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交通拥堵是各大一线城市面临的严峻问题,拥堵的交通不仅增加了人们出行的时间成本,还不利于"节能环保"。城市堵车的最大成本是油耗。当前,中国的石油消耗量仅次于美国,居全球第二。据统计,有30%的汽油是消耗在堵车的时候。在污染排放上,我国机动车氮氧化物排放量占排放总量的30%,一辆轿车一年排出有害废气比自身重量大3倍。要解决"城市拥堵",落实"节能环保",智能交通是解决思路之一。  相似文献   

在阐述铁路货车统计的基本任务、作业流程和主要指标的基础上,分析了铁路货车统计工作存在的问题,并针对提高统计工作质量,提出以信息化带动统计工作现代化,提高统计人员的业务素质和统计数据质量,主动为运输生产经营服务等具体途径和方法,在实现统计工作现代化的同时,不断提高统计人员数据分析能力,充分发挥统计在运输生产中的重要作用。  相似文献   

节能减排是促进经济发展方式转变,实现经济与社会持续发展的重大战略举措,也是贯彻落实科学发展观的必然要求。国家“十一五”规划纲要提出了“十一五”期间要实现单位国内生产总值能耗下降20%和主要污染物排放总量下降10%的约束性指标。  相似文献   

近年来,在国家加大节能减排力度、倡导绿色生活的大背景下,山西大同市公共交通有限责任公司公司审时度势,按照市委市政府有关建设环保节能型城市的政策和要求,并借助“西气东输”的有利时机,在2005年就开始推广使用低碳环保的清洁能源——天然气。通过不断学习和总结,首先实现了“油改气”的探索,并不断推进,最终实现了无汽油动力公交车的改茧。  相似文献   

2010年11月30日,龙工叉车公司传来喜讯,2010年叉车销量突破10000台,同比增长了103%,实现了历史性的大跨越。龙工(上海)叉车有限公司,是中国龙工控股有限公司旗下的一家全资子公司,自2006年组建以来,一直本着"多品种、小批量、快速反应"的运营原则,持续研发制造了一批又一批"节能环保、安  相似文献   

"十一五"期间,公路、水路基础设施投资规模、建设规模达新中国成立以来的最高水平。"十一五"前四年,全社会公路建设累计完成投资2.93万亿元,年均增长16%,超过"九五"和"十五"的投资总和。  相似文献   

云南省“十一五”节能减排成效显著 “十一五”期间,云南省通过强化行业管理,引进新技术、新产品、新材料,努力承担交通行业节能减排的责任,致力于建设低碳交通,取得了明显成效,较好地完成了与省政府签订的“十一五”责任目标,自2007年以来连续三年被评为云南省节能减排优秀单位。  相似文献   

丁跃 《空运商务》2014,(11):8-8
11月10日,第十届中国国际航空航天博览会开幕前夕,中国国际航空公司(以下简称"国航")在珠海发布了《国航机队发展白皮书》,这是国内航空公司首次发布机队发展白皮书。白皮书显示,"十一五"至"十二五"期间(20052015年),国航机队进入快速发展时期。国航重点对机队结构进行调整,注重运行效率的提升,陆续引进了波音737-800、空客320、波音777、空客321、空客330、波音747-8等先进机型,新一代宽、窄体机队均衡发展,不断壮大。  相似文献   

<国民经济和社会发展第十一个五年规划纲要>提出了"十一五"期间单位国内生产总值能耗降低20%左右的约束性指标.交通运输部要求:"十一五"期间,营运车辆、船舶百吨公里能耗下降20%.如何认识和实现国家和交通运输部提出的节能目标,是运输管理部门和运输企业都面临的一个重要问题.  相似文献   

<正>7月5日,云南省工业和信息化委员会节约能源处副处长王言、省交通运输厅法规处处长刘成志,在省公路局设备物资处副处长丁恒宇的陪同下,到国道108线楚雄段对沥青温拌再生技术应用示范项目进行了实地检查和调研。调研结束后,王言对该示范项目的实用性和节能环保功效给予充分肯定,并指出,云南省公路局节能低碳示范项目成效显著,经验值得总结推广。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的不断发展,铁路劳动统计工作也在不断完善,为领导的决策和管理提供科学依据。从现阶段铁路劳动统计工作出发,分析现阶段铁路劳动统计工作存在的问题,提出改进和完善铁路劳动统计的对策,以求从根本上做好铁路劳动统计工作。  相似文献   

铁路运输动员是国防动员的组成部分,针对当前铁路运输动员存在的问题,通过对云南、湖南铁路运输动员建设的调研,提出了构建基于铁路局层次的铁路运输动员建设质量评估指标体系,并运用数学方法,对指标体系的信度和效度进行了检验。  相似文献   

