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Agricultural Technology, Crop Income, and Poverty Alleviation in Uganda   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper evaluates the ex post impact of adopting improved groundnut varieties on crop income and poverty in rural Uganda. The study utilizes cross-sectional data of 927 households, collected in 2006, from seven districts in Uganda. Using propensity score matching methods, we find that adopting improved groundnut varieties (technology) significantly increases crop income and reduces poverty. The positive and significant impact on crop income is consistent with the perceived role of new agricultural technologies in reducing rural poverty through increased farm household income. This study supports broader investment in agriculture research to address vital development challenges. Reaching the poor with better technologies however requires policy support for improving extension efforts, access to seeds and market outlets that simulate adoption.  相似文献   

This paper theoretically and empirically investigates the home‐country effects of a firm's outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) activity, specifically OFDI motivated by lower labor costs in the host country. A two‐country imperfect competition model is developed, and the interaction between a firm's R&D spending and its OFDI is examined. It is found that the relationship between a firm's OFDI and its domestic R&D is indeterminate because there is a complementary effect as well as a substitution effect induced by OFDI activity. Panel data on Taiwanese manufacturing firms from 1992–2005 are applied to test the validity of the theoretical results. The propensity score matching method is used to construct a comparison group without selection bias. Our empirical evidence reveals that a Taiwanese firm's OFDI is positively related to its domestic R&D spending, particularly in R&D‐intensive industries.  相似文献   

文章从我国物联网企业技术突破的视角出发,选取2003-2012年我国物联网179家上市公司的数据为研究样本,将其划分为突破性技术企业、创新性技术企业及战略性技术企业三类,通过多值选择模型和倾向得分匹配估计法来探索这三类企业在自主创新和技术引进之间如何抉择,并结合当今物联网技术发展背景,得出我国物联网企业技术突破路径。  相似文献   

Many economists maintain that in order to advance economic growth Asian countries should focus more on basic research than on technology adoption, and more on the supply of skilled workers than the supply of unskilled workers. In this context, this paper presents a theoretical model and empirical evidence to explain the observation that a country in which the level of technology approaches the technology frontier tends to rely more on technology creation than adoption, and invest more in basic research than in development. The model shows that technology creation involves both basic and development research processes, whereas technology adoption uses only the latter process. Therefore, R&D investment in our model involves three different processes: basic research in technology creation, development in technology creation, and development in technology adoption. The results suggest first that the rate of growth is positively correlated with the level of basic research activities in the technology creation sector, if a country's technology gap with the technology frontier is small enough. Second, an increase in the efficiency of the education system for highly skilled workers raises the level of basic research and the rate of growth. Third, verifying these theoretical results, empirical analyses using panel data from Korea, Japan and Taipei, China show that the narrower the distance to the technological frontier, the higher the growth effect of basic R&D, which indicates that the share of basic R&D matters for economic growth. Finally, the results also show that the quality of tertiary education has a significantly positive effect on the productivity of R&D.  相似文献   

降低乃至消除贫困是世界各国政府面临的重大难题之一,部分地方财政支出项目能够有效地降低或消除贫困问题的发生。文章构建了一个分析由农林水事务、教育、医疗卫生与社会保障和就业支出四项财政支出分量构成的财政支出总量及各财政支出分量与贫困减缓之间关系的理论框架,在此基础上采用中部5省1994-2013年的省级数据,通过总量回归模型与分量回归模型分别对各省财政支出总量与支出分量的减贫效应进行实证检验,并对地方财政支出减贫效应的省际差异进行了比较,以期对地方政府优化财政支出结构,提高财政资源利用效率,利用财政支出减少贫困具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

从废水处理实际需要出发,对其处理技术特点进行了分析总结,以提高废水处理效果、降低废水处理成本和易于操作管理为目标,探索适合村镇废水的处理工艺。  相似文献   

关于农业科技投入研究的综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章在明确了农业科技投入重要性的基础上,对现有的文献资料中关于农业科技投入的相关内容进行了综述,主要从农业科技投入强度的内涵、现状及趋势,农业科技投入的主体与投入结构,以及现有农业科技投入不足的原因和对策等四个方面进行了归纳、分析和评述,最后指出了现有研究的不足之处。  相似文献   

