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雇佣关系实质上是雇主与雇员博弈的结果。长期雇佣是基于合作博弈的雇佣关系,短期雇佣是基于非合作博弈的雇佣关系。雇主与雇员之间的博弈关系及博弈均衡决定了企业的雇佣模式选择及激励机制设计。企业需要对不同员工采取相应的雇佣模式,建立不同的雇佣关系,给以激励以促进雇员的努力。  相似文献   

企业中的“互惠忠诚”:雇佣关系的伦理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在传统雇佣制度下,企业的优势很大程度上来自于对员工能力的垄断支配权,从而实现降低成本和提高效率等目标。虽然近年来企业越来越重视员工的职业生涯发展,将员工的地位提到了前所未有的高度,但员工为公司发挥最大潜力的途径是公司业务和活动的专业化。在这一点上,他们和机器发挥作用的形式实质上是一回事:员工针对公司特殊的顾客、技术、设备等的知识和技能越是专业化,他们的生产率就越高,公司在所从事的领域里就越有效率。对员工而言,他们掌握的只是对本公司高度专用性的知识和技能,此外在其他企业中可能就再没有用武之地,因此他们需要公…  相似文献   

随着社会主义事业的不断发展,企业的规模不断扩大,企业对人才的需求也越来越大。人才是企业发展的主体,要想企业发展的更好人力资源管理工作就显得尤为重要,人力资源管理的第一步就是明确企业和人才的关系,提高人才的可雇佣性,而企业和人才的关系就是雇佣关系。本文通过对雇佣关系的研究,对改变雇佣关系提出建议。  相似文献   

何琳  李敏 《江苏商论》2005,(10):121-123
弹性雇佣是指企业雇佣临时工或短期员工的雇佣制度。由于弹性雇佣具有人工成本较低、并且用工灵活等特点,许多中小型企业会首先考虑采用这种用工形式,特别是在创业阶段。本文阐述了中小型企业弹性雇佣的现状,并以企业的四个生命周期为基础,分析弹性雇佣给中小型企业带来的利弊。  相似文献   

李敏娜 《商》2014,(23):95-95
在现代市场经济下,家族企业扮演重要的角色,而据现在的状况来看,家族企业的雇佣关系在很大程度上受心理契约与组织承诺关系的影响。家族企业不仅在国家法律的基础上根据有关的劳动合同规定确立与员工之间的权利与义务关系,还要重视员工对本家族企业的期望,重视组织对员工的承诺实现度从而加强员工对企业的忠诚度,促进公司的发展,也维护员工的自身利益。而员工也受心理契约与组织承诺的影响,对公司存在一定的选择,这就影响了企业的雇佣关系。由此可见心理契约与组织承诺对家族企业的雇佣制度产生很重要的影响。  相似文献   

知识经济时代的新型雇佣关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
杨雪莲  崔玲 《商业研究》2003,(15):69-70
新的竞争形势使企业和员工之间的雇佣关系发生了改变,从终身雇佣的旧契约到终身就业能力的新契约。新旧两种契约中企业和员工的不同义务与权利的比较,可以得出了一个结论——知识经济时代要求建立以提高员工可雇性或终身就业能力为基础的新型雇佣关系。  相似文献   

孙栓国 《商场现代化》2007,(11S):258-259
本文利用相关调查资料对我国民营企业人力资本投资状况做了实证考察,提出促进雇佣关系的稳定,有助于促进企业增加人力资本投资、反过来对员工流动也能起到积极的抑制作用。分析了我国民营企业雇佣关系及人力资本投资现状,提出了促进人力资本投资的建议。  相似文献   

员工如何看待自己与企业的关系,恐怕是所有企业的人力资源部最希望了解的.因为所有的人力资源实践希望迟到的最佳效果都是员工将企业看成家人一般.但事实往往不是这样.之前"富士康事件"就是反面的例子.本文从雇佣关系角度分析,员工与企业之间存在四种关系,包括平衡与不平衡的关系.  相似文献   

