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Abstract. The paper surveys the Choo and Siow (2006a; CS) marriage matching model and its extensions. CS derives a behavioural marriage‐matching function. The collective model of intra‐household allocations can be integrated into this framework. Spousal labour supplies respond to changing marriage market conditions. Marriage market tightness, the ratio of unmarried type i men to unmarried type j women is a sufficient statistic for marriage market conditions for those types of individuals. The hypothesis that spousal labour supplies vary to equilibrate the marriage market has overidentifying restrictions. The framework extends to a dynamic marriage‐matching environment. Empirically, this paper shows how the famine caused by the great leap forward in Sichuan affected the marital behaviour of famine‐born cohorts. Marriage market tightness is shown to be a useful statistic for summarizing marriage market conditions in the United States. Marriage market conditions in the contemporary United States primarily affect spousal labour force participation rather than hours of work.  相似文献   

Heterogeneity in consumer behaviour may create problems with aggregation across consumers. If so, we may not be able to make correct inferences about behaviour based on aggregated data. However, using micro estimates to predict aggregate demand responses to policy changes may also create a bias if not aggregated properly. This may sound like a Catch 22 situation, but it is not, as it is possible to calculate both micro and aggregate demand responses based on microdata. The size of the aggregation bias is an empirical question. In this article, we show how to calculate theoretically consistent aggregate demand responses. We use both micro and macro data for Norwegian household electricity consumption to illustrate the magnitude and direction of different aggregation biases. We find considerable aggregation biases, in particular, when estimating with macro data.  相似文献   

We conduct a comprehensive study on the effect of culture on stock market linkages. With data on 25 national stock markets, a quantile regression model is used to estimate the determinants of market linkages using culture variable/s such as language, religion and Hofstede’s cultural dimensions while controlling for distance, economic and legal variables. Further, we test whether these effects hold across regions and if changes are detected during periods of market crisis. We also test if market liquidity, an indicator of market efficiency, diminishes the impact of culture on market linkages. The main conclusion is that culture preferences shape investor choices, which affects integration between stock markets. The equity markets with similar cultural traits tend to increase market linkages; however, we observe differences across regions. Furthermore, liquidity and economic uncertainty fail to have an impact on the significance of culture variable/s as determinants of market linkages.  相似文献   

We investigate the efficacy of preferential trade liberalization in changing the observed trade pattern among the South Asian countries that have entered into the South Asian Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA). Although in its nascent stage, some data are now available to provide an ex-post evaluation of the performance of this bloc. Using these data, we find no empirical evidence of trade creation among SAFTA members, which is not surprising given that tariff concessions in SAFTA are small and are offset by complicated rules of origin procedure. However, a substantial and statistically significant increase in exports from SAFTA members to the rest of the world is found. Several panel strategies are used to check the sensitivity of the results against the assumptions of the estimation strategies. As some key coefficient estimates are found to differ across estimation methods, policymakers in South Asia need to use care in relying on the results from empirical studies, including our own, in formulating their trade policies.  相似文献   

It is open to question whether the intensified worldwide competition for FDI has reduced its traditionally strong concentration in a few large and relatively advanced host countries. We calculate and decompose Theil indices to track changes in absolute and relative concentration of FDI during the period 1970–2013. We find that both absolute and relative concentration decreased when excluding offshore financial centers from the overall sample. In addition to the narrowing gap between OECD and non-OECD countries, the concentration across non-OECD countries declined for both the absolute and relative measures. This is also true for major subgroups of non-OECD countries. Finally, recent developments indicate that low-income countries are no longer at the losing end of the competition for FDI.  相似文献   

Around US$600 billion of investment is desperately needed to address forecasted huge shortages in water supply globally. A number of worldwide investors – so-called water funds – have started to take up this challenge. For these global water investors, knowledge about the extent of integration between the water sectors of financial markets is highly important. According to international portfolio diversification theory, the less (more) integrated markets are, the more (less) benefits there are from international diversification. In this study, we investigate the extent and manner of interdependence among the US, European and Asian water sector of the equity markets based on Vector Autoregression (VAR), Granger causality and impulse response analyses. We find that world water stock market prices are indeed significantly interdependent although this interdependence varies across time periods. Each market quickly responds to shocks from each other and completes its response within 3 days. Hence, for water investors, international diversification that is undertaken just within the water sector will not be beneficial. The result also implies that there is the risk of crossmarket contagion – that is, price volatility spill over across water sectors of different financial markets, and therefore, water authorities in one market should take cognisance of events in other markets.  相似文献   

