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This article overviews developments in industrial relations in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland since the fall of the communist regimes in 1989, and assesses the extent to which key developments in these countries reflect both change and continuity from the communist period. We explore the four main institutions through which industrial relations have been conducted: trades unions, workers’ councils, employer organisations, and the tripartite arrangements involving representatives of unions and employers with the state.  相似文献   

Against the background of the rise (and fall) of Solidarity in Poland this article examines the nature of communist trade unions, focusing on their development in China and emphasising the need to use a different approach from that appropriate to capitalist societies.  相似文献   

This article explores patterns of industrial relations throughout the world, and hypothesizes that there are three basic sub-models: the developed capitalist, the communist, and the semi-developed capitalist sub-model. All have analytical rigor and predictive possibilities, and can be utilized and tested.  相似文献   

《死者》是詹姆斯·乔伊斯短篇小说集《都柏林人》的最后一篇。文章通过分析《死者》中主角加布里埃尔和三位女性的冲突,探讨了加布里埃尔是如何逐步地认识自己,思考自己的人生,以至最后顿悟的。  相似文献   

刘伟  张振明  陈春生 《价值工程》2011,30(15):257-257
在先进性教育活动中,机电工程学院党委注重发挥党支部的能动作用,在建立保持共产党员先进性的长效机制方面做了大胆尝试。在教师队伍中推广"党员教师下班级"行动计划的经验;在支部建设方面,建立党内外"双联系"制度、争创"四个一"支部的做法值得借鉴;在大学生党员中推行内在省问制,这些措施都有效发挥了党支部的战斗堡垒作用,为建立保持共产党员先进性长效机制进行了有益的探索。  相似文献   

基于CALS的军民融合物流信息体系构建研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
军民融合物流是十七大提出的“军民融合”重要思想在物流发展建设中的重要体现,运用CALS能很好地指导军民融合物流信息体系的构建。文中介绍了CALS的内涵及其对现代物流发展和军民融合的影响,探讨了基于CALS的军民融合物流信息体系构建的指导思想、基本原则、机构设置和运行机制等问题。  相似文献   

刘美鸽 《价值工程》2011,30(26):97-97
本文通过一则小故事引入,从经济学的角度说明激励机制对企业的重要性,简要的叙述了公司对管理者和一般员工常用的激励方式。  相似文献   

This article first analyses the internal economic trajectory of the Cuban economic reforms and evaluates their effectiveness in delivering the extensive and intensive development needed to correct Cuba's structural and economic imbalances. It concludes that without the lifting of the US economic sanctions success will at best be only partial, with serious implications for long‐term stability. The article then evaluates the reasons for the US economic sanctions against Cuba and argues that while the embargo policy might have failed to topple the Cuban communist regime, it has served other, largely unacknowledged, purposes that are important in explaining why the policy has persisted. The article concludes by suggesting that the US is not likely to jettison the sanctions regime while Cuba's single‐party, state‐led economic system remains. At the same time, Cuba is not likely to jettison its single‐party system while the sanctions remain.  相似文献   

姜佳美 《价值工程》2011,30(3):328-328
欧·亨利是二十世纪初崛起于美国文坛的著名短篇小说作家,其作品构思布局巧妙,语言幽默风趣,尤其是出乎意料的结尾更是别具一格,脍炙人口。19世纪到二十世纪,现实主义思想和自然主义理论的表现方式走到美国的文学里。欧亨利作为美国的短片小说之父,在他的作品中既体现了现实主义的残酷与无奈,同时又表现出自然主义的本质。  相似文献   

Whether or not economic freedom and capitalism are associated with better or worse environmental performance gives rise to a heated political debate. This article sheds empirical light on the debate by examining the association between economic and political freedom on the one hand and environmental performance on the other. Estimating the effects of economic freedom and democracy on four environmental measures since 1993 across 27 formerly communist countries shows that liberalising the size of the public sector is associated with less environmental damage, although only in autocracies. The consequences of regulatory activity, market openness and the rule of law are more mixed.  相似文献   

李斌 《价值工程》2010,29(26):236-238
建党伊始,与波兰的其他政党相比,波兰工人党的政治力量状况暂时还显得薄弱,政治影响力也有限。这其中的原因比较复杂。但波兰罗马天主教会的因素,战前波兰共产党的"遗产",共产国际和苏联的影响,德国法西斯和波兰流亡政府的破坏却是不可忽视的因素。  相似文献   

祖一康  徐妙婧 《价值工程》2013,(35):238-239
高职院校中,共青团是先进青年的组织,而团总支的学生干部作为共青团工作的主要协作者,是共青团的骨干力量。因此,团总支学生干部的教育与管理工作十分重要,如果做好了团总支学生干部的教育与管理工作,团总支的氛围就会积极向上,努力进取,对团总支的工作有着重要的作用。在本文中,笔者就自己的工作经验,谈一谈关于高职团总支学生干部的教育与管理的一点看法。  相似文献   

