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江西与广东,香港的经济合作研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
京九铁路南段(九江以南)使赣粤港三地成为一个紧密联系的经济地带。江西与广东、香港的经济互补性强,具备互惠合作的良好的基础。江西省利用自身优势,抓住当前机遇,采取适当措施,必将实现赣粤港经济融合与江西省的经济腾飞。 相似文献
Abstract. This paper examines the effects of Hong Kong–mainland China trade on the wage inequality in Hong Kong. Because of the large volume of trade and the large income disparity between these two regions, this empirical study provides a good test of the theories on North–South trade. The econometric analyses show that the relative wage between the skilled and unskilled workers in Hong Kong increased as the share of the volume of Hong Kong's trade with mainland China in Hong Kong's total trade volume rose. 相似文献
Steven N. S. Cheung 《Contemporary economic policy》1995,13(1):1-9
Hong Kong's role has been integral to China's unprecedented economic growth, but privatization ranks first in importance. Another key factor is Beijing's putting economic reform before political reform. Giving democracy to a society in chaos likely makes matters worse. Hong Kong and China both have profited from their partnership. As China has opened up to allow transformation into a market economy, Hong Kong has provided informational impetus for change, a capitalist model to copy, and middleman functions for China to participate in outside-world goods and financial markets. The collapse of Communism in China and elsewhere has increased the supply of cheap labour perhaps by 2 billion. Manufacturing countries with expensive labour and high cost welfare programmes—such as those in the United States, Canada, and Europe—will have difficulty. Capitalists in these countries will do well by investing abroad but not in their own countries. Though wrong in detail, the factor price equalization theorem—that international movement of goods and international movement of factors of production are equivalent—basically is correct. If China continues moving toward privatisation and joining the international community, it will become fiercely competitive, and prospects will be bright for both China and Hong Kong. However, China's recent drift from capitalism clouds those prospects. Fundamentally, three kinds of rights systems exist: (i) a capitalist system, with well defined private property rights, protected by law, where control of resources is based on ownership; (ii) a hierarchical system, such as Communism, where control of resources is based on one's rank in the hierarchy; (iii) a system of corruption, where control of resources is based on bribes and patronage. China rapidly had been making a transition from the second system to the first but recently seems to have derailed into the third. In any case, Communism's collapse is one of the great events in human history. The hero of that event is Deng Xiaoping—not Gorbachev, nor Thatcher, nor Reagan. Hong Kong, by contributing significantly to China's capitalist movement, has led the Communist world to change. 相似文献
Abstract. This paper shows that, consistent with the 'economic base' theory, exports drive domestic consumption and domestic investment, but housing appears to serve as an important link between exports and domestic expenditures. Focusing on the Hong Kong economy, which is a small open economy with a big population, we found that exports and interest rates drive housing prices over a long period, while housing prices in turn drive domestic expenditures. 相似文献
Chi-Chur Chao Bharat R. Hazari Jean-Pierre Laffargue Eden S. H. Yu 《Pacific Economic Review》2009,14(2):232-245
Abstract. The present paper uses a dynamic open-economy model with wage indexation to examine the impact of tourism on employment and welfare. Both short-run and long-run situations are analysed. It is well known that tourism converts non-traded goods into tradable goods. An increase in the demand for a non-traded good raises its relative price, which results in an expansion of the non-traded sector at the expense of the traded goods sector. This output shift raises labour employment in the short run. However, in the long run, the higher relative price leads to higher wages, resulting in a negative impact on labour employment. If the output effect is dominant, the expansion in tourism raises employment and welfare. However, under realistic conditions tourism may lower both labour employment and welfare due to rising costs. These results are demonstrated by simulating a dynamic model for the case of Hong Kong. 相似文献
