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通过对阿霍德海外市场撤退的分析研究发现,海外市场选择失败、进入模式选择失败、竞争失败、本土化适应及调整失败、非可控因素的影响均会导致零售企业国际化失败.前四个因素从零售国际化过程角度考虑,相互联系、层层递进,但又可作为独立因素直接导致国际化失败,非可控因素也可直接迫使零售企业从海外市场退出.  相似文献   

家乐福撤出日韩市场的原因及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王桂朵 《商场现代化》2006,(22):228-229
家乐福2005年退出日本市场,2006年又发表《家乐福正式确认撤离韩国》的声明。这个法国最大的国际化零售企业和全球第二大连锁零售商缘何败走日韩?本文通过对日韩市场的研究发现日韩的贸易保护政策、成熟的零售市场及家乐福自身对环境的不适应都是导致其经营失败的重要原因。也让我们看到跨国公司虽然实力雄厚并非无懈可击,如果我们完善法律法规、成立供应商联盟、提高零售商竞争力,就有可能重新收回被跨国企业抢占的市场。  相似文献   

跨国零售商海外市场进入模式及其选择   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文认为,并购、特许、合资、有机增长与战略联盟是目前跨国零售商进入海外市场的常用模式,这几种模式具有不同的优势与劣势以及不同的适用条件;跨国零售商海外市场进入模式选择应综合考察东道国环境因素(包括市场因素、经济环境因素、法律政治因素和社会文化因素等)与零售商特定因素(包括零售商规模、零售商专业技能和国际化经验)等。  相似文献   

零售商海外扩张的区域选择问题是零售国际化研究的一个重点。本文在综合了大量的国外相关研究的基础之上 ,通过实证分析 ,构建出国际零售商海外扩张市场选择的一种理论框架 :市场邻近性模型。并由地理、经济、文化这三个基本要素组成的市场邻近三角形扩展成由文化、经济、社会、公共政策以及零售结构组成的市场邻近五角模型 ,为国际零售商海外扩张的市场选择 ,尤其是国际化初期阶段的市场选择提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

论零售商主导型供应链联盟   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
现代商业中的竞争已经从企业之间的竞争转变为供应链联盟之间的竞争.零售商主导下的供应链联盟是分工深化和信患化条件下以大型零售商为主导的流通渠道成员通过信息共享并按契约分享利益的一种中间性组织.创新流通渠道组织、建立零售商主导下的供应链联盟本质上反映了客观经济规律的要求,同时能够有效地协调工商关系.本文基于合作竞争视角深入讨论了其组织性质、形成原因和竞争优势,并结合现阶段市场竞争国际化的背景探讨了我国零售企业的发展对策.  相似文献   

零售国际化是零售领域的一个研究热点。本文在对西方零售研究领域对于零售国际化主体(国际化的零售商)术语解析的文献综述基础之上,以地理、文化、营销与管理为参数,建立起零售国际化主体的多维分类体系,并对其应用价值进行了阐述。  相似文献   

卖方市场逐步演变为买方市场,意味着需求成为制约经济增长的关键因素.在此背景下,零售商的买方势力开始凸显并受到社会关注,本文认为,零售商买方势力和经营规模都是零售企业发展目标的具体体现,零售商经营规模扩张能促进买方势力的形成,但是反之未然.我国进入零售产业整合时期,零售商经营规模的扩张是今后的趋势,与此同时,零售商的买方势力呈现增强态势.  相似文献   

从国外实践看零售国际化对东道国的影响及应对策略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文从供应链效力、水平竞争、消费者文化意识、东道国公共政策及社会文化价值等几方面,建立起零售国际化对东道国影响的分析框架,并且结合许多发展中国家与新兴市场的实例,对东道国政府与本土零售商的应对策略进行了分析.研究表明,政府的策略重点在于通过有效的政策设计适度保护民族零售商业,本土零售商则应通过塑造独特的竞争优势、重新定义市场区域、改变所有权结构等方式,积极应对外资的挑战.  相似文献   

伴随全球一体化进程的加速,中国企业海外收购与国际化战略步伐明显加快.但是在海外收购过程中,中国企业面临着较大的投资风险,致使收购交易难以顺利开展.2016年12月,由于交易条件无法实现,中国福建宏芯投资基金对德国半导体设备生产商爱思强公司(Aixtron)的收购案以失败告终,这是中国企业并购海外半导体企业失败的又一典型案例.本文对该案例的具体经过进行了详细论述,并针对收购失败原因提出几点启示,以期提高我国企业海外并购成功率,尤其是半导体类的企业并购.  相似文献   

基于零售商产业链地位日益增强的背景,提出有关跨国零售商对中国上游消费品制造业绩效影响的相关假说,进而利用中国省级区域消费品制造业2002-2010年的面板数据进行实证检验.结果表明,跨国零售商绩效因素对各消费品制造业产生了积极的正向溢出效应,但是其受跨国零售商数量的影响而存在差异,其中食品制造业绩效随跨国零售商数量增加而提高,但纺织品制造业绩效与跨国零售商数量呈显著负相关关系,其是遭受利益侵害风险最大的行业.  相似文献   

Customers’ disposition to register a formal complaint about an inferior product or poor service is often mediated by attributions of responsibility. However, the anger or fear that people happen to be experiencing for totally irrelevant reasons can also influence this disposition. Two field studies and four laboratory experiments indicate that when people feel angry at the time they encounter a service failure, they are more likely to blame the service provider for the failure and more likely to register a complaint. When they experience fear, however, they are uncertain about the cause of their misfortune and decrease their negative reactions relative to conditions in which fear is not experienced. The effects of these incidental emotions are evident both when a service failure is personally experienced and when it is only observed. These effects are eliminated, however, when individuals do not have the cognitive resources available to assess the reasons for the service failure and the conditions surrounding it.  相似文献   

