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Many transition and developing economies have reduced directpublic involvement in the production and trade of seed and otheragricultural inputs. This trend creates opportunities for farmersto realize improved access to inputs, including technology frominternational private research. Unfortunately, input regulationsoften derail these opportunities by blocking private entry andthe introduction of private technology. This study looks atthe experience in Bangladesh, India, Turkey, and Zimbabwe tosee whether regulations make a difference in agriculture andinput industries in developing economies. In all countries,companies and farmers responded to regulatory reforms by introducingand adopting more new technology and by expanding the production,trade, and use of inputs. The increased use of private technologyhas brought higher yields and incomes, allowing farmers andconsumers to reach higher levels of welfare. These results challengegovernments to open their regulatory systems to allow marketentry and the introduction of private technology through seedsand other inputs.   相似文献   

This article highlights the progress in building a knowledgebase on effective ways to increase access to justice for womenwho have experienced gender-based violence, offer quality servicesto survivors, and reduce levels of gender-based violence. Whilerecognizing the limited number of high-quality studies on programeffectiveness, this review of the literature highlights emerginggood practices. Much progress has recently been made in measuringgender-based violence, most notably through a World Health Organizationmulticountry study and Demographic and Health Surveys. Evenso, country coverage is still limited, and much of the informationfrom other data sources cannot be meaningfully compared becauseof differences in how intimate partner violence is measuredand reported. The dearth of high-quality evaluations means thatpolicy recommendations in the short run must be based on emergingevidence in developing economies (process evaluations, qualitativeevaluations, and imperfectly designed impact evaluations) andon more rigorous impact evaluations from developed countries. JEL codes: J16, K42, I18  相似文献   

This study contrasts the development of the Republic of Korea'smarket for won-denominated foreign bonds (Arirang) with similarmarkets in the Asia-Pacific region. It discusses the problems,concerns, and key issues related to the development of thismarket within the broader context of domestic, regional, andglobal bond market development. Korea's experience providesvaluable lessons for other emerging market economies also seekingto build bond markets for local and foreign issuers. The sophisticationof the local bond market is not enough to make it appealingto foreign borrowers. Market development demands ensuring anenabling infrastructure and a background of macroeconomic stability,nurturing local and international demand, deregulating capitalflows, and minimizing exchange restrictions. JEL codes: F34, G18  相似文献   

This article offers a provocative critique of the ability ofresearch on the impact of institutions on growth to offer immediateand practical recommendations for reforming and redesigninginstitutions in developing countries and transition economies.The literature traces the sources of growth to unalterable historicaland geographic features. It contains equally plausible recommendationsfor opposite courses of action. It is sometimes driven by fadsor recommends imitation of the latest success story. Some recommendationsare too vague or too general to constitute practical advice.The article suggests a Bayesian diagnostic procedure to identifythe causes of economic failure in an individual country as afirst step toward remedying the failure. JEL codes: O43, O17, O20, P30, P48  相似文献   

Access to Financial Services: Measurement, Impact, and Policies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In many developing countries less than half the population hasaccess to formal financial services, and in most of Africa lessthan one in five households has access. Lack of access to financeis often the critical mechanism for generating persistent incomeinequality, as well as slower economic growth. Hence expandingaccess remains an important challenge across the world, leavingmuch for governments to do. However, not all government actionsare equally effective and some policies can even be counterproductive.This paper sets out principles for effective government policyon broadening access, drawing on the available evidence andillustrating with examples. The paper concludes with directionsfor future research. JEL Codes: D31, G20, G21, O12, O16  相似文献   

Regional Integration and Economic Growth   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The rapid economic growth of developing countries that openedtheir markets to free international trade during the past twodecades has stimulated a large empirical and theoretical literatureon the impact of trade on growth. This literature concludesthat free trade and growth were positively correlated duringthe 1970s and 1980s. However, most studies focus on nondiscriminatoryopenness. Does regional integration matter for economic growth?Do regional trade agreements have any impact on growth? This article presents empirical evidence that countries withopen, large, and more developed neighboring economies grow fasterthan those with closed, smaller, and less developed neighboringeconomies. The results are robust to different specificationsof the empirical model and different definitions of openness,suggesting that small economies should grow faster when theyform regional trade agreements with large and more developedeconomies. However, testing for the impact of five regionaltrade agreements during the 1970s and 1980s finds that noneled to faster growth. The main reason seems to be that mostof these agreements were among small, closed, and developingeconomies.  相似文献   