This article explores consumer investment choice in long-term energy conservation technology and assesses trade-offs in energy saving behaviour between the housing and transportation domains. The long-term energy conservation choice problem is conceptualized as a portfolio choice problem. Consequently, to measure trade-offs between investments in housing and transport options, a cross effects choice design is developed in which respondents were shown one or more alternate ways to reduce their current energy consumption: (1) investing in new technology in the house, such as solar panels; (2) exchanging the current car for a more energy efficient car; (3) buying a new energy-efficient car, such as EV or solar car; (4) moving house to reduce current travel distances. To help respondents linking these options to their current energy consumption, a new Web-based survey system (SINA) to implement and administer stated adaptation experiments was developed. The system was used to collect two sets of data. First, data about out-of-home and in-home energy consumption, together with detailed time use data, was collected. Second, using a cross effects design, respondents were asked to select a portfolio of energy-saving strategies in response to different energy pricing policy scenarios. Results reported in this paper are based on 572 respondents who completed the survey and responded to seven adaptation questions based on their current energy expenditures. A random parameters logit model is estimated to predict the probability of choosing a particular portfolio of energy-saving options. Estimation results indicate that individuals from different socio-demographic groups exhibit varied preferences. The saving option characteristics, especially cost related characteristics have significant effects on individuals' preferences. Moreover, the results also showed significant effects of choice set composition on energy saving options. Further, the energy pricing policies had showed mixed effects on individual's preferences.  相似文献   

高速铁路相对于其他运输方式,在五个方面充分发挥了节约资源的比较优势。在节约能源方面.高速铁路较公路和航空,单位运量能耗显著降低,同时发挥了“以电代油”的技术优势。在节约土地方面,高速铁路大量采用“以桥代路”,节地效果明显;与公路、民航相比,单位运输量土地占用很小。在节约材料方面,高速铁路动车组采用轻量化技术,制造材料用量大幅减少;同时高速运行加快了车辆周转,相应减少了车辆投入数量。在节约人力方面,高速铁路大量采用信息化、自动化等新技术,创新劳动组织,实现自助化服务,提高了劳动生产率,节约了宝贵的人力资源。在节约时间方面,高速铁路采用高速度、高密度、全天候运行方案,借助市内交通的有机衔接,大幅缩短了点到点旅行时间,改善了人们出行方式的选择。  相似文献   

提出了评价内容涉及交通系统功能水平、交通发展协调水平、资源利用水平和环境影响水平4个方面,由31项属性指标构成城市交通系统评价指标体系,并根据评价中残缺的评价判断信息、混合的判断信息反映出的不确定、模糊的实际情况,分别采取辅助矩阵的方法和最小偏差函数的线性目标方法计算确定权重,并采用加权算术平均和组合加权算术平均方法进行各项指标综合,得到交通发展综合评价值。  相似文献   

建立和健全信息安全管理及其标准体系对铁路运输生产和安全管理工作至关重要。从铁路信息安全管理现状入手,在阐述和分析国内外信息安全标准化情况的基础上,提出了铁路信息安全管理及标准体系的创建思路。  相似文献   

This paper aims at investigating business travelers' choice behavior between business charter (BC) and the business class of commercial airlines in the cross-strait market. This study applies the stated preference method and sets five scenarios with the combination of various levels of fares, waiting time, privacy and expedient clearance services and inflight communication equipment. Data were collected by purposive sampling and interviewing business travelers near the VIP centers, departure lounges, and the baggage claim areas of Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport. A sample with 420 business travelers from Taipei to Shanghai was collected. Then, the binary logit model was employed to analyze how service attributes influence Taiwanese business travelers' choice behavior between BC and business class. Estimation results indicate that fare is the most important factor. Other factors such as gender, seniority, and the number of business trips during the previous year remain significant on the probabilities of choosing BC. Additionally, five specific features of BC were set as dummy variables in the model. Those are transfer time saving, travel time controlling, client entertainment, customer visits and international conference attendance. All of them have positive effects on the preference for using BC.  相似文献   

Coal plays a vital role in the socio-economic development of China. Yet, the spatial mismatch between production centers (inland Northwest) and consumption centers (coastal region) within China fostered the emergence of dedicated coal transport corridors with limited alternatives. Serious problems of energy shortage and power rationing have already affected southeastern China. At the same time, enormous interregional coal transfers face a lack of transport capacity along the transport system. Based on first-hand statistics, a disaggregated analysis of coal distribution patterns since the late 1970s provides novel evidences about the local effects of macroscopic trends, such as the shift from dominant exports to dominant imports in terms of changing traffic concentration levels and distribution patterns among routes and ports. The spatial evolution of coal distribution is also discussed in terms of related industry linkages and local influences, coal trade policies and market pricing, port system evolution, and transport network planning. The paper also discusses possible improvements of the current situation through enhancing multimodal transport based on a review of current policies.  相似文献   

铁路旅客服务综合信息需求分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于调查结果的统计数据,从铁路工作人员的角度,对铁路提供的各种服务信息和提供信息的方式进行了需求分析,并对提高铁路客运服务质量提出了建议,为铁路旅客服务综合信息系统的建设奠定了基础。  相似文献   

有效的低碳交通系统是地区经济社会可持续发展的有效保障。京津冀区域现行交通系统评价指标与能源规划相分离,不能准确地指导区域低碳交通建设。采用平衡计分卡(BSC)模型和关键绩效指标(KPI)方法建立京津冀区域低碳交通评价指标体系,在传统四维平衡计分卡的基础上,添加环境与能源维度,构建区域低碳交通五维平衡计分卡。依据指标设计支持可持续发展、平衡性和利益相关者价值导向原则,设计区域低碳交通评价指标体系。最后,应用关键绩效指标方法筛选关键指标,并确定各指标的关键成功因素。京津冀区域低碳交通指标体系能够将地区交通规划、能源规划与实际评估工作紧密结合,实现对区域低碳交通建设的跟踪监测与评价。  相似文献   

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