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小飞 《房地产导刊》2011,(8):109-111
随着珠三角人均GDP破万美元,人们对休闲生活和人生价值升华的追求,让旅游度假成为常态,这为旅游地产投资开发带来巨大机遇。7月15日,由碧桂园集团主办、《房地产导刊》与《深圳特区报》协办的"2011中国新度假模式高峰论坛暨碧桂园·十里银滩产品新闻发布会"在深圳隆重举行,全国媒体与业界人士约300人到场见证,掀起新一轮滨海度假物业投资热潮。  相似文献   

<正>回眸2015年,可以用创新、睦邻、共享来总结碧桂园物业的收获。回眸2015年,可以用创新、睦邻、共享来总结广东碧桂园物业服务股份有限公司(以下简称"碧桂园物业")的收获。创新2015年,碧桂园物业创新养老服务模式,为社区长者提供日间照料及居家养老等合理、适度的服务。自5月第一间社区居家养老中心"幸福世家"试点落户华南碧桂园之后,碧桂园物业又相继在顺德碧桂园、  相似文献   

<正>"碧桂园名片"碧桂园物业服务股份有限公司是碧桂园集团旗下的子公司,成立于19 92年,具备国家一级资质,与房地产开发、酒店、教育并列为四大业务板块,被赋予重要的战略地位——碧桂园集团主席杨国强曾说,"物业管理是我们的明天"。经过二十多年的磨砺与发展,碧桂园物业实现了跨越式发展,获得全国"综合百强企业"殊荣,并位居全国物业管理综合实力前五。  相似文献   

<正>广大碧桂园物业服务有限公司总经理李长江18年来致力于为业主提供贴心服务,始终相信,高品质的服务一定能换来业主的高满意度。入行18年,李长江始终时刻铭记"永远把客户放在第一位",他相信,高品质的服务一定能换来业主的高满意度,也一定能换来品牌的高知名度。为此,碧桂园物业员工在工作中,一切以让客户满意为中心,视业主为亲人、朋友,全程做到跑步服务、微笑服务、专业服务,天天如此。目前,李长江带领25000多名碧桂园物业员工,为  相似文献   

我还是认为海外地产让人欢喜让人忧。去年以来,不时传来海外某项目大卖的捷报,碧桂园马来西亚大卖,绿地悉尼顶级物业一抢而空,这些好消息引得更多的开发企业对海外市场充满憧憬,一波波出海看地。但我还是认为海外地产让人欢喜让人忧,我总结了"4要"和"4不要",供有兴趣出海的企业参考。1、要去发达国家,不要去旅游目的地。  相似文献   

<正>作为连接千家万户的重要民生行业,提供高品质和多样化的服务,不断满足人民日益增长的美好生活需要,是物业管理行业发展的不竭动力。大力提升物业服务,是满足人民对美好生活向往的现实需要。近年来,碧桂园服务积极探索“物业服务+生活服务”模式,持续提升社区服务质量,提升社区服务智能化水平,推进家政、养老、托幼、物业服务等业态融合创新,不断提升客户满意度。延伸服务边界,助力美好生活  相似文献   

<正>除了去年展示的几款产品外,碧桂园物业还将展示凤凰会、凤凰优选、橙家、安和泰等几款产品。物业管理行业转型升级加剧,亿万蓝海群雄逐鹿。处在快速增长期的碧桂园物业,以客户需求和喜好为基础,孵化布局多项业务,通过互联网、云技术,整合智能安防和智能家居等智能硬件产品,并融合物业服务、金融、O2O等,构建场景化社区服务生态圈,抢占市场制高点。据了解,目前,碧桂园物业已在拓展物业管理2.0及3.0版本的增值服务,其中2.0包括房屋租售服务,以及社区零售、家居服务等,3.0则主要是整合社会公共资源,围绕社区金融展开,包括保险理赔  相似文献   

<正>"碧桂园给你一个五星级的家!"这是广东碧桂园物业服务有限公司总经理李长江给逾百万碧桂园业主的一个郑重承诺。2014年,李长江不仅是这么说的,也是这么做的。在他的带领下,碧桂园物业通过提供高端物业服务,建设智慧社区等举措,开启了企业全面提升服务品质的新征程。李长江认为,碧桂园作为高端的地产品牌必须有高端的物业服务品牌相配套。2014年,为打造碧桂园物业高端服务品牌形象,提升服务质量,李长江带领团队陆续推出了"铂金凤凰管家"  相似文献   

据悉,在近期举办的"2010第八届中国地产经济主流高峰论坛"上,国内地产十强企业碧桂园,以其独特的发展模式、产品研发优势包揽"中国主流地产金鼎奖:年度最受尊敬住宅品牌开发商"、"中国和谐人居金筑奖:碧桂园钻石墅——年度最佳建筑创新设计"两大殊荣,同期,旗下大型度假项目碧桂园·假日半岛荣获"中国和谐人居金筑奖:年度最佳人居环境金奖"。  相似文献   