In recent decades, financial development policies in emergingmarket economies have been shaped by a fundamental shift towardmarket-based financial systems and the lessons from financialcrises. Today, there is consensus that financial developmentdepends on financial stability and convergence toward internationalstandards. While the debate on some issues has matured, policythinking in other areas is changing, fueled by recent experiences.This article analyzes the evolution of policy thinking on financialdevelopment and discusses three areas that are important toachieving deeper financial systems: stock market development,small- and medium-size enterprise financing, and defined-contributionpension systems. The main emerging issues in these areas areillustrated using recent experiences in Latin America. The articleconcludes that there is a need to take a fresh look at the evidence,improve diagnoses, and revisit expectations. JEL codes: F36, G15, G18, G20  相似文献   

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is arguablythe first "case study" of what might be expected from the increasingnumber of preferential trade agreements involving both developedand developing economies. Ten years after the treaty’sinception, it is time to assess how its outcomes compare withinitial expectations. The articles in this symposium issue provideinsights into the effects of NAFTA on economic geography, trade,wages and migration, and foreign investment from Mexico’sperspective. The contributions paint a complex post-NAFTA realitycharacterized by persistent intrabloc trade barriers, interregionalinequality within Mexico, labor market outcomes that seem closelytied to migration patterns and international trade and investment,and foreign investment flows that appear weakly related to tradeagreements. NAFTA seems to be the first trade agreement in historyfor which the traditional static trade creation or diversioneffects are likely negligible—and hard to identify inany case.  相似文献   

Standard methods of impact evaluation often leave significantgaps between what we know about development effectiveness andwhat we want to know—gaps that stem from distortions inthe market for knowledge. The author discusses how evaluationsmight better address these knowledge gaps and so be more relevantto the needs of practitioners. It is argued that more attentionneeds to be given to identifying policy-relevant questions (includingthe case for intervention), that a broader approach should betaken to the problems of internal validity (including heterogeneityand spillover effects), and that the problems of external validity(including scaling up) merit more attention by researchers. JEL codes: H43, O22  相似文献   

Competition in the Financial Sector: Overview of Competition Policies   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Competition in the financial sector, as in other sectors, mattersfor allocative, productive, and dynamic efficiency. Theory suggests,however, that unfettered competition is not necessarily bestgiven the special features of financial services. The authordiscusses these analytical complications before reviewing howto assess competition in the financial sector and its determinants.It is shown that competitiveness varies greatly across countries,in perhaps surprising ways, and that it is not driven by financialsystem concentration. Rather, systems with greater foreign entryand fewer entry and activity restrictions tend to be more competitive,confirming that contestability—the lack of barriers toentry and exit—determines effective competition. The authorthen analyzes how competition policy in the financial sectorhas generally been conducted and how changes in competitionin the financial services industries should affect competitionpolicy going forward. In part based on comparison with otherindustries, the author provides some suggestions on how competitionpolicy in the financial sector could be better approached aswell as what institutional arrangements best fit a modern viewof competition policy in the sector. The specific competitionchallenges for developing countries is also highlighted. Theauthor concludes that practices today fall far short of theneed for better competition policy in the financial sector. JEL codes: G10, G18, G28, L1, L5  相似文献   

