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本文基于商业银行异地分支机构信息和企业异地并购数据,探究银行跨区域经营对于实体投资的影响。研究表明,异地分支机构的设立对两地间并购规模和企业并购绩效均存在显著的正面效应。进一步分析发现,当主并企业面临的融资约束越大或当目标地区市场化水平较低时,商业银行跨区域经营对于并购绩效的改善作用越强。本文的研究发现为金融资本流动影响实体资本流动提供了微观研究基础,并且为我国完善金融体系、推动企业并购促进地区间资本配置效率的提高提供了理论支持。  相似文献   

王雪 《经济纵横》2023,(5):118-128
本文使用多值选择模型,考察了东道国金融发展对中国对外直接投资模式选择的影响。结果表明:第一,东道国金融发展水平越高,中国企业越倾向于以合资或并购的方式进行投资;对金融发展水平较低的经济体,中国企业倾向于绿地新建投资。第二,异质性分析表明,对金融市场发展水平越低的发达经济体,中国企业越倾向于选择并购和合资模式投资,反之则选择绿地新建模式投资;对金融发展水平越高的非发达经济体,中国企业越倾向于选择并购和合资模式投资。对金融发展水平、金融机构发展水平和金融市场发展水平越高的国家,收益越高的上市公司越倾向于并购的投资模式;相反,则越倾向于绿地新建模式。第三,互联网发展和制度质量对东道国金融发展水平影响中国对外直接投资有一定调节效应。为进一步推动中国企业“走出去”,中国企业在进行跨境投资时要密切关注东道国的金融发展情况;中国要进一步完善金融基础设施,包括加强金融监管、提升金融服务水平、推进金融创新等方面,以加强与东道国的金融合作,为中国企业对外投资提供金融支持;应根据东道国信息通信技术建设情况和制度发展水平,制定相应的投资政策。  相似文献   

余婕  董静  邓浩然 《财经研究》2022,48(1):108-122
资本跨区域流动是优化地区间资源配置、推动国内经济大循环、促进区域协调发展的重要载体,而金融要素又是促进更高水平的区域协调发展的有效推动力。为此,文章从异地并购的视角探讨了风险投资对资本跨区域流动的影响,并探讨了多维管理层特征的调节机制。研究发现:(1)风险投资参与程度的提升促使被投企业扩大异地并购规模,从而推动了资本跨区域流动;但风险投资对资本跨区域流动的促进作用更可能发生在各风险投资股东均为非大股东、主导风险投资为非国有产权属性和风险投资联合投资的情境中。(2)风险投资介入对资本跨区域流动的影响在欠发达地区企业并购发达地区企业的逆流并购的情境中更显著,且风险投资的参与也打破了地理距离障碍,激发被投企业愿意在远距离的异地并购中扩大投资规模。(3)企业管理层股权集中度的提高抑制了风险投资参与程度对异地并购规模的促进作用;CEO任期的增加强化了风险投资参与程度对异地并购规模的促进作用。文章提供了风险投资促进资本跨区域流动的经验证据,对优化企业异地并购决策以及推动区域间经济协同发展具有重要的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

金融环境影响企业融资成本和投资计划,是企业异地投资决策的重要考量因素。基于Heckman两阶段模型,利用2011—2020年中国企业境内并购数据,从金融资源规模和金融市场化程度两个维度考察了企业异地并购对金融环境的偏好特征。实证结果表明:非国有企业具有更强的金融资源寻求动机,倾向于选择金融资源相对丰富的地区进行并购扩张;受限于高额的能力建设成本,国有企业对高市场化程度金融市场表现出更加显著的规避倾向。企业对金融环境的不同偏好一定程度上反映了企业融资约束的结构性特征。进一步检验表明,去杠杆政策有助于激活融资约束对企业经营的治理作用,对企业的过度投资行为能够发挥一定约束作用,但同时存在矫枉过正的风险,结构性去杠杆至关重要。  相似文献   

