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您如果想构建一个特许经营体系,您也许会想到聘请律师来作为法律顾问。但是,您未必很在构建特许经营体系时,律师能发挥什么作用,所以您可能会有疑问:“究竟该请什么样的律师呢?”一般来讲,律师作为特许经营企业的法律顾问,其工作主要在以下的四个方面。  相似文献   

<正> 伴随着IT产业的兴起,世界生产领域正上演着一幕划时代的产品和生产方式的变革。而在高新技术风起云涌的同时,全球性的工业品过剩也日益显化。大生产需要大流通与之相适应;生产方式的变革必然以某种形式反映在分配、交换和消费等各个领域。这一切似乎预示着世界传统商业正在迎来一次脱胎换骨的革新。  相似文献   

记者14日获悉.民航总局已经批准在北京、上海、深圳和厦门四个城市的五家机场对非航空类商业活动进行剥离,试点施行特许经营模式,并决定适时向全国范围推广。  相似文献   

陈俊国 《上海商业》2003,(11):54-56
中国作为世界上最具潜力的市场,拥有13亿人口的庞大的消费群体。随着经济的发展,人民生活水平的不断提高,使中国成为国际特许经营商长期紧追不舍的目标。二十世纪80年代后期,国际上的一些特许经营组织开始进入中国,主要是餐饮业、冲印洗相业和服装专卖业。著名的公司有麦当劳、肯得基、匹萨等快餐  相似文献   

Revenue enhancement—comprising strategies for increasing the amount of money a business makes—requires that a business solve a guest's problems in such a way that the guest pays to have those needs satisfied and is pleased at the outcome. Involving creative approaches to serving guests, revenue enhancement implies a management commitment to seek guests who are willing and able to pay for solutions to their problems. Revenue enhancement can be as simple as letting guests know what services are available or asking them about their needs so that one can match up desired services to those offered by a hotel or restaurant, or it can be as complicated as applying computer-based yield-management algorithms. In addition to encouraging guests to spend their money, managers committed to revenue enhancement must set up incentives that allow their employees to share in the additional profits brought about by the extra services that the employees offer. Developing new services, repackaging existing services, and shifting peak demand to off-peak times are all tactics that can enhance revenue. This is the first in a series discussing specifically how hotels and restaurants can apply revenue-enhancing strategies.  相似文献   

There have been important contributions to the literature on franchising in recent years, but many interesting questions have received less attention than they deserve. In this paper, I briefly highlight four of these: (i) the existence of master franchising and multi-unit ownership, (ii) the differences in the intensity of franchising across sectors, (iii) international franchising, and (iv) the problems surrounding the adoption of new technologies and adaptation in franchised chains. While not exhaustive, this set of topics illustrates the variety of potential franchise-related research topics.  相似文献   

付虹 《大经贸》2002,(6):46-48
太阳底下所有的生意都可以特许经营,在美国每8分钟就有一家特许经营店开张,特许经营在亚洲正蓬勃生长……。据悉,2002年底《中国特许经营法》将出台,近日已交国务院备案。此举对关注特许经营的投资者不啻是一个福音。亚洲许多国家特许经营已成熟发展,新加坡更把其作为国粹,中国起步较晚,但却有着巨大的市场潜力。  相似文献   

Auntie Anne's Pretzels, the American Red Cross, and IKEA are franchises for a social benefit, but are they social franchises? There is a diversity of perceptions of what is meant by the term social franchising but no consensus on the precise meaning. Given that social franchising is a relatively new area of research and that a crucial first step in research on any topic is to define its parameters, this article derives a set of indicators for the phenomenon of social franchising by bringing together three strands of scholarship: social franchising, commercial franchising, and social enterprise.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

In this article some of the recent developments in international franchising are analysed and their implications considered. The emphasis is on business format franchising which, although still less important overall than product and tradename franchising, has been growing at a faster rate, and there are prospects of conversions to the business format version in the oil industry retailing sector. The spread of international franchising has continued to extend, stimulated by the demand for franchising concepts at the consumer level, and by the active interest of a wide range of buyers of franchise systems in different countries who see franchising as providing new business opportunities. The international franchising scene has become more competitive however, as new local systems have continued to extend, stimulated by the demand for franchise concepts at the consumer level, and by the active interest of a wide range of buyers of franchise systems in different countries who see franchising as providing new business opportunities. The international franchising scene has become more competitive however, as new local systems have continued to arise in different countries, and some have begun international operations.  相似文献   

作为我国民族汽车工业的代表品牌,解放卡车因不断为用户创造更大运营效益,而赢得了“挣钱机器”的美誉。面对当前日益激烈的市场竞争,解放品牌紧随世界卡车的发展趋势,成功完成了众多主力产品的换代更新。其中今年3月份才上市的解放悍威重卡,凭借其卓越品质迅速赢得了广大卡车用户的关注和青睐,并迅速在河北、山东、安徽等地区形成了热销局面,创造了卡车新品月销量的崭新记录,使之成为解放新一代“挣钱机器”的杰出代表。  相似文献   

This paper creates a model to test whether franchising functions as product differentiation and estimates its elasticity. Using data on the average franchisee in thirty restaurant chains, the elasticity of franchising is measured at 0.252, which is similar in magnitude to values found in previous research for the elasticity of advertising of consumer product goods. The results suggest that, at least for some franchisees, the franchise system is providing product differentiation.  相似文献   

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