朱以凤 《江苏商论》2012,(5):125-127,160
21世纪外部环境极具变化性和不可预测性,组织为了获取竞争优势和提高竞争力,对传统的官僚组织结构进行了变革,无边界组织应运而生。无边界组织对雇佣关系提出了挑战,传统企业的雇佣关系模式被彻底打破,雇佣关系不断趋于市场化。雇佣关系的改变带来了许多冲突,组织如何协调与雇员之间的雇佣关系已成为制约组织柔性的重要因素。该研究认为社会企业理念的建立成为无边界组织和谐雇佣关系的关键,围绕社会企业理念构建企业和社会可持续发展成为无边界组织雇佣关系冲突管理策略。  相似文献   

吴红梅 《江苏商论》2007,(5):99-100
弹性雇佣制度是指企业雇佣临时工或短期员工的一种雇佣制度。目前无论是发达国家还是发展中国家,弹性雇佣已成为一种非常重要的雇佣形式。在我国,中小企业是采用弹性雇佣的最大用工主体。本文分析了弹性雇佣给我国中小企业带来的利弊,并提出了针对性的改进措施。  相似文献   

In the battle for high-value talent, managers need to think like marketers, creating job offerings and employment relationships that provide mutual value for firms and their employees. This article provides a 3-stage framework for the application of marketing techniques to the recruitment and retention of high-value employees. In the first stage, the 4Ps of the marketing mix are used to create compelling job offerings that attract high-value employees. In the second stage, firms use relationship marketing concepts to build long-lasting employment relationships that create mutual value for the firm and its employees. The third stage involves the outcomes of high-value employment relationships, which include greater employee commitment and satisfaction, which then lead to greater employee advocacy of the firm and lower levels of employee turnover. The ultimate proposed outcomes of this approach are increased performance and stability of the firm.  相似文献   

This research explores the historical perspective of business ethics from the viewpoint of the employer–employee relationship by outlining the impact of the changing social contract between employer and employee relations from the end of World War II to the current day; provides the basic definition of the key elements of the organizational social contract and outlines the social contract in employment relations. It also provides what the author believes to be the key drivers in employer–employee relations and the benefits to good employer–employee relations for each individual within the employment relationship. The results of this research indicate a significant shift in business ethics as it relates to the employers relationship to the employee within a work environment. It further shows the state of the employment relationship prior to World War II. Written contracts were unheard of, but rather, the employment agreement was steeped in a tradition that carried the promise sealed with nothing but a handshake. Now employees have little or no rights; and the ones they are given are provided not by the employer, but by government regulation and court precedent. Issues such as time off for illness, sexual harassment, and workers’ compensation are all handled through legal or regulatory means rather than ethical considerations. The research further shows that the distinct lack of leadership within organizations play a significant role in the disintegration of employer–employee relationships. Specifically, how the lack of leadership relates to the emotional intelligence of the leader. Areas such as empathy and social skills are under trained and under developed by organizations. This research shows that the employer who is willing to give employees what they want and need are far more likely to have success, but more importantly, the organizations will be doing the right thing.  相似文献   

This workplace flexibility study uses primary data on private sector small and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs) in Lancashire, United Kingdom, collected in 2009 during the recent “credit crunch” recession. Key features include: (1) objective measures of SME performance; (2) a focus on the previously relatively neglected relationship between workplace flexibility practices (WFPs) and three SME performance indicators, namely, redundancies, absenteeism, and financial turnover; and (3) a timely contribution to research on SMEs. Numerical, functional, and cost WFPs analyses, via zero‐inflated Poisson and linear regressions, control for SME and market characteristics. Despite SMEs having limited resources, the results show a significant section of SMEs to be innovative and entrepreneurial organizations, embracing advancements in employment relations regarding employee discretion, training, participative working arrangements, and/or job security. Moreover, results indicate that WFPs have the potential to assist SMEs in responding to periods of constrained demand. Flexitime and job sharing are associated with low permanent‐employee redundancies. Training, job security, and family‐friendly practices relate to low absenteeism with reductions of up to six annual days per worker. Job security and profit‐related pay are associated with high financial turnover. Staff pay‐freeze links with high financial turnover, but to the detriment of redundancies and absenteeism, whereas management pay‐cuts or management pay‐freeze relate to low financial turnover. On a cautionary note, spending cuts, often enforced by policymakers, may be of limited benefit to SMEs, and thus other approaches would appear more fruitful.  相似文献   

