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The purpose of this paper is to measure the evaluation of income inequality by European citizens. Starting from the concept of a social welfare function defined on income distributions the paper estimates the degree and nature of inequality aversion of Europeans. It uses subjective well-being (SWB) as an empirical measure of welfare and estimates how SWB is related to average income and measures of income inequality (from an appropriate class). The estimated relationship is used to determine those inequality measures which qualify as proper representations of people's inequality aversion.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to identify the different sources of persistence of output fluctuations. We propose an unobserved components model that allows us to decompose GDP series into a trend component and a cyclical component. We let the drift of the trend component switch between different regimes according to a first‐order Markov process. To calculate an appropriate p‐value for a test of linearity we propose a bootstrap procedure, which allows for general forms of heteroscedasticity. The performance of the bootstrap is checked by means of a Monte Carlo simulation. Our study concerns the USA. We find that cyclical shocks appear to play an important role on the observed persistence of output.  相似文献   

When labour market participation influences bargaining power in a household, the male and the female labour supplies can be either positively or negatively related. If negatively related, possibilities include: ‘balance of power’, the complete dominance of one member, and circumstances where inequity persists with incomplete dominance. If effort levels are positively sloped, it is possible to have equilibrium at either high or low effort levels leading to equity. The effects of economic development and wage discrimination are also discussed.  相似文献   

We use data from the 2003 to 2014 American Time Use Survey to estimate substitution between working and extracurricular time for high school students, which may have long‐run educational and labor market consequences. We find that working students are 5 percentage points less likely to participate in extracurricular activities and spend 40 minutes less on extracurriculars per day. We estimate heterogeneous effects by socioeconomic indicators to test whether disadvantaged students are more or less likely to substitute time away from extracurriculars. We find the largest interaction effects by paternal education, where working students with low paternal education are 0.5 percentage points more likely to engage in extracurriculars and increase extracurriculars by 15 minutes per day. (JEL I2, J22, J24)  相似文献   

This study conducts a cross-sectional analysis of 175 depository institutions, assessing the impact on the interest rates charged on loan products and offered on savings products by the size of the institution, its liquidity, its net worth, its tax and salary payments, and its status as a for-profit institution, a credit union (CU), or a converted CU. We find that banks and converted CUs have interest rates significantly less favorable for consumers than CUs, suggesting that a CU converting will result in adverse interest rate movements for its customers. ( JEL 621, L3)  相似文献   

This article analyses whether and how Taiwan's exports are sensitive to national differences in intellectual property right (IPR) protection, as well as the degree of imitation threat. Applying a longitudinal IPR index developed by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and using the generalized method of moments dynamic panel data modelling technique to control for endogeneity and panel unit root problems, the empirical results show that the strength of importing countries' IPR protection has a positive impact on Taiwan's exports, supporting the standpoint of market expansion that stronger IPR protection will induce more trade. Under various classification systems to differentiate the degree of threat of imitation across countries, both positive and negative export effects of IPR are found in Taiwan's case. However, the pattern of threat of imitation–trade nexus seems to contradict theory predictions. Moreover, high‐tech exports are found be more IPR sensitive than non‐high‐tech exports.  相似文献   

In the aftermath of the recent financial crisis, a variety of structural vector autoregression (VAR) models have been proposed to identify credit supply shocks. Using a Monte Carlo experiment, we show that the performance of these models can vary substantially, with some identification schemes producing particularly misleading results. When applied to U.S. data, the estimates from the best performing VAR models indicate, on average, that credit supply shocks that raise spreads by 10 basis points reduce GDP growth and inflation by 1% after one year. These shocks were important during the Great Recession, accounting for about half the decline in GDP growth.  相似文献   

Do we have too few children? We intend to address this question. In developed countries, the fertility rate has declined since WWII. This may cause a slowdown in the growth of GDP in developed countries. However, important factors for the well‐being of individuals are per capita variables, like per capita growth and per capita consumption. In turn, the rate of technological progress determines the growth rates of per capita variables. If the population size is increasing, the labour inputs for R&D activity increase, and thus speed up technological progress. As individuals do not take account of this positive effect when deciding on the number of their own children, the number of children may become smaller than the socially optimal number of children. However, an increase in the number of children reduces the assets any one child owns: that is, there is a capital dilution effect. This works in the opposite direction. We examine this issue using an endogenous growth model where the head of a dynastic family decides the number of children.  相似文献   

We study a standard two‐period economy with one nominal bond and one firm. The firm finances the input with the nominal bond in the first period and its profits are distributed to the shareholders in the second period. We show that in the neighbourhood of each efficient equilibrium, a sunspot equilibrium also exists. It is shown that the equilibrium interest rate is lower than the efficient level and that there is overproduction in the sunspot equilibrium, under some conditions. However, there is no sunspot equilibrium if the profit share of the firm can be traded as well as the bond.  相似文献   

