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北京:农民工管理要“实名制”今年以来,北京市建委进行农民工“实名制管理卡”的试点和推广工作,使用微机进行管理。北京市建委法律研究站的谭祺主任透露,实名制管理卡就是利用IC卡的形式,将每个来京务工农民工的个人档案输入其中,然后每天进入工地施工时都要刷卡。市建委将在终端系统掌握他们的动向,这样一来,无论工人在哪里务工都有政府部门的保护。上海:拟推农民工工资告知牌制度今年上海市将推广施工现场农民工工资告示牌制度,向农民工公示相关信息,同时公布上级部门的投诉电话或地址,便于农民工投诉。同时将建立长效机制,推进解决拖欠…  相似文献   

日前,笔者到一项目工地去,正赶上地方审计部门对项目进行期中审计,笔者看到项目领导以及财务、工经等人员仍就按部就班工作,该干啥还干啥.生产有序推进,完全没有想象的“临战”情景,感到很惊讶。事后向项目领导“取经”,他们说主要是把“迎审”工作落实在日常规范管理之中,资料、现场都按照规范制度运行,做到“迎审”工作常态化,所以对“审”无忧。这令笔者感触深刻。  相似文献   

11月3日,德力西集团第三次职工代表大会通过了一项重要的“企业法规”———《德力西集团有限公司推行工资集体协商工作方案》,同时选举产生了职工方的10名协商代表,他们将代表德力西万余名员工与企业方进行工资集体协商。这是新《工会法》颁布后我国首家实行工资集体协商制度的企业。工资集体协商,是指企业员工代表与企业代表依法就企业内部工资分配制度、工资分配方式、工资收入水平等事项进行平等协商,在协商一致的基础上签订工资协议的行为,是新《工会法》中关于“工会通过平等协商和集体合同制度协调劳动关系,维护企业职工…  相似文献   

同其他时代的人有一些不同.20世纪70年代末、80年代初的一代年轻人经历着幸福与痛苦的双重洗礼。一方面赶上了国家改革开放后的大好时光.他们从小看着“黑猫警长”.玩着”变形金刚”长大;很多人都得以进入大学接受高等教育,这是前几辈人都未曾享受过的;他们经历了计算机与互联网技术带来的时代变革;他们有条件玩电脑游戏.上网,看美国大片,体验到前人从未体验过的新事物:他们可以到外企上班.穿名牌.吃馆子(尽管工资在月底花得一分不剩),还被美其名日”白领”.他们可以年纪轻轻开一辆车(即便是贷款买的),所以他们是”幸福的一代”。  相似文献   

2月26日,广东省汕头市劳动力市场为用人单位、寻工者尤其是来汕寻找工作的外地民工搭建起一个免费的“鹊桥会”。当天进场的用人单位达120多家,寻工者近2000人,劳动力市场大厅人头攒动,一派热闹现象。据了解,当天进场的用人单位中,制造型企业、服务性企业约占总用人单位的70%以上,且他们大多需求女工,有的甚至全部岗位都需要女性,所以造成了  相似文献   

我国建筑施工企业农民工存在的问题 农民工业务技术水平不高.通过调查和深入现场进行实地考察,发现农民工持证上岗率仅有27.8%,大部分人没有进行操作技能培训.他们从事建筑业的时间还不到三个月,放下手里的农具,来到施工现场,摇身一变就成了建筑工人.虽然在施工过程中,都有技术人员对他们进行书面技术交底和现场口头交底,但是很多工序因为之前见都没有见过,这就很容易导致施工质量较差,返工率较高,工期计划不能实现,同时还形成了资源的浪费,在一定程度上这也是造成农民工收入较低的重要因素.  相似文献   