Endeavors to address issues surrounding service failure have centered mainly on the topic of service recovery. In particular, perceived fairness and organizational responses to service failures are highly popular topics in the literature. Yet the vast majority of customers fail to voice their dissatisfaction to the firm. Consequently, it is important to understand how consumers process service failures regardless of the recovery outcome. This study examines the impact of perceived controllability over service failures and service quality expectations on customer reactions to those failures. Findings indicate that customers react quite negatively when they believe the service firm could have easily prevented the failure. Conversely, when customers feel partly responsible for the failure or are ambiguous about its cause, the negative effects of poor performance are somewhat mitigated. Finally, high service quality expectations also buffer the firm from the negativity effect. Managerial implications of these findings are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Artificial intelligence technology is changing the way services are delivered and introducing opportunities for new sources of service failure. The purpose of this paper is to examine how customers might respond (emotion- or problem-focused coping) to service failure of a chatbot when there is an option to interact with a human employee. Using data from 145 participants, we found that in a chatbot service failure context, telling a customer late in the service interaction that a human employee is available to help leads customers to engage in emotion-focused coping, resulting in customer aggression. The positive relationship between late disclosure and emotion-focused coping occurs with those who perceive low customer participation whereby they do not believe they are overly involved in co-producing and co-delivering the service. This research demonstrates how chatbot service failure in a service encounter can produce different effects on customers’ intention to engage in aggression.  相似文献   

Discrimination in the marketplace is a significant problem for many blacks and for service providers. However, recent research suggests that some whites may respond similarly to blacks when they witness what they perceive to be a discriminatory act in a service encounter. Using an experimental design methodology, this research investigates the extent to which this occurs. The degree to which an observing customer values the other customer's welfare and feels empathy has been found to explain differences in service failure perceptions among white study participants. White participants high in empathy for blacks were found to react similarly to blacks relative to the inherent negativity of the service failure. This suggests that a service failure involving black customers that hints of discrimination has a greater overall impact on the long‐term success of the service firm than originally envisioned. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

As a replication and extension, this study empirically tested Bitner's (1990, Journal of Marketing 54, 69–82) model of consumer service evaluation using Singaporean subjects. It investigated the effects of a service failure, physical environment, and attribution on customer evaluation of and satisfaction with the service. The experimental findings showed that consumers engaged in causal inferences when they evaluated the service. Specifically, in cases of service failure, consumers were more dissatisfied when they perceived that the service firm had more control over the cause, and when the failure was recurring vis-à-vis a rare event. Consumers also tended to attribute service failure to a lack of control on the part of the service firm when the failure occurred in a more pleasant environment. The results also showed that satisfaction with the service resulted in perception of higher service quality. Although the physical environment affects perception of service quality, it was mediated by attribution and satisfaction.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(2):222-247
When science could not provide a solution to transaction problems in the British wire industry c.1880, market groups had to negotiate a business solution. This involved converging towards a ‘one-size-fits-all’ standard: a process requiring compromises and cooperation between competitive firms, and solving coordination failure through state intervention. This paper demonstrates how different groups held different notions of ‘ideal’ standards depending on the incentives they faced. Reconciling these differences was an institutional, rather than a technological, process. The paper also analyses why, historically, dominant producers cooperated to set industry standards when faced with an imminent lock-in on ‘wrong’ standards imposed on the industry.  相似文献   

Cars are the most complex of consumer durables, yet they are not as durable as one may expect. Each year, millions of cars are scrapped, many still roadworthy or easily repairable. As with other consumer durables, consumers increasingly lose their emotional attachment with their old car in favour of a younger model. Is it possible to remedy this failure of consumer–product relationships in the interest of greater product durability and hence greater environmental sustainability? This paper explores this question in the context of the classic car market and suggests there may be some lessons there that could lead to a more sustainable new car consumption culture.  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2015,91(1):109-124
In this study, the authors aim to understand whether, to what extent, and under what circumstances, organizational responses to customer complaints improve customer profitability. To do so, they build upon the congruence approach and propose a contingency framework in which the effectiveness of three organizational responses to customer complaints (timeliness, compensation and communications) in improving customer profitability is contingent upon the strength of the relationship and the type of failure. The framework is tested empirically in the financial services industry applying latent class techniques to longitudinal data for a sample of complaining customers. The results reveal that: (1) different complaint-handling initiatives affect customer profitability differently for each of the four segments of complaining customers that are obtained; (2) these heterogeneous responses to complaint handling are explained by differences in the orientation of the relationship and in the failure context; and (3) complaint-handling initiatives are more (less) effective at improving customer profitability when the benefits they offer strongly (poorly) match the benefits sought by customers in each segment to recover from the failure. These results contribute to a better theoretical understanding of customers’ heterogeneous responses to complaint handling and offer managerial recommendations to allocate marketing resources across alternative complaint-handling strategies to improve profitability.  相似文献   

Full automation and self-service technologies have become popular in service marketing. However, customers often face multiple issues when dealing with self-service technologies. This paper examines the effect of service-failure type (employee failure vs. self-service technology failure) on customers' negative responses (dissatisfaction, forgiveness, willingness to switch between employee and self-service technology, and negative word of mouth). Through four experiments with Amazon Mechanical Turk workers and undergraduate students, this research finds that customers have more negative responses for a self-service technology failure than for an employee failure. This is because they get angrier with machines' mistakes than with those of humans. Moreover, empathy alleviates anger and customers’ negative responses in employee failure, but not in self-service technology failure. This research offers service providers new insights by scrutinizing the flip side of complete automation in service marketing.  相似文献   

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