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美国气候变化政策对未来中美能源合作的潜在影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为世界上能源消费量及温室气体排放量最大的两个国家,中美两国对世界的能源发展和应对气候变化进程都发挥着重要影响。同时,作为世界上最大的发达国家和发展中国家,中美两国在技术、贸易等多个领域具有很强的互补性,在能源和气候变化等领域具有非常广阔的合作前景。奥巴马政府采取的相对积极的气候变化政策将对未来中美能源合作产生重大影响,两国既在某些领域存在明显的相互竞争,又在一些领域具有很大的合作空间。中美除了在洁净煤技术和煤层气开发等领域开展能源合作以外,在节能、提高能源效率、开发可再生能源、核能、潜在技术等领域以及在相关标准、政策和经济激励机制等方面都具有合作潜力。中美两国国内能源供应不足,都难以承受能源危机或持续高油价的影响,过去双方在能源领域一直存在零和与非零和的博弈,而美国气候变化政策的改变也将对这种博弈产生影响。  相似文献   

中美能源合作:挑战与机遇并存   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
长期以来,在中美两国政府、能源技术研究和学术机构的共同推动下,中美在能源领域的合作不断密切,范围不断扩大,两国之间已经建立起了卓有成效的合作机制。迄今中美两国政府推动的能源合作集中在中国的能源下游领域,核心范畴和目标是提高中国的能源使用效率。同时也应看到,伴随着对中国石油进口量上升与国际油价高企二者之间关系的关注,中美两国在能源上游和下游领域之间的矛盾开始日益突出。 美国对中国的不理解或误解更多地起源于中美两国间在国际层面能源开发政策方面的交流还不够充分。中美之间有必要从对话走向在全球范围内的合作。作为两个在能源消费和国际政治中有影响的大国,中美之间的能源合作不能仅局限于中国的能源下游领域,而应在上游和中游展开合作。当前,应通过多层次的对话,将双方面临的挑战变成机遇,主动寻求两国在有争议问题上的沟通并寻求减少摩擦的可能,促进两国在能源领域展开更为广泛、深入、有效的合作。  相似文献   

来自中美两国的4位资深专家对中美两国在气候变化领域面临的新的机遇和挑战进行了分析,对中美两国如何应对气候变化、开展有效合作提出了对策和建议。  相似文献   

6月18日,第四次中美战略经济对话在美国马里兰州安纳波利斯闭幕。国家主席胡锦涛的特别代表、国务院副总理王岐山指出,这次对话最突出的成果是中美在能源和环境领域扩大了合作。王岐山将中美扩大在能源和环境领域的合作视为“最突出的成果”,有充分的根据:其一,在能源问题上,双方在消除曾经弥漫在中美能源领域的“高压”空气之后,  相似文献   

中美石油安全态势与环境比较分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中美石油安全表象层面有很多相似性--美国和中国作为当今世界石油消费大国,国内石油供求态势的矛盾日益加大,石油对外依存度居高不下.中美两国保障石油安全的基础条件存在巨大的实质性差异,这主要体现在各自的石油经济构成要素、石油市场竞争主体、能源消费结构方面.中美两国石油安全所处的石油经济和地缘政治环境也有很大的差异--美国已建立石油安全国际战略体系,而中国寻求石油安全的国际环境却不宽松,在国际市场上进行油气资源勘探开发的空间受到挤压,面临着与周边油气消费大国的激烈竞争,参与全球油气资源的竞争频频受到误解甚至指责.中美两国在能源领域开展合作乃大势所趋,中国应妥善处理与美国的石油利益关系,实现与美国能源合作的互利共赢.  相似文献   

李文  高杰 《国际石油经济》2006,14(12):46-50
中国与加拿大贸易合作历史悠久,两国在能源合作方面不断取得突破,已达成许多实质性文件,为大规模的能源合作创造了良好的条件.目前,我国企业已在加拿大投资了包括油砂在内的一些能源开发项目,加拿大的公司在我国进行了核电、油气田勘探开发、煤层气开发等投资合作项目,两国的能源合作进入了新阶段.中加在能源方面的合作具备一定的基础并且已经有了良好的开端,但是也存在着一些对合作不利的影响因素,双方的合作进展程度及规模将取决于双方的共同努力以及不确定因素的影响.但总体来说,中加能源合作互补性强,投资环境好,合作前景广阔.建议加强对投资环境的系统跟踪和研究,对所选投资项目进行充分的风险评估和经济评价,实施国家统一规划下的规范有序多方位的能源合作,在技术引进、人才培训和交流、设备服务供应、人力资源支持、联合研究等方面开辟更广阔的合作空间.  相似文献   

