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吴隽 《海南金融》2013,(10):18-21
近年来,理财产品市场发展迅猛,理财产品收益率的高低也备受关注。本文从收益率曲线的定义和形状入手,使用MATLAB软件构造了理财与资金信托产品收益率曲线,并对该收益率曲线进行评价,指出理财产品收益率曲线是我国利率体系的有效补充,具有重要作用。  相似文献   

资金信托业务风险问题分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
何厚高 《浙江金融》2003,(5):28-28,23
有别于传统意义上的信托业务,资金信托业务的投资风险是由投资者自己承担的,一旦这种投资出现风险,投资者不仅不能取得一定的收益率,而且要损失部分委托资金直至全部受损.按照<暂行办法>的规定,信托投资公司不仅不能向投资人承诺信托资金不受损失,而且只要该信托投资公司按照<资金信托业务合同>的约定,对资金信托业务进行管理、运作,即使运作的结果不够理想,导致信托资金受到损失,这一部分损失最终要由信托财产承担,也就是说只要信托公司无过错,其资金信托业务产生的损失应由投资人承担.  相似文献   

按照官方定义.资金信托是指委托人基于对信托投资公司的信任,将自己合法拥有的资金委托给信托投资公司,由信托投资公司按委托人的意愿以自己的名义,为受益人的利益或者特定目的管理、运用和处分的行为。而集合资金信托是指信托投资公司接受二个或二个以上的委托人委托、依据委托人确定的管理方式或由信托投资公司代为确定的管理方式管理和运用信托资金的行为。  相似文献   

房地产信托为什么热得烫手?作为一种新的融资形式,房地产信托自2003年以来可谓出尽了风头。仅去年第四季度。全国就发行了房地产信托产品37个,募集资金35亿元。今年刚刚进入3月,又有数只信托新品推出。这些信托从运用对象看,有烂尾楼的处理、房地产信托收益权转让、联合进行房地产信托开发、信托公司成立房地产项目公司等;从投资方式看,有贷款、股权投资、贷款 股权投资等形式。  相似文献   

商业银行理财业务法律风险思考与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
受国际金融危机影响,国际国内市场震荡剧烈,全球经济增长普遍减速,受此影响,银行理财产品市场普遍遭遇浮亏和"业务短板"。由于理财产品大多面对普通的自然人消费者,因此,产生了较强的负面社会影响。本文从理财业务本身出发,从法律风险的角度,对理财业务进行深入探讨,并提出有关建议。  相似文献   

随着银行理财业务的不断发展,信托理财规模有了较快速的增长,投资渠道不断拓宽,对信托理财资金运用管理与监管水平的要求也不断提高。本文在对一些基本概念进行了简要概述的基础上分析我国银行信托理财的运行与发展的现状,根据这些问题针对性的提出一系列的改进措施。  相似文献   

近年来,基层金融机构理财产品销售额逐年增长,为进一步了解海北州金融机构理财业务开展情况.本文分析了辖区银行业金融机构业务发展现状、特点及存在的问题,并提出了促进理财业务发展的政策建议.  相似文献   

对金融机构委托理财业务的几点认识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,不少金融机构推出了名目繁多的委托理财或代客理财服务。比较典型的有:银行推出的多方委托贷款,证券公司推出的集合受托投资管理,保险公司推出的投资分红保险,信托投资公司推出的集合资金信托计划等。这些产品的推出在一定程度上弥补了我国投资渠道狭窄的不足,提高了融资市场中的直接融资比重。  相似文献   

银监会非银行金融机构监管部主任柯卡生表示,要加强房地产信托业务风险监管。密切跟踪房地产市场最新变化,高度关注信托公司流动性风险.市场风险和政策性风险;强化房地产信托融资监管;通过压力测试、专项调查等摸清风险底数,采取相应监管措施;对存续房地产信托项目逐笔核查,对违规行为依法查处,并适时进行风险提示和窗口指导。  相似文献   

对于整个金融体系而言,国债市场发挥着核心金融市场的功能,表现为离流动性国债市场对提高金融稳定性、高效率的国债市场对于防范金融危机,部具有极其重要的作用。在此基础上,文章介绍了国偾管理中,以及国债市场运行中可能存在的风险,并就提高债券市场流动性,以及商业银行提高利率风险管理水平提出相关建议。  相似文献   

Does earnings management, even though legal, hinder investor trust in reported earnings? Or do investors regard earnings management as a way for firms to convey private information, or simply as a neutral feature of financial reporting? We find that past abstinence from earnings management increases investor responses to future earnings surprises. Importantly, this effect occurs in industries where investor trust has recently been violated, and where managers would in the past have had incentives and opportunities to misrepresent earnings. Overall, investors seem to interpret the extent to which management resists temptations for misreporting as a “litmus test” of trustworthiness.  相似文献   

