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文章对北京奥运会上国内赞助企业的奥运营销的表现得失进行了分析,同时对比非赞助企业的营销表现,指出了赞助企业和非赞助企业的问题和收获所在。  相似文献   

奥运将近,所有获得北京2008奥运会合作资格和赞助权的企业,已经进入了奥运营销加速跑阶段。然而,忙碌的企业品牌队伍中,我们同时也看到了许多非赞助商企业的身影,它们同样忙得不亦乐乎。  相似文献   

韩怡冰 《广告大观》2007,(4S):66-67
奥运会是短暂的,而奥运的品牌驱动力是持久的。  相似文献   

<正>当奥运健儿们开始在赛场上一决胜负时,北京奥运会的63家各级别赞助商们也开始多多少少的收获赞助奥运带来的成果。据国际著名市场研究机构益普索(Ipsos)从去年3月  相似文献   

宋铮 《成功营销》2008,(10):30-31
当北京与奥运相遇,点燃的不仅是人文激情,也在成就着中国和世界经济飞跃的梦想。自2003年北京奥运会市场开发计划启动以来,先后有国内外54家企业成为北京奥运会赞助商或供应商,其规模之大也达到了历史之最。他们当中既有第一次进入赞助商大家庭的中国品牌,也有Visa这样的老牌赞助企业。赞助商们纷纷表示,他们的收获远远大于付出,而得到更大回报的企业在这个国际舞台上展现出了十分独到的营销手段。  相似文献   

体育赛事与赞助商的双赢之路——体育赞助营销   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
施晴 《商场现代化》2007,(30):129-130
体育赞助已成为一种重要的营销手段,本文分析了体育营销增长的原因,并提出了体育赞助营销管理策略。  相似文献   

奥运营销,可以说属于事件营销,也可以说是体育营销,也可以说是公关营销。在中国举办奥运会,对于企业来说是一个千载难逢的机遇。在历届奥运会上,都有许多国内外企业通过奥运会的营销取得巨大的  相似文献   

<正>自北京申办奥运成功的那天起,2008年北京奥运会的营销战争也拉开了序幕,众多企业不遗余力地争取赞助商身份、组建奥运营销团队、签约体育明星、展开全方位立体式的营销推广品牌并促销产品,各个赞助商在这场营销大战中战绩如何呢?在观看运动健儿们一个个站  相似文献   

随着北京2008年奥运会的临近,中国体育产业面临综合考验,面对奥林匹克营销领域中的新问题,北京奥运会营销只有加强奥运合作伙伴、借鉴历届奥运会赞助的成功经验、电视转播运作的大胆尝试以及加强法律服务建设,才能取得双赢。  相似文献   

非奥运赞助商的“非奥运营销”   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
罗雪梅 《中国市场》2007,(20):64-67
能顺利地搭上了奥运这趟快车的企业毕竟是少数,更多的企业尤其是实力相对弱小的中小企业当然不情愿眼睁睁地看着这千载难逢的机会从眼皮下白白溜走。借助奥运会的东风提升自己的品牌,“非奥运营销”就是其中一种。  相似文献   

Sponsorship of large sporting and cultural events has become a major marketing communication tool, particularly when firms obtain exclusive rights and garner the hype associated with this honor. Concomitantly, ambush marketing—defined as attempts by competitors to exploit the event—has also increased in prominence. This article outlines what is known as the Li Ning affair, whereby major Olympic sponsor Adidas was ambushed by lesser-known Chinese sportswear company Li Ning, whose namesake founder was the most decorated Chinese Olympian and who lit the Olympic flame at the 2008 Beijing Olympiad. Data collected immediately following the closing of the Beijing Games isolates what we call the Li Ning effect—or, being incorrectly identified as an official sponsor—and the positive effects this has on measures of brand attitude and recommendation likelihood. As presented herein, seven lessons about ambush marketing can be derived from the Li Ning affair, which sponsors and those considering sponsorship opportunity might wish to learn.  相似文献   

The authors apply consumer theories of cognition to event marketing specifically in relation to corporate sponsorships. Upon conducting field surveys with attendees (n = 1636) at an international sporting event with a multinational sponsor, the authors demonstrate the pivotal roles that 1) attendees' knowledge regarding the sponsor's product, and 2) perception of the sponsor's commitment to corporate social responsibility have on successful event sponsorship. Specifically, structural model results show how attendees' knowledge of the event sponsor's products and perceptions of the sponsor as socially responsible enhance attendees' commitment to the sponsor and intentions to purchase the sponsor's products. These results provide scholars and managers with means of improving event marketing communications.  相似文献   