当前中国流动人口融合政策包括均等化政策和落户政策。针对两类政策,论文分别构建了均等化指数和落户指数,利用2013年国家卫生计生委的8个城市社会融合专题调查数据,对其流动人口融合政策进行了评估。研究发现8个城市的均等化水平都不高,城市之间差别不大,流动人口的均等化工作仍任重道远。东部城市倾向于将均等化作为吸引劳动力的重要政策,希望吸引"普通人力"保持GDP增速以"开源",而中西部城市更多考虑如何减少财政压力以"节流"。各城市的落户难度差异较大。一般而言,城市的行政级别越低、财政压力越小、人口规模越小、户口含金量越低,在该城市落户越容易。落户政策是地方政府吸引投资和"精英人才"的策略。  相似文献   

在我国经济转型背景下,资本跨区流动作为市场化资源配置方式,表征着市场化进展程度,同时受制于政府干预导致的行政壁垒和市场分割。本文旨在从税收竞争角度考察资本跨区流动的影响因素及其作用机制。长期以来,税收竞争的资本流动效应是公共经济学与投资理论研究的热点问题,既有实证研究主要集中在资本形成与FDI等方面。但是,前者忽略了资本流动的方向性,后者囿于投资方式的同质性。企业异地并购是资本跨区(跨国)流动的微观过程,也是企业基于区位选择的成长路径。本文从企业异地并购这一独特的微观视角切入,运用因子分析法度量我国30个省份税收负担和环境得分,以2009-2011年间发生的国内上市公司收购非上市公司事件为样本,基于Logistic计量模型考察税收(环境)的引资效应和企业成长效应。研究发现,地区间税收竞争显著影响了企业异地并购行为,引致了资本跨区流动;企业异地并购未获得节税收益,环境效应已成为企业异地并购的成长动因。这些发现对于匡正地方政府竞争行为和企业成长区位选择具有启示意义。  相似文献   

本文通过构建2013—2018年72个城区人口100万以上城市的异地中考门槛指数,描述了我国异地中考改革推进的基本态势和区域差异。实证研究发现,城市的异地中考门槛越高,流动人口子女在临近中考时留守的概率越高,且该影响在低技能家庭中更为明显。同时,随着子女年级上升,异地中考门槛对父母迁移决策的影响未发生显著变化,表明本文的结果并不是流动人口样本自选择的结果。  相似文献   

文章意在通过我国的战略并购事件为样本,从并购活动利益相关者角度出发,对我国企业战略并购活动中出售方进行研究,以寻求出售方在战略并购活动中的地位和战略并购动因。结果显示:(1)在战略并购过程中,出售方与收购方的地位是相等的。(2)战略障碍是企业产生出售的内部诱因。内部诱因作用对企业并购活动具有推动作用,出售方通常在遇到难以跨越的战略障碍时,才会考虑出售企业,战略障碍越多或越难,出售的积极性越高或者推动作用越强,并购动机就越强。(3)出售方的并购动机是由主导性并购动机决定的,主导性并购动机是可以转化的。  相似文献   

刘建勇 《当代财经》2023,(4):131-144
并购交易双方资产的相关性会影响并购后续整合的难易程度和整合效果,进而影响目标公司的业绩。因此,研究并购资产相关性和整合程度对业绩承诺实现的影响具有重要意义。基于手工收集的2009—2019年上市公司并购重组业绩承诺数据,采用投入产出法构建并购资产相关性指标,考察并购双方资产相关性对业绩承诺实现的影响及其作用机制发现,并购交易双方资产相关性越强,标的企业业绩承诺实现情况越好;并购资产相关性越强,越有利于对标的企业进行整合,并购整合程度越高;并购整合程度在并购资产相关性与业绩承诺实现之间起中介作用。进一步分析发现,股份支付、股份补偿、双向业绩承诺以及低激进程度的业绩承诺增强了并购资产相关性与业绩承诺实现之间的正相关关系。因此,上市公司应优先并购与自身产业相关的资产,以增强整合程度,促进业绩承诺实现。  相似文献   

