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A portfolio choice model in continuous time is formulated for both complete and incomplete markets, where the quantile function of the terminal cash flow, instead of the cash flow itself, is taken as the decision variable. This formulation covers a wide body of existing and new models with law‐invariant preference measures, including expected utility maximization, mean–variance, goal reaching, Yaari's dual model, Lopes' SP/A model, behavioral model under prospect theory, as well as those explicitly involving VaR and CVaR in objectives and/or constraints. A solution scheme to this quantile model is proposed, and then demonstrated by solving analytically the goal‐reaching model and Yaari's dual model. A general property derived for the quantile model is that the optimal terminal payment is anticomonotonic with the pricing kernel (or with the minimal pricing kernel in the case of an incomplete market if the investment opportunity set is deterministic). As a consequence, the mutual fund theorem still holds in a market where rational and irrational agents co‐exist.  相似文献   

This paper extends He and Pearson's (1991) martingale approach to the study of optimal intertemporal consumption and portfolio policies with incomplete markets and short-sale constraints to a framework in which no assumptions are made on the price process for the securities. We show how both their characterization of the budget-feasible set and duality result can be extended to account for an unbounded set II of Arrow-Debreu state prices compatible with the arbitrage-free assumption. We also supply a (fairly general) sufficient condition for II to be bounded, as required in their setting.  相似文献   

Constant proportion portfolio insurance (CPPI) allows an investor to limit downside risk while retaining some upside potential by maintaining an exposure to risky assets equal to a constant multiple of the cushion , the difference between the current portfolio value and the guaranteed amount. Whereas in diffusion models with continuous trading, this strategy has no downside risk, in real markets this risk is nonnegligible and grows with the multiplier value. We study the behavior of CPPI strategies in models where the price of the underlying portfolio may experience downward jumps. Our framework leads to analytically tractable expressions for the probability of hitting the floor, the expected loss, and the distribution of losses. This allows to measure the gap risk but also leads to a criterion for adjusting the multiplier based on the investor's risk aversion. Finally, we study the problem of hedging the downside risk of a CPPI strategy using options. The results are applied to a jump-diffusion model with parameters estimated from returns series of various assets and indices.  相似文献   

We consider n risk‐averse agents who compete for liquidity in an Almgren–Chriss market impact model. Mathematically, this situation can be described by a Nash equilibrium for a certain linear quadratic differential game with state constraints. The state constraints enter the problem as terminal boundary conditions for finite and infinite time horizons. We prove existence and uniqueness of Nash equilibria and give closed‐form solutions in some special cases. We also analyze qualitative properties of the equilibrium strategies and provide corresponding financial interpretations.  相似文献   

A continuous-time mean-variance portfolio selection problem is studied where all the market coefficients are random and the wealth process under any admissible trading strategy is not allowed to be below zero at any time. The trading strategy under consideration is defined in terms of the dollar amounts, rather than the proportions of wealth, allocated in individual stocks. The problem is completely solved using a decomposition approach. Specifically, a (constrained) variance minimizing problem is formulated and its feasibility is characterized. Then, after a system of equations for two Lagrange multipliers is solved, variance minimizing portfolios are derived as the replicating portfolios of some contingent claims, and the variance minimizing frontier is obtained. Finally, the efficient frontier is identified as an appropriate portion of the variance minimizing frontier after the monotonicity of the minimum variance on the expected terminal wealth over this portion is proved and all the efficient portfolios are found. In the special case where the market coefficients are deterministic, efficient portfolios are explicitly expressed as feedback of the current wealth, and the efficient frontier is represented by parameterized equations. Our results indicate that the efficient policy for a mean-variance investor is simply to purchase a European put option that is chosen, according to his or her risk preferences, from a particular class of options.  相似文献   

This paper formulates and studies a general continuous-time behavioral portfolio selection model under Kahneman and Tversky's (cumulative) prospect theory, featuring S-shaped utility (value) functions and probability distortions. Unlike the conventional expected utility maximization model, such a behavioral model could be easily mis-formulated (a.k.a. ill-posed) if its different components do not coordinate well with each other. Certain classes of an ill-posed model are identified. A systematic approach, which is fundamentally different from the ones employed for the utility model, is developed to solve a well-posed model, assuming a complete market and general Itô processes for asset prices. The optimal terminal wealth positions, derived in fairly explicit forms, possess surprisingly simple structure reminiscent of a gambling policy betting on a good state of the world while accepting a fixed, known loss in case of a bad one. An example with a two-piece CRRA utility is presented to illustrate the general results obtained, and is solved completely for all admissible parameters. The effect of the behavioral criterion on the risky allocations is finally discussed.  相似文献   