Governance Indicators: Where Are We, Where Should We Be Going?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Progress in measuring governance is assessed using a simpleframework that distinguishes between indicators that measureformal rules and indicators that measure the practical applicationor outcomes of these rules. The analysis calls attention tothe strengths and weaknesses of both types of indicators aswell as the complementarities between them. It distinguishesbetween the views of experts and the results of surveys andassesses the merits of aggregate as opposed to individual governanceindicators. Some simple principles are identified to guide theuse and refinement of existing governance indicators and thedevelopment of future indicators. These include transparentlydisclosing and accounting for the margins of error in all indicators,drawing from a diversity of indicators and exploiting complementaritiesamong them, submitting all indicators to rigorous public andacademic scrutiny, and being realistic in expectations of futureindicators. JEL codes: H1, O17  相似文献   

More than regulations, laws on the books, or voluntary codes,enforcement is key to creating an effective business environmentand good corporate governance, at least in developing countriesand transition economies. A framework is presented to help explainenforcement, the impact on corporate governance when rules arenot enforced, and what can be done to improve corporate governancein weak enforcement environments. The limited empirical evidencesuggests that private enforcement tools are often more effectivethan public tools. However, some public enforcement is necessary,and private enforcement mechanisms often require public lawsto function. Private initiatives are often also taken underthe threat of legislation or regulation, although in some countriesbottom-up, private-led initiatives preceded and even shapedpublic laws. Concentrated ownership aligns incentives and encouragesmonitoring, but it weakens other corporate governance mechanismsand can impose significant costs. Various steps can be takento reduce these costs and reinforce other corporate governancemechanisms. But political economy constraints, resulting fromthe intermingling of business and politics, often prevent improvementsin the enforcement environment and the adoption and implementationof public laws.   相似文献   

Cotton is an important cash crop in many developing economies,supporting the livelihoods of millions of poor households. Insome countries it contributes as much as 40 percent of merchandiseexports and more than 5 percent of GDP. The global cotton market,however, has been subject to numerous policy interventions,to the detriment of nonsubsidized producers. This examinationof the global cotton market and trade policies reaches fourmain conclusions. First, rich cotton-producing countries shouldstop supporting their cotton sectors; as an interim step, transfersto the cotton sector should be fully decoupled from currentproduction decisions. Second, many cotton-producing (and oftencotton-dependent) developing economies need to complete theirunfinished reform agenda. Third, new technologies, especiallygenetically modified seed varieties, should be embraced by developingeconomies; this would entail extensive research to identifyvarieties appropriate to local growing conditions and the establishmentof the proper legislative and regulatory framework. Finally,cotton promotion is needed to reverse or at least arrest cotton’sdecline as a share of total fiber consumption.   相似文献   

In recent years foreign banks have expanded their presence significantlyin several developing economies. In Argentina and Chile in LatinAmerica and in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland in EasternEurope, foreign-controlled banks now hold more than half oftotal banking assets. In other regions the trend is similar,though foreign bank entry has been slower. Despite the growingnumber of countries embracing foreign bank entry, importantquestions are still being debated: What draws foreign banksto a country? Which banks expand abroad? What do foreign banksdo once they arrive? How do foreign banks' mode of entry andorganizational form affect their behavior? This article summarizescurrent knowledge on these issues. Because the existing literaturefocuses heavily on developed economies, it also puts forth anagenda for further study of the causes and effects of foreignbank entry in developing economies.   相似文献   

Rural Poverty: Old Challenges in New Contexts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Poverty is still a predominantly rural phenomenon. However,the context of rural poverty has been changing across the world,with high growth in some economies and stagnation in others.Furthermore, increased openness in many economies has affectedthe specific role of agricultural growth for rural poverty reduction.This paper revisits an ‘old’ question: how doesgrowth and poverty reduction come about if most of the poorlive in rural areas and are dependent on agriculture? What isthe role of agricultural and rural development in this respect?Focusing on Sub-Saharan Africa, and using economic theory andthe available evidence, the author comes to the conclusion thatchanging contexts has meant that agricultural growth is onlycrucial as an engine for growth in particular settings, morespecifically in landlocked, resource-poor countries, which areoften also characterized by relatively low potential for agriculture.However, extensive market failures in key factor markets andlikely spatial effects give a remaining crucial role for ruraldevelopment policies, including focusing on agriculture, toassist the inclusion of the rural poor in growth and development.How to overcome these market failures remains a key issue forfurther research. JEL codes: O41, Q10, O55  相似文献   

