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以往对离职意图影响因素的研究主要集中于各种情景变量,文章以412名餐饮业员工作为被试样本,采用分层回归方法检验了心理契约和自我效能感与员工满意和离职意图的关系.研究结果表明:交易契约对员工满意产生负影响,对离职意图产生正影响,而关系契约的作用截然相反;自我效能感只对员工满意有主效应,并且调节两种心理契约对员工满意和离职意图的影响.研究结果进一步证实个体特质对工作态度有重要影响.  相似文献   

A corporate culture strengthened by ethical values and other positive business practices likely yields more favorable employee work responses. Thus, the purpose of this study was to assess the degree to which perceived corporate ethical values work in concert with group creativity to influence both job satisfaction and turnover intention. Using a self-report questionnaire, information was collected from 781 healthcare and administrative employees working at a multi-campus education-based healthcare organization. Additional survey data was collected from a comparative convenience sample of 127 sales and marketing employees working for a variety of firms operating in the south-central United States. The results indicated that group creativity and corporate ethical values were positively related, and that both variables were associated with increased job satisfaction. Conversely, corporate ethical values and job satisfaction were associated with decreased turnover intention. Sales managers should create work cultures that precipitate increased ethical values and group creativity, and suggestions about how they may institutionalize these factors are provided.  相似文献   

员工学历结构、工作满意度和组织绩效一直是组织行为学研究的重要问题。通过运用中介效应分析的实证研究方法,检验教师的工作满意度在教师学历结构对学生学业水平影响过程中的中介作用。研究表明:教师学历结构和工作满意度对学生学习业水平有正向影响,而且教师工作满意度在教师学历结构对学生学业水平的影响过程中,具有中介效应。这说明,义务教育学校需要适当提升教师的学历结构。此外,可以通过提升教师的工作满意度,达到提高组织绩效的目的,即提升学生的综合学业水平。  相似文献   


As free trade expands and grows in the post-GATT global era, the South African economy will increasingly rely on firms that are able to compete, survive and prosper in the global village. To this end the production factors of these firms, of which human resources are the most important, must be productively utilised and managed. Successful business firms have been linked to the achievement activities of the human resources of these firms.

Despite being a topic of both teaching and research now for almost forty years, uncertainty still exists about McClelland's (1962) assertion that the achievement need (nACH) is a learned need that all people possess. This uncertainty has resulted in the questioning of the motivation and reward strategies of human resource specialists in many firms. Of special importance in the present study is the neglect of achievement motivation of lower-level employees by managers in firms.

By using structural equation modelling the causal influence of the nACH and the other McClelland needs on the performance intentions of managers and frontline employees is assessed in this study. The empiri cal results support the learned need assertion. The findings highlight the disadvantages to firms that disregard the achievement motivation of lower-level employees. The managerial implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent highly publicized ethical breaches including those at Enron and WorldCom have focused attention on ethical behavior within the accounting profession. At the heart of the debate is whether ethical attitudes of accountants are to blame. Using a nationally representative sample of accounting practitioners and a multidisciplinary student sample at two Southern United States universities, we compare sample responses to 25 ethically charged vignettes to test whether they differ. Overall, we find no significant difference – even for a specific “accounting tricks” vignette, which resembles the Enron and WorldCom situations. We do find, however, that the practitioners were more accepting of vignettes that involved physical harm (PH) to individuals and those that were legal (but ethically questionable). We postulate that accounting practitioners may apply a legalistic framework to their assessment of the acceptability of each vignette. Focusing on an “accounting tricks” vignette, we also find no significant difference between auditors and institutional practitioners compared to all other types of accountants in the sample. We conclude that ethical attitudes of accounting practitioners do not differ significantly by specialty area. Tisha L. N. Emerson is an Assistant Professor of Economics at Baylor University in Texas. In addition to business ethics, Professor Emerson has published articles in the areas of environmental economics and economic education. She teaches courses in environmental economics, international trade, intermediate microeconomics and microeconomic principles. Stephen J. Conroy is an Associate Professor of Economics at the University of San Diego in California. In addition to business ethics, Professor Conroy has published articles in the areas of economic development and demography, economics of education and economics of aging. He teaches courses in managerial economics at both the graduate and undergraduate level, as well as undergraduate courses in urban and regional economic development, intermediate microeconomics and principles of micro- and macroeconomics. Charles W. Stanley is an Associate Professor of Accounting at Baylor University in Texas. In addition to business ethics, Dr. Stanley has published articles in the areas of financial accounting, managerial accounting, auditing, accounting systems, tax, and professional ethics for accountants. He has also authored several on-line continuing education courses for CPAs including one that meets the Texas State Board of Accountancy requirements for continuing education by Texas CPAs. He teaches courses in auditing, ethics, financial accounting and managerial accounting in the MBA program at Baylor.  相似文献   

