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人力资本依附于具有能动性的个体而存在,个体人力资本作用的发挥最终取决于个体所处的社会环境。社会资本理论的提出,进一步深化了人力资本理论的研究内涵,从单纯的个体研究扩展到群体研究,乃至扩展到社会关系层面的研究。本文认为,这弥补了人力资本理论的不足,因为社会资本强调了个体参与群体的重要性,对个体人力资本具有整合效应。  相似文献   

借社会资源发力,蒙牛走得更快 在企业经营过程当中,对于一些想快速成长的企业采说,需要利用整合社会资源采弥补人力、财力的不足。企业家则是能够将世界上有效资源做最佳整合的人。如果一个企业人力缺乏。就需要利用整合社会资源的概念,使接触过的、认识的人都成为企业的员工。在此,举几个具体例子来说明整合资源的观念。  相似文献   

中小城市民间资本在国民经济中占有举足轻重的地位,研究中小城市民间资本的流动有助于了解民间资本的现状,找到切实有效的方法来盘活民间资本。本文以中小城市民间资本流动及现状为切入点,关注小经济环境下民间资本的流动和碰撞,借以关注生活在中小城市中的民众在日常生活中,小规模资本的流向、效益及流动过程中可能存在的问题,并针对问题提出相应的建议,希望对政府活跃民间资本、更好地引导民间资本的流动能有帮助。  相似文献   

西部大开发:让资本的活力进发 西部地区因其独特的区位、丰富的资源、得天独厚的农业发展条件和广阔的消费市场等优势,为民间资本和民营企业的发展提供了广阔的商机。  相似文献   

在国外,教育、医疗、能源等成为民间资本大有作为的领域。改革开放以来,我国民间投资不断发展壮大,已经成为促进经济发展、调整产业结构、繁荣城乡市场、扩大社会就业的重要力量。有80%以上的新产品都是由民营企业创造的.私营企业占中国法人企业的60%以上:解决了社会新增的非农就业人员的80%以上:  相似文献   

杭州、温州的民营经济和小微企业特征在浙江经济中颇具代表性,历时二年的温州金融综合改革对民间资本的投资体制机制研究具有很好的借鉴作用,通过研究创新民间资本投资方式,加快民间资本进入金融服务业,拓宽民间资本投资渠道,构建民间资本投资的相应体制机制,更好地解决民间资本的"两多两难"问题。  相似文献   

<正>随着中国经济、文化实力的逐步提高,国内外出现了中国美术史上从未有过的"中国画派油画热"。在文化全球化的世界大趋势中,大力发展中国油画学派势在必行。中国油画市场具有文化市场巨大,文化资源丰富的优势,但也存在着产业规模小,市场运作经验不足的缺点,中国油画市场发展的真正出路应当是建设健康规范的油画市场,充分搞活民间资本运营,走向国际市场。  相似文献   

中国电力市场属于垄断市场,民间资本无法进入电力行业,这制约着中国电力法律制度效率的价值实现。一旦政府施行采取干预市场经济的手段,电力行业的转入限制效果都将弱化。不管电力行业的垄断形式属于准入垄断还是输配电垄断或是售电垄断,都无法改变政府主导的经济垄断性质。当前市场经济状况下政府发展经济的理念正在发生变化,民间资本进入电力行业在法律领域开始有所破冰,因为只有法律制度上保障民间资本进入电力行业同国有资本相竞争,才能营造良好的投资环境和投资策略。  相似文献   

王慧  刘淑华  高君乔 《商业科技》2014,(15):170-171
近年来,民间资本成为我国经济学界研究的热点话题。但目前民间资本过于分散,利用程度不高,使其并没有得到充分的发展和利用。文以大连地区民间资本合理利用为研究对象,针对大连地区民间资本的利用现状、存在问题以及成因进行研究,同时借鉴发达地区的民间资本利用经验,对民间资本的合理利用提出对策建议,为大连乃至全国其他地区民间资本的合理利用提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

对于那些最擅长处理本地商贸流通性的目的地管理公司,可以通过多元化的经营性项目,更好地证明自己的价值。这包括风险缓解、节省运营费等多种服务类项目,并将创新性服务融入到企业的社会责任中。专业的重要性长期以来,专业的会议组织者与会议策划人士一直依赖目的地管理公司来完成预订交通或在主办城市旅游观光等任务,但这些机构可以提供的服务还远不止这些。今天的目的地管理公司提供了一系列全面且经常令人惊讶的服务,包括风险缓解和将企业社会责任纳入计划。  相似文献   

