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遵循世贸组织环境规则 构筑中国绿色贸易制度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经济全球化的迅速发展与全球环境问题的日趋严重,促使国际贸易与环境保护的关系日益密切。本文通过对世贸组织环境规则的探讨,指出要使贸易与环境协调发展,必须坚持全面协调和可持续的贸易发展观,以科学的贸易发展观为指导,遵循世贸组织环境规则的要求,在环境法规、绿色标志、绿色认证、绿色包装和绿色保障体系等方面构筑和我国社会经济发展相适应的绿色贸易制度。  相似文献   

机构投资者面面观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>一、机构投资者概述(一)证券投资基金证券投资基金是中国目前主要的机构投资者类型。证券投资基金在中国的发展始于20世纪90年代初,与中国证券市场的发展基本同步。当时,受海外中国基金设  相似文献   

华文 《国际市场》2001,(3):37-37
三月春暖花开,一年一度的中国华东进出口商品交易会以其光辉的形象进入了第11个春秋.在外经贸部领导人眼里,华交会一直被视为"中国规模最大、客商最多、辐射面最广、成效额最高的区域性国际经贸盛会".如今,它被外商越来越看好,青睐度日益见长.由日本有关株式会社组成的"燕商业卸团地协同组合"负责人日前表示,"我们迫切期待着参加中国华东进出口商品交易会,以与经济飞速发展的中国消费者合作寻找贸易发展的商机."  相似文献   

基金持股的上市公司特征探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合我国以证券投资基金为主的机构投资者实际发展状况及相关制度背景,以探讨机构投资者是否对上市公司治理存在影响为主线,对机构投资者持股上市公司特征进行了实证研究。结果发现,基金持股的上市公司在公司治理、盈利能力等方面优于非基金持股的上市公司,开放式基金持股公司和封闭式基金持股公司在治理特征方面存在显著差异,基金能同时对上市公司产生"用手投票"和"用脚投票"的积极效应。  相似文献   

ForeigninvestmentlsplavinRoffinShanghaiwithbriskreturnsandincreasedmarketexpansion,accordingtoofficialsofforeign-fUndedfirms.Shanghaiisagoldengoosethatcanhelpmakeyourbusinessasuccessthankstoitscomprehensivetransportnetworks,solidindustrialfoundationandabundanceofskilledlabour,saidGeHongtao,asalesofficialwithShanghaiHitachiHomeApplianceProducts,acompanyfllndedbyJapan-basedglobalgiantHitachi.Gesaidbriskbusiness,apercapitaannualGDPofUS$3,4OOandmorepeoplejoiningtheranksofthenouveauricheha…  相似文献   

证券市场中机构投资者与个人投资者信息不对称分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
证券市场中的机构投资者和个人投资者之间存在显著的信息不对称的原因——两者在信息搜寻和信息解读方面存在着显著差异,这两方面的差异导致了机构投资者和个人投资者在信息融入市场过程的行为不同。为了减小信息不对称程度从而提高市场有效性,必须大力发展机构投资者,同时加强对个人投资者的保护。  相似文献   

沙文兵  石涛 《商业研究》2006,(20):117-119
当前,我国各大商业银行纷纷通过出让部分股权引入境外战略投资者。分析中国银行业引入战略投资者的潜在风险,认为对境外战略投资者抱以过高希望是不现实的,收益是潜在的,其实现与否取决于诸多条件,因而不能对境外战略投资者抱以过高的期望。  相似文献   

早些年,有人闯荡俄罗斯做生意,给人以一种先驱者的感觉,他们有的失败,也有的获得了不小的成功。如今,俄罗斯市场比较成熟了,更适合我们前去开拓。但俄罗斯市场并不就是“莫斯科郊外的晚上”,还是有一些必须要注意的事项。且听俄罗斯归来者的指点。  相似文献   

机构投资者与上市公司治理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪80年代以来,随着证券市场的成熟及自身持股比例的增加,英美等西方国家的机构投资者在上市公司治理中发挥着越来越重要的作用。他们的积极参与使上市公司治理机制日臻完善。而我国证券市场的缺陷及机构投资者力量的薄弱,阻碍了其作用的发挥。因此超常规发展机构投资者成为提升上市公司治理水平的一个重要方面。  相似文献   