工作满意感、组织认同与离职倾向关系实证研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
文章以383个建筑企业员工为被试样本,运用相关分析、偏相关分析、回归分析及路径分析等统计方法考察了工作满意感、组织认同与离职倾向三个员工态度变量之间关系.结果发现:(1)工作满意感、组织认同与离职倾向之间具有显著相关性和因果性;(2)工作满意感与组织认同相互作用,共同影响离职倾向,且组织认同对离职倾向的影响程度大;(3)组织认同在员工工作满意感与离职倾向关系中具有调节效应,在满意度一致的前提下,组织认同程度的高低对员工离职倾向具有更显著的调节影响.这些研究结果为员工离职权变主义学说提供了证据支持.  相似文献   

In the academic world, research has indicated that “good ethics is good business.” Such research seems to indicate that firms, which emphasize ethical values and social responsibilities, tend to be more profitable than others. Generally, the profitability is credited to the firm’s positive relationships with its customers, reduced costs of attempting to rebuild a tarnished image, ease of attracting capital, etc. The research conducted in this study evaluated salespeople’s perceptions of the ethics of businesses in general, their employer’s ethics, their attitudes as consumers, and the relationships existing between these perceptions and the sale force’s job satisfaction and turnover intentions. The results show a positive relationship existing between salesperson perceptions of business ethics, his/her employer’s ethics, consumer attitudes, and the salesperson’s job satisfaction and reduced turnover intentions. Charles E. Pettijohn (D.B.A., Louisiana Tech University) is a professor of marketing in the College of Business Administration at Missouri State University. He is also co-editor of the Marketing Management Journal. His research has appeared in the Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, the Journal of Businesss Ethics, Marketing Management Journal, Psychology and Marketing, and the Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice. At Missouri State University, his primary teaching focus is in the areas of Personal Selling and Sales Management. Linda S. Pettijohn (D.B.A., Louisiana Tech University) is a Professor of marketing in the College of Business Administration at Missouri State University. Her research has appeared in the Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, Human Resource Development Quarterly, Marketing Management Journal, Psychology and Marketing, and the Journal of Financial Serivices Marketing. At Missouri State University, her primary teaching focus is in the area of Retailing. Albert J. Taylor (D.B.A., Louisiana Tech University) is an associate professor of marketing in the College of Business Administration at Coastal Carolina University. His research has appeared in the Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, Human Resource Development Quartely, the International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration, Psychology and Marketing, and the Journal of Applied Business Research. At Missouri State University, his primary teaching focus is in the areas of Marketing Research and Personal Selling.  相似文献   

价值观契合、需求契合与工作满意度的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨个人-组织价值观契合对员工的工作满意度产生影响的作用机制,即价值观契合是否会通过需求契合的中介作用对员工的工作满意度产生影响.采用层次回归的方法分析了价值观契合、工作满意度以及需求契合的关系,研究的样本包括833名企业员工.结果表明,价值观契合对需求契合存在潜在的预测作用,价值观契合通过需求契合作为中介变量对员工的工作满意度有显著的影响作用.最后,对研究的理论和实践意义作了探讨.  相似文献   

在对国外多样性研究做出总结的基础上,考查了不同层级性别多样性变量对于员工离职意图的影响,在对298个样本作统计分析后,发现高层以及基层管理者性别多样性变量对离职意图有显著影响作用,这就为影响离职意图的前因变量中引入了性别多样性变量。  相似文献   

在对国外多样性研究做出总结的基础上,考查了不同层级性别多样性变量对于员工离职意图的影响,在对298个样本作统计分析后,发现高层以及基层管理者性别多样性变量对离职意图有显著影响作用,这就为影响离职意图的前因变量中引入了性别多样性变量.  相似文献   