对美国与印度能源合作的分析与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
能源合作是美国和印度进行战略合作的重要领域之一.近年来,随着印度经济的快速发展和国际地位的提高,美印能源合作发展加快.美印两国采取完善能源合作机制、加强相关立法工作的举措,使油气合作规模进一步扩大,在核能、电力、清洁能源科技等方面的合作也取得了较显著的阶段性成果.美印两国加快能源合作与其各自的战略利益、经济利益以及国际能源市场环境变化等因素密切相关:美印"战略伙伴关系"的确立为双方加速能源合作提供了政治保障;印度寻求能源多元化为双边能源合作带来了机遇;为应对国际能源市场日益激烈的竞争,美印需要加强协调.美印能源合作在一定程度上有利于维护全球能源安全,促进全球能源市场的发展.中国应继续同美国和印度在政府层面加强双边能源对话与合作,积极探讨和推动三国企业在海外市场开展互利合作,共同维护世界能源安全,推动国际能源市场健康持续的发展.  相似文献   

中美确定能源合作重点领域2011年5月10日,中美双方就能源合作达成多项共识,将深入开展智能电网、大规模风电开发、天然气分布式能源、页岩气和航空生物燃料等方面的务实合作,承诺分享能源监管经验和实践信息。  相似文献   

能源国际合作亟待深化背景:1月18日,中美清洁能源协议签字仪式在华盛顿举行。中美双方政府及企业代表签署了中国国家能源局、美国能源部、北京大学及美国应用材料公司关于开展“太阳能十项全能竞赛”合作的谅解备忘录。国家电网公司与美国电力公司就先进输变电、智能电网等6个领域开展技术及设备方面合作的协议。  相似文献   

日本在中亚俄罗斯的能源外交   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为确保能源的稳定供应,日本将能源合作问题作为对外政治、经济交往中的核心内容之一,能源外交成为日本外交的重点.近年来,日本对外能源投资逐渐从"以中东为中心"转向中亚、俄罗斯、非洲、南美等地区.日本在中亚地区开展了石油和核能领域的合作,与俄罗斯的能源合作主要集中在石油、天然气、核能等领域.日本实施的能源外交呈现两个特点,一是"官民一体",政府与民间企业联合出击;二是以本国在能源技术及设备方面的优势换取能源,力图与能源供给国建立多层次的能源合作关系.分析日本能源外交的做法,有两个方面值得借鉴:重视文化影响,加强宣传工作;鼓励更多民间资本参与"走出去",与国有企业组成财团共同开发境外项目.  相似文献   

现阶段京津地区的区域旅游合作态势主要呈现出了如下三个方面的特征:一是目前京津地区的区域旅游合作尚处于松散的状态;二是政府部门的合作意愿一般要高于旅游产业部门及旅游行业协会;三是京津两市相比较。天津方面的合作积极性要远高于北京方面;四是京津地区的政府旅游业管理部门彼此间缺乏有效的沟通与协调机制。为改变此现状,当务之急应是要找准合作的切入点和真正建立起一个有效的能促进京津地区区域旅游合作有序展开的协调机制。  相似文献   

The importance of communication for the successful development of new projects, particularly within the R&D laboratory setting, has been well documented. Yet researchers have seldom examined the relationship between patterns of communication and cross-functional cooperation in the development and management of new programs. In this article Mary Beth and Jeffrey Pinto report on the results of a research study that assessed the relationship of two aspects of project team communication (formal versus informal modes and reason for communication) with the level of cross-functional cooperation actually achieved within a hospital project team charged with developing a new program. A total of 262 team members were surveyed from 72 hospital project teams. The results demonstrated that high cooperation teams differed from low cooperation teams both in terms of their increased use of informal methods for communication as well as their reasons for communicating. Finally, cross-functional cooperation was found to be a strong predictor of certain project outcomes.  相似文献   

This study empirically investigates an important question in the coopetition literature: to what extent does coopetition impact a firm's innovation performance? With a focus on the intensity of competition and intensity of cooperation of a focal firm with its alliance partners, our theory proposes that a moderate level of competition with alliance partners is more beneficial than a very high or a very low level of competition. We further develop the concept of “balance” in coopetition and examine how the interplay of competition and cooperation and the balance between the two matter for innovation performance. Results from our empirical study using data from the semiconductor industry show that competition and cooperation intensities have non-monotonic positive relationship with firm's coopetition-based innovation performance. Further, balanced coopetition (i.e., when competition is moderately high and cooperation is high) has a positive effect on innovation performance. A key contribution of this paper is the conceptualization and empirical demonstration of the effects of various aspects of coopetition such as competition dominant, cooperation dominant, and balanced coopetition on innovation performance.  相似文献   