北京奥运投入产出经济效益分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文重点分析了北京奥运会的投入产出情况,进而对北京奥运会的经济效益作了分析。经验数据显示,近几届奥运会已经从整体上结束了收不抵支的局面,并且给主办国尤其是给主办城市和地区带来了巨大的经济利益。本文认为,北京2008年奥运会的运行预算存在盈利空间,北京奥运会将会带动整个北京地区的经济发展,并提供经济发展的原动力。  相似文献   

The impact of title event sponsorship announcements on shareholder wealth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Title sponsorships are often considered the crown jewels of sports sponsorship programs. Garnering top media coverage, title sponsorships are prized for both generating brand/product awareness and building image for their sponsors. Not surprisingly, the rising cost of title sponsorships has led some managers to question their underlying value. Accordingly, this study presents an analysis of the impact of 114 title sponsorship announcements of professional tennis and golf tournaments (both men’s and women’s), auto racing (NASCAR), and college bowl games on the stock prices of sponsoring firms. Overall, the results of the study suggest that title sponsorships are generally signed at market-clearing prices. Thus, companies undertaking title sponsorships typically receive exactly what they pay for—except in the case of NASCAR races (which show evidence of increases in share prices). Splitting the sample into new and renewing sponsorships generates results which differ dramatically by sport. Finally, a cross-sectional regression finds congruence of sport and sponsor, sponsorship by high tech firms and sponsorships by large firms all correlated with perceived sponsorship success.  相似文献   

Visual media plays a significant role in the marketing and promotion of several international tourism services in today's connected marketplace, in particular here, international tertiary education. This study was developed to examine how visual media influence potential audiences' perception towards a specific educational tourism destination through the theoretical framework of Elaboration Likelihood Model (Petty and Cacioppo, 1986). Researchers compare central and peripheral routes of individual persuasion via visual media and this aids marketers' understanding of how visual media impact consumers' purchase decisions. This study confirms a positive relationship between argument quality, audience engagement, source credibility, audience involvement and international students as tourists' perceived destination image. The findings suggest that peripheral routes of persuasion have stronger effects on individual adoption of information than central routes of persuasion. The study provides useful insight for tertiary education agents who promote international studies, destination marketers, and other users of visual media communicators.  相似文献   

This study examines factors influencing consumers' acceptance of mobile marketing across three influential markets, namely U.S., China, and Europe. The authors develop an integrative conceptual model on consumers' attitudes and behaviors toward mobile marketing. The authors incorporate three individual-level characteristics, namely personal attachment, innovativeness, and risk avoidance and investigate how permission-based acceptance influences the relationship between consumers' attitude and mobile marketing activity. Focusing on Generation Y consumers, the model is empirically tested with data from U.S., China, and Europe. The findings illustrate several cross-market differences and similarities regarding the relationships between individual-level characteristics, attitude, and mobile marketing activity. Research and managerial implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

对桂林旅游市场营销的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
尽管桂林的旅游业取得了辉煌成就,但在实际运作当中,桂林旅游市场的营销理念和模式仍处于相对落后的层次,主要表现在盲目削价竞争,营销短视现象突出,对游客的市场细分工作欠缺,粗放的旅游增长模式与营销观念的滞后,缺乏竞争优势,旅游品牌意识淡薄,旅游信息传递渠道不健全,旅游市场营销科技含量低,旅游形象的塑造和宣传力度不够等方面。应更新旅游营销理念,创新旅游营销组合,完善顾客服务及投诉体系,对旅游形象进行战略性策划。  相似文献   

Aaker's (1997) brand personality scale has been widely used to measure the personality of brands. However, studies also show that Aaker's brand personality dimensions are not stable across cultures. In pursuance of this issue, we examine the structure of brand personality dimensions in India. This research presents the results of two studies conducted to develop a brand personality scale in Indian context, and to make an empirical comparison between Indian brand personality scale and Aaker's brand personality scale. Results reveal that brand personality in India can be described in six dimensions: sophistication, excitement, popularity, competence, trendiness and integrity. The findings empirically support the reliability and validity of the scale developed. The results also reveal that Indian brand personality scale is a suitable alternative to Aaker's brand personality scale in Indian context.  相似文献   

于胜 《商》2014,(29):89-90
2008年奥运会举办之后,虽然首都旅游市场依然繁荣,但旅游纪念品市场发展不容乐观,甚至有倒退回奥运之前的迹象。本文基于旅游纪念品市场发展的CBPET分析模式,对比研究了目前与奥运时期首都旅游纪念品市场发展状况,阐述了后奥运时代北京旅游纪念品市场存在的问题,并借鉴北京奥运旅游纪念品成功经验,提出了解决对策。  相似文献   

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