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Identifying Organizational Subcultures: An Empirical Approach   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Organizations have cultures, but parts of organizations may have distinct subcultures. The question of what is the proper level for a cultural analysis of an organization is generally handled intuitively. The organizational culture of a large Danish insurance company (3,400 employees) was measured, based on employees' answers to 18 key questions about work practices. Subsequently, scores were determined separately for 131 work groups, and these were subjected to a hierarchical cluster analysis, which produced a dendrogram. The dendrogram showed that within the company there were three distinct subcultures: a professional subculture, an administrative subculture, and a customer interface subculture. These fit a theoretical prediction by Jones (1983); the cultural rifts between the subcultures could be readily recognized in the company's practice, and had tangible consequences.  相似文献   

不同经济体的财政与经济增长作用关系存在差异性,研究文献对二者理论关系的认识也并不统一。本文采用小样本可靠的Bootstrap仿真方法,利用1952~2003年为样本期的时序数据,对我国政府支出与经济增长进行了Granger因果关系的实证检验。比较研究显示,基于渐近理论的传统检验结果认为,二者不存在统计上的协整关系。利用Bootstrap仿真方法却得到不同的结论,即政府支出与经济增长具有双向的Granger因果关系,意味着我国财政和经济增长存在相互促进作用。本文结论与大多数研究文献观点存在显著区别。  相似文献   

财务理论研究领域应用的研究方法从研究思维模式考察可划分为规范研究方法和实证研究方法两大类。当前,我国财务理论界对这两种研究方法的认识产生了一定的分歧和争议,而理论的完善与突破往往是从正确选择研究方法开始的,因此,对旨在提高我国财务理论研究质量和效果的研究方法的探讨,具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。本拟在对这两种研究方法进行探讨的基础上得出启示,以期对我国财务理论研究方法的选择有所裨益。  相似文献   

We deal with general mixture of hierarchical models of the form m(x) = føf(x |θ) g (θ)dθ , where g(θ) and m(x) are called mixing and mixed or compound densities respectively, and θ is called the mixing parameter. The usual statistical application of these models emerges when we have data xi, i = 1,…,n with densities f(xii) for given θi, and the θ1 are independent with common density g(θ) . For a certain well known class of densities f(x |θ) , we present a sample-based approach to reconstruct g(θ) . We first provide theoretical results and then we use, in an empirical Bayes spirit, the first four moments of the data to estimate the first four moments of g(θ) . By using sampling techniques we proceed in a fully Bayesian fashion to obtain any posterior summaries of interest. Simulations which investigate the operating characteristics of our proposed methodology are presented. We illustrate our approach using data from mixed Poisson and mixed exponential densities.  相似文献   

When two surveys carried out separately in the same population have common variables, it might be desirable to adjust each survey's weights so that they give equal estimates for the common variables. This problem has been studied extensively and has often been referred to as alignment or numerical consistency. We develop a design-based empirical likelihood approach for alignment and estimation of complex parameters defined by estimating equations. We focus on a general case when a single set of adjusted weights, which can be applied to both common and non-common variables, is produced for each survey. The main contribution of the paper is to show that the impirical log-likelihood ratio statistic is pivotal in the presence of alignment constraints. This pivotal statistic can be used to test hypotheses and derive confidence regions. Hence, the empirical likelihood approach proposed for alignment possesses the self-normalisation property, under a design-based approach. The proposed approach accommodates large sampling fractions, stratification and population level auxiliary information. It is particularly well suited for inference about small domains, when data are skewed. It includes implicit adjustments when the samples considerably differ in size. The confidence regions are constructed without the need for variance estimates, joint-inclusion probabilities, linearisation and re-sampling.  相似文献   


While public organizations have focused on structural empowerment as a strategy to reform public bureaucracies, there is no consensus on the conceptualization or dimensionality of this construct. In addition, public organizations have paid little attention to the importance of psychological empowerment in their reform efforts. This article examines the construct validity of multidimensional measures of structural empowerment – consisting of participative decision making, feedback, and delegation – and psychological empowerment – consisting of meaning, competence, self-determination, and impact – and develops an integrative model of empowerment. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), conducted with the data from a sample of 191 public employees, showed support for a multifactor model that integrates the two types of empowerment.  相似文献   

This paper examines the decision to introduce new products by durable goods producers. Conventional wisdom suggests that durable goods producers introduce new products to kill off used products. However, used units may not compete with new units if initial price can capture the present value of all future transactions. Using new data from the textbook market, I find that publishers revise editions more frequently when competition from used textbooks increases. This suggests the presence of planned obsolescence. However, the time since the previous revision also significantly affects revision decisions, indicating that publishers' frequent revision cannot be attributed to planned obsolescence alone .  相似文献   

An Empirical Look at Software Patents   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
Software patents have grown rapidly in number and now comprise 15% of all patents. They are acquired primarily by large manufacturing firms in industries known for strategic patenting; only 5% belong to software publishers. The very large increase in software patent propensity over time is not adequately explained by changes in R&D investments, employment of computer programmers, or productivity growth. The residual increase in software patent propensity is consistent with a sizeable increase in the cost effectiveness of software patents during the 1990s, perhaps arising from changes in the application of patent law to computer software.  相似文献   

We compare two program evaluation methodologies: the synthetic control method and the panel data approach. We apply both methods to estimate the effect of the political and economic integration of Hong Kong. The results obtained differ depending on the methodology used. We then conduct a simulation that shows that the synthetic control method results in a post‐treatment mean squared error, mean absolute percentage error, and mean error with a smaller interquartile range, whenever there is a good enough match. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

