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Spanish land reform, involving the breakup of the large southern estates, was a central issue during the first decades of the twentieth century, and was justified on economic and political grounds. This article employs new provincial data on landless workers, land prices, and agrarian wages to consider whether government intervention was needed because of the failure of the free action of markets to redistribute land. Our evidence shows that the relative number of landless workers decreased significantly from 1860 to 1930, before the approval of the 1932 Land reform during the Second Republic (1931–6). This was due to two interrelated market forces: the falling ratio between land prices and rural wages, which made plots of land cheaper for landless workers to rent and buy; and structural change that drained the rural population from the countryside Given that shifts in factor prices were already helping workers gain access to land by the 1930s, the economic arguments for introducing reform at that time remain unclear.  相似文献   

魏天辉 《特区经济》2012,(1):174-176
为保障农民土地权利,有必要构建农民土地权利的保障路径。从政府角度:改善地方政府税收结构,平衡财权与事权;从组织角度:发挥村民代表大会的作用,保障农民土地权益;从法律角度;完善规范集体土地征收,促进《集体土地征收与补偿条例》立法。  相似文献   

Communal property rights have long symbolized the apparent backwardness of rural Russian society in the late nineteenth century. Drawing on newly compiled data and qualitative sources, this article summarizes the institutions and practices of rural property rights in late Imperial Russia and shows that there was substantially more heterogeneity in what constituted peasant property rights than is commonly assumed. Archival and documentary accounts suggest that the emblematic practice of repartitioning communal land occurred relatively infrequently and, when undertaken, was generally managed in low‐cost ways. Econometric evidence from Moscow province implies that repartitions were driven more by concerns over the distribution of associated tax burdens than the desire to reallocate productive assets. Along with an analysis of cross‐sectional data on property rights and grain yields from European Russia, these findings suggest a weaker causal link between communal land practices and agricultural productivity than is typically asserted.  相似文献   

农村土地流转中农民权益保障的反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地是农民赖以生存的基础,是农民的命根子,是中国三农问题的核心。农民土地权益保护,是一个重要的民生问题。在农村土地流转过程中,尽管中央和各级地方政府制定和采取了一系列保护农民土地权益的政策措施,但是仍然出现了种种侵害农民土地权益的情况。该文在对农村土地流转现状进行分析的基础上,探讨了农村土地流转存在的问题,提出了土地流转中农民权益保障的基本思路。  相似文献   

The literature concludes that insecure land rights cause farms to make suboptimal capital investment in attached assets, but not in movable assets, implicitly assuming attached and movable assets to be independent. However, the two asset types can be interdependent because the operational efficiency of movable assets, such as farm machinery, typically depends on field conditions, such as land fragmentation. Thus, investment in attached assets may affect investment in movable assets via farm infrastructure. I develop a conceptual model to explain why tenure insecurity may lead a farm to under-invest in attached assets and over-invest in low-efficiency movable assets relative to the secure-land-right scenario. To quantify the economic significance of investment inefficiency, I collect unique survey data on large-scale farms, for which machinery is of particular importance in production, in Southwest China where land tenure remained insecure in 2016. Simulations based on the large-farm survey data suggest that the suboptimal investment occurs given fairly small probabilities of losing some farmland and results in considerable economic losses. The findings have important policy implications regarding land reforms and farm infrastructure in developing economies.  相似文献   

兰玲 《特区经济》2011,(8):150-153
半殖民地半封建社会的中国农村土地所有权与经营权关系,是封建土地所有制下的两权分离,农业生产力受到严重限制,农民对于土地所有权的要求越来越强烈。中国共产党领导的新民主主义革命使中国农村土地斗争符合了广大农民对于土地所有权的要求,实现了农地个体私有下的两权统一,促进了农业生产的发展。  相似文献   

杨丽莎 《特区经济》2011,(6):176-178
在城镇化、工业化快速发展的背景下,农村土地流转中农民权益受损情况屡见不鲜。如何保护农民权益,促进农村土地合理流转,推进城镇化、工业化和农业现代化进程,是当前重要而紧迫的现实问题。本文分析了贵州省农村土地流转现状与突出问题,深入剖析了农村土地流转中农民权益受损情况及原因,提出了针对性的对策措施。  相似文献   

