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刘艺琴 《商业研究》2002,(6):135-137
众所周知,广告语在广告中的作用越来越重要,广告语的制作又必须结合语言载体及广告对象的特点。因此,在创作广告语时,应遵循民族性原则:广告语应是民族语言规范、灵活的运用;广告语的创作应符合受众的民族心理。  相似文献   

广告语是广告的重要构成要素之一,是具体而准确地体现广告创意、突出广告主题的最重要的形式,也是直接影响广告效果、关乎广告成败的关键因素。广告语的造语艺术非常丰富,充分利用汉语言的特点,深入发掘汉语的魅力,就可创作出紧扣主题、新颖独特、通俗易懂、朗朗上口的广告语。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的发展,商品销售的主要手段之一是广告。模因论是近几年兴起的新理论,可以利用其为人类服务。如果广告设计者使广告语具备了强势模因的特征,就会轻而易举实现其宣传促销的目的。本文从心理学的角度分析了经典的广告语成为强势模因的原因,基于此,提出一些策略来创作强势广告语模因,希望对广告设计者能提供助益,为其设计成功的广告语提供一条新的途径。  相似文献   

广告语创作是一项复杂的工程,决不是玩文字游戏。严格地说,广告语不是写出来的,而是策划出来的,广告无真理!  相似文献   

广告语是广告作品中的重要因素,广告语的创作与传播都受到文化语境的制约,不同国家、不同时代的广告语体现出不同的文化特征.文章指出,我国本土广告语的内容体现了我国的文化价值观,广告语的艺术形式富有鲜明民族文化特色,在全球化形势下,我国广告语呈现出传统文化与外来文化交融的新局面.  相似文献   

随着儿童接触广告信息机会的增多,儿童广告创意问题也越来越引起人们的关注。儿童广告创意首先应定位目标消费者来进行广告诉求;此外还要充分考虑儿童的心理特点,通过形象创意、制作欢快活泼的广告音乐、创作简洁押韵的广告语和恰当选用卡通与偶像等方法进行广告创意,从而达到良好的传播效果。  相似文献   

房雪  边微 《商》2014,(30):122-122
如果想一个品牌在众多品牌中鹤立鸡群,那就用广告采塑造它,使得它在众多品牌中脱颖而出,而广告的核心就是广告语,它将把品牌的个性和魅力彰显的淋漓尽致。同时也将体现出产品的特点、功能、服务对象和它具有的功能,对目标品牌的塑造起着决定性的作用。本文就是通过案例来分析广告语在品牌宣传中的运用,以及广告语对品牌的意义和作用,归纳总结广告语的分类情况,创作技巧,同时在分析的过程中提出广告语创作的现存问题,也提出了解决这些问题的方法。  相似文献   

随着儿童接触广告的机会越来越多,儿童商品的广告层出不穷、琳琅满目,产品的目标定位和广告创意各色各样。广告在无形当中左右着家长及儿童对使用产品的选择。本文针对儿童商品广告语篇,探讨其创作上的语言艺术特色。  相似文献   

史历峰 《中国广告》2005,(4):148-150
广告语的创作广告语创作是一个艺术的行为,同时也是艰难的历程,因此有人称之为"戴着镣铐跳舞"。为什么这样说呢?这主要因为创作的过程中限制较多,可供发挥的空间比较小;说其具有艺术性是因为,最终能跳出什么样的舞蹈取决于你内心有多大的舞台,对人性的把握、对市场的洞悉、对文字的驾驭等能力。每个广告  相似文献   

DEBEERS钻石在女性消费者的心中是有一定分量的,这种分量用广告语表达出来,就是那句信口粘来的广告语:"钻石恒久远,一颗永流传"。1951年JWT芝加哥公司创作了英文广告语,后来某位无名英雄把它翻译成了中文,由此我们便记住了DEBEERS。下面是几则最近几年的DEBEERS女性钻石广告,看看它们是怎样理解女性的。  相似文献   

The first objective of this study was to examine how Hong Kong Chinese and Anglo-Canadians differed in their perceptions of the honesty and forcefulness of a message source in informational advertising. A second objective was to explore the reaction of bilingual Chinese subjects to an advertisement and questionnaire administered either in their native language or in their second language. An experiment was carried out with Anglo-Canadian and Chinese students. Findings revealed that the former perceived significantly greater source honesty and less forcefulness in the ad compared to the latter group exposed to the instrument in their native language. The comparison of the English language and Chinese language treatments for the Chinese subjects revealed that the former perceived significantly greater source honesty, significantly less perception of forcefulness on the part of the source, and developed significantly greater attitudes towards the brand than the latter, similar to that found for the Anglo subjects. These results help to confirm the operation of a cultural accommodation process.  相似文献   