为游客提供旅游目的地的相关信息并进行讲解是导游工作重要的组成部分。本文分析了目前导游解说中存在的问题,提出了如何将故事矩阵工具运用于导游解说的原则,总结出将故事矩阵工具引入导游解说中进行信息组织和处理,不仅有助于导游员有系统地准备导游解说内容,还能避免由于经验不足或知识欠缺造成解说中的盲目性,使导游解说由任意的个人行为变成有理性有系统的科学方法。  相似文献   

李华忠 《价值工程》2014,(30):289-290
当前,高校毕业生就业创业工作得到了全社会的关注,服务引导青年大学生就业创业是高校共青团组织的重要使命,高校共青团组织要从帮助学生树立科学的就业创业观、提升个人综合素质、将个人理想融入社会发展等多角度服务学生,增强学生就业创业能力。  相似文献   

The literature on Eastern Europe usually points to the desperate economic situation and hostile employers as explanations for post‐communist union weakness. This paper examines an alternative explanation based on mobilisation theory. It argues that a major reason for labour quiescence is the incapability of unions to mobilise their membership which is partly hindered by unions' failure to modernise their communist role identity.  相似文献   

Organizational scholars have long studied and theorized the apparent divergence of discourse and practice in organizational settings, and how it affects leadership, management, and professional work. In this article, we review this work and connect it to an hitherto unexplored philosophical line of thought from the writings of the late Czech playwright, dissident and president Václav Havel. In 1978, Havel published an essay that discussed the consequences of the disconnect between official discourse, promoted by the communist regime, and the everyday life of Czechoslovak citizens. His ideas about the ‘yawning abyss’ between the two, and the resulting ‘pseudo-reality’, are explored in this article, as food for thought about organizational life in late modern capitalism.  相似文献   

Cities are full of disputes about organizing public life. These disputes are important for deciding how spaces get used, and they are integral to how publics form and develop. In all sorts of ways they define the potentialities of urban public life. This article tells the story of the Southbank Centre's plans to redevelop their central London site, and Long Live Southbank's protest of these plans to save their skateable space. Through this detailed case study the article develops a distinctive conceptual apparatus for making sense of public disputes. Drawing links between Deweyan pragmatism and assemblage theory, the article explores how publics were drawn together as assemblages of humans and non‐humans with the capacity to act and argue. It follows the arguments that each side made—and the justifications underpinning them—to explore the different ideas of public‐ness that were at stake in the disagreement. This also helps highlight the space for cooperation that existed. The article emphasizes the part affect played in shaping the dispute; recognizing its role in public reasoning, and in how people get pulled into different publics. This is a story not only of disputation, but of how a corner of London expanded its public‐ness.  相似文献   

中国共产党历来重视党史和党建理论的研究。党史研究已经取得了巨大进展,出现了大量的研究成果,但是在当前及今后的一段时期,对于研究者而言,还有若干问题是需要高度重视并加以切实解决的。在思想作风建设方面,一部马克思主义发展史就是一部不断解放思想的历史,中国共产党的九十年就是不断解放思想的九十年。解放思想永无止境。在我国经济转型期,伴随着社会财富的增加,构建和谐社会必须要注重社会的公平、公正。  相似文献   

Conclucions The field is still wide open for all kinds of speculations about the content of future EEC discriminations against the communist countries, but so far there is very little substance to the accusations that EEC is discriminating against them. Neither strategic export controls nor credit discrimination seems to have been affected at all by the creation of EEC. On non-oil products a few individual cases of protection can be cited, and the consultation procedure may conceal some discrimination. But it is important to stress that the reasons for this discrimination are of the same protectionist nature as those behind the chicken war and other protectionist measures against USA, EFTA and other third nations. That the procedures are different-consultations and quotas against the communists and mainly tariff protection against the Western nations-is motivated more by the communist state trading system and its consequences than by special EEC policies.The only case where some EEC discrimination for non-commercial, political reasons can be suspected is for oil and oil products. The present strict mutual scrutiny of the import policies of the different member countries is likely to continue and to develop into some form of common policy, where security considerations may influence the setting of upper import limits of Soviet oil. But so long as this policy is not made official it is impossible to pinpoint any discrimination.In summary it can be said that the communist accusations, implying that EEC constitutes an endeavour to hurt the Soviet Union and the socialist camp through a discriminatory trade policy, are based more on the possibility that such a discrimination can come into existence than on any evidence that it actually has done so. These accusations are in fact very much akin to the Western exaggerations of actual Soviet economic warfare, based on the fact that the Soviet trade system indeed makes it possible to hide any kind of political warfare considerations inside the system.NOTE: The present article does not deal explicitly with economic planning problems or the socialist countries. However, we think the political problems discussed in this article are an interesting aspect of the relations between centrally planned economies and the market economies.

十八大将生态文明列入了日程,即将政治、经济、文化以及社会组成的"四位一体"转变成政治、经济、文化和社会以及生态所组成的具有创新意义以及符合我国国情的"五位一体"。作为第三方物流企业不断崛起,以运输作为主要原动力的物流行业所产生的大量的燃油消耗以及二氧化碳等气体的排放成为推行低碳生活的主要障碍,因此"低碳物流"的概念应运而生。文中主要通过对供应链中重要一环的我国物流低碳发展普遍存在的问题进行分析,进而提出意见和建议,为低碳物流的发展贡献力量。  相似文献   

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