王丽娜 《特区经济》2010,(1):174-176
由于政府职能错位和制度不健全,我国的农村土地征收补偿制度存在诸多问题和缺陷。为此,应明确补偿原则,提高补偿标准,丰富补偿方式,完善补偿程序。  相似文献   

Technology can be used to improve the legitimacy, accuracy and currency of land tenure information in urban informal settlements, site-and-service schemes and rural land restitution cases. Video images of landholders providing testimony as to their rights, interests and obligations regarding land, and palmtop computers using icon-based graphic interfaces, are two such technologies. Video imaging has the advantage that respondents can describe unusual situations in the tenure system on camera that might not normally be recorded in a written document, and thus improve the completeness of the record. Palmtop computers that can be used by community members to collect socio-economic data are one of many tools that enable a community to work in partnership with the land administration authorities to improve the quality of land records. This article describes pilot studies of how video images were integrated into a geographic information system with spatially referenced socio-economic data collected with a palmtop computer linked to a hand-held Garmin II Plus receiver. These studies were conducted as a part of a research programme in land tenure and cadastral systems in a rural community and an urban informal settlement.  相似文献   

This article exploits a unique district-level dataset to investigate the relationship between sugar cultivation, property rights systems and land distribution in colonial Java around the turn of the twentieth century. We demonstrate a negative and statistically significant relationship between sugar cultivation and the landholder Gini. An IV strategy, employing a newly computed index of sugar suitability as instrument, suggests that this effect is causal. It is argued that sugar production in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries stimulated the expansion and persistence of communal landholding. This communal landholding consequently led to more equally distributed plots among landholders in the early twentieth century. We emphasize the importance of local property rights institutions in mitigating the effects of export production on socioeconomic outcomes.  相似文献   

With more than 40% of the urban population of the Third World living in informal settlements, quasi- and extralegal adaptations have been utilized to appropriate land for housing. The most direct of these — squatting — has its inherent risks, however, for those who wish to improve their dwellings. Research has shown that house consolidation is more a function of resident perceptions than of strict legal categorization. This paper reports how such perceptions have triggered a greater rate of house consolidation among Javanese cemetery squatters than that in an adjoining area with formal land tenure.  相似文献   

This article reports on a pilot survey of commercial farms acquired by disadvantaged people in the province of Kwazulu‐Natal, and describes a recent financial strategy to improve access to land. The survey tested a sampling technique to gather information about the rate of land redistribution, the source of terms and conditions of loans used to finance land, and the nature of property rights, managerial arrangements and land use patterns on farms acquired by disadvantaged people. It was estimated that only 0,09 per cent of the farmland available for redistribution was transferred to disadvantaged people during 1995. This low rate of transfer was attributed largely to legislation regulating the subdivision of farmland, and liquidity problems created by traditional mortgage loans. Recent experiments involving mortgage loans with graduated repayment schedules have helped to address the cashflow problem. However, these financial innovations, funded largely by the private sector, are not widely available and their impact is constrained by the Subdivision of Agricultural Land Act. It is recommended that the government amend or scrap this Act, and include financial strategies used by the private sector in its own range of land redistribution programmes.  相似文献   

本文以2002年1月至2004年12月成功发行可转债与有发行意向但未成功发行可转债的上市公司为研究对象,对股权结构与成功发行可转换债券的关系进行了理论分析与实证检验.研究结果表明,股权结构是影响可转换债券发行的重要因素,即第一大股东持股越高,越可能成功发行可转债,其他利益集团持股比例与流通股比例与成功发行可转债却呈现反向关系.  相似文献   

袁显平  柯大钢 《特区经济》2006,210(7):69-71
本文采用实证研究方法,对我国可转换债券的时机选择问题进行了研究。研究结果表明:a.我国企业发行可转换债券,偏好权益市场收益率较高的月度;b.企业发行可转换债券的时机选择与企业长期债券收益率(或成本)的变化之间不存在必然的联系;c.企业发行可转换债券时,普遍不存在严重的代理冲突问题。  相似文献   