<正>在本届博览会上,广东碧桂园物业服务股份有限公司(下简称"碧桂园物业")无疑是一颗耀眼的明星,其向观众展出的"旺管家、碧有信、安心家、凤凰优选、凤凰会、橙家、安和泰"等一系列智慧物业生态服务产品,受到了行业同仁的强烈关注。在博览会期间,本刊记者有幸采访到了碧桂园物业总经理李长江。  相似文献   

顾文选 《城市发展研究》2003,10(4):13-16,27
通过对江苏吴江市和浙江绍兴县两地部分建制镇和部分原农村居民点的实地调研 ,作者认为 ,目前两地农村工业化、城市化处于发展的上升期 :中心镇经济和城市化发展相当快 ;中心镇以下的部分行政村异地或就地实现城市化。在城市化进程中 ,以下问题有待探讨解决 :迁村并点、撤乡并镇的速度与规模 ;城镇建设用地指标及相关政策 ;社区建设改造过程中 ,农民征地拆迁补偿标准和社会保障等。  相似文献   

The BRICS countries in general, and China and India in particular, are now widely regarded as the areas of the world likely to challenge the economic leadership of the United States (US) and the European Union (EU). A large part of this challenge will come from rapid technological catch‐up by China and India. Yet, despite a recent rise in interest, there is limited knowledge about how and where innovation takes place in these two leading emerging countries and to what extent the Chinese and Indian territorial systems of innovation differ from those in the EU or the US. In this article we explore the geography of innovation in China and India, concentrating on understanding key territorial‐level innovation trends by country, region and technology field, using the US and the EU as benchmarks. We find significant contrasts between the geography of innovation in China and India and that of the US and the EU. First, the degree of concentration of innovative activities in both countries is extremely high. Levels of agglomeration of innovation in the coastal provinces of China, as well as in Delhi and the South of India, significantly exceed the levels of agglomeration found in the USA and the EU. Secondly, China has witnessed a more rapid increase in the degree of concentration of innovation than India. We posit that the differences in the geography of innovation between, on the one hand, China and India and, on the other hand, between these countries and the developed world are rooted in different institutional settings, different systems of innovation and different national innovation strategies.  相似文献   

Worldwide medical facilities differ, and for this reason, the causes of death can vary. Cancer is considered the second leading cause of death after heart disease worldwide, and the same causes of death are observed in the United States (US). Therefore, the purposes of this study are to explore worldwide research levels in the field of cancer and the social collaboration of researchers and institutions in this field. This article examines the structural patterns of international co-authors and co-institutions in science citation index papers in cancer research. The study uses measures from the social network analysis method, including degree centrality, betweenness centrality, eigenvector centrality, and effectiveness, to investigate the effects of social networks in the area of cancer research. Empirical analysis results identify the US is the most central country, followed by Germany, Italy, France, and China, in terms of co-authored networks in this research field. Institutional analysis results indicate that the University of Milan is at the top in terms of degree centrality. The Gustave Roussy Cancer Campus in France and German University of Düsseldorf occupy the second and fourth positions, respectively. The University of California in Los Angeles and Harvard University, both in the US, are at third and fifth positions, respectively.  相似文献   

Jim Ramsay was born on September 5, 1942, in Prince George, British Columbia. He pursued undergraduate studies at the University of Alberta, where he completed a BEd in 1964 with a major in English and a minor in mathematics. He then specialized in statistics and psychometry, earning a PhD in psychology from Princeton University in 1966. After holding a temporary lectureship in the Department of Psychology at University College London for one year, he joined the Department of Psychology at McGill University, where he rose through the academic ranks. He was chair of his department from 1986 to 1989 and spent sabbatical leaves in Cambridge, Grenoble, and Toulouse. He was named professor emeritus upon his retirement in 2007. Jim is the author of four influential books and over 100 peer‐reviewed articles in statistical and psychometric journals. He developed much of the statistical theory behind multidimensional scaling and is widely recognized as the founder of functional data analysis. Three of his papers were read to the Royal Statistical Society, and another won The Canadian Journal of Statistics 2000 Best Paper Award. The Statistical Society of Canada (SSC) awarded him a Gold Medal for research in 1998 and an honorary membership in 2012. Jim was president of the Psychometric Society in 1981–82 and president of the SSC in 2002–03. The following conversation took place at Jim's home in Ottawa, Ontario, on March 14 and April 4, 2012.  相似文献   