When growth-promoting spending is cut so much that the presentvalue of future government revenues falls by more than the immediateimprovement in the cash deficit, fiscal adjustment becomes likewalking up the down escalator. Although short-term cash flowsmatter, too tight a focus on them encourages governments toinvest too little. Cash-flow targets also encourage governmentsto shift investment spending off budget by seeking private investmentin public projects, irrespective of its real fiscal or economicbenefits. To deal with this problem, some observers have suggestedexcluding certain investments (such as those undertaken by publicenterprises deemed commercial or financed by multilaterals)from cash-flow targets. These stopgap remedies may help protectsome investments, but they do not provide a satisfactory solutionto the underlying problem. Governments can more effectivelyreduce the biases created by the focus on short-term cash flowsby developing indicators of the long-term fiscal effects oftheir decisions, including accounting and economic measuresof net worth, and, where appropriate, including such measuresin fiscal targets or even fiscal rules. JEL codes: O23, E62, H60, H54  相似文献   

Rationales for preferential export credit and export creditinsurance are reviewed and several countries' programs are examinedto determine if these preferential programs are appropriateexport promotion instruments for developing countries. Marketfailure is the most compelling rationale for their introductionbut these arguments have not been well articulated and thereis no systematic analysis of the costs of alternative governmentresponses. Industrial countries' programs have histories ofsubsidy while developing countries' preferential programs havenot been significant factors in stimulating exports.   相似文献   

Environmental agreements represent voluntary coalitions which mostly regulate emissions and the exhaustion of natural resources. The analysis of why and under which conditions countries (or policy makers) may be inclined toward ratifying such agreements or not has been the focus of a body of theoretical work at the interface of environmental economics and the economics of coalition games. Traditional theoretical work predicted that environmental agreements are hard to sustain due to the lacking enforceability of associated contracts and the incentive to free-ride. This hypothesis is at odds with the enormous surge of such agreements in reality over the last few decades. Recent work by Rose and Spiegel (J. Money, Credit Bank. 41:337–363, 2009) suggests that environmental agreements will be signed and are stable, because they work as a signal and help economies to get access to export (and possibly other) credits. Hence, the reason for a ratification of such agreements is their interdependence with other policies, especially ones that are related to international business. This paper sheds light on the determinants of multilateral environmental agreement (MEA) participation. In particular, we pay attention to the role of a country’s international openness by means of chosen trade and investment policies for such participation. The results support the view that wealthier countries with a strong inclination towards trade and investment liberalization are more in favor of committing themselves voluntarily to environmental standards, pollution reduction, and other means of environmental protection through MEA memberships than other countries, all else equal.  相似文献   

Recently a number of commentators have argued that trade policyin developing countries should be deployed discriminatorilyto encourage the expansion of trade among southern countries.Such a strategy is seen as being central in the framing of anew international economic order. This article evaluates thearguments in favor of a relative expansion of South-South tradeand reviews the experience of developing countries with discriminatoryregional trading arrangements. It contends that the case forspecific policies to promote South-South trade is not convincingand that experience with discriminatory arrangements is notencouraging. The expansion of South-South trade can be expectedto continue in the context of multilateral trade expansion,and the potential gains are likely to be greater if this processis allowed to evolve freely in a multilateral setting.   相似文献   

The article focuses on the design of stabilization measuresto correct excessive balance of payments deficits and moderatethe rate of inflation. It distinguishes three sources of balanceof payments difficulties—excessively expansionary aggregatedemand policies; domestic supply shocks stemming, for example,from increases in real wages in excess of productivity growth;and external terms of trade shocks. It also analyzes the effectsof devaluations. The second part of the article discusses policiesaimed at reducing the rate of inflation and summarizes the theoreticalliterature on the dynamics and the transitional costs of adjustmentto lower rates of inflation in closed economies. Evidence onthe adjustment costs of disinflationary policies is reviewed,and the discussion is extended to some recent analysis of adjustmentin open economies.   相似文献   

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