We provide a clear and concise delineation of social entrepreneurship as a research domain to aid future researchers attempting to understand how social entrepreneurship connects to these other streams of research. Finally, we conclude by outlining research questions that exist at the boundaries of social entrepreneurship and these related sub-fields of research.  相似文献   


The traditional literature regarding social entrepreneurship does not question the political dimension. On the contrary, it tends to de-politicize societal issues. A growing number of researchers underline how this perspective cannot address the complexity and the dialogical nature of social entrepreneurship. However, while there may be a case for incorporating a political perspective, there is currently no conceptual framework to systematically inform an empirical exploration of the role played by the political vision of entrepreneurs. In this paper, we use the concept of political ideology to offer a solid framework to show how politics can shape social entrepreneurs’ motivations. More precisely we identify three political profiles – anti-statist, reformist and neoliberal – which shape the motives to engage in social entrepreneurship. We take an embedded case study approach of 17 social entrepreneurs involved in a social innovation boot camp and reveal the existence of both, left and right-wing approaches in social entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

This paper proposes the research framework that locus of control enhances entrepreneurship through the mediating mechanisms of increased social capital in interpersonal networks and improved human capital in personal development. We adopted structural equation modeling to examine the research hypothesis. The research participants comprised managers from 14 enterprises in China; a total of 1002 valid questionnaires were collected. The results revealed that social and human capital mediate the effect that internal locus of control exerts on entrepreneurship. This study provides the following research contributions: first, the findings address the gaps in previous studies regarding the effect that a single dimension (i.e. personality traits) produces on entrepreneurship. Second, by employing the social exchange and human capital theories, we integrated interpersonal and individual perspectives into the research framework to explore factors affecting entrepreneurship, identifying that social and human capital are key-mediating mechanisms through which locus of control influences entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

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