Abstract. This paper applies the single‐index dynamic factor model developed by J. H. Stock and M. W. Watson to construct (almost) real‐time estimates of economic activity in Hong Kong. The Hang Seng index, a residential property price index, retail sales and total exports are used as coincident indicators. Principal component analysis is first used to obtain an impression of the common component of the indicator series. This component and the dynamic factor identified by the Stock–Watson methodology are strongly correlated and seem to capture economic fluctuations in Hong Kong reasonably well. 相似文献
进入90年代以来,香港与深圳及内地的合作开始进入了一个新的阶段,即以高技术产业合作为主的阶段。本文从这一轮新的以高技术产业合作的背景出发,提出深港应走“竞争互动式”区域发展模式,并对深港合作的新机制进行了分析,最后对深港实现区域一体化提出了一些具体的措施。 相似文献
经济快速发展地区的农业与农村特点及发展问题——以长江三角洲、珠江三角洲为例 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
长江三角洲和珠江三角洲是我国经济发展最快的地区,其经济区位、自然条件、科技、教育、文化均有优势,被誉为中国经济发展的引擎,在我国现代化建设中的地位举足轻重。两大三角洲,先后对外开放,大量引进外资、先进技术设备与管理经验,产业结构不断调整,工业生产超常规发展,区域内部的城乡建设进展迅速。文章分析了农业经营方式与生产结构的变化以及工业化、城市化的特点,由此带来农业与农村前所未有的发展和变革,阐述了农业、农村所面临的挑战。 相似文献
香港与内地经济一体化:CEPA对两岸经贸合作的启示 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
以全球化下的区域经济一体化趋势为背景,回顾与总结自内地改革开放20多年来,香港与内地、特别是珠江三角洲区域经济一体化,以及内地与台湾经济互动的进程、融合的程度,比较分析两者的特点,从而揭示香港与内地经贸合作由民间自发行为转变到政府之间机制性合作,特别是更紧密经贸关系(CEPA)的建立,对海峡两岸经贸合作机制的启示。 相似文献
经济全球化的新特点与我国的对策研究 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
本文首先简要回顾了世界经济全球化发展的历史,然后在深入研究90年代以来经济全球化所表现出的新特点,新趋势的基础上,着着探讨了作为发中国家的中国面对经济全球化的挑战所应采取的应对措施。 相似文献
跨世纪淮安市经济发展回顾与展望 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
改革开放以来,江苏省淮安市国民经济和社会发展成就显著。也存在着一些问题,新的世纪里,淮安经济发展前景光明,但需采取若干突出措施应对新的挑战,本文以淮安市这一普通地级市为例,力图描述我国20多年来的巨变及下一步发展对策。 相似文献
唐山市跨世纪发展定位及经济社会发展战略优势与机遇 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文通过实地调研把唐山跨世纪经济社会发展的战略定位为环渤海地区经济核心区的重要组成部分,京津唐地区以能源原材料及深加工工业为主的新兴沿海港口城市,华北地区主要经贸中心之一和外向型经济的重要基地及冀东地区中心城市。围绕城市发展定位,今后唐山将积极发挥生产供应功能、双向服务功能和新港带动功能,并对进一步发展的战略优势和发展机遇及面临的挑战做了分析。 相似文献
深港生产性服务业合作发展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过对深港两地合作历史的回顾以及对两地经济现状的分析,提出了深港合作发展生产性服务业应采取的对策.合作发展生产性服务业不仅是保持和实现香港经济平稳、健康、持续良好发展的需要,也是改变深圳经济增长方式、准确定位深圳产业发展和产业结构调整方向的必然需求.深港两地的城市特点:地理区位、市场机制、工业基础和既定的贸易伙伴关系网络等因素决定了深港两地应该以服务业尤其是生产性服务业为未来产业的主要发展方向. 相似文献
Abstract. The study models the Hong Kong domestic exports and re-exports, compares the performance of exports to the rest of the world, the USA and Japan, and uses destination-and-export-type specific unit value indexes to construct real exchange rates. In general, Hong Kong exports display mean-reverting dynamics, are positively influenced by foreign income and are adversely affected by high value of its currency. The lagged export variable, foreign income, and real exchange rate provide most of the explanatory power. Other variables explain marginally the variability of Hong Kong exports. 相似文献
香港工业是"转移型"工业.因为特殊的历史和市场条件而在战后迅速发展。它的工业主体是出口导向的劳动密集型轻工业。香港自由贸易政策以及优良的港口及服务设施.使这类工业在国际市场上有重要的时效性及低成本的竞争力。1980年初以来,内地开放,使这个工业体系在空间上扩大,与珠江三角洲一起构成"前店后厂"的地域分工。香港工业在稠密的市区亦形成城市工业地理中的新形态、出现密集的、多层式的各类工业企业在狭小空间上混集,以及工、住用途在同一幢建筑内混集。目前香港工业已到必要的转型阶段。政府需要改变其"自由贸易"政策而采用新的、有力的导向型的政策以营造新工业。同时,香港和珠江三角洲在政策上的合作亦极为必要。 相似文献
Larry A·Delgado 《技术经济与管理研究》2002,(6):8-14
1996年 ,圣菲市制定了第一个《经济发展规划》。这一规划的目的在于为圣菲市的经济发展提出战略性规划 ,指明促进经济多元化的途径 ,激发现有存量产业的潜能 ,确定发展目标以及实现目标的有效措施 ,为经济发展创造更多的机遇。为了探讨市政府如何为市民提供更多的经济发展机会 ,我们举行了20余次公众会议。《经济发展规划》文件的基本导向就是创造更多的机会 ,提高市民的生活质量。由于发展规划中吸收了许多合同文本的内容 ,所以经济发展规划也被认为是我市经济发展合同的重要基础。1997年 ,我市的《经济发展规划》荣获美国规划协… 相似文献
县域经济发展规划中的金融支持研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
县域经济决定金融资源配置,金融支持推动县域经济发展。通过对县域经济发展规划的金融难题剖析,深入探讨县域经济规划中金融的视角差异及金融资源配置的一般原则;在县域经济发展中,充分考虑金融资源配置机制,积极构建与县域经济发展相适宜的金融发展规划,明确县域金融规划的关注重点,打造县域经济发展的金融平台,营造县域金融良好的生态环境,实现县域经济可持续发展。 相似文献