文章基于资源保存理论,以273名员工为样本,探讨了威权领导是否会通过员工的情绪耗竭导致时间侵占行为的产生,并重点关注了工作嵌入的正向调节作用。结果表明:员工的情绪耗竭部分中介了威权领导对员工时间侵占行为的影响;工作嵌入正向调节威权领导与员工情绪耗竭之间的关系;工作嵌入正向调节员工情绪耗竭在威权领导和时间侵占行为之间的中介效应。研究结果有助于揭示时间侵占行为产生的内在机制和边界条件,以及工作嵌入可能存在的不利影响。  相似文献   

In today??s marketing conditions, it becomes really vital for companies to establish an appropriate relationship with suppliers and salesperson based on ethical values in order to survive. Besides, ensuring an effective relationship between the parties would contribute to increase buyer satisfaction along with economic and social satisfaction. In this study, the direct effects of suppliers?? and salespersons?? unethical behaviors on buyer satisfaction, and the moderator effect of communication between buyer?Csupplier relationships are examined. The results of the study have revealed that unethical behaviors of suppliers and salesperson affect buyer satisfaction negatively and the communication variable has moderately affected. The results are providing important advantages for buyers who want to improve the relationships between the suppliers and their salesperson for pharmaceutical enterprises.  相似文献   

This paper studies the differences in behaviour of small and large firms, concerning job creation and job destruction, in the Dutch manufacturing sector over the period 1978–1991. We find that both job creation and job destruction rates are higher in small firms than in large ones. In addition, we found that the persistence of jobs created in slumps are much higher for small firms than for large firms. Persistence rates of job destruction are, however, less connected to the state of the business cycle and increase with firm size. More importantly, small firms seem to reallocate their jobs in a continuous way, as job turnover moves independent of the business cycle. Large firms, on the other hand, reallocate counter-cyclically. An obvious explanation for this phenomenon is that small firms are better equipped to adjust to shifts in economic circumstances. Large firms adjust only slowly and for them reallocating jobs in a recession is more advantageous than in a boom.  相似文献   

Interest in corporate social responsibility (CSR) is gaining momentum in academic and managerial circles. However, prior work in the area has paid little attention to how CSR initiatives should be implemented inside the organization. Against this backdrop, this study examines the impact of CSR initiatives on an important stakeholder group—employees. We build and test a comprehensive multilevel framework that focuses on whether employees derive job satisfaction from CSR programs. The proposed model predicts that a manager’s charismatic leadership influences employees’ interpretations about the motives underlying their companies’ engagement in CSR initiatives (intrinsic and extrinsic CSR-induced attributions) which, in turn, influence employee job satisfaction. Hierarchical linear modeling of data from 47 organizational units comprising 438 employees from three world-leading manufacturing organizations shows that when employees think that their manager possesses charismatic leadership qualities, they tend to attribute the organization’s motives for engaging in CSR activities to intrinsic values, which, in turn, are positively associated with job satisfaction. Also, the extent to which managers are perceived as charismatic leaders relates positively to job satisfaction. Interestingly, CSR-induced extrinsic attributions are neither explained by charismatic leadership nor do they predict job satisfaction. Implications for both theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of various factors on ethical behavior of 507 employees working for three state-owned Chinese firms. Regulation of one’s emotions (a facet of emotional intelligence) had a significant positive impact on ethical behavior of respondents. Organizational commitment also had a significant positive impact on ethical behavior of the respondents. Among various facets of job satisfaction, satisfaction with promotion, coworker, and supervision had a significant positive impact on ethical behavior of respondents. Among control variables, age of the employee had a significant negative impact on ethical behavior, which indicated that the young employees showed a better ethical behavior than the old employees.  相似文献   

The moral ideology of banking and insurance employees in Spain was examined along with supervisor role modeling and ethics-related policies and procedures for their association with ethical behavioral intent. In addition to main effects, we found evidence supporting that the person–situation interactionist perspective in supervisor role modeling had a stronger positive relationship with ethical intention among employees with relativist moral ideology. Also as hypothesized, formal ethical polices and procedures were positively related to ethical intention among those with universal beliefs, but the relationship was much weaker among relativists. Thus, firms wishing to optimally promote ethical attitudes and behavior must tailor their organization-based initiatives to the individual characteristics of their employees.  相似文献   

本文构建了企业文化的11个维度,并形成了企业文化维度影响员工满意度的研究假设。通过大规模问卷调查,实证检验了企业文化影响员工满意度的研究假设,认为企业文化的"公平公正"、"企业进取"、"关注员工"、"团队协作"和"私人关系"等5个维度对"员工士气"、"组织承诺"有较明显的影响。  相似文献   

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