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11月5日,2007北京金融产业后台与外包服务国际论坛在京召开。本次论坛的主题是“金融后台服务业的发展与投资机会”。围绕这一主题,演讲嘉宾通过北京市金融后台产业园区规划建设与配套服务;金融后台服务业发展趋势与经验;金融BPO产业发展等议题展开了对话和讨论。  相似文献   

将管理重心从前台转向后台,尽可能减少行政许可对涉外服务贸易的影响,进一步缩短面向社会、服务企业的距离党的十八大报告中明确提出了发展服务贸易的要求。近几年来,我国产业结构调整的重点之一是发展现代服务业。2009年9月,中国人民银行、国家外汇管理局等六部门联合发布了《关于金融支持服务外包产业发展的若干意见》,明确了对服务外包产业的金融支持手段。国家外汇管理局江苏省分局(以下简称江苏省外汇局)紧跟政策指引,贴近服务贸易发展所需,探索实施多种举措,有力地支持了江苏服务贸  相似文献   

在完成数据大集中之后,业务系统和流程已经实现了标准化。此后,是否可以考虑借助战略性的非核心业务外包,实现内部业务流程更高效,从而帮助企业实现业务流程的变革?在日前举行的2007北京金融产业后台与外包服务国际论坛上,国家开发银行运营中心主任胡晓明就国开行外包服务和金融后台建设的情况同与会者进行了分享。  相似文献   

面对服务外包潮的中国方略   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
梅新育 《新理财》2004,(4):12-14
服务外包潮流席卷世界 外包(out-sourcing)!外包!在现代信息技术的推动下,继劳动密集型制造业之后,服务业又在发达国家掀起了新一轮向发展中经济体转移的浪潮,金融、保险、信息技术、运输……几乎服务业所有行业的企业都卷入了外包的热潮. 走在服务外包潮流最前沿的是美国企业,外包服务的企业集中在金融、保险和信息技术产业,微软、IBM、甲骨文、朗讯等信息技术巨头都已在南亚安营扎寨,IBM一次就把美国国内的4730个软件开发工作转移到印度和中国.  相似文献   

近年来,金融后台服务产业对现代经济金融的重要促进和支撑作用日益凸显。如何把握成都建设“新特区”的历史机遇,加快金融后台服务产业的聚集和发展,成为成都经济金融发展的一个重要内容。人民银行成都分行支付结算处通过对四川省内金融机构后台服务中心的现状调查,研究借鉴国内外金融后台服务产业发展的经验,进行了思考和探讨。  相似文献   

目前,大型金融机构将其前后台分离、非核心业务外包已是行业发展的大势所趋. 近几年,随着中国国内金融行业迅猛发展及其资本急剧扩张,全国各地的金融后台服务园区如雨后春笋般涌现出来,它们在为全国及各自区域内的金融机构服务同时,也在为中同日后实现成为全球最顶尖的金融后台基地的目标蓄势.有关专家甚至预言,随着中国经济的高速发展,金融行业日益强大以及金融后台服务园区不断完善,2020年前后,中国将取代印度,成为全球最大的金融后台基地.  相似文献   

在京津冀协同发展的背景下,完善金融后台服务中心在促进经济增长、加快产业升级、推动地区就业、增强发展后劲等方面具有深远的意义。同时,京津冀在支持政策、交通便利、人力资源等多方面具有优势,且已建立起以北京市“四平台”、天津市“中外资”、河北省“南北两区”为代表的金融后台服务中心,为进一步强化构建奠定了基础。本文在分析印度金融后台服务中心构建路径及经验的基础上,依据京津冀实际情况,从地区发展与外部环境两方面探讨并提出金融后台服务中心高端化和专业化的发展路径。  相似文献   