过度反应最大值的确定是证券投资理论和实践中的一个重要问题。本文通过对中国股票市场的统计分析,首次提出了过度反应持续时间在不同区间内分布的相应概率。从持续时间的角度估计过度反应最大值区间。  相似文献   

A large class of asset pricing models predicts that securities which have high payoffs when market returns are low tend to be more valuable than those with high payoffs when market returns are high. More generally, we expect the projection of the stochastic discount factor on the market portfolio—that is, the discounted pricing kernel evaluated at the market portfolio—to be a monotonically decreasing function of the market portfolio. Numerous recent empirical studies appear to contradict this prediction. The non‐monotonicity of empirical pricing kernel estimates has become known as the pricing kernel puzzle. In this paper we propose and apply a formal statistical test of pricing kernel monotonicity. We apply the test using 17 years of data from the market for European put and call options written on the S&P 500 index. Statistically significant violations of pricing kernel monotonicity occur in a substantial proportion of months, suggesting that observed non‐monotonicities are unlikely to be the product of statistical noise. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An Empirical Model of Urban Spatial Development   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper examines land development patterns by using an integrated approach that combines Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and spatial econometric models. It presents evidence that land development sites are affected by each other, and that any attempt to analyze the land development process without consideration of spatial dependence will most likely yield biased parameter estimates, misleading significant levels, and insufficient estimates of the dependent variable. It is found that spatial lagged variables not only improve model performance substantially, but also reveal the presence of clustering land development. This paper demonstrates that incorporation of spatial statistics is made easier with the application of GIS.  相似文献   

A model of the household in which production and consumption activities are not separable is developed in order to provide micro-economic foundations for an alternative to the standard approach to poverty analysis. The alternative suggests that socio-economic groups and their respective livelihoods should be the basic building blocks for analysing poverty within a general equilibrium framework.  相似文献   

在相关文献分析的基础上,通过对质量管理实践和企业绩效的界定,利用对苏州、南京和徐州三地企业的调查资料,探究质量管理实践对企业绩效的影响,并对一些学者的研究结果进行验证。结果显示,质量培训、流程管理、顾客关系等9项质量管理实践对企业绩效有显著影响,不支持管理者承诺对企业绩效有显著影响的观点。  相似文献   

Hospital Reimbursement Incentives: An Empirical Analysis   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Reimbursement systems for health-care providers are very complex, like the production systems that they regulate. This complexity has led to some important misperceptions about the incentive consequences of major reimbursement reforms. One example is the prospective payment system (PPS), developed to provide "high-powered" incentives through fixed prices for hospital admissions for the US elderly. In fact, various features of the DRG system allow reimbursement to vary with actual treatment decisions during an admission, and so are not prospective. This paper develops a general method for measuring actual reimbursement incentives in complex regulated price systems. The method uses regression techniques with variance decompositions to quantify the effects of particular features of the payment system on prospective and retrospective cost sharing, as well as overall generosity of payments. I apply this method to microdata on 20 percent of Medicare hospital admissions in 1987 and 1990 to summarize the incentives created by PPS in practice, and how the incentives are evolving over time. I show that PPS involves limited and decreasing cost sharing with hospitals, most of which is not prospective. The reimbursement incentives vary substantially across diagnoses, demographic groups, and types of intensive treatments, possibly with important implications for hospital behavior and medical expenditure growth. The techniques developed here can be used to analyze a broad range of provider reimbursement mechanisms.  相似文献   

龚六堂和邹恒甫曾肯定地认为,价格水平决定的财政理论是个无法检验的理论,但我们研究后发现,他们之所以得出无法检验的结论,是因为他们是基于跨期预算方程是均衡条件来定义的,而根据该定义的确难以导出可行的识别理论的条件。若采用以动态一般均衡框架为基础的定义,则会出现乐观的情形。本文有助于回答下面两个重要问题,第一个是该理论在中国是否具有适用性?第二个是什么样的政策搭配才能有利于价格水平稳定和可持续性经济增长?  相似文献   

开放式基金赎回现象的实证研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
我国的开放式基金在迅速发展的同时也经历了大规模的赎回。本文运用2002年和2003年开放式基金的季度规模数据,对基金的赎回率进行实证分析。研究表明,我国开放式基金的赎回存在着非理性的行为,表现为赎回比率过大、赎回与风险及回报的关系不明显、短线的赎回十分突出等。这与我国开放式基金发行制度上的一些缺陷是分不开的。另一重要发现是,投资者普遍关心基金的系统风险,而不关心基金的总体风险,这在客观上助长了基金持股高度集中的行为。  相似文献   

This paper provides empirical evidence on the dynamic effects of uncertainty on firm‐level capital accumulation. A novelty in this paper is that the firm‐level uncertainty indicator is motivated and derived from a theoretical model, the neoclassical investment model with time to build. This model also serves as the base for the empirical work, where an error‐correction approach is employed. I find a negative effect of uncertainty on capital accumulation, both in the short run and the long run. This outcome cannot be explained by the model alone. Instead, the results suggest that the predominant mechanism at work stems from irreversibility constraints.  相似文献   

Parameter estimation based on the generalized method of moments (GMM) is proposed. The proposed method employs a distance between an empirical and the corresponding theoretical transform. Estimation by the empirical characteristic function (CF) is a typical example, but alternative empirical transforms are also employed, such as the empirical Laplace transform when dealing with non‐negative random variables. D‐optimal designs are discussed, whereby the arguments of the empirical transform are chosen by maximizing the determinant of the asymptotic Fisher information matrix for the resulting estimators. The methods are applied to some parametric models for which classical inference is complicated.  相似文献   

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