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This article examines the extent of contagion and interdependence across the East Asian equity markets since early 1990s and compares the ongoing crisis with earlier episodes. Using the forecast error variance decomposition from a vector autoregression, we derive return and volatility spillover indices over the rolling sub-sample windows. We show that there is substantial difference between the behavior of the East Asian return and volatility spillover indices over time. While the return spillover index reveals increased integration among the East Asian equity markets, the volatility spillover index experiences significant bursts during major market crises, including the East Asian crisis. The fact that both return and volatility spillover indices reached their respective peaks during the current global financial crisis attests to the severity of the current episode.  相似文献   

The paper studies the interactions between the US and four East Asian equity markets. The focus is on the change in the information structure/flow between these markets triggered by the 1997 Asian financial crisis. It is shown that the information structure during the crisis period is different from that in the non-crisis periods. While the US market leads the four East Asian markets before, during, and after the crisis, it is Granger-caused by these markets during the financial crisis period but not in the post-crisis sample. Further, in accordance with concerns reported in the market, the Japanese currency is found to affect these equity markets during the crisis period. The Japanese yen effect, however, disappears in the post-crisis sample. The Japanese currency effect is quite robust as it is found from both local currency and US dollar return data and in the presence of Japanese stock returns. J. Japanese Int. Economies 21 (1) (2007) 138–152.  相似文献   

We aim to determine if the relative tail risk of commodities remains consistent over time and whether there is association between commodity tail risk and Asian equity markets. We examine the tail risk of 24 commodities over a 12 year period. Tail risk is measured using Conditional Value at Risk (CVaR), which measures volatility beyond a specified threshold. We classify tails for individual commodities as long and short based on their CVaR relative to the market. Overall, livestock commodities have the lowest CVaR risk, with some of the energy and metals commodities having the highest. However, the most interesting finding is that there is no consistency in relative tail risk rankings among commodities over time, and commodities having among the shortest tails in one period can have some of the longest in another period. Thus the relative tail risk of commodities changes significantly over time. We find that measured by CvaR, commodities generally have higher risk than Asian equities and that the relationship between equities and commodities is inconsistent in both strength and direction over time.  相似文献   

This study looks at the time-varying nature of systematic risk in the Greater China equity markets. The Shanghai and Shenzhen markets both have a low average systematic risk when measured against the world market. The short outbursts in systematic risk for these two markets seem to be directly related to policy shifts. The Hong Kong and Taiwan markets are more integrated with world markets and they show signs of large variations in systematic risk over time. Furthermore, conditional betas in the Shanghai and Shenzhen markets are stationary, while the Hong Kong and Taiwan betas are integrated of order one. In addition, long memory tests show that all four markets exhibit a long-run dependence in their conditional betas. While the two mainland China market betas are covariance stationary, the Hong Kong and Taiwan betas are not.  相似文献   

There is an ongoing intraregional attempt to develop bond markets in Asia. This is to some extent a result of the Asian financial crisis, which showed the need for well-functioning fixed income markets in the region. This paper analyzes the relationships among four Asian bond markets. Cointegration tests show that the markets exhibit strong long-term interdependencies. In addition, all markets show signs of short-run cross-dependencies in the mean. The correlations between the markets are time-varying and high, except for in short turbulent periods. The results indicate that a regional bond portfolio would allow for some level of risk diversification for investors and that policymakers need to pay attention to movements in different markets.  相似文献   

Emissions reduction in the electricity sector is critical in achieving China's carbon neutrality target. While a national carbon trading market that covers the electricity sector has been established, its effectiveness depends on how this sector evolves into being a more integrated market. This study evaluated the impact of China's electricity market integration on the cost-effectiveness of carbon pricing. An integrated (regional electricity market) and a segmented (provincial electricity market) market scenario were used to identify possible reform paths going forward. Using high-frequency datasets of the five southern provinces in 2018, we assessed the impact of electricity market integration on the abatement potential and cost-effectiveness of carbon pricing. We found that carbon prices need to be as high as 200 yuan/ton to begin achieving overall carbon reduction. In this context, the regional market is more cost-effective in reducing emissions than the provincial one, as the abatement costs are saved by around 60% compared to the latter under the same emission reduction targets. However, the regional market may also raise potential equity issues. The provincial-level distribution of carbon emission reductions, as well as the withdrawal of coal power, are more concentrated in the regional market than in the provincial one, which indicates an inequitable social-economic-environmental impacts of market integration. Our research findings would help to improve policymakers' understanding of the interaction between carbon pricing and electricity market reforms. This would then assist them in coordinating an effective design of both the carbon and electricity markets, in addition to supporting China's carbon neutrality target.  相似文献   