商会组织是企业拓展社会网络和积累社会资本的重要平台,旨在推动企业之间实现资源共享和风险共担。本文以我国A股上市公司作为研究样本,实证分析企业参与异地商会对企业风险承担水平的影响。本文研究结果表明,参与异地商会有助于提高企业风险承担水平,该结论在经过一系列稳健性检验后依然成立。从作用机制上看,参与异地商会不仅有利于降低企业融资约束,同时助推了企业并购活动。进一步研究发现,异地商会对地区间社会信任具有替代效应,并且提升风险承担的作用,在传统商帮文化浓厚的地区和市场化程度较高的地区更为明显。参与异地商会有助于企业减轻供应链环节的风险。本文为验证商会的风险共担特征提供了实证依据,为理解商会组织的社会功能提供了参考。  相似文献   

Existing studies have demonstrated the necessities of formal institutions and negativity of cultural distance in international investments. Surprisingly, China’s exponential increase of cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&As) and its low-quality institutions and distinct cultural norms contradict these studies. This paper aims to tackle this puzzle by examining the role of cultural imports in cross-border M&As. Our empirical evidence suggests that the trade of cultural goods significantly increases the volume and realized economic gains of M&As from importing to exporting countries. Our results are robust to alternative measures and an instrumental variable approach. On exploring potential channels, we find that imported cultural goods could drive cultural convergence between countries and also mitigate the adverse effect of cultural distance on merger outcomes. We further show that cultural imports could help firms in overcoming contractual barriers at target countries. This paper provides practical implications for cross-border investments in the current world with intensified cultural conflicts.  相似文献   

This paper examines the educational self-selection of immigrants to the United States across forty-two countries of origin and analyzes determinants of selectivity, including home-country gender status (as measured by the United Nations’ Gender Empowerment Measure [GEM]). Measuring educational self-selection, the study uses data from the 2006 American Community Survey and the 2000 and 2014 Barro–Lee Educational Attainment Measure to construct the Net Difference Index between immigrants and nonmigrants. It compares the educational attainment difference between immigrants and nonmigrants who remain in the home country and demonstrates that immigrants to the US are more educated than their home-country counterparts across all immigrant groups (positive selection). Regression results further indicate that higher gender inequality in the home country influences more highly educated women to migrate. The paper also confirms that higher migration costs and lower income inequality in the home country influence more highly educated individuals to migrate.  相似文献   

This paper presents a dynamic structural model of migration that is designed to help explain the migration behaviour of undocumented Mexican immigrants in the US. Its key feature – which I call ‘homesickness’ – is a duration-dependent disutility from living abroad that keeps increasing while a migrant stays abroad and can be reset to zero only by returning to their home country. I estimate the model using data primarily from the Mexican Migration Project Survey and find that the model is capable of explaining, among other things, the fact that: (i) a non-negligible number of Mexican immigrants in the US return home after earning very little; (ii) these ‘unsuccessful’ immigrants are more likely to re-enter the US at a later date; and (iii) such ‘unsuccessful’ returns are more prevalent among immigrants who left their wives behind in Mexico. These facts are not easily reconciled with existing models of migration that do not feature homesickness.  相似文献   

