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黄向 《旅游学刊》2006,21(Z1):47-51
本文通过Internet搜索等方法以加拿大排名前20名的大学为样本研究了加拿大大学的旅游相关专业学制教育体系的现状.分别从机构设置、本科生教育和研究生教育三个方面进行了描述,并总结了这三方面的特点.在讨论部分,本文以加拿大滑铁卢大学为例说明了学生对旅游专业和教育的认同程度.  相似文献   

全域旅游的提出标志着旅游业已经上升为国家战略,它要求旅游教育应培养更具责任感、精英化、多元化、非格式化的人才队伍,也对人才培养体系和人才培养模式提出了变革性要求。本文从三个方面提出了高等教育旅游人才培养改革的路径:第一,加强独立旅游院系的建设,切实提高旅游管理专业的学科地位,增强话语权和自主权;第二,通过效仿联合国大学人才培养模式以及创建灵活的人才培养机制,横向上强化专业的扩展,保障人才培养的广度;第三,通过开展多样性活动、鼓励项目申报、保障教师质量等方式从纵向上强化专业的深度,为旅游教育注入灵魂和活力。  相似文献   

本文运用理论分析和实证研究的方法,以中央民族大学旅游教育为典型案例,以旅游管理专业四个年级以及04级历史与旅游双学位为对象,调查分析了中央民族大学本科阶段旅游教育存在的课程设置、办学目标、生源师资等方面的问题。提出了切实可行的解决方案:创建“2+1”校企合作模式、建立理论与实践互为促进的师资体系、从计划型教育转向自主型教育,突出办学特色、将旅游管理专业设为中央民族大学的重点专业,以及帮助本科生做好职业生涯规划。  相似文献   

随着国际与国内旅游业的蓬勃发展,旅游专业人才的问题已提到重要议事日程。 在美国、加拿大等地,社区学院开设旅游专业早已屡见不鲜。在我国,一些近年来新涌现的职业大学也已开始承担培养旅游人才的光荣使命。长沙大学是全国首批接受世界银行贷款的职业高等院校之一,于1985年试设英语翻译导游专业,1986年增设旅游经济管理专业,1987年又开设了日语翻译导游专业和旅游饭店管理专业,现有旅游系学生100人。  相似文献   

关于旅游高等院校教学改革的思考   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
教育教学与行业实践脱节,是导致目前我国高等院校旅游专业毕业生行业就业率偏低的原因之一。本文从加强实践教学、养成教育和特色教育等三个方面提出旅游高等院校教学改革的基本思路。  相似文献   

本文以加拿大富豪星座酒店管理学院为例 ,就旅游教育产业培训课程的开发、课程设置与内容的更新、课程体系的连续性及教学方法的改革等方面提出一些看法 ,以期与大家共同探讨。  相似文献   

关于旅游高等院校教学改革的思考   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
余昌国 《旅游学刊》2006,21(Z1):6-8
教育教学与行业实践脱节,是导致目前我国高等院校旅游专业毕业生行业就业率偏低的原因之一.本文从加强实践教学、养成教育和特色教育等三个方面提出旅游高等院校教学改革的基本思路.  相似文献   

德国的旅游教育体系概述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
德国旅游专业的高等教育包括职业教育和学术教育两种,其中旅游职业教育已经相当完善,而旅游学术教育尽管50年前已经开设了第一门课程,但相当而言仍然较新。旅游学术教育目前主要由应用性课程组成,并力图理论与实践相结合。尽管德国的许多综合性大学都优先发展旅游专业,但综合性大学的旅游专业目前还没有独立的学科和学位。随着“波隆那宣言”的影响、以及本科和硕士课程在德国的引入,情况会随之变化。  相似文献   

德国旅游专业的高等教育包括职业教育和学术教育两种,其中旅游职业教育已经相当完善,而旅游学术教育尽管50年前已经开设了第一门课程,但相当而言仍然较新.旅游学术教育目前主要由应用性课程组成,并力图理论与实践相结合.尽管德国的许多综合性大学都优先发展旅游专业,但综合性大学的旅游专业目前还没有独立的学科和学位.随着"波隆那宣言"的影响、以及本科和硕士课程在德国的引入,情况会随之变化.  相似文献   

尚敏 《当代旅游》2022,(8):84-86
本文以文旅融合为背景,以宁波地方文化为案例,从高职教育的角度,指出现阶段高职旅游专业人才培养问题,从课程建设、师资建设和实践实训等方面提出地方文化与高职旅游专业人才培养的融合路径,以期为高职院校旅游专业人才培养提供思路,为地方文化融入旅游专业教学提供参考。  相似文献   

Tourism is in need of a comprehensive framework within which to design and deliver education and training programs in a more effective manner. This paper reports the efforts of two provincial governments in Canada to formulate an integrated strategy on which to base the planning and development of a tourism education and training system. The goal of such integration is to ensure a greater degree of interdependence among different levels of the total education system so as to provide well-defined alternative career paths for present and future students. Initial results of the strategy on the development of the education infrastructure are reviewed.  相似文献   


Hospitality and tourism management programmes are widely available in Hong Kong. At present, there is no official publication on the history and development of higher education in hospitality and tourism management in Hong Kong. This paper aims to review the history and current status of hospitality and tourism higher education in Hong Kong, focusing on the programmes offered at sub-degree, degree, and post-graduate degree levels, and to explore future directions for its development.  相似文献   


This paper overviews the evolution and development of tourism degree education in Australia from its beginnings in the early 1970s to the present time (2005). From this analysis a number of key issues are raised which are then compared with issues arising from tourism degree education in China. Whilst there are many differences between the situation in Australia and that of China the differences are outweighed by a remarkable number of similarities.  相似文献   

