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The present study explored whether there was a correlation between global social responsibility and transformational leadership using the Global Social Responsibility Inventory and the Student Leadership Practices Inventory existed. The findings showed a positive correlation between transformational leadership and global social responsibility. Specifically, four of five variables on the Student Leadership Practices Inventory, an instrument that measures transformational leadership, correlated with global social responsibility (prosocial behavior) as measured on the scale of Global Social Responsibility Inventory.  相似文献   

企业CEO作为企业的主要领导者,他们对企业员工的言行有着潜移默化的影响。企业的生存、发展有很大一部分依赖于企业CEO的领导风格与决策风格。本研究首先对变革型领导行为、员工工作满意度和企业绩效这三个主要变量进行了文献回顾,通过对国内外相关研究文献的梳理分析,发现其不足,尝试性地验证变革型领导行为对企业绩效的影响作用。本文通过对CEO变革型领导行为、员工工作满意度和企业绩效关系的研究,丰富了变革型领导行为相关理论,对于提升我国企业的领导水平具有一定的指导意义!  相似文献   

当今,“变革”成为组织应对金融危机、提高生存能力的重要路径.然而,组织变革不仅需要优化生产方式、组织结构和规章制度,还有赖于领导者思想的转变.在这种背景下,变革型领导正逐渐成为时代所呼唤的领导方式,并被大量研究证实能够提升下属和组织的福祉.为了更好地预测、选拔和提升变革型领导,有必要探索变革型领导的形成机理.文章基于个体与环境两条线索,从心理特质、社会认知、情绪情感、自我决定、资源保存、社会学习、人与组织匹配七个理论视角陈述了变革型领导的前因机制,并在此基础上归纳出一个整合模型.通过这项工作,希望能够为国内学者打开变革型领导的前因黑箱,并为组织如何预测、选拔和培养变革型领导提供理论指导.  相似文献   

领导方式对企业管理具有重要影响。变革型领导与交易型领导不同的内在维度导致二者在员工工作绩效、员工满意度、组织承诺、组织变革与创新等方面有着不同的作用。多数学者认为变革型领导在各方面较交易型领导都更为优秀,然而部分学者却证明领导方式与企业组织文化的匹配性才是决定组织管理成功与否的重要因素。摒弃对交易型领导的偏见,选择适合的领导方式对企业的发展具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

谦卑于组织领导中的作用受到了学者们的广泛关注。本文通过对21家企业378名下属的调查问卷探讨了谦卑的领导与领导有效性之间的关系,并探讨了任务导向和关系导向的变革型领导在谦卑与领导有效性之间的中介作用。多元回归结果表明,谦卑能够有效预测变革型领导以及领导有效性,其中,关系导向和任务导向的变革型领导分别在谦卑与领导有效性中起到完全中介和不完全中介作用。  相似文献   

This article analyzes how the behavior of CEOs of major divisions of corporations who are successful at new business development differ in behavior from those who attempted new business development programs and failed. Successful top managers affected organization transformation via three major differences in leadership behavior. Successful CEOs inspired pervasive commitment throughout their division. They built confidence in their subordinates' ability to develop new business. Finally, they found ways of applying appropriate disciplines to the process, particularly in the ara of management of failure. Challenges for the HRM function in terms of orchestrating these CEO behaviors are discussed.  相似文献   

世界经济不断发展,科学技术日益更新,在给全社会带来巨大财富的同时,这些进步也给社会带来了更多的不确定性,尤其是管理界,究竟什么样的管理才是目前最好的管理,至今没有定论,同样,什么样的领导行为或领导风格才是最佳的,也没有统一的意见。世界的急速变化给管理和领导们带来了极其严峻的挑战和考验,就在这种社会环境越来越趋于全球化、企业所面临的经营环境信息化与多元化时代背景下,20世纪70年代末诞生了变革型领导理论,这个理论的提出使整个领导学界产生了一次大的革命,成为了近二十年学界和企业界共同关注的焦点。  相似文献   