服务外包产业面面观   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李晶晶 《中国外资》2006,(10):24-25
目前,服务外包在中国的发展已经呈现“遍地开花”之势,其范围十分广泛,涉及IT服务、人力资源管理、金融、保险、会计、客户服务、研发、产品设计等众多领域。同时,随着服务外包的层次不断提高,服务附加值也在逐步增大。就中国目前的情况而言,IT、人力资源、金融、客户服务的服务外包业务发展态势尤其突出。  相似文献   

朱明荣 《中国外汇》2009,(17):16-17
最近,浙江省制定的《杭州湾新区服务外包发展规划》通过评审。根据该规划,杭州湾新区将培育一批具有自主知识产权、自主品牌、高增值服务能力的服务外包企业,在2~5年内把新区建设成为长三角南翼的现代服务外包中心。各级政府扶助、国家政策支持一直是我国外包产业发展的重要因素,其中金融政策的支持至关重要。  相似文献   

沈形 《税收征纳》2009,(3):8-8,10
一、中国发展服务外包业的情况 “服务外包企业”系指根据其与服务外包发包商签订的中长期服务合同向客户提供服务外包业务的服务外包提供商:“服务外包业务”系指服务外包企业向客户提供的信息技术外包服务(ITO)和业务流程外包服务(BP0),包括业务改造外包、业务流程和业务流程服务外包、应用管理和应用服务等商业应用程序外包、基础技术外包(IT、软件开发设计、技术研发、基础技术平台整合和管理整合)等;  相似文献   

金融服务外包是金融领域的新兴业务,从国际范围看,金融服务外包行业正处于行业生命周期的高速成长期,尤其是近年来发展迅猛;目前我国金融业务外包已经开始起步并呈现不断发展的趋势。金融服务外包有利于强化金融机构的核心竞争力、规避经营风险和降低经营成本;但也会带来外包失败、成本增加、收益分配的不确定性、战略泄漏等风险。金融机构自身要加强内部控制防范风险,金融监管部门也应加强监管,要合理限定金融服务外包的范围、规范监管机构的权限与监管程序、规范金融机构选择外包商的基本程序和机制、要求金融机构和外包商建立应急机制,并适度从严监管跨国金融服务外包。  相似文献   

金融服务外包的风险控制及其监管研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
金融服务外包是金融领域的新兴业务,从国际范围看,金融服务外包行业正处于行业生命周期的高速成长期,尤其是近年来发展迅猛;目前我国金融业务外包已经开始起步并呈现不断发展的趋势。金融服务外包有利于强化金融机构的核心竞争力、规避经营风险和降低经营成本;但也会带来外包失败、成本增加、收益分配的不确定性、战略泄漏等风险。金融机构自身要加强内部控制防范风险,金融监管部门也应加强监管,要合理限定金融服务外包的范围、规范监管机构的权限与监管程序、规范金融机构选择外包商的基本程序和机制、要求金融机构和外包商建立应急机制,并适度从严监管跨国金融服务外包。  相似文献   

Central and East European countries (CEECs) that have recently acceded to the European Union are increasingly emerging on the map of global companies as possible locations for outsourcing services. Starting from the assumption of labor cost differentials in favor of the CEECs, the paper explores the CEECs' capacity and potential to supply outsourcable services to the EU-15. We analyze trends in trade flows and foreign direct investment in computer services and other business services. Although the available statistical data are deficient and excessively aggregated, the scattered evidence suggests that the CEECs are important suppliers of outsourcable services to the EU-15. Apart from labor cost differentials, other factors, such as the availability of skilled workforce as well as geographical and cultural proximity, might also contribute to EU-15 companies' preference for the CEECs when deciding on the location for international outsourcing of services. Increased specialization within the enlarged European Union could bring greater benefits from the international outsourcing of services, provided the European Union improves the functioning of labor markets and the competitiveness of the service sector, including the efficient implementation of the internal market for services.  相似文献   