In the past decade, sustainability and global citizenship have emerged as two of the most prominent themes in contemporary higher education. Literature that specifically merges the two themes has, however, lagged behind. This paper integrates the literature from the fields of sustainable tourism and educational travel in order to articulate relevant concepts and to summarize theoretical and empirical approaches for improving the sustainability of educational travel programs. While most of the literature focuses upon carbon-related issues, a more comprehensive assessment and implementation would focus on the three dimensions of sustainability: economic, environmental, and socio-cultural. This paper advocates several practical measures, such as the incorporation of sustainability into program mission statements, the training of travel leaders in all three dimensions of sustainability, and the implementation of sustainability-related assessment measures for educational travel programs. Further, we argue that maintaining critical scholarly engagement with broader theoretical frameworks is necessary to contextualize these practical and empirical approaches, and to reassess the potential benefits and negative impacts associated with educational travel.  相似文献   

To examine the complexity of tourism policy implementation, this paper considers the case of Pamilacan Island, the Philippines. It uses the advocacy coalition framework (ACF) and network analysis. Consistent with policy process theories, findings show that individual policy beliefs might lead to implementation networks, but the degree of network integration determines progress in policy execution. The study reinforces the importance of key factors pertinent in policy implementation such as knowledge and resources of actors, as well as contextual conditions including ties of solidarity. Mediating them are micro-implementation processes and informal codes of conduct. This paper not only increases the number of in-depth case studies on tourism policy and clarifies issues in the policy process, but also stresses that there are multiple policy executions when a particular policy decision is implemented. Finally, it adds a layer of complexity to the ACF and calls for its re-examination when applied to a developing country.  相似文献   


This paper discusses and evaluates tourism higher education in Turkey. Turkish universities have been offering associate, bachelor, and postgraduate degree programs in tourism since the early 1990s. However, there have been major problems and challenges in this endeavor, including the lack of qualified academic staff, improperly designed curriculums, limited practical training opportunities for students, and difficulties in keeping qualified graduates in the industry. So far, it is hard to claim that Turkey has developed contemporary tourism higher education policies and plans. If Turkey is to gain more from tourism in the long term, it is essential for the country to improve the standards of tourism higher education. However, to achieve this, some radical cultural and structural reforms are needed, not only in tourism higher education, but also in the country's overall higher education system.  相似文献   


Business ethics has become a popular topic in both the academic arena and the business setting within the hospitality industry. This research investigates the perceptions of hospitality educators regarding business ethics in contemporary hospitality programs and the hospitality industry (Damitio & Schmidgall, 1993; Dunfee & Donaldson, 1999). This study provides some pivotal educational findings as to how hospitality educators perceive the preparation of hospitality students relative to business ethics. There are three distinctive findings. Female educators have a significantly higher level of agreement toward statements about business ethics in the hospitality industry than do male educators. Educators whose own level of education was a doctorate degree were significantly less concerned about ethics education than educators whose own level of education was a two-year college degree or a master's degree. And, educators who were employed in institutions offering graduate degrees were significantly less concerned about ethics education than educators who were employed in institutions offering undergraduate degrees. In addition to those three significant findings, this study also showed that educators perceive that organizations should not only practice business ethics with customers but also with employees. Additionally, this study showed that educators are concerned about multinational companies (MNC) and students' ability to understand ethical issues while operating businesses in foreign countries. Educators are also concerned about the strong influence of business organizational leadership and management on business ethical practices.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to filling two gaps: i) the presence of a limited amount of studies focused on tourism demand turning points, ii) the prevalent recourse to linear models in demand analysis, disregarding the complex structure of tourism destinations. The paper uses the Horizontal Visibility Graph Algorithm, a technique able to transform a time series of observations into a network whose topology preserves some fundamental characteristics of the system examined. The empirical work focuses on Livigno, an Italian alpine destination.Findings reveal four turning points in the last 50 years; these changes are built around shifts in the origin market segments. The network's degree distribution confirms the complex structure of the destination and reconfirms the importance of non-linear models and methods for the analysis of tourism demand.  相似文献   

This paper uses an analysis of betting decisions to explore the motivations underlying offcourse horserace betting — a leisure activity which accounted for a turnover of £4.3 billion in the UK in 1989/90. Specifically, four possible motivations are considered: financial gain, intellectual challenge, social interaction and excitement. A testable proposition is developed, linking each motivation to a particular time period in which the bet is placed and as to whether the bet is placed at starting price. Hence, four distinct subsets of the aggregate betting population are defined. The proposition is tested by examining betting behaviour in each subset according to three bet characteristics — financial return, average stake and degree of risk taken, where the value of each characteristic is held to be indicative of an underlying motivation. The results indicate significant support for the proposition that individuals vary in their motivation to bet which is reflected in the nature and timing of their betting activity.  相似文献   


This paper presents the past and present of higher education in tourism and hospitality management in Israel.

The paper discusses the growth of higher education in hospitality and tourism through local initiatives and by franchising and extensions from foreign institutions. The nature of the higher education system in Israel and the accreditation processes of local academic programs is discussed. The case of Ben-Gurion University is introduced to illustrate the development of an academic programinhospitality and tourism management.

The paper also compares the current state of the available academic programs to the year of 2000, at the eve of the Palestinian uprising. The paper analyses the complex relations between the Israeli hospitality industry and the higher education programs, as well as the challenges of future graduate programs and industry-academe relationships.  相似文献   

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