Using individual data collected in rural China and adopting Heckman's two‐step function, we examined the impact of childcare and eldercare on laborers' off‐farm activities. Our study finds that having school‐aged children has a negative impact on rural laborers' migration decisions and a positive impact on their decision to work in the local off‐farm employment market. As grandparents can help to take care of young children, the impact of preschoolers is insignificant. Having elderly family to care for decreases the income earned by female members of the family. Although both men and women are actively engaged in off‐farm employment today in rural China, this study shows that women are still the primary care providers for both children and the elderly. Therefore, reforming public school enrollment and high school/college entrance examination systems so that migrant children can stay with their parents, this will help rural laborers to migrate to cities. The present study also calls for more public services for preschoolers and the elderly in rural China.  相似文献   

我国企业国际化技术发展呈现“纵向长足进展、横向严重不足”的特征;但从微观个体上看,部分企业的国际化技术发展取得了巨大成就。从整体上看,我国企业国际化技术发展呈现内向型、外向型、市场支撑型和技术追踪型等多样化的发展模式,但大部分企业还处于国际化技术发展的初期或发展期。在发展趋势上,外向型国际化、海外市场支撑型技术和新兴市场国家将分别是我国企业国际化技术发展的主要模式、重要目标和重点地区。  相似文献   

在人口红利即将消失之际,我国就业问题呈现较为复杂的趋势。全球性的经济危机促使我国产业结构急需转型。在创新驱动、科教兴国战略和人才强国战略背景下,观察财政科教支出对就业及产业结构调整的影响具有重要意义。本文构建了一个在复杂现实背景下分析财政科教支出对就业及产业结构调整影响的CGE模型,模拟在人口城镇化过程中财政科教投入分步骤达到发达国家水平时各产业就业和增加值的变化。结果显示:财政科教支出对就业尤其是第三产业就业具有显著正向促进作用,对于住宿和餐饮等劳动密集型产业的影响尤其明显。科教支出有利于解决在城镇化过程中、人口红利期即将结束等现实条件下的就业问题。同时财政科技和教育投入对于促进产业结构转型具有推动作用,加速了向第三产业转型,使得我国的产业结构和就业结构更加合理。  相似文献   

对福建省农业科技投入的现状进行了分析,并指出现阶段福建省农业科技投入强度偏低、政策扶持力度不足等问题,在此基础上,提出了建立健全促进农业科技投入的政府扶持政策,建立长期稳定的科技支撑保障机制,建立"分类管理"的农业科技研发和推广资金筹集机制等对策。  相似文献   

孙晓飞  周云  赵鋆泽 《科技和产业》2020,20(12):183-188
为促进中国生物质能源产业的发展,进一步解决能源短缺与环境污染问题,运用专利分析的方法从专利申请趋势、技术生命周期、申请地域与技术领域等角度对我国生物质热化学转化技术的发展现状做了相关分析,总结并展望了生物质热化学转化技术的发展路线。结果表明近几年中国生物质热化学转化技术的专利申请数量飞速增长,虽然气化、热解、液化等子技术发展不均,但都表现出很大的发展潜力,为更好实现技术与产业的对接提供了参考。  相似文献   

杨伊侬  冯献 《乡镇经济》2009,25(12):64-67
人力资本投资对农村居民收入起到重要作用。文章通过我国31个省、市、自治区的横截面数据,建立双对数模型,重点分析了人力资本投资对我国农村居民收入的影响。研究结果表明,人力资本投资增加1%,可促使我国农村居民家庭人均纯收入增加0.23%,比固定资产投资增加的比率高出3.5614%。同时,文章通过将人均收入和人力资本投资作为两个指标对样品进行聚类分析,认为政府政策应当更加倾斜于贵州、云南、西藏、陕西、新疆、甘肃、青海、宁夏、广西等省、自治区,从而统筹中、东、西部地区的和谐发展。  相似文献   

Using data for rural India, this paper analyzes households' labor supply decision‐making, taking into consideration non‐participation, endogenous intrahousehold bargaining and nutritional status. Analyses of unitary and collective models suggest that bargaining between household members forms the basis of households' decisions, and these decisions alter households' internal power balance. Analysis of households' internal bargaining process suggests that women's bargaining power increases when their wages are higher and they are better educated. The results indicate that it is crucial to account for the mechanics of decision‐making within households when studying the effects of changing labor market conditions or designing development policies to improve individual well‐being or to empower women.  相似文献   

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