Credit Access,the Costs of Credit and Credit Market Discrimination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Since the early 1990s, credit expanded relative to income, especially after 2001. It is hypothesized that traditionally uneven credit access and gaps in the costs of credit by demographic characteristics shrank during this period. Relying on data from the Federal Reserve’s Survey of Consumer Finance, this study looks at financial constraints, the costs of credit and a number of contributions to the costs of credit, including sources and types of loans. The results indicate that taste-based discrimination and structural discrimination may have persisted and possibly increased over time. Gaps in credit access and costs of credit have widened by race, remained high by income, but shrank by ethnicity. Part of the overall differences in credit access was a varying reliance on professional information when making decisions on debt.
Christian E. WellerEmail:

Zusammenfassung Eigentumsrechte, Unsicherheit und Fruchtbarkeit: Eine Analyse der Wirkung der Landreform auf die Fruchtbarkeit in den l?ndlichen Gebieten Mexikos. —In der Praxis k?nnen die Ziele der Bev?lkerungskontrolle und der Landreform miteinander in Konflikt geraten, wenn das Land auf der Basis der Nutznie\ung zugeteilt wird. In dem mexikanischen Ejido-System des Landbesitzes werden spezifische Anreize zu h?herer Fruchtbarkeit festgestellt; es wird hervorgehoben, da\ (mangels gut entwickelter Kapitalm?rkte aufgrund der fehlenden Verk?uflichkeit des Landes) Kinder als Mittel zur intertemporalen Verteilung des Familienkonsums benutzt werden. Ferner wird die Rolle betont, die Kinder für die Sicherung von Rechtstiteln auf Land spielen. Ein Pr?ferenzmodell wird verwendet, um die Risiken zu analysieren, denen sich Ejido-Familien gegenübersehen, und es wird gezeigt, da\ die Struktur des Landbesitzes ein bestimmender Faktor für die erwünschte Familiengr?\e ist. Eine Querschnittsanalyse mit Daten von 48 l?ndlichen Gemeinden im Staat Mexiko stützt die Hypothese, da\ Ejido-Familien mehr Geburten und gr?\ere Kinderzahlen haben, auch wenn alle anderen (verfügbaren) Faktoren berücksichtigt werden.
Résumé Les droits de propriété, l’incertitude et la fertilité: Une analyse d’effet de la réforme de campagne sur la fertilité en Mexique rural. -En pratique les buts du contr?le de population et de la réforme de campagne peuvent entrer en conflit si la campagne soit assignée sur une base d’usufruit. Les incitations à une fertilité plus haute sont identifiées en système d'ejido d'affermage de campagne pratiqué en Mexique; nous soulignons l’usage des enfants comme instrument d'effectuer l’allocation intertemporale de la consommation familiale (à défaut des marchés des capitaux assez développés qui existent à cause de la vendabilité manquante de la campagne) et le r?le des enfants en assurant les droits à la campagne. Nous utilisons un modèle de préférence d'analyser les risques avec lesquels les familles d’ejido sont confrontés et nous démontrons que la structure d’affermage de campagne est un facteur déterminant de la magnitude désirée de famille. Une analyse statistique transversale des données des 48 municipalités rurales dans l’état de Mexique supporte la hypothèse que les familles d’ ejido auront plus des naissances et plus des stocks d’enfants même si tous les autres facteurs (disponibles) soient considérés.

Resumen Derechos de propiedad, inseguridad y fertilidad: Un análisis del efecto de la reforma agraria sobre la fertilidad en el Mexico rural. —En práctica, las metas de un control de la población y de una reforma agraria pueden ser conflictivas si la tierra es asignada sobre la basis de usufructo. Los incentivos para una mayor fertilidad son identificados con el sistema de ejidos como control de la tierra practicada en México; se da importancia al hecho de usar a los ni?os como instrumentos para realizar una alocación intertemporal del consumo de la familia (en ausencia de mercados de capital bien desarrollados que existen debido a la ausencia de estabilidad de la tierra) y el rol de los ninos para asegurar los derechos sobre la tierra. Se utiliza un modelo de preferencia para analizar los riesgos que enfrentan las familias de los ejidos y se muestra que la estructura de tenencia de la tierra es un factor determinante para el tama?o deseado de la familia. Un análisis estadistico de corte transversal de datos para 48 municipalidades rurales en el estado de México apoya la hipótesis que las familias de los ejidos tendrán más nacimientos y mayores stocks de ni?os incluso si se toman en cuenta todos los otros factores a disposición.

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