近日读报读到某供电所设立“首席村电工制”的新闻。“首席村电工”除享有原有的工资待遇外,每人每月还将享受到3OO元的特殊津贴。该供电所设立“首席村电工”制,进一步提高了村电工的地位和待遇,让具有真才实学的乡村电工安心于乡村农电工作,为乡村电力事业出力出谋献策,为做好农电各项工作增加了强劲实力。众所周知,随着农村电网的逐步完成,实行直抄、收费、服务到户,乡镇供电所的工作比以前明显繁重了许多,并且农电安全工作问题更是凸现。供电所直接与农户有了交道。原有的村电工制度已经不能适应现有的供、用电管理制度了。农电管理工…  相似文献   

三年清欠之初,也是“清欠风暴”之始,人们曾经把拖欠农民工工资的矛头指向施工企业,企业的老总们便喊冤。老总们的喊冤不能说没有一点儿道理。毕竟,拖欠的源头不在他们那里。况且,从被拖欠工程款这一点来说,施工企业也是受害者。于是,人们不禁要问:拖欠的源头到底在哪儿?  相似文献   

目前国有发电企业普遍实行岗位技能工资为代表的工资制度。实践中,由于奖励工资占工资收入总额的比例过大(超过50%),而且企业中不同岗位类别的人员,工资都分为技能工资、岗位工资、奖励工资、加班工资和津贴,不能体现运行、检修、管理、后勤各个岗位工作之间的差异。其结果是与多劳多得的原则相违背。  为此,对发电企业现行的薪酬制度改革提出如下建议:  一、完善和推行经营者年薪酬  发电企业的厂长(经理)属于经营者岗位。他们肩负着企业安全生产、提高企业效益的重任,同时又承担着一定的经营风险,其劳动过程和性质是一…  相似文献   

<正>餐馆关门、供应中断,现在又出现了工人短缺。疫情对食品供应商造成了沉重打击。作为行业最大公司之一的美国食品公司创新思维,不仅稳定员工还实现了增长2021年,美国食品公司(US Foods)面临着一个普遍难题:在疫情期间,成千上万的美国人重新评估了他们的工作生活,导致这家重量级美国食品服务分销商难以吸引和留住员工。这并不是什么新问题。或早或晚,该公司不得不应对全国性的卡车司机短缺问题。美国食品公司首席执行官彼得罗·萨蒂亚诺(Pietro Satriano)说:“年轻人不会涉足这行。因此,当COVID-19在2020年3月全面暴发时,只是加剧了一个长期存在的问题。”  相似文献   

Drawing on job postings at an online job board, we find that employers who have to fill their vacancies immediately specify fewer job requirements, provide more details about the job application process, and are quicker to withdraw their vacancies from the job board than employers with job openings that do not have to be filled immediately. These findings offer new insights into the role of vacancy costs in determining how employers search for workers online.  相似文献   

Vocational training incidence for those at work is frequently financed partly or wholly by employers, who then lose part of their investment return if workers migrate to other firms. We investigate the incidence of training and the incidence of job-to-job mobility for a large sample of British workers in 1984 and 1989. We also analyse the role of sectoral technology characteristics in influencing patterns of both training and inter-firm mobility.
Our results demonstrate that job-to-job mobility is highest for the young and higher for those with formal educational qualifications than for the unskilled. These are also characteristics which engender a higher training propensity; so, unavoidably, private gains to training for employers are below social gains for these young people. Public-sector workers have high training rates but low mobility; this perhaps explains the lack of perception of the poaching problem by successive governments. Sectoral R&D activity is associated with more training and less mobility for men; in contrast, women are more likely to train and are less mobile if the rate of adoption of innovation is rapid.  相似文献   

2008年,以起始于美国的金融危机为导火索,中国出现了大规模的农民工返乡潮。农民工返乡给就业形势原本就十分严峻的农村带来新的压力。如何做好返乡农民工的就业问题就显得尤为重要。而通过农民工创业教育培训提高农民工素质和就业技能,对于实现返乡农民工就业和推动新农村建设具有积极的推进作用。文章以农民工返乡为背景,结合我国农民教育培训发展的现状,探讨如何加强农民工创业教育培训问题,并提出具体的对策建议。  相似文献   