One of the key elements of implementing the monetary policy is stability of the demand for money. The literature includes a large number of studies that have tested the stability of the money demand in developed as well as less-developed countries but not in emerging economies of Eastern Europe. As market-based data becomes available from these countries, there is an urgency to test old theories for these modern market-oriented economies. In this article we consider the experiences of Armenia, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Russia and the Slovak Republic. Using the bounds testing approach to error-correction modelling and cointegration, we show that money demand is stable in these countries.  相似文献   

Much effort has been devoted to the study of financial market integration in Europe. Little is known, however, about real capital market integration – the degree to which plants and equipment move to take advantage of locally high returns. This paper looks at the evidence. An analysis of flows of foreign direct investment in Europe shows that integration was quite limited in the early 1980s, but has increased considerably since then. Another analysis looks at rates of return of a large number of firms. It reveals that country-specific factors play a significant role in explaining corporate returns, even after taking risk into account. This finding is incompatible with the CAPM definition of market integration. The view that integration is limited in Europe is further strengthened when the same approach is carried out for the USA and Canada. Part of the national specificity appears to be related to labour and goods market regulations, which harm firms profitability. If, by introducing more transparency and eliminating currency risk, EMU strengthens competition on the real capital market, one obvious economic benefit will be a more rational and efficient use of capital, but the most important potential consequences are political. Special-interest regulations of an exclusively national nature will not survive. They will either fall in a wave of internationalist liberalization, or become embedded in 'harmonized' regulations at the federal level. A reduction in excessive regulatory burdens, notably in the labour market, could lead to substantial and shared productivity gains.  相似文献   

We examine how shocks emanating from changes in the stock wealth affect the consumption demand in India using a Bayesian VAR framework. The effect of the stock market wealth shock on consumption demand in India is relatively small in magnitude. The estimates suggest that a 10% increase in the real stock wealth raises the consumption demand by 0.3%, which seems to be consistent with some empirical estimates for the emerging market economies given a relatively low share of stock wealth in the household asset portfolio and its asymmetric distribution. The stock market wealth effect being short run in nature does not have a large and persistent effect on consumption demand since consumers may not perceive the changes in the stock wealth to cause a permanent shift in their wealth.  相似文献   

The slow adjustment and stickiness of output prices is widely regarded as an important determinant of macroeconomic behaviour. Recently, a number of writers have argued that customer market analysis can provide a microfoundation for price stickiness. This paper develops the theory of a firm selling in a customer market and investigates the empirical implications of the theory. The model is shown to imply a particular pattern of behaviour between retail prices and wholesale prices. Data on retail and wholesale prices for the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia at various levels of aggregation is investigated and found to support the predictions of the customer market model. In the conclusion the macroeconomic implications of the empirical conslusions are drawn out.  相似文献   

Alternative investments, including managed futures, are primarily intended for institutional investors and for very wealthy individual investors. It therefore seems logical to assume, that the increase of wealth on a global scale can be a factor impacting the value of transactions in individual segments of the alternative-investment market. The purpose of this article is to indicate the factors affecting growth of managed futures transactions. Another research goal is to answer the question: Does the increase of wealth on a global scale affect the value of the managed futures transactions? The article will also present short-term forecasts of the transactions on the managed futures market for the years 2015–2017. The forecasts which will be constructed are meant to present possible scenarios of the market’s further development. Evolution of the alternative investment segment leads to development of those categories, which fulfil the expectations of market participants and meet the requirement and expiration of the remaining investments which do not attract investors and are no longer accepted by them.  相似文献   

