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跟随拜占庭皇帝的足迹拜访Sultanahmet的纪念碑和博物馆,仰望七座山上宏伟的奥斯曼清真寺,在犹太人、希腊人和亚美尼亚人古老聚居区的鹅卵石街上漫步,坐船穿过博斯普鲁斯海峡和黄金角……当伊斯坦布尔把数百年的历史徐徐展开在你面前时,你只能叹服。这座城市人口最密集的地区见证过拜占庭帝国的空前盛世、奥斯曼苏丹的黄金时代,也经历过不那么富裕强盛的年月。如今这些地方虽有些破旧。但随处可见的细瓷镶嵌画仍然展现着它精美华贵的一面,那些欧式的食宿场所和露台酒吧也在向人们展示着这座城市的活力、创新和乐观精神。,  相似文献   

站在伊斯坦布尔的街道上,我无语了,任何喧嚣的话语都在这座融汇了千年历史的城市前显得多余。沿着海峡地形蜿蜒曲折的古老街道漫步,撞击我视觉的是随处可见的历史的痕迹。作为罗马帝国、拜占庭帝国以及奥斯曼帝国的首都,伊斯坦布尔将众多辉煌的历史遗产  相似文献   

中东地区地毯和地面铺装领域最重要的展会——中东国际地面铺装展览会(DOMOTEX Middle East)连续6年在迪拜举办后,从2012年开始,该展会将落户土耳其的伊斯坦布尔。  相似文献   

晓光 《市场研究》2005,(2):48-49
大市场营销方式的运用,主要是如何应用权力和公共关系消除有形或无形的壁垒,进入封闭的市场。权力是一个“推”的策略,公共关系则是一个“拉”的策略。  相似文献   

晓光 《商界》2005,(2):i010-i010
大市场营销方式的运用,主要是如何应用权力和公共关系消除有形或无形的壁垒,进入封闭的市场。权力是一个“推”的策略,公共关系则是一个“拉”的策略。  相似文献   

只有站得高,才能看得远。“欲穷千里目,更上一层楼”。商业战场亦是如此,谁占领了制高点,谁就能取得主动。《市场前瞻》栏目,就是为您搭建的一座登高望远的平台。让您登上去统观市场态势,纵览市场风云,预测市场变化,展望市场未来。以利你抢占有利地形,取得商战的胜利。  相似文献   

龙珽 《中国海关》2011,(9):52-53
充满活力的经济体印度是南亚次大陆国土面积最大的国家,也是全球增长最快的经济体之一。该国国土面积位居世界第七,矿藏种类多达近百种,其中云母产量居世界第一,煤和重晶石产量均居世界前五。  相似文献   


对于伊斯坦布尔的魅力,拿破仑这样说过:"如果世界是一个国家,它的首都一定是伊斯坦布尔。" 自1985年起,每年都有欧洲城市被授予"欧洲文化首都"荣誉称号。伊斯坦布尔和德国的埃森、匈牙利的佩奇是欧盟确定的2010年"欧洲文化首都"。伊斯坦布尔将在2010年开展数百个文化推广项目。  相似文献   

邢海洋 《中国海关》2012,(1):74+15-74
套用“占领华尔街”运动的口号,这是万分之一或十万分之一的极少数人对剩下的绝大多数人的无耻占有。时隔10年后,中国股市回到了原点。不仅完成了上证指数2245点的10年归零,还超额了。10年问,欧美等发达经济体麻烦不断,基本上是零增长。  相似文献   

In the late 19h century, Alfred Marshall used a fish market as an example of a perfectly competitive market. A hundred years later, New York's Fulton Fish Market has many of the characteristics of a traditional and competitive fish market, despite the documented presence of Mafia involvement. Shivering in the market day after day before dawn, the author recorded sales and prices of whiting to test a primary characteristic of a perfectly competitive market, the "law of one price". Her results left her like Alice in Wonderland, sitting with her face in her hands, "wondering if anything would ever happen in a natural way again". Regression analysis - and common sense - came to her aid.  相似文献   

与读者交流总会令我们的编辑非常愉快.忙活了一年,真的很想知道我们杂志的读者是哪些英才?口味如何?对我们的改版及栏目调整是否喜欢?为此,本刊编辑部在2001年第9期中开辟了读者问卷调查专栏.三个月过去了,我们欣喜地收到了来自全国各地读者的问卷反馈.在问卷中读者们对我们的杂志给予很高的评价,同时也提出了许多中肯的意见.在统计整理的基础上,我们将其做成一份简单的报告,既向读者朋友们有个交待,也想把它当成一面铮亮的镜子,时刻对着它整整自己的衣冠容颜.  相似文献   

Uhder the economic depression and domestic market saturation, some medium and small sized foreign companies become eager to expand to a market with more profits and development spaces. Foreign inves- tors hope to enter the biggest market in Asia, while they are still worrying about the risks. The investors have doubts:  相似文献   

中国股市政策市研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章对政策市的有关研究进行了归纳和梳理,将主要的研究概括为股市政策与政策市,政策市产生原因,不同属性政策的定性分析,政策市运行机制,政策市影响减弱分析,政策市退出市场等方面,揭示出政策市的最大问题是股市政策的行政化,政策市退出股市必须以增强投资者选择权为基础,而这需要经历一个漫长的过程。  相似文献   

International expansion is becoming more imperative in today's marketplace. However, determining which markets best suit a specific company is not a straightforward task. This study tackles the question of how managers should go about identifying, evaluating, and selecting foreign markets. For this purpose, we propose a practical, flexible, and forward‐looking three‐stage template for assessing foreign market opportunities and identifying the most promising international markets. The three stages include determining country responsiveness for a specific industry, estimating future industry growth, and incorporating an industry‐relevant aggregate measure. The study illustrates the tool for three companies from various industries and discusses the implications. The proposed tool offers insights on crucial dimensions for the industry‐specific market potential, and assists managers in identifying favorable foreign markets. This study also addresses the gap in the international market selection literature by developing a new empirical tool for foreign market analysis and selection using longitudinal secondary data. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   


This article offers a contribution to the Japan market entry model selection. It critically analyzes the various models such as the eclectic, transaction cost analysis, Uppsala, resource-based, interactive network, and bargaining power models, with examples as they relate to foreign firms that had used some of these models to successfully establish their businesses in Japan, as well as some foreign firms that have failed in the market. Data were gathered from the past academic journals, the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), newsmagazines, and other sources. Knowledge of corporate Japan and the society played a major role in gathering data for this study. The aim of this article is not to prescribe or offer a solution for the best-available model to use in the market entry into Japan but rather to act as a trigger for a critical checkup on foreign firms planning to internationalize their business and enter the Japanese market. Since there has not been a specific model designed for a Confucian society like Japan, an integrated model combining all the models together was examined using the market entry in Japan of Vodafone, Yahoo, Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, and Bayer Yakuhin as examples. Finally, the article offers some suggestions on how to enter and expand business in the Japanese market.  相似文献   

市场暂时低迷中小租赁商生存艰难 根据美国International Maritime Associates(IMA)公司最新发布的研究报告,受金融危机影响,全球浮式生产系统市场在短期内基本冻结。自去年第四季度以来,全球未成交浮式生产系统订单。  相似文献   

波兰不仅是中东欧地区最大的经济实体,同时波兰国内生产总值的增长速度在该地区及在整个欧洲都是最高的。波兰是一个具有发展进取心、国家规模大,年轻化和受教育程度高的社会。  相似文献   

Segmentation “trees’ can be a useful way of analyzing markets for improved strategy. This article explains how, and shows some flaws in traditional segmentation methods.  相似文献   

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