Because cross‐functional research and development (R&D) cooperation appears to drive innovation, many firms have invested considerably in it. However, despite substantial efforts to improve information and communication infrastructures or to bring departments in closer proximity with one another, structural investments often fail to produce the desired positive impact on cross‐functional R&D cooperation. This failure may arise because firms undertaking these structural investments do not manage their employees adequately. Extant research acknowledges the importance of motivating and enabling members of the R&D function to cooperate with other functions. Yet empirical studies investigating the relative importance of leadership and different human resource (HR) practices for enhancing cross‐functional R&D cooperation are scarce. Drawing on the resource‐based view and organizational support theory, this study investigates how innovation‐oriented leadership and HR practices might support members of the R&D function and encourage cross‐functional R&D cooperation, which enhances product program innovativeness. Specifically, members of the R&D function who are supported in their innovation efforts through innovation‐oriented leadership and HR practices should reciprocate for the support they receive by intensifying their cross‐functional cooperation to achieve greater product program innovativeness. Relying on multi‐informant data from 125 firms with assessments from marketing and R&D managers, this study shows that innovation‐oriented leadership and HR practices have different effects on cross‐functional R&D cooperation. A structural equation modeling‐based analysis of the hypothesized relationships reveals that innovation‐oriented leadership, rewards, and training and development have considerable positive effects. In contrast, recruitment does not drive cross‐functional R&D cooperation. Because firms usually operate in dynamic markets, and increasingly acquire relevant information from customers when generating innovations, this study also considers market‐related dynamism and customer integration as important contingency factors. For firms facing market‐related dynamism and those relying on customer integration, leadership and training and development are particularly effective for enhancing cross‐functional R&D cooperation. By integrating two theoretical perspectives, this study not only advances knowledge on the antecedents of cross‐functional R&D cooperation, but also helps explain differences in their relative effectiveness. Furthermore, it both adds to the discussion of whether monetary rewards are appropriate means to foster innovation and challenges existing assumptions about the role of recruiting for innovation.  相似文献   

We explore heterogeneities in the determinants of innovating firms' decisions to engage in R&D cooperation, differentiating between four types of cooperation partners: competitors, suppliers, customers, and universities and research institutes (institutional cooperation). We use two matched waves of the Dutch Community Innovation Survey (in 1996 and 1998) and apply system probit estimation. We find that determinants of R&D cooperation differ significantly across cooperation types. The positive impact of firm size, R&D intensity, and incoming source-specific spillovers is weaker for competitor cooperation, reflecting greater appropriability concerns. Institutional spillovers are more generic in nature and positively impact all cooperation types. The results appear robust to potential simultaneity bias.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to explore the link between joint value creation and the varying nature of simultaneity. Joint value creation is a central concept in cooperative strategies and more broadly in the strategic management field. When cooperating with competitors firms have value creation intent, but face conflicting logics arising from the simultaneous pursuit of cooperation and competition. This study adopts a two continua approach to analyze coopetition at both the department level and the organizational level.We explore the conjunctural causality based on two multipartner alliances in the pharmaceutical industry. The fsQCA allows detecting multiple causal paths between different intensities of cooperation and competition at both the department and the firm levels (conditions) to joint value creation (outcome). A key contribution of this paper is the conceptualization and empirical demonstration of the relation between the joint value creation and the coopetition intensity. Different types of coopetition engagements generate different outcomes in terms of joint value creation. The results show that high intensity of cooperation combined with high intensity of competition is significant for joint value creation. Unbalanced intensities of both elements, as well as low coopetition intensity, do not lead to joint value creation.  相似文献   

Cooperation is an approach of improving competitive advantages of a supply chain. A two-echelon supply chain consisting of a manufacturer and a retailer for a single-period product is studied, and retail-market demand uncertainty is described by coefficient of variation. We develop a cooperation mechanism to address the cooperation and its implementation between the manufacturer and the retailer, two market situations are considered: (i) the wholesale price and the order quantity are decision variables, (ii) the wholesale and the retail prices as well as the order quantity are decision variables. In both market situations, our research shows that: (1) the cooperation mechanism can improve the overall channel profits and the supply chain members’ allocated profits, (2) the described cooperation is conditional on retail-market demand uncertainty: it can be implemented if, and only if, the fluctuation of retail-market demand is relatively small and coefficient of variation of retail-market demand does not exceed an upper bound. Impacts of retail-market demand uncertainty on wholesale price, order quantity and/or retail price have also been investigated through analytical and numerical analyses. Although our research is based on the assumption that the manufacturer dominates the supply chain in the non-cooperative situation, which is not the case for most retailer-driven supply chains, this research is still significant on providing guidelines for practitioners in current China mid-level car market that is similar to situations described in the paper.  相似文献   

This article provides a current assessment of cooperation between business and the UN system in agricultural development.The authors describe the experience, needs, and attitudes of UN agencies and a representative sample of the agroindustry firms in order to increase understanding between the two diverse sets of resources and to better define areas of mutual interest and effective cooperation.They suggest specific new initiatives for business and UN cooperation in agricultural development, to help interested parties to translate mutual economic goals and rhetorical good will into results and concrete cooperative projects.  相似文献   

自APEC茂物目标提出以来,标准一致化一直是APEC重要的合作领域之一。近年来,APEC在标准一致化领域的合作进展迅速,已成为APEC最活跃和成效最为显著的合作领域之一。文章总结了APEC标准一致化合作的最新进展并对其进行了综合评价,指出了该领域合作的主要特点,同时对该领域合作的未来发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

蒋满裕  焦洋 《国际石油经济》2011,19(7):64-68,75,111
中国在苏丹石油领域的投资规模大、合作范围广。苏丹的石油天然气资源法、投资鼓励法律制度有其自身鲜明的特点,对促进该国对外油气合作起到了积极的作用。本文梳理并介绍了苏丹与石油投资有关的法律财税制度,当地对外国公司注册的法律规定,以及税收规范以及外汇兑换、管制规定。  相似文献   

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