The primary aim of this study is to investigate the validity and predictability of technical analysis in eight Asian equity markets. We employ the bootstrap tests of White (2000) and Hansen (2005) to determine whether any superior trading rule is found to exist amongst the ‘universe’ of technical trading rules identified by Sullivan et al. (1999). We use these powerful bootstrap tests to ascertain the profitability of technical analysis, along with two institutional adjustments for non-synchronous trading and transaction costs. The empirical results indicate that these three elements, data snooping, non-synchronous trading and transaction costs, have significant impact on the overall performance of technical analysis; indeed, the results for these eight Asian stock markets support the efficient market hypothesis, demonstrating that the generation of economic profits through the use of technical analysis is extremely unlikely with these particular markets.  相似文献   

This study shows that a stock whose past return distribution has a high (low) prospect theory value earns a low (high) subsequent return in the stock markets in Hong Kong and Singapore as well as in Japan. In addition, it investigates whether appropriate components of the value function and the probability weighting function that capitalize on prospect theory value are different across countries due to the different risk attitudes of investors. The parameter estimates show that each stock market has different cumulative prospect theory parameters for better performance, and the level of loss aversion for each market is lower than the original values offered by Tversky and Kahneman (1992).  相似文献   

This paper presents empirical evidence of herding contagion in the stock markets during the 1997 Asian financial crisis, above and beyond macroeconomic fundamental driven co-movements. We analyze the cross-country time-varying correlation coefficients among the stock prices for the countries of Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Korea, and the Philippines, between crisis and tranquil periods. Macromodels are constructed and implemented to capture the pure contagion effects on the markets. After controlling for the economic fundamentals for the five countries, the paper finds strong evidence of herding contagion.  相似文献   

The World Bank's 1993 East Asian Miracle report proposed two models of East Asian Development, one based on the Japanese economy, the other on the more recent miracle economies of Southeast Asia. The latter pursued open-market and investment policies compatible with Anglo-American economic norms, while Japan and its coterie (South Korea and Taiwan) forged industrial policy regimes with high levels of government intervention and protection. Japan takes a different view of Southeast Asian success—as a combination of conscious emulation of Japan and concentrated Japanese foreign direct investment, aid, and regional industrial strategy. This article explores the tension between the World Bank thesis and the Japanese view, embodied in a growth metaphor called flying geese. The author concludes that Japan has been far more reactive and opportunistic than the flying geese metaphor suggests, but that this paradigm has a profound influence on Japanese government and corporate strategy in Asia.  相似文献   

After more than 15 years of Chinese equity markets, we study how variance, covariance, and correlations have developed in these markets relative to world markets, based on the dynamic conditional correlation (DCC) model of Engle [Engle, R., 2002. A dynamic conditional correlation: A simple class of multivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity models. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 20(3), 339–350.]. Chinese markets offer A-shares to domestic investors and otherwise identical B-shares to foreign investors. We find that the volatility of A-shares has declined over the past decade. We find no asymmetric volatility relative to world markets in China. Contrary to the global trend of increasing cross-country correlations, we find stationary correlations for China. A-share indices have never been correlated with world markets, and B-share indices exhibit a low degree of correlation with Western markets (0–5%) and a slightly higher degree of correlation with other Asian markets (10–20%). We interpret these findings using Gordon's growth model.  相似文献   