This paper re‐examines the empirical finding that international real interest rates usually have a unit root. This conclusion is put forth in Rapach and Weber (2004 ), using the Ng and Perron (2001 ) tests. We use Rudebusch's (1993 ) approach to construct the small sample distributions of the Ng and Perron tests, and calculate their asymptotic sizes, size‐adjusted powers and rejection rates. These numbers show that the lack of power in the Ng and Perron tests might account for the findings of Rapach and Weber (2004 ): that the unit root null cannot be rejected for most OECD countries. Size distortions are mild in the case of Ng and Perron tests for two series, but are serious for the Phillips and Perron Z‐test on inflation rates. We then apply a powerful covariate augmented Dickey–Fuller unit root test to examine the series for which stationarity cannot be determined with the Ng and Perron tests. The bootstrap technique is also used to control possible size distortions. In contrast to the results of Rapach and Weber (2004 ), the bootstrap covariate augmented Dickey–Fuller test yields striking evidence that real interest rates are stationary for 14 of 16 OECD countries, because nominal interest rates are stationary for the 14 countries, while inflation rates are stationary for all countries.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence has shown that returns to English language ability are substantial in India. Research has also focused on the impact of private tutoring in the context of developing economies to find evidence that remedial teaching leads to better student achievement and higher test scores. In this paper I analyze whether private tutoring helps in developing English language ability. Simple OLS estimates suggest statistically significant effects but estimated coefficients are rather small at 0.2 percentage points. Presence of confounders and selection bias may potentially understate the true effects of private tutoring on English language ability. To address this issue, I exploit a unique policy experiment in India in a regression discontinuity framework to identify cohorts eligible for private tutoring and compare their outcomes to the ineligible. I use this potentially exogenous policy variation as an instrument for private tutoring and find significant increases in English language ability estimated at 16 percentage points which is much larger than the simple OLS effects. Since standard academic curriculum is not directed towards improving foreign language ability, private tutoring as an input in the education production function seems to offer high marginal returns. From a policy perspective, this implies that private tutoring should be encouraged for enhancing English ability even though there are concerns that this provides disincentives for teachers to teach in school.  相似文献   

Traditional economic theories assume that individuals are endowed with certain risk preferences that are unaltered by experiences. However, recent evidence indicates that macroeconomic shocks do have an effect on an individual's willingness to take financial risks. In the context of investment decisions, we examine empirically whether an individual's risk preferences are affected by other types of traumatic life experiences. Using a unique proprietary data set, we investigate whether personal traumatic experiences—such as the combat experiences of veterans—have long‐term effects on financial risk‐taking behavior. We find that having experienced combat decreases the probability of investing in risky assets. Key policy implications are noted. (JEL G11, D14)  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of labor unions on productivity and technical inefficiency of the U.S. manufacturing sector, using state‐level panel data on 48 states from 1983 to 1996. The results indicate that while labor unions reduce firms' technical progress, they improve firm efficiency in utilizing the existing technology. The findings also suggest that the decline of unionization rate in the sample period impaired firms' technical efficiency by 2.4 percentage points. (JEL C33, C51, O51, J51)  相似文献   

The population of the least developed countries of the Sahel will more than triple from 100 million to 340 million by 2050, and new research projects that today’s extreme temperatures will become the norm by mid-century. The region is characterized by poverty, illiteracy, weak infrastructure, failed states, widespread conflict, and an abysmal status of women. Scenarios beyond 2050 demonstrate that, without urgent and significant action today, the Sahel could become the first part of planet earth that suffers large-scale starvation and escalating conflict as a growing human population outruns diminishing natural resources. National governments and the international community can do a great deal to ameliorate this unfolding disaster if they put in place immediate policies and investments to help communities adapt to climate change, make family planning realistically available, and improve the status of girls and women. Implementing evidence-based action now will be an order of magnitude more humane and cost-effective than confronting disaster later. However, action will challenge some long held development paradigms of economists, demographers, and humanitarian organizations. If the crisis unfolding in the Sahel can help bridge the current intellectual chasm between the economic commitment to seemingly endless growth and the threat seen by some biologists and ecologists that human activity is bringing about irreversible damage to the biosphere, then it may be possible also to begin to solve this same formidable problem at a global level.  相似文献   


For almost quarter of a century since the U.S. normalization of diplomatic relations with China and the beginning of economic reforms under the leadership of Deng Xioaping, two incidents virtually coinciding together, the PRC has achieved impressive, although not unprecedented, rates of economic growth. The future rate of growth of the Chinese economy will depend not only on continuing economic reforms, but also having a tolerable level of social unrest, and achieving a reasonable level of entrepreneurial and bureaucratic efficiency. On the international side, growth will require access to world markets for Chinese exports, continued access to foreign capital and technology, and regional peace. On current reckoning it seems that economic growth of anything between five and seven percent may continue for the forseeable future. This paper tries to analyze the problems and the prospects of China emerging as a major economic power and it's economic and political implications.  相似文献   

We re-read a foundational work, The Theory of the Growth of the Firm by Edith Penrose, not to identify the androcentric bias but instead to recover a challenge to such bias. Our purpose is to show in Penrose an alternative view of human "nature" and revulsion from "Cartesian" dualisms. At the same time, Penrose had a deep interest in the real world and used metaphor and story alongside empirical observation in the pursuit of theoretical advance. The Theory of the Growth of the Firm provides an approach to industrial organization that is not only consistent with feminist economics but can be read as a methodological and expositional examplar.  相似文献   

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