SCANIA集团是世界领先的重型卡车和大型巴士以及工业发动机制造商之一,在业界享有较高的威望。SCANIA是一家全球性的公司,业务遍及欧洲、拉美、亚洲、非洲和澳大利亚。最近,本刊记者采访了SCANIA北京代表处首席代表何墨池先生,请他介绍了其在中国市场的表现及营销计划。  相似文献   

This study examined the extent of a strategic approach to human resource (HR) management in small and medium professional service firms, and if it is used to develop intellectual capital (IC). Data were collected from 165 Australian professional service firms. Path analysis showed that HR involvement and the adoption of a collective set of strategic HR practices contributed positively to IC levels (particularly human, social and organizational capital). IC acts as a mediator between HR practices and firm performance. HR practices alone did not increase the performance of the firms studied. The findings are unique in the context of studies on small- and medium-sized professional service firms in that a holistic approach to assessing both HR practices and all IC components was taken rather than examining the individual construct relationships. In the context studied, HR influence is critical to increasing IC.  相似文献   

A key decision for entrepreneurs in many retail and service firms is whether, and how much, to use franchising. If the decision is made to franchise, the actor may assume one of two “identities” or tactics: (1) the “chain builder,” who uses a blend of company and franchised outlets, and (2) the “turnkey,” who sells business opportunities but does not own any outlets. To benefit from their chosen strategy, franchisors must put resources in place to support it. We argue that franchisors use the chain building strategy to strike a balance between standardization and innovation by building resources that foster trust and encourage knowledge sharing with franchisees. In contrast, for turnkeys, a valuable set of operational routines is the critical strategic resource. To better appreciate how franchisors choose between the chain builder and turnkey strategies, we gathered survey information from 263 franchisors. Via this data, and as described herein, we learned that franchisors perform better when they invest in resources that best support their selected strategy.  相似文献   

While positive psychological capital (PsyCap) is a significant antecedent of favorable work outcomes, it is unclear whether this is true for global employees during an exogenous shock. Applying conservation of resources theory, we found that, under conditions of crisis-induced role novelty, global employees leveraged PsyCap to follow a resource-gain route to job satisfaction, whereas their ability to mitigate resource loss was limited. We differentiate among global employees, finding that role novelty compensated for lower PsyCap in motivating job engagement for those with higher travel obligations. Our results stress the importance of PsyCap in international human resource management scholarship and practice.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a conceptual model in which a human resource management (HRM) system of explicitly knowledge-based HRM practices impacts a firm's intellectual capital, producing higher innovation performance. We have empirically tested this idea in a survey dataset of 180 Spanish companies using structural equation modelling (SEM) based on partial least squares (PLS). The results show that intellectual capital positively mediates the relationship between knowledge-based HRM practices and innovation performance and illustrate the pivotal role of human capital in this relationship: knowledge-based HRM practices impact structural and relational capital partially through human capital, and human capital affects innovation performance by enhancing structural and relational capital.  相似文献   

主持人:各位网友大家好.新一期互动行销沙龙走进新浪演播室。今天我们请来了三位非常重要的嘉宾:电众数码媒介副总监胡丹丹,中华英才网市场部online推广总监兰雅尼,新意互动广告公司的产品总监张俊。  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze effectiveness of public intervention for fostering private venture-capital market in Spain. We use a sample obtained from VentureXpert database, consisting of 755 investments made by 83 Spanish public and private venture capitalists that closed at least one fund between 1997 and 2008. We compare the investments undertaken by private and public investors before and after public venture capital programs were started. We found that Spanish venture-capital market has rapidly developed in the last 10 years and that this development coincides with the establishment of public policies for encouraging technology entrepreneurship. We also found that other factors, such as previous experience of investors and size, have also contributed to fostering more high-risk investments. These results may encourage governments in other countries to start or keep working to promote private venture-capital investments.  相似文献   

Intangibles and especially organisational capital are an important source of capital deepening in European countries, albeit with significant cross-country differences. The GDP in the EU27 area is 5.5% higher if certain categories of expenditure, which have until now been considered as current costs, are classified as investments in intangibles. Intangible capital investment markedly improves the profitability of companies, given the productivity-wage gap, and leads to increasing returns in intangible capital intensive countries.  相似文献   

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