Small and medium-sized, mostly family-owned, enterprises employ more than 60 per cent of paid employees in Taiwan; however, these enterprises traditionally do not have distinct human resource management functions. In contrast, state-owned and large-sized private enterprises have gradually established their human resource systems and learned HRM techniques from foreign-owned companies. The article first examines employment structure and labour market development in Taiwan, then evaluates employment legislation and the development of HRM functions, and finally identifies several major future challenges, such as employee participation and employment security.  相似文献   

We investigate under which circumstances early employment growth translates into greater long-run survival. Drawing on Penrose's growth theory, we suggest that the relationship between early employment growth and long-run survival is conditional on employee turnover. We argue that higher employee turnover reduces joint experience in the firm and disrupts the development and eventual exploitation of the firm's productive opportunity set, thereby reducing long-term utilization of early employment expansion. These arguments suggest that the firm's ability to realize long-term benefits of early employment growth is contingent upon low employee turnover following this initial expansion. Using the Danish Integrated Database for Labor Market Research, we show that only when employee turnover is low, will early employment growth lead to higher survival in the long run.  相似文献   

We examine the relationship between enterprises’ use of employee training (or education) as a method to stimulate new ideas or creativity among their staff and enterprises’ innovation activities. A data set of 5204 Norwegian enterprises is used. Based on correlation coefficients, we find a positive relationship between enterprises’ use of employee training and their innovation activities. This relationship is not found significant for innovative enterprises that developed the innovations mainly by themselves or together with external partners if we control for enterprises’ use of brainstorming sessions and/or work teams to stimulate new ideas or creativity among their staff. Training can, however, be argued to be indirectly related to innovation strategies, as it is combined with other human resource practices.  相似文献   

在民营企业核心员工职业生涯管理中涉及到企业与员工的成本分析问题,需从企业单独出资、企业与员工共同出资和员工之间出资三个角度加以考虑。从净现值模型、企业与员工委托激励合同模型和员工之间出资的博弈模型看,企业要针对员工的不同设定不同的培养计划,员工同时要积极配合企业自我管理,企业同时应给予适当补贴等进行核心员工职业生涯管理。  相似文献   

With the gradual deepening of China’s economic reform, “differential mode of status,” which is created by the dual-track employment system in state-owned enterprises, has become a major hindrance for employees’ enthusiasm and initiative in workplaces. Drawing upon the “differential mode of status” theory, this paper firstly explores the internal relationships among “differential mode of status,” employees’ perception of fairness and sense of belonging, and employee engagement. Then the mechanism of “differential mode of status” influencing employee engagement is discussed. Lastly, coping strategies are brought forward based on the actual situation of low work devotion especially in China’s state-owned enterprises.  相似文献   

与现行会计准则中职工薪酬相关规定比较,2012年《企业会计准则征求意见稿》明确界定了职工概念,把职工薪酬分为短期薪酬、离职后福利、辞退福利和其他长期职工福利四部分,规范了薪酬的会计处理和不同类型的薪酬方式的信息披露,涵盖了企业职工薪酬的各种形式。针对现行会计核算规定,将对企业的财务状况、经营成果和职工个人产生影响,提出完善收益计划假设的设定条件,做到依据无偏。减少依赖个人判断、遵循成本效益原则和加强会计人员培训等建议。  相似文献   

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