In this paper we re-examine the link between subjective perceptions and objective measures of wage discrimination by estimating the mean and several quantiles in the conditional wage distribution of men and women in order to decompose the gender wage gap into the part attributed to different characteristics and the part attributable to differential returns to these characteristics at points other than the conditional expectation. In the process we take into account the endogeneity of educational choice and the participation decision of women. The results suggest that the absolute wage gap and the component of the latter that can be attributed to different returns to characteristics increase over the wage scale.  相似文献   

Differential unit non‐response in household wealth surveys biases estimates of top tail wealth shares downward. Using Monte Carlo evidence, I show that adding only a few extreme observations to wealth surveys is sufficient to remove the downward bias. Combining extreme wealth observations from Forbes World's billionaires with the Survey of Consumer Finances, the Wealth and Assets Survey, and the Household Finance and Consumption Survey, I provide new improved estimates of top tail wealth in the United States, the United Kingdom, and nine euro area countries. These new estimates indicate significantly higher top wealth shares than those calculated from the wealth surveys alone.  相似文献   


Rajan claims that rising inequality led to financial crises through credit booms in the U.S. Kumhof and Ranciere provide a theoretical formulation for this hypothesis. However, their assertions are not supported by cross-country evidence found in the work of Bordo and Meissner. A few subsequent empirical studies, albeit inspired by this pioneering work, find new evidence not in line with its conclusion but with the Rajan hypothesis. To clarify this controversial issue, we base our study on the B-M framework, resort to different estimators, and employ more model specifications by incorporating the role of deindustrialization. We find strong evidence for the inequality-credit-crisis nexus as modelled by Kumhof et al.  相似文献   

The study examines the largely unexplored effect of changes in the competitive landscape for large, global financial institutions on their ability to take risks, as well as deploy capital and labour in an efficient manner based on a novel measure of inefficiency. The analysis shows during 2001–2013 that inefficiency peaked during the 2008 crisis period and has fallen back to levels close to pre-crisis periods. The model also performs well in out-of-sample forecasts of the financial firms’ future market values. These results suggest that large financial firms have been adjusting to the ‘new normal’ of the post-crisis period and thus are able to use capital and labour more efficiently within the constraints of current market conditions. In addition, a non-linear pattern between inefficiency and a firm’s asset size suggests that there might be an optimal scale for such firms in the $450–650 billion range.  相似文献   

The neo-classical model of international trade assumes that the Total Factor Productivity (TFP) of a sector is common across countries, that returns to scale are constant and that the sectoral production of the countries differs by virtue of the factor endowments. In this article, we consider whether the differences in production can also be explained by the economies of scale in the national industries and by the technological differences across countries. To test this hypothesis, we estimate three models proposed in Harrigan (1999 Harrigan, J. 1999. Estimation of cross-country differences in industry production functions. Journal of International Economics, 47: 26793.  [Google Scholar]) with data for eight European Union (EU) Member States covering the period 1978 to 1992 and analyse how the TFP changes from country to country.  相似文献   

How large is liquidity risk in an automated auction market?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We introduce a new empirical methodology that models liquidity risk over short time periods for impatient traders who submit market orders. Using Value-at-Risk type measures, we quantify the liquidity risk premia for portfolios and individual stocks traded on the automated auction market Xetra. The specificity of our approach relies on the adequate econometric modelling of the potential price impact incurred by the liquidation of a portfolio. We study the sensitivity of liquidity risk towards portfolio size and traders' time horizon, and interpret its diurnal variation in the light of market microstructure theory.
Pierre GiotEmail: Phone: +32-81-724887
Joachim Grammig (Corresponding author)Email: Phone: +49-7071-2976009Fax: +49-29-5546

How remote is the offshoring threat?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Advances in communication technology make it possible for workers in India to supply business services to head offices located anywhere. This has the potential to put high-wage workers in direct competition with much lower paid Indian workers. Service trade, however, like goods trade, is subject to strong distance effects, implying that the remote supply of services remains limited. We investigate this proposition by deriving a gravity-like equation for service trade and estimating it for a large sample of countries and different categories of service trade. We find that distance costs are high but are declining over time. Our estimates suggest that delivery costs create a significant advantage for local workers relative to competing workers in distant countries.  相似文献   

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