关于创造力和智力的关系,学术界至今还未形成统一结论,且主要是通过分析创造力与智商高低二者的关系,来分析创造利于智力的关系,国外的相关的实验也主要集中在这方面。本文试图从总体上,智商高低以及智力结构三个方面,来分析探讨创造力与智力的关系。  相似文献   

This study develops a model in which transformational leadership affects team coordination and performance through the conflict management approaches adopted by team members. Data were collected from three different sources in a lagged design from 108 teams in a large enterprise in China. Results support the reasoning that transformational leadership promotes team coordination and thereby team performance by encouraging teams to adopt a cooperative, as opposed to competitive, approach to conflict management. These results suggest that transformational leadership may help team members manage conflicts for their mutual benefit. This is an important mechanism through which transformational leadership enhances team coordination and, in turn, achieves higher team performance.  相似文献   

员工创造力是企业创新的基础与源泉,它是员工的个性品质、认知能力等内在因素和工作情境因素的特殊综合。在激发员工创造力的过程中,变革型领导通过员工的内在动机、对工作环境特别是对创新支持环境的感知、心理授权等中介变量的作用来影响追随者的创造性。在现实的管理情境中,可以通过对领导者进行变革型领导培训,通过选聘、培训、薪酬等管理方式筛选与培养高创造力的员工。  相似文献   

员工建言行为对组织的创新与发展具有重要意义,而领导是影响该行为的关键因素之一.本综述对近十年来关于领导因素影响员工建言行为研究中的自变量、作用机制及情境条件进行梳理和总结,并指出了现有研究的不足和未来研究的方向.  相似文献   

传统的垂直领导者如何在虚拟团队情境下提升团队创造力,既是管理者面临的挑战,也是理论研究的一个新主题.本研究基于团队成员共享领导视角,探究虚拟团队垂直变革型和交易型领导对团队创造力的作用机理.采用来自66个虚拟团队的241位成员和66位主管配套问卷的有效数据,实证分析表明:虚拟团队变革型和交易型领导均能促进团队成员共享领导,进而提升团队创造力;团队虚拟性作为一个连续性概念,调节虚拟团队变革型和交易型领导对团队成员共享领导的正向影响,并调节虚拟团队变革型领导通过团队成员共享领导对团队创造力的正向影响.研究结果对虚拟团队领导力发展和团队创造力管理具有重要的理论指导意义.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study is to test a comprehensive model of relationships between transactional and transformational leadership trust in organizations, organizational justice, intention to leave and organizational citizenship behavior. The data were collected from 179 middle and direct levels managers in 17 private Egyptian organizations. The data were analyzed using regression analysis and structural equations analysis. The latter analysis provides the potential of examining the complex model as a whole. The focus of the analysis was on the direct and mediating effects of the leadership variables. The study results showed that transformational leadership has an influence over the outcome variables above and beyond the influence of the contextual variables. The implications, limitations and the future research directions were discussed.  相似文献   

abstract We use transformational leadership theory to explore the role of CEOs in determining the extent to which their firms engage in corporate social responsibility (CSR). We test this theory using data from 56 US and Canadian firms. CEO intellectual stimulation (but not CEO charismatic leadership) is found to be significantly associated with the propensity of the firm to engage in ‘strategic’ CSR, or those CSR activities that are most likely to be related to the firm's corporate and business‐level strategies. Thus, studies that ignore the role of leadership in CSR may yield imprecise conclusions regarding the antecedents and consequences of these activities. We also critique transformational leadership theory, in terms of its overemphasis on charismatic forms of leadership. This leads to a reconceptualization of transformational leadership, which emphasizes the intellectual stimulation component in the context of CSR.  相似文献   