We test whether employers prefer overqualified to adequately qualified job candidates. To this end, duos of fictitious applications by bachelor's and master's graduates are sent to real job openings with a bachelor's degree as a minimum requirement. For the overall sample, we find that overqualified master's graduates are 19 percent more likely to be directly invited for a job interview and 11 percent more likely to get any positive reaction. This relative advantage for overqualified workers is found to be higher for bottleneck occupations. Relative preferences also differ across employers within labor‐market segments.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between union membership and (i) the incidence of training, (ii) the degree to which training is transferable to firms other than the one providing the training and (iii) the degree to which workers perceive that training improves job performance. Using data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, I find that union members are more likely to receive employer‐sponsored training than their non‐union counterparts. I also find that male union members are more likely than non‐members to report that training improved job performance. Union membership was not related to transferability of skills between employers.  相似文献   

This paper tests the hypothesis that referrals from various sources provide employers with more information about job applicants than they would have with‐out a referral. The study uses data that contain information on two workers in the same job, allowing the differences in job and firm characteristics to be canceled out and controlling for the possibility that workers with referrals from different sources (or no referral at all) sort into jobs that put different weights on individual performance. The estimation results are consistent with referrals from current employees providing employers with more information than they would have otherwise. Additionally, it appears as though hiring through friends or relatives of the employer may involve some favoritism that results in employers either collecting less information than they would otherwise or ignoring information when setting wages. The study finds weak evidence consistent with referrals from other firms or labor unions providing useful information, and no evidence that referrals from community organizations or other sources have any effect.  相似文献   

Overskilling,Job Insecurity,and Career Mobility   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper uses longitudinal data from Australia to examine the extent to which overskilling—the extent to which work‐related skills and abilities are utilized in current employment—is a transitory phenomenon. The results suggest that while overskilled workers are much more likely to want to quit their current job, they are also relatively unconfident of finding an improved job match. Furthermore, some of the greater mobility observed among overskilled workers is due to involuntary job separations, and even where job separations are voluntary, the majority of moves do not result in improved skills matches.  相似文献   

The interval in time between leaving a career job and exit from the labor force is especially long for Japanese employees. We examine determinants of post‐career work arrangements from two perspectives: work status and the route to a second job. We show that these determinants differ between male and female workers and that the customary function of career employers to place their workers in a second job has declined since the middle of the 1990s.  相似文献   

Complementing existing work on firm organizational structure and productivity, this article examines the impact of organizational change on workers. We find evidence that employers do appear to compensate at least some of their workers for engaging in high-performance workplace practices. We also find a significant association between high-performance workplace practices and increased wage inequality. Finally, we examine the relationship between organizational structure and employment changes and find that some practices, such as self-managed teams, are associated with greater employment reductions, whereas other practices, such as the percentage of workers involved in job rotation, are associated with lower employment reductions.  相似文献   

Technology has driven new organisations of work and employment relationships, rendering changes that would have been unimaginable just a decade ago. The rise of digital platforms has not only enabled new forms of work activity but also transformed the way workers find new opportunities. This development, referred to as gig work, is distinct from traditional employment in that it is mediated through online platforms. While we can somewhat objectively designate traditional job characteristics as ‘good’ or ‘bad’, designating gig work itself as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ overlooks the fact that workers are inclined to evaluate the quality of their jobs according to their own individual needs, priorities, backgrounds and other circumstances—even if those jobs are objectively the same. Unlike previous scholarship on gig work, which has viewed job quality largely from a platform-focused perspective, this article takes a worker-centric approach and provides a typology of gig workers. The typology demarcates how gig work is used and indicates key attributes that differentiate how workers approach such jobs. Moreover, the typology reveals heterogeneity in gig workers’ motivations, characteristics and intentions. Consequently, platforms with ‘bad’ job quality characteristics can still offer work that some workers will see as ‘good’ and vice versa.  相似文献   

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