This paper explores the development of management accounting in small firms through a social construction perspective. Taking Dirsmith’s (1998) (Dirsmith, M. W. 1998. Accounting and control as a solution to technical problems, political exchanges and forms of social discourse: the importance of substantive domain, Behavioural Research in Accounting, 10 (Supplement), 65–77) lead we examine the evolution of control and decision-making processes within four growth-orientated service sector businesses. Key to the perspective is the notion of the owner–manager and his/her employees as creators of management accounting routines that form through a cycle of action, externalization and habitualization. These routines still remain in the control of the originator and are flexible in nature. As the business grows these routines may become objectified into localized management accounting ‘facts’ and they may also be challenged by externally imported accounting conventions. This paper explores the creation of idiosyncratic accounting knowledge and the effects of its transmission over the history of the businesses.  相似文献   

由传统业务模式向现代业务模式转型,是商业银行保持可持续发展的必然要求和趋势,但商业银行在推进业务转型中可能遇到一定的合规与市场风险,值得监管者和风险管理部门关注,文章基于当前商业银行内部业务运作与外部市场环境的现状,以理财业务、债券承销业务与交易全球化为代表具体分析了其中的风险点,并提出相关对策建议。  相似文献   

商业银行个人理财业务研究与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
理财业务是商业银行推进综合化经营战略的重要载体和提高中间业务收入的重要手段。我国商业银行理财业务尚处于起步阶段,当前具有以信托贷款类产品为主导,产品预期收益趋向合理,分层服务体系开始构建等特点。产品风险揭示不足、品种结构不合理以及粗放式发展等问题仍然存在。我国商业银行需要重新考察和研判市场方向,发挥理财业务对经营转型的重要作用;打造卓越品牌形象与特色服务,获取客户的持久信任与忠诚;加大创新力度,探寻理财市场发展新空间;同时,由单一产品向综合平台转变,由大众化产品向分层次服务转变;建立健全理财业务风险管理体系。  相似文献   

我国财险公司操作风险探析及其管理对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
风险管理能力是金融企业的核心竞争力之一,在当前金融危机席卷全球的背景下,金融企业自身的风险管理显得尤为重要。从国际经验数据来看,财险公司出现财务危机或者破产的主要原因是操作风险导致的,因此操作风险的管理是财险公司风险管理的重点。本文借鉴银行业的操作风险的管理经验,对操作风险的范畴进行了界定,阐述了操作风险的特点,分析了我国财险业目前面临的主要操作风险,并提出了管理对策。  相似文献   

In financial groups, enterprise risk management is becoming increasingly important in controlling and managing the different independent legal entities in the group. The aim of this paper is to assess and relate risk concentration and joint default probabilities of the group’s legal entities in order to achieve a more comprehensive picture of a financial group’s risk situation. We further examine the impact of the type of dependence structure on results by comparing linear and nonlinear dependencies using different copula concepts under certain distributional assumptions. Our results show that even if financial groups with different dependence structures do have the same risk concentration factor, joint default probabilities of different sets of subsidiaries can vary tremendously.
Stefan SchuckmannEmail:

This contribution focuses on a discrete-time risk model in which both insurance risk and financial risk are taken into account and they are equipped with a wide type of dependence structure. We derive precise asymptotic formulas for the ruin probabilities when the insurance risk has a dominatedly varying tail. In the special case of regular variation, the corresponding formula is proved to be uniform for the time horizon.  相似文献   

Business world is complex and fast changing. This paper brings strategy paradigms to the auditing domain in an attempt to advance existing understanding on the audit risk reduction and firms’ economic performance. Grounded in existing literatures, we establish some crucial convergence points between the external auditors’ audit processes and the firms’ strategic management agendas. A theoretical framework that embeds some proposed strategic organizational conditions, which align organizational internal and external effects for performance, and the theories of the firm is then presented. The literature review suggests that the integration of the audit processes and the organizational conditions is inherently beneficial to both auditors and firms. The routine from such integration can be a tacit knowledge asset or capability hard to be emulated. It shall reduce audit risks and sustain earnings performance. Hence, the practices and leveragabilities of such routine merit further managerial and research attention. We highlight at the end how our works can be tested in future research.  相似文献   

The paper outlines a behavioural theory of the fund manager (FM) firm comprising investment decisions (at stock and portfolio levels) by teams and individuals, and of an organisation process and contextual resource factors affecting decisions. FM organisational processes interacted with resources to enhance investment team decision conditions, costs and processes. Enhanced conditions and reduced decision costs were expected to improve the chances of FM success via new information production and better-quality decisions. These dynamic elements to FM firms can be interpreted as tentative organisational means to deal with major problems of behaviour, uncertainty and information asymmetry at the heart of the valuation, investment and performance problems facing FMs. Field research was conducted in 15 FM firms during 2004–2011. A grounded theory approach was employed in processing the data. This led to improvements in empirical understanding of behaviour within FM firms and markets. The results were discussed relative to relevant literature and previous grounded theory. This created a new conceptual tool to investigate FM underperformance and variety in FM styles. The paper demonstrated an empirically rich model of hierarchy, information production, capital allocation and other resource usage in financial institutions and discussed how this created further opportunities for research.  相似文献   

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