银行金融服务外包国际监管的比较研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
全球金融机构逐渐将原先自行承担的业务转交外包服务提供商完成,在这种情况下,金融机构如何控制业务的风险,如何知道自己的业务符合监管的要求是迫切需要解决的问题。本文首先分析金融服务外包所带来的风险,进而对世界上10个国家和地区的监管法律法规进行比较研究,并得出相应的政策建议。希望本文的研究结果能够对我国制定金融服务外包指引提供值得借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

In this article, we suggest how poverty reduction can be achieved through alleviation measures that enable the poor to satisfy their needs by focusing on the needs of others. Instead of a direct focus on the consumption needs of the poor, we suggest an indirect approach to satisfying these needs, by providing the poor with credit and consulting services for entrepreneurial businesses that focus on the needs of buyers. Loans to the poor who lack collateral are increasingly based on group lending techniques that rely on joint liability to secure repayment, which have come to be known as microfinance. We suggest that in addition to credit, financial services for the poor must include strategic advice and assistance to select markets, and make the products (goods and services) for sale in their output markets with the financial services bought in their input markets. Financial services for the poor must include not only money to invest in a business but also consulting services to help the business succeed. The provision of consulting services will also facilitate monitoring and enforcement, increasing loan repayment. Depending on poverty levels, the extent of bundling credit and consulting services will vary with one or more organizations emerging to meet the needs of different segments. We suggest that poverty alleviation is achieved by the poor focusing on the needs of others in their output market, and outsourcing financial services to one or more suppliers in their input markets.  相似文献   

金融服务外包风险控制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
全球金融机构逐渐将原先自行承担的业务转交外包服务提供商完成,在这种情况下,金融机构如何控制业务的风险,如何知道自己的业务符合监管的要求是迫切需要解决的问题.本文对金融服务外包的风险因素及其作用机理、风险类别进行了分析,提出了相应的风险防范措施.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the determinants of internal audit outsourcing using survey data on 99 companies listed on the Australian Stock Exchange, where 54.5 per cent fully rely on in‐house facilities and 45.5 per cent outsource some or all of their internal audit function. Results from logistic regression analyses suggest that internal audit outsourcing is associated with perceived cost savings and the technical competence of the external provider. For a subsample of firms that have previously undertaken internal audit activities before outsourcing, contrary to expectations, the larger the organization the greater the propensity to outsource. In addition, smaller firms are found to be adopting internal audit for the first time, through outsourcing. These results suggest that internal audit outsourcing is an expanding business opportunity for professional accountants; but with 75 per cent of firms outsourcing to their external auditor, there are implications for external auditor independence.  相似文献   

This paper examines what is still a relatively new phenomenon in the literature, the outsourcing/offshoring of high-technology manufacturing and services. This has become a concern for both policy makers and academics for two reasons. Firstly, policy makers have become concerned that the offshoring of high-technology sectors in the West will follow the more labour intensive sectors, and move to lower cost locations. Secondly, international business theory has tended to view low costs, and high levels of indigenous technological development as being the two main drivers of location advantage in the attraction of FDI. We show that this may not be the case for offshored high-technology manufacturing or services.  相似文献   

张奎 《中国外资》2013,(4):51-52
本文介绍了我国村镇银行的监管政策、银行卡业务发展现状,分析了村镇银行对国内银行卡产业发展的积极意义,提出了促进村镇银行银行卡业务发展的建议,加强对村镇银行银行卡业务的风险管控、积极向村镇银行提供适应其市场需求的银行卡产品以及发卡专业化服务机构可根据村镇银行特点为其定制发卡外包专业化服务。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展,我国居民可支配收入不断增加,同时对通胀预期的敏感性也在增加,银行原有的储蓄、汇兑等产品已不能满足居民的理财需求,居民个人理财业务具有较好的市场前景。针对商业银行理财业务现状,该文提出,商业银行应树立以客户为中心的理财服务核心观念,加强个人理财产品的设计与开发,并帮助客户把好投资风险关,以不断改进其理财业务的服务水平。  相似文献   

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