This paper gives an ordering on option prices under various well-known martingale measures in an incomplete stochastic volatility model. Our central result is a comparison theorem that proves convex option prices are decreasing in the market price of volatility risk, the parameter governing the choice of pricing measure. The theorem is applied to order option prices under q -optimal pricing measures. In doing so, we correct orderings demonstrated numerically in Heath, Platen, and Schweizer ( Mathematical Finance , 11(4), 2001) in the special case of the Heston model.  相似文献   

We examine the Morton and Pliska (1993) model for the optimal management of a portfolio when there are transaction costs proportional to a fixed fraction of the portfolio value. We analyze this model in the realistic case of small transaction costs by conducting a perturbation analysis about the no-transaction-cost solution. Although the full problem is a free-boundary diffusion problem in as many dimensions as there are assets in the portfolio, we find explicit solutions for the optimal trading policy in this limit. This makes the solution for a realistically large number of assets a practical possibility.  相似文献   

We fill a gap in the proof of a (rather critical) lemma, Lemma B.1, in Jin and Zhou (2008: Math. Finance 18, 385–426). We also correct a couple of other minor errors in the same paper.  相似文献   

Hedge fund managers receive a large fraction of their funds' profits, paid when funds exceed their high‐water marks. We study the incentives of such performance fees. A manager with long‐horizon, constant investment opportunities and relative risk aversion, chooses a constant Merton portfolio. However, the effective risk aversion shrinks toward one in proportion to performance fees. Risk shifting implications are ambiguous and depend on the manager's own risk aversion. Managers with equal investment opportunities but different performance fees and risk aversions may coexist in a competitive equilibrium. The resulting leverage increases with performance fees—a prediction that we confirm empirically.  相似文献   

We integrate two approaches to portfolio management problems: that of Morton and Pliska (1995) for a portfolio with risky and riskless assets under transaction costs, and that of Cadenillas and Pliska (1999) for a portfolio with a risky asset under taxes and transaction costs. In particular, we show that the two surprising results of the latter paper, results shown for a taxable market consisting of only a single security, extend to a financial market with one risky asset and one bond: it can be optimal to realize not only losses but also gains, and sometimes the investor prefers a positive tax rate.  相似文献   

We consider the non‐Gaussian stochastic volatility model of Barndorff‐Nielsen and Shephard for the exponential mean‐reversion model of Schwartz proposed for commodity spot prices. We analyze the properties of the stochastic dynamics, and show in particular that the log‐spot prices possess a stationary distribution defined as a normal variance‐mixture model. Furthermore, the stochastic volatility model allows for explicit forward prices, which may produce a hump structure inherited from the mean‐reversion of the stochastic volatility. Although the spot price dynamics has continuous paths, the forward prices will have a jump dynamics, where jumps occur according to changes in the volatility process. We compare with the popular Heston stochastic volatility dynamics, and show that the Barndorff‐Nielsen and Shephard model provides a more flexible framework in describing commodity spot prices. An empirical example on UK spot data is included.  相似文献   

We study the effect of estimated model parameters in investment strategies on expected log‐utility of terminal wealth. The market consists of a riskless bond and a potentially vast number of risky stocks modeled as geometric Brownian motions. The well‐known optimal Merton strategy depends on unknown parameters and thus cannot be used in practice. We consider the expected utility of several estimated strategies when the number of risky assets gets large. We suggest strategies which are less affected by estimation errors and demonstrate their performance in a real data example. Strategies in which the investment proportions satisfy an L1 ‐constraint are less affected by estimation effects.  相似文献   

We perform a stability analysis for the utility maximization problem in a general semimartingale model where both liquid and illiquid assets (random endowments) are present. Small misspecifications of preferences (as modeled via expected utility), as well as views of the world or the market model (as modeled via subjective probabilities) are considered. Simple sufficient conditions are given for the problem to be well posed, in the sense that the optimal wealth and the marginal utility‐based prices are continuous functionals of preferences and probabilistic views.  相似文献   

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