Attributional complexity refers to the capability of discriminating and integrating dimensions related to social judgment in order to understand social behaviour. While previous leadership research has examined the role of leader attributions, it has neglected the role of attributional complexity. We theorize and find support for a relationship between higher attributional complexity and transformational leadership behaviours, based on a sample of 100 leaders and their direct reports. Leaders who were more complex in their social judgments, attributing complex external and internal causes to others' behaviours and actions, were seen as more transformational by their direct reports. Our findings suggest that attributional complexity is a construct that warrants consideration in future research on both transformational leadership and leadership attributions.  相似文献   

郝赋  闫晓飞  杨艳  辛洁  苏景宽 《价值工程》2015,(22):137-140
目的:探讨医护人员情绪劳动、工作倦怠与社会支持的关系;方法:文章通过对西安市某三甲医院302名医护人员做调查;结果:1情绪劳动与工作倦怠显著相关,且对工作倦怠有一定的预测作用;2社会支持与工作倦怠呈负相关;3来自工作领域内的支持对情绪劳动和工作倦怠起调节作用、而家庭支持则未在情绪劳动与工作倦怠之间产生调节作用;结论:对于医护人员而言,情绪劳动影响工作倦怠,而组织支持在其间起调节作用。  相似文献   

马维娜  刘长杰 《价值工程》2011,30(30):307-307
目的:探索图书管理人员同感心与情商的运用,提高专业水平和综合素质。方法:分析同感心与情商的理论意义,找出对图书管理人员应用的技巧及培训方法。结果:通过对我校图书管理人员同感心与情商知识的培训,从问卷调查中得知图书管理人员的沟通能力、情绪认知及服务意识等显著提高。结论:运用同感心是图书管理人员与读者有效沟通的技巧,是提供个性化服务的有效方式;把情商渗透到图书管理工作各环节,不仅体现专业价值,同时收到良好的服务效果。  相似文献   

abstract    Organizations capable of pursuing exploration and exploitation simultaneously have been suggested to obtain superior performance. Combining both types of activities and achieving organizational ambidexterity, however, leads to the presence of multiple and often conflicting goals, and poses considerable challenges to senior teams in ambidextrous organizations. This study explores the role of senior team attributes and leadership behaviour in reconciling conflicting interests among senior team members and achieving organizational ambidexterity. Findings indicate that a senior team shared vision and contingency rewards are associated with a firm's ability to combine high levels of exploratory and exploitative innovations. In addition, our study shows that an executive director's transformational leadership increases the effectiveness of senior team attributes in ambidextrous organizations and moderates the effectiveness of senior team social integration and contingency rewards. Hence, our study clarifies how senior executives reconcile conflicting demands and facilitate the balancing of seemingly contradictory forces in ambidextrous organizations. Implications for literatures on senior team attributes, transformational leadership and organizational ambidexterity are discussed.  相似文献   

在当前日益激烈的竞争环境下,创新是一个企业获取核心竞争力的关键因素,而变革型领导风格和组织即兴对组织创新成果产出有着重要的影响。本文在梳理国内外相关文献的基础上探讨了变革型领导风格和组织即兴对组织创新的作用机理与机制。本文采用问卷调查法,选取了我国长三角和珠三角150家科技型中小企业作为实证研究对象,共发放问卷260份,收到有效问卷198份,并采用多元回归分析的方法来分析和定量探讨变革型领导风格和组织即兴对组织创新的影响关系。研究结果表明:总体而言,变革型领导和组织即兴对组织创新具有正向的影响,同时组织即兴在变革型领导与组织创新之间起着部分中介作用。  相似文献   

企业家战略领导能力是带领企业持续健康发展的重要因素之一,组织记忆是战略领导能力构建的重要源泉。文献梳理建立了组织记忆与企业家战略领导能力的理论模型与假设,实证研究表明:组织记忆对企业家战略领导能力有显著正向影响;组织记忆内容对提升企业家战略决策能力和战略控制能力的影响强于组织记忆管理水平,而企业家战略思维能力和战略实施能力的提升则更多受到组织记忆管理水平的影响。  相似文献   

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