Knowledge flow in China’s humanities and social sciences   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite fruitful studies on knowledge flow and interdisciplinarity, there are few investigations on knowledge flow in humanities and social sciences (HSS) and how knowledge from science and technology diffuses to HSS sub-disciplines. Based on Chinese and English articles in HSS, this study explored knowledge flow in China’s HSS with an analysis of Chinese and English publications from 1998 to 2014. Findings include: (1) the interdisciplinarity degree of knowledge absorption in social sciences is higher than that of humanities in both Chinese and English articles, meanwhile the degree of interdisciplinarity in all HSS sub-disciplines increased constantly; (2) Chinese scholars in HSS increasingly tended to learn knowledge in hard sciences and applied it to their domains, especially in English articles; (3) in Chinese articles, Economics was the most crucial knowledge base, while Management, Education and Law were absorption-oriented sub-disciplines; in English articles Management, Law, Literature and Philosophy were absorption-oriented sub-disciplines.  相似文献   

The impact of the AIDS epidemic in developing countries, and in Africa in particular, is now a matter of great concern to policy makers, managers, and academics on a global scale. The magnitude of the potentially disastrous effects of the disease has severe implications for management in organizations, and, in particular, for HRM. The AIDS epidemic is imposing, and will continue to impose, in the foreseeable future, a significant burden on the way people are managed. Little has been written on HRM in Africa, and the present literature on AIDS and HRM in Western societies is inappropriate and insufficient in relation to African organizations. Fifteen organizations in Tanzania took part in this study, which is probably the first of its kind, to produce a picture of current developments and approaches in managing people under the threat of AIDS.  相似文献   

The recent deregulation in electricity markets worldwide has heightened the importance of risk management in energy markets. Assessing Value-at-Risk (VaR) in electricity markets is arguably more difficult than in traditional financial markets because the distinctive features of the former result in a highly unusual distribution of returns—electricity returns are highly volatile, display seasonalities in both their mean and volatility, exhibit leverage effects and clustering in volatility, and feature extreme levels of skewness and kurtosis. With electricity applications in mind, this paper proposes a model that accommodates autoregression and weekly seasonals in both the conditional mean and conditional volatility of returns, as well as leverage effects via an EGARCH specification. In addition, extreme value theory (EVT) is adopted to explicitly model the tails of the return distribution. Compared to a number of other parametric models and simple historical simulation based approaches, the proposed EVT-based model performs well in forecasting out-of-sample VaR. In addition, statistical tests show that the proposed model provides appropriate interval coverage in both unconditional and, more importantly, conditional contexts. Overall, the results are encouraging in suggesting that the proposed EVT-based model is a useful technique in forecasting VaR in electricity markets.  相似文献   

This article draws on the Organisational Growth and Development (OGD) life cycle model to explore the relationship between high‐performance work systems (HPWS) and performance in firms of different size, thereby extending understanding of congruence or ‘best fit’ theory within strategic HRM debates. With reference to management control theory, economies of scale and the availability of specialist managerial skills, the article hypothesises that while an HPWS–performance relationship might exist in small, medium‐sized and large firms, the relationship will be stronger in large firms than in both small and medium‐sized firms, and stronger in medium‐sized firms than in small firms. Analysis of data from the British Workplace Employment Relations Survey demonstrates, however, that there is no association between HPWS and workplace performance in medium‐sized firms, in contrast to the positive relationship between HPWS and performance found in large firms and between HPWS and labour productivity in small firms.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to provide an overview on the state of research in the field in human resource management (HRM) issues in multinational corporations (MNCs) in and from China. We integrate previous studies from multiple disciplines to articulate the contextual importance of research on this topic, and suggest overarching themes to expand the field of research. HRM research in the intercultural, interinstitutional context of MNCs in and from China has the potential to provide contextualized insights for longstanding debates in the field such as HRM standardization versus localization and convergence versus divergence and contextual factors behind these patterns. To this end, we call for future research to center on the changing cultural, institutional, technological, and globalization context in understanding HRM and industrial relations issues in these MNCs. Practically, knowledge in this area can help global managers and top management teams in multinational organizations navigate various context complexity, foster more productive coordination and cooperation across borders, and gain legitimacy and MNCs in and from China additional competitive edge in the global marketplace.  相似文献   

This study draws on the national cultural dimensions of power distance, individualism, and Confucian dynamism to predict and explain differences in philosophies for, and approaches to organizational design and management planning and control systems in Australia and the US, representing Anglo-American nations, and Singapore and Hong Kong, representing the 'five dragons' of East Asia. Data were gathered by survey questionnaires mailed to senior accounting and finance executives in 800 organizations.
The results were largely as predicted and, in general, provide support for the importance of national culture in influencing organizational design and management planning and control systems. In particular, the cultural values of Anglo-American society relative to East Asian society are associated with a greater emphasis on decentralization and responsibility centres in organizational design, and a greater emphasis on quantitative and analytical techniques in planning and control. By contrast, the cultural values of East Asian society are associated with a greater emphasis on long-term planning and on group centred decision-making. The results are important to managers in global organizations who need to understand the cultural bases of observed differences in organizational and management planning and control practices in Anglo-American and East Asian nations.  相似文献   

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