双边投资协定、制度环境和企业对外直接投资区位选择   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10  
双边投资协定是两国政府为了促进和保护双边投资签署的协议。作为特定的联系两国的双边制度因素,双边投资协定给企业提供了不同于国家制度环境的保护,因而对企业的投资区位决策产生影响。本文建立了关于双边投资协定、东道国制度环境与母国制度对发展中国家企业对外投资区位选择作用的研究框架。基于中国上市公司2003年至2009年对外直接投资的数据,本文有三点发现:首先,双边投资协定能够促进企业到签约国投资;其次,双边投资协定能够替补东道国制度的缺位,对于促进企业到制度环境较差的签约国投资的作用更大;此外,双边投资协定还能够弥补母国制度支持的不均衡性,对于帮助非国有企业到签约国投资有着显著的积极作用。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the impact of Research and Development (R&D) on the productivity of China's high technology industry. In order to capture important differences in the effect of R&D on output that arise from geographic and socioeconomic differences across three major regions in China, we use a novel semiparametric approach that allows us to model heterogeneities across provinces and time. Using a unique provincial level panel dataset spanning the period 2000–2007, we find that the impact of R&D on output varies substantially in terms of magnitude and significance across different regions. Results show that the eastern region benefits the most from R&D investments, however it benefits the least from technical progress, while the western region benefits the least from R&D investments, but enjoys the highest benefits from technical progress. The central region benefits from R&D investments more than the western region and benefits from technical progress more than the eastern region. Our results suggest that R&D investments would significantly increase output in both the eastern and central regions, however technical progress in the central region may further compound the effects of R&D on output within the region.  相似文献   

This paper studies the effect of population aging and international migration on economic performance. Fertility is endogenized so that immigrants and natives can have different fertility rates, which provides a more realistic view of policy effects. Fertility is an important determinant to the tax burden of social security since it affects the quantity and quality of future tax payers. We find that introducing immigrants into the economy can reduce the tax burden of social security. If the survival probability of young agents to old age (or the replacement ratio) is high enough, the growth rate of GDP per worker for an economy with international migration will be higher than for a closed economy. Regarding migration policies, our numerical results indicate that economic growth rate of GDP per worker will first decrease then increase as the flow of immigrants increases. Attracting more skilled immigrants will enhance economic growth.  相似文献   

Cross‐border merger and acquisition (M&A) flows have surged since the early 1990s. In the meanwhile, more and more countries have passed merger laws that regulate M&A. We propose a gravity model to examine the influence of merger law on cross‐border M&As. Based on a data set on cross‐border deals from 1985 to 2015, we find that merger regulation has a deterrence effect on cross‐border M&As. We show the robustness of our results in a number of tests, including using different measurements of cross‐border M&A activity and merger law. We also document a heterogeneous effect on member countries of the Organization for Economic Co‐operation and Development.  相似文献   

在不完美市场和信息不对称的背景下,企业并购能否通过协同效应带来有效的市值管理?本文选取了在2007—2010年期间发生并购的A股上市公司,检验了并购的价值创造和市值管理有效性之间的联系,并做了分组检验。实证结果表明,对企业未来三年经营绩效有正协同效应的并购可以为上市公司带来更高的市值管理效用。分组检验结果进一步显示,投资者更为关注异地并购、同行业并购、民企并购以及股权分散型企业并购。这些并购类型的市值管理更为有效。  相似文献   

Abstract This paper provides empirical evidence on the effects of cross‐border mergers and acquisitions (M&As) on the acquiring firms’ domestic performance in the U.K. and France. We build a new firm‐level data set that combines a global M&A database with balance sheet data for the years 2000 to 2007. Combining matching techniques with a difference‐in‐differences estimator, we find that cross‐border M&As boost on average acquirers’ domestic sales and investment, and they are not accompanied by a downsizing of the domestic labour force in either country. Further, cross‐border M&As in knowledge‐intensive industries lead to improvements in domestic productivity. Our results display some heterogeneity across industries and types of acquisitions, suggesting a connection between the motives for international M&As and their resulting effects.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Theoretical and empirical studies investigating the relationship between the exchange rate and FDI have generated mixed results. Using bilateral Canadian-U.S. industry level count data on cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&As) and conditioning on industry tariff rates, value added share of industries, industry M&A trend activity, and the number of establishments, we find evidence that a real dollar depreciation of the home currency leads to an increase in the probability of foreign M&As but only in high R&D industries. These empirical results are consistent with Blonigen's asset acquisition hypothesis. Results on European M&As of Canadian firms also lean towards this result.  相似文献   

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