This paper tries to confront the ‘puzzlement’ of the development profession regarding the ‘best’ alternative strategies aimed at increasing employment, reducing poverty and promoting equity at the same time as fostering economic growth — and the ‘advocacy’ role that should or should not be played by that profession. The author argues that the issue lies in achieving a workable ‘meaning’ of development and then moving on to the moral ‘questions’ of value judgments and to the specific ‘problems’ that can be dealt with by science and social science. He suggests that a possible meaning of development is ‘to create more options for more people’ — ‘to achieve that the greatest number of people have the greatest number of options.’ He discusses the need for improving ‘life chances’ and considers the development policies which may or may not assist in this process. He tries to tie together conceptually the ideas of power and social change, consensus and conflict. Also in this context, the roles of participation, organization and mobilization are explored, especially their impact on different political systems. The analysis concludes with a plea for social, cultural and political pluralism — and thus, a commitment to tolerance. The author argues that these goals should be addressed by the development community without the hesitation sometimes attached to ‘protection of expertise’.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes some of the main issues related to the World Bank's basic-needs oriented lending programme. In particular, based on country experience it discusses the lessons learned with regard to sectoral policies and programming for their basic needs and their implications for future lending.  相似文献   

本文分析了东亚美元本位制的实质,界定其内涵、外延及演进逻辑。以此为基础,揭示美国在东亚美元本位制中的货币权力,并选取日本和中国作为分析样本。最后考察了东亚主要经济体所做的去美元化努力,并提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper presents the results of 16 laboratory markets designed to test the theoretical assertion that, when disclosures are credible, managers/sellers will fully disclose private information to potential investors/buyers. Sellers are predicted to disclose all information so as not to be classified as having the worst possible information. This experiment manipulated two treatments: the number of disclosure options available to the seller and the buyers' knowledge of those disclosure options. The results show that, after repeated dealings between sellers and buyers, the sellers moved toward full disclosure. Buyers adjusted their bidding strategies in response to the seller's disclosure strategy in all markets except those that had both (1) a large number of disclosure options and (2) no knowledge by buyers of the disclosure options. These results may provide some perspective on the market-based results that show that investors do not react in a fully skeptical fashion with respect to managerial disclosures. Our results suggest that knowledge of the menu of disclosure options may increase the speed of markets adjusting to disclosures, particularly when the menu of disclosure options is large. Résumé. Les auteurs présentent les résultats de l'étude en laboratoire de seize marchés à partir desquels ils ont voulu vérifier l'affirmation théorique selon laquelle, lorsque l'information communiquée est vraisemblable, les gestionnaires-vendeurs présentent intégralement l'information privilégiée aux investissieurs-acheteurs potentiels. La décision des vendeurs de communiquer intégralement l'information serait motivée par leur désir de ne pas laisser supposer que l'information qu'ils possèdent est extrêmement négative. Dans le cadre de cette expérience, les auteurs ont abordé la question sous deux angles: le nombre d'options dont dispose le vendeur en matière de présentation de l'information et la connaissance de ces différentes options chez l'acheteur. Les résultats démontrent qu'après plusieurs séances de négociation entre vendeurs et acheteurs, les vendeurs consentaient à la présentation intégrale de l'information. Les acheteurs adaptaient leur stratégie d'offre en réponse à la stratégie de présentation de l'information du vendeur dans tous les marchés, à l'exception des marchés caractérisés à la fois par 1) un nombre important d'options de présentation de l'information et 2) aucune connaissance, chez les acheteurs, des options de présentation de l'information. Ces résultats pourraient ouvrir certaines perspectives en ce qui a trait aux résultats, fondés sur le marché, qui démontrent que les investisseurs ne mettent pas systématiquement en doute l'information présentée par les gestionnaires. Les résultats de l'étude laissent supposer que la connaissance des différentes options de présentation de l'information peut accélérer l'adaptation des marchés à la présentation de l'information, en particulier lorsque les options de présentation sont nombreuses.  相似文献   

陈嘉欢 《上海经济》2011,(11):25-27
在全球化趋势不断加强、国际问竞争日趋激烈的今天,创意产业已经不仅仅是一个发展的理念,更是集经济效益与社会效益之和的现实表现。以文化和创意为核心的创意产业的发展规模,已经成为衡量一个城市竞争力高低的一个重要标志。  相似文献   

Corporate governance in China: An overview   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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