中国加入世贸组织的十年,既是中国深度融入全球经济的过程,也是中国适应、改变和参与制定WTO规则的十年。而在这十年中,另一套规则也处在悄然演变之中,那就是社会责任规则体系。  相似文献   

The Thought‐Leader Series of five articles in the March 2014 issue of the Journal of Business Logistics made it clear that major changes are required in both Logistics and Supply Chain Management programs and indeed in business schools. The articles provided further evidence of how ill‐advised metrics in the hands of fools not only result in a misuse of financial resources but also squander “the efforts of some of the world's best minds” (Economist 2013a). We address the problems that these “Thought‐Leader” pieces reveal, briefly review the criticism of business schools, and describe how the metrics used to evaluate performance are driving the wrong behavior. We offer recommendations for change including: stop competing based on flawed ranking systems; focus on providing students with a quality cross‐functional education; encourage faculty members to conduct problem‐driven, big‐idea research that impacts management practice; and change the incentive system for faculty and administrators. Faculty members in Logistics and Supply Chain Management have a unique opportunity to make substantial contributions due to the boundary‐spanning nature of these fields and the traditional emphasis on applied research. We should not ignore these strengths. Implementing our recommendations will not be easy but we must find the courage to change.  相似文献   

螃蟹 《广告大观》2007,(6S):150-150
广告不讲理,要讲理,你要先不讲理。否则怎么样,看看下面的对话吧。  相似文献   

中国境外投资的区域分布呈现多元化,遍布世界五大洲,其中香港和澳门特区占了较大比重,据中国对外贸易经济合作部统计,截止1999年底中国境外投资企业数量已达5976家,其中港澳地区为2117家,占35.4%.因此搞清楚内地企业在港澳地区的投资情况,对于研究中国海外投资问题是很有意义的.  相似文献   

According to the memorandum entitled “Microelectronics 2000”, the Japanese and American lead in semi-conductor technology threatens not only the existence of a number of European firms but the prosperity of all the European economies. It therefore concludes that if Europe is not to be at the mercy of giant Japanese and US concerns the state must ensure the development of these key technologies by paying substantial subsidies. How valid is this argument?  相似文献   

机构投资者与金融衍生品市场   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
单树峰  余波 《商业研究》2004,(23):141-145
机构投资者对金融衍生品市场的发展和成熟起关键作用。在分析金融衍生品市场发展现状的基础上 ,对机构投资者参与金融衍生品交易的行为和动因进行了研究。金融衍生品市场演变的一个重要趋势是交易机构的高度集中 ,但机构集中可能是金融衍生品市场区别于其它市场的固有特征。我国发展金融衍生品市场需重视培育机构投资者 ,除了构建适宜的法律环境、采取积极的风险管理人才储备策略外 ,应认识银行在金融衍生品市场中的重要作用  相似文献   

The Chinese government would not allow China Construc tion Bank (CCB) to fall under foreign control following its listing on the Hong Kong stock market last month, state press reported. CCB president Guo Shuqing said that even if Beijing were to sell more of China's third largest bank to foreigners, the government would not relinquish its "absolute control" over the lender, the Shanghai Securities News reported.  相似文献   

So far the Enron story has mostly been about executives and accountants. This article focuses on the professional investment community - fund managers and financial analysts. It argues that the data in Enron's published accounts should have been sufficient to trigger warning bells long before the share price started falling. Enron's reported revenue grew fast, but at lower margins - with the result that it was failing to earn an adequate return on capital. As with the internet bubble, the investment community neglected the question of whether the growth was valuable.  相似文献   

A good friend of China,who from ASEAN countries,once said that"The biggest difference of China between her past and present is that China is rich now with large foreign exchange reserves in the bags"Yes,the Chinese government is encouraging his enterprises to go abroad by various means.Facilitating Chinese enterprises to invest globally is in accordance with China's present Go Global Strategy exactly.And The 2nd Chinese Enterprises Outbound Investment Conference (CEOIC), co-hosted by China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) and Ministry of Commerce of China is a good example to that.  相似文献   

In August,2008,the export of heavy trucks began to face the daunting challenge presented by the current global climate.  相似文献   

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