This study applies both the Dual Mediation Hypothesis and Schema Congruity Theory to examine the effectiveness of mild controversial advertising executions on young adult consumer cognitions, affect, and behavior. Findings from this study suggest that advertisements featuring mild indecent language result in more positive advertisement attitudes, brand attitudes, and purchase intentions than when decent language is used. Young adult consumers also report more positive advertisement and brand attitudes, and a greater likelihood of purchase when they perceive the advertisement to be congruent with their existing schema, regardless of whether the execution is mildly controversial or noncontroversial in nature. The findings of this study are important to advertisers in the development of effective creative execution techniques.  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展,越来越多的企业利用广告来宣传自己的商品。因此,企业必须要树立良好的广告形象。而广告作为商品的一种无形资产,是受企业理念和企业文化所支配的。企业通过广告的艺术语言来传达企业的文化理念。  相似文献   

刘震 《广告大观》2009,(2):48-50
公益广告作为一种广告活动,在弘扬优良传统、倡导现代文明、改变落后观念等方面可以起到积极作用,媒体需要从策划、制作、画面、音乐、语言、文字、法律法规等方面,确保电视公益广告对精神文明的影响。  相似文献   

王军元 《中国广告》2010,(8):120-124
现代广告的发展,使广告语言越来越具有文学的属性。广告语言正以它自身在音律、词汇、词义、修辞和语用上的多变,不断地冲击着文学的内涵和外延,使文学性在广告语言中不断得到蔓延。  相似文献   

李宗诚 《中国广告》2009,(9):124-127
利用语用预设进行广告语设计是提高广告语创意和创作水平的有效语言策略之一。语用预设作为一种语言运用机制,在广告语设计中发挥着重要作用。它可以简化广告语的言语形式,使广告语充满策略性,还可以拓宽广告语的语言创意思路,增强广告语的说服力和促销力。  相似文献   

Researchers have suggested that ethical judgments about “right” and “wrong” are the result of deep and thoughtful principles and should therefore be consistent and not influenced by factors, such as language (Costa et al. in PLoS ONE 9(4):e94842, 2014b, p. 1). As long as an ethical scenario is understood, individuals’ resolution should not depend on whether the ethical scenario is presented in their native language or in a foreign language. Given the forces of globalization and international convergence, an increasing number of accountants and accounting students are becoming proficient in more than one language, and they are required to interpret and apply complex ethical pronouncements issued by various global standard setters both in their native language and in English. There have been calls in the literature to examine whether subjects make systematically different ethical judgments in a foreign language than in their native language. We contribute to the literature by drawing on culture, linguistics, and psychology research to provide empirical evidence that Chinese subjects are more aggressive in interpreting the concept of control when providing their consolidation reporting recommendations in English than in Simplified Chinese. We applied a 2 × 2 within-subject and between-subject randomized experimental design using a sample of Chinese final year undergraduate accounting students at a leading Chinese university, where accounting courses are taught in both Simplified Chinese and English. Students in our study are proxy for entry-level accounting practitioners. Our findings have implications for the globalized business world and cross-cultural research by challenging the commonly held assumption that an individual’s ethical judgment is consistent in different languages. We suggest that systematically different ethical judgments in native and foreign languages needs to be recognized.  相似文献   

While low‐literacy consumers rely heavily on pictorial information when making market‐based decisions, they also do attempt to read relevant information. When the advertisement picture and text are aligned, so too should be the conclusions low‐literacy consumers draw. We ask what happens when the pictures and accompanying text are incongruent. Results of an experiment indicate that low‐literacy consumers misinterpreted an advertisement with text–picture incongruity more regularly than did high‐literacy consumers. Furthermore, low‐literacy consumers demonstrated errors in comprehension that reflect picture‐based processing. However, despite comprehension differences between low‐ and high‐literacy consumers, attitudes toward the advertisement did not differ.  相似文献   

旅游广告宣传及其对旅游动机影响分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
杨延风  刘啸  马瑛 《商业研究》2006,(3):203-206
旅游业作为21世纪一大产业,越来越受到各国和各地区的重视。旅游产品以无形服务为核心,其产品质量不能像有形实物那样可以在购买前加以判别,其价值、质量的鉴定只能由旅游者购买之后做出辨别。而旅游动机具有易变性、依附性、追求时尚性等特点,这一切都决定了旅游